922 resultados para Sertanejo Universitário


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The interpersonal development can stimulate quality social relationship and promote people´s health. Interpersonal relationships are demanded by the university context, which requires the students to develop and to express socially skillful behaviors. However, diffi culties in interpersonal relationship in the university are common. Characterization studies can help the identifi cation of diffi culties and behavioral potentialities of students and promote effi cient trainings with college students This research aimed to: a) describe the prevalence of reports of university students who sought for psychological help, as the behavior called social skills, (b) identify the partners (family, boyfriend (a), friends, colleagues, teachers) with whom such responses are issued, (c) describe consequences reported by students that occur in the interaction with such parties. Data were obtained from semi structured interviews and IHS-Del Prette instrument. The interviews data were categorized by the analysis content and IHS-Del Prette data were computed according to concerning instructions. The outcomes describe potentialities and diffi culties that the students presented in relation to the social skills according to different aspects: university, work, love relationship, friends and family. The behaviors reported with higher frequency are related to speaking in public, talking to the partner about the relationship, speaking with friends and family members and fl irt. It was also observed that in all the categories the behaviors had as consequence more punishing than reinforcing events. The outcomes obtained of IHS-Del Prette found out that 50% of the sample showed [ok] poor social skills repertoire demanding training.


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As a usual practice in society, psychotherapy is considered a normal procedure, but how does it take place in an investigation method of subjectivity in the university? The theory of speech of Lacan helps us to locate a place to psychoanalysis in the university as a language practice in the role of teaching, research and extension (community work). In this sense, the university submits the ideas of conscience to science and material rationality, excluding the individual and the unconscious. The theory of speech helps us to see the difference between the speech the students use and the speech the annalist uses in his practice. The psychoanalysis has its own knowledge based on the unconscious, due to the clinic work precedes as well as the work in university extension (community work). The work of the annalist has his particular world to treat his mane object — the unconscious.


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The paper explores some issues related to the production of knowledge in the academic fi eld, relating it to the problem of knowledge dissemination beyond this restricted universe. Taking on theoretical sources from Bourdieu’s fi eld concept and his studies concerning the university fi eld in the work Homo academicus, seeks to examine, in an exploratory approach, the operation modes from academic and diffusion fi elds, opposing the actions from so-called experts and intellectual media, or intermediaries.


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This research has as its main reference, the need to detect the development initiatives by public higher education, concepts, methods and teaching and pedagogical tools and to investigate the ability to transfer knowledge and practices of teaching and learning produced for other levels education. The task of providing appropriate training of teachers of basic education to university education is a vital political and administrative demands for a large country, which needs to adequately educate its people, so he can face in the right conditions, the huge and complex demands of regional and national development. The research presented here, aims to gauge the extent and adequacy of current media and information as tools for teaching and pedagogical transfer the knowledge and practices of teaching and learning as a tool for updating and also for training or non-presence blended Primary School Teacher Education. From the established goals will be carried out research, conceptual and field, to analyze and evaluate some educational practices and resulting forms of communication and also to assess the effects brought about by replacing the linear communication model and the model of unilateral to multilateral communication networks on digital models, and practices of schooling. The results obtained from both theoretical and practical will be on the selection of concepts, content production, methodologies and resources run by different "means" integrated with the cultural, economic and social development, both locally, regionally or nationally. The strategic aim will be to expand from the analysis, production and dissemination of concepts, methods and tools made by teachers of Basic Education and Higher Education, teaching and pedagogical possibilities of media and digital devices that are emerging as the derivation of network communication.


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This article evaluates the influence of culture and elements from organizational bonds in the perception of communicative process between a public teaching hospital and its users, and the strategies used to overcome difficulties in this dialogue. It was possible to evaluate how the dialogue is perceived in a scenario marked by organizational bonds such as identification, belonging feeling, idealization of the organization and solidarity.


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The world’s population is having more and more difficulties in performing their daily activities and leisure, becoming, this way, more sedentary. Sedentary lifestyle can be considered as a reduction or as a lack of physical activity, less than the minimum volume suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). Physical activity changes the behavior and some environmental acts. This study aimed to identify the NAF of students in the area of Physical Education and Healt Nursing and compare it with identified students’ levels non-health areas, being Production Engineer and Pedagogy. Aimed to correlate the found volume of 15 participants, with the state of cardio respiratory fitness (VO2max). The study included 125 students of both sexes from a university located in São Paulo state country. We conducted a cross-sectional study from August to October of 2012. For the initial test of the volume of physical activity we used the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) long version. In order of assessing cardio respiratory fitness, the Katch and McArdle seat test (1981) was used. Data were analyzed according to Physical Activity Level (PAL) presented by the university students in sessions 1, 2, 3, 4 of the IPAQ, and 15 students’ results were correlated with VO2max test. From these results we can say that: IPAQ session 1 showed that students in the health area are statistically superior to the non-health students area to the high-active classification. In session 2 the results were significant and superior to the health area and very active in sedentary classification. The session 3 results were very similar to session 1, showing that the health area as high-active with statistics differences. In session 4 we can see very significant results for health area in high-active areas and irregular actives. A total of 4 sessions found significant results for very active and sedentary. When was the attempt of association between levels 15 participants found the IPAQ long version and test bank VO2max, the results showed no significant association. The results of this study show a need for policies to encourage physical activity in the University environment, emphasizing a greater need for students who do not work in healthcare.


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We present in this paper parts of the results of a research that had the intention to promote a space of communicative interaction among teachers of an undergraduate Course of Physics Teaching so they could plan their courses together. From the theoretical recommendations of the Theory of Communicative Action , by Jürgen Habermas , it was possible to draw a way of rationality crisis in training degree in physics in Brazil and then propose the creation of a Joint Planning Group (JPG) with teachers of specific nature disciplines of physics and disciplines about physics teaching. They start a joint discussion about the relationship among the disciplines in delivering of a project for future high school teachers' training. All meetings developed over a school year in the GPC were recorded, transcribed and analyzed with a part of a methodological analysis feature of the intersubjective interactions. This methodology was developed specifically for the research. The conclusions are related to the joint constructions developed by the JPG, its local contexts and the possibility of extension of this group. The joint constructions undertaken in the group point to the defense of the formation of JPG in the formation of the professors who teach these courses.


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Influenced by the counterculture movement Provos (1965), the poetic narrative Islands of Croatan presents a brief analysis of its two artistic actions: in the experimental implementation of a white bicycle as collective, public and free transportation, inserted in the campus of UNESP/Bauru; and in TRANSITOSensorium action, deterritorializing an imaginary city from QRcodes throughout the city of Bauru, where the user finds a hybridity between visual, sound and written languages. The research relates the idea of territory through a relationship between space and power, listing the concepts of Psychogeography - the study of affective actions in collective space and Temporary Autonomous Zones. This is an experimental study, with the insertion of new technologies.


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Studies have shown that aversive conditions at the university may have great influence on academic achievement and the development of psychiatric disorders such as depression. In university context, social relations have been investigated over the years, but are scarce publications relating mental health and social skills. Thus, this paper compared a group of college students with a clinical depression with a group without clinical depression for the consequences and feelings that differents responses of social skills may have in social interactions with various interlocutors. A total of 128 students participated, 64 for clinical depression and 64 non-clinical. Questionário de Avaliação de Comportamentos e Contextos para Universitários – QHC – Universitários, Inventário de Fobia Social (Mini-Spin), Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI) and Entrevista clínica estruturada para o DSM-IV (SCID-I) were applied. The data were analyzed by test t of Student. The results show that students with depression have a great difficulty about the social skills regardless of which require more or less assertion and general way for all social interactions, either family, friends, roommate and partner.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The writings of this paper refer to several personal experiences as well as the various conflicts in the initial educational formation, where I'm reflecting about the formation intentions of this course. I do an analysis and a reflection of the pedagogical practices developed during graduation in institutional spaces, as well as the understanding of the complex context and teaching actions intrinsic to this, that are what constitute the structural dimensions which is where the formative process happens. This study is a narrative of initial formation as autobiographical. Memories and experiences are analyzed along with undergraduate education, exposing structural problems of course requiring a deeper analysis. In addition to analyse critically the institutional spaces of the (few) outreach programs, education and research that are the basis of the Brazilian University, the wellknown University quadripod. Under this perspective, the narrative brings the dichotomous design of the quadripod inside the University course, exposing the need to reflect on this fact, as it culminates in the formation of future teachers in physics. Nevertheless, the work seeks to raise awareness for the need for enhancement of teaching career at the University to address the teaching crisis which today proliferates in the educational institutions in Brazil, therefore it is necessary to the teachers to become aware of your profession and the vision as such. Only from this perspective one can discuss a proper teacher training, aiming at the integration of all activities, valuing all with the same importance


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A temática envolvendo a pedagogia universitária vem se constituindo num campo epistemológico profícuo envolvendo a urgência da qualificação do trabalho docente no âmbito universitário. Esta pesquisa está contida numa das frentes que o Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Pedagogia Universitária (GEEPU) da UNESP de Rio Claro vem desenvolvendo sobre o trabalho dos professores universitários. O foco dessa pesquisa é o estudo acerca das concepções de projetos de extensão e na maneira que vem acontecendo essas ações apontando a necessidade do melhor entendimento da ação do professor mediante o papel da extensão correlacionado ao ensino e a pesquisa por meio dos seus projetos e programas nos Institutos de Biociências (IB), do Instituto de Geociência e Ciências Exatas (IGCE) da UNESP de Rio Claro e da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ/USP) UNESP/Rio Claro e na ESALQ/USP. Optamos por uma abordagem qualitativa por meio de um estudo de caso, onde foi realizada análise documental de todos os projetos de extensão das referidas universidades com a seleção de alguns deles junto aos seus respectivos coordenadores no sentido de melhor entender, compreender e aprender acerca desses projetos e suas possíveis correlações na qualificação do ensino e da pesquisa na ação profissional do professor universitário. Acreditamos que o referido estudo trouxe contribuições importantes na medida em que apontou um quadro preocupante no contexto universitário onde tanto a ação do docente e o papel da universidade devam ser amplamente revistos, discutidos e refletidos, garantindo a indissociabilidade do ensino, pesquisa e extensão em espaços institucionais que possam, de fato, garantir essa articulação