997 resultados para Sensores de imagem CMOS


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Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)


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Programa de doctorado: Ingeniería de Telecomunicación Avanzada.


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The development of microlectronic lab-on-a-chip devices (LOACs) can now be pursued thanks to the continous advances in silicon technology. LOACs are miniaturized devices whose aim is to perform in a more efficient way specific chemical or biological analysis protocols which are usually carried out with traditional laboratory equipment. In this application area, CMOS technology has the potential to integrate LOAC functionalities for cell biology applications in single chips, e.g. sensors, actuators, signal conditioning and processing circuits. In this work, after a review of the state of the art, the development of a CMOS prototype chip for individual cell manipulation and detection based on dielectrophoresis will be presented. Issues related to the embedded optical and capacitive detection of cells will be discussed together with the main experimental results obtained in manipulation and detection of living cells and microparticles.


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[ES]Las tecnologías principales que se han utilizado son la visión por computador y los sensores de rango, es decir, las características visuales y la profundidad. Sin embargo, la aparición de sensores RGBD más asequibles, como Kinect, permite su aplicación en estos escenarios. Se aborda la utilización en entornos de interior de sensores RGBD para escenarios donde las condiciones de iluminación pueden ser variables. Se adopta una configuración cenital en el acceso a un espacio, para preservar la privacidad y facilitar la detección y seguimiento de los objetos salientes que aparecen en el escenario mediante técnicas de sustracción de fondo. Los objetos detectados son modelados, pudiendo ser descritos según las características de apariencia y geométricas como el área y volumen.


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[ES] Existe un creciente interés en detectar y analizar el comportamiento de personas en diferentes contextos empleando cámaras. Para resolver este tipo de problemas se han utilizado la visión por computador y los sensores de rango, es decir, las características visuales y la profundidad. La aparición de sensores RGBD más asequibles, por ejemplo Kinect, permite su aplicación intensiva en estos escenarios. Se aborda la utilización en entornos de interior de sensores RGBD para escenarios donde las condiciones de iluminación pueden ser variables, dificultando la aplicación de soluciones basadas exclusivamente en información visual. El uso de la información de profundidad permite ganar en robustez. Se adopta una configuración cenital para una red de sensores RGBD en el escenario de aplicación.


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The last decades have seen an unrivaled growth and diffusion of mobile telecommunications. Several standards have been developed to this purposes, from GSM mobile phone communications to WLAN IEEE 802.11, providing different services for the the transmission of signals ranging from voice to high data rate digital communications and Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB). In this wide research and market field, this thesis focuses on Ultra Wideband (UWB) communications, an emerging technology for providing very high data rate transmissions over very short distances. In particular the presented research deals with the circuit design of enabling blocks for MB-OFDM UWB CMOS single-chip transceivers, namely the frequency synthesizer and the transmission mixer and power amplifier. First we discuss three different models for the simulation of chargepump phase-locked loops, namely the continuous time s-domain and discrete time z-domain approximations and the exact semi-analytical time-domain model. The limitations of the two approximated models are analyzed in terms of error in the computed settling time as a function of loop parameters, deriving practical conditions under which the different models are reliable for fast settling PLLs up to fourth order. Besides, a phase noise analysis method based upon the time-domain model is introduced and compared to the results obtained by means of the s-domain model. We compare the three models over the simulation of a fast switching PLL to be integrated in a frequency synthesizer for WiMedia MB-OFDM UWB systems. In the second part, the theoretical analysis is applied to the design of a 60mW 3.4 to 9.2GHz 12 Bands frequency synthesizer for MB-OFDM UWB based on two wide-band PLLs. The design is presented and discussed up to layout level. A test chip has been implemented in TSMC CMOS 90nm technology, measured data is provided. The functionality of the circuit is proved and specifications are met with state-of-the-art area occupation and power consumption. The last part of the thesis deals with the design of a transmission mixer and a power amplifier for MB-OFDM UWB band group 1. The design has been carried on up to layout level in ST Microlectronics 65nm CMOS technology. Main characteristics of the systems are the wideband behavior (1.6 GHz of bandwidth) and the constant behavior over process parameters, temperature and supply voltage thanks to the design of dedicated adaptive biasing circuits.


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La tesi tratta del progetto e della realizzazione di un riferimento in tensione simmetrico e stabile in temperatura, realizzato in tecnologia CMOS. Nella progettazione analogica ad alta precisione ha assunto sempre più importanza il problema della realizzazione di riferimenti in tensione stabili in temperatura. Nella maggior parte dei casi vengono presentati Bandgap, ovvero riferimenti in tensione che sfruttano l'andamento in temperatura dell'energy gap del silicio al fine di ottenere una tensione costante in un ampio range di temperatura. Tale architettura risulta utile nei sistemi ad alimentazione singola compresa fra 0 e Vdd essendo in grado di generare una singola tensione di riferimento del valore tipico di 1.2V. Nella tesi viene presentato un riferimento in tensione in grado di offrire le stesse prestazioni di un Bandgap per quanto riguarda la variazione in temperatura ma in grado di lavorare sia in sistemi ad alimentazione singola che ad alimentazione duale. Il circuito proposto e' in grado di generare due tensioni, simmetriche rispetto a un riferimento dato, del valore nominale di ±450mV. All'interno della tesi viene descritto il progetto di due diverse architetture, entrambe in grado di generare le tensioni con le specifiche richieste. Le due architetture sono poi state confrontate analizzando in particolare la stabilità in temperatura, la potenza dissipata, il PSRR (Power Supply Rejection Ratio) e la simmetria delle tensioni generate. Al termine dell'analisi è stato poi implementato su silicio il circuito che garantiva le prestazioni migliori. In sede di disegno del layout su silicio sono stati affrontati i problemi derivanti dall'adattamento dei componenti al fine di ottenere una maggiore insensibilità del circuito stesso alle incertezze legate al processo di realizzazione. Infine sono state effettuate le misurazioni attraverso una probe station a 4 sonde per verificare il corretto funzionamento del circuito e le sue prestazioni.


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The improvement of devices provided by Nanotechnology has put forward new classes of sensors, called bio-nanosensors, which are very promising for the detection of biochemical molecules in a large variety of applications. Their use in lab-on-a-chip could gives rise to new opportunities in many fields, from health-care and bio-warfare to environmental and high-throughput screening for pharmaceutical industry. Bio-nanosensors have great advantages in terms of cost, performance, and parallelization. Indeed, they require very low quantities of reagents and improve the overall signal-to-noise-ratio due to increase of binding signal variations vs. area and reduction of stray capacitances. Additionally, they give rise to new challenges, such as the need to design high-performance low-noise integrated electronic interfaces. This thesis is related to the design of high-performance advanced CMOS interfaces for electrochemical bio-nanosensors. The main focus of the thesis is: 1) critical analysis of noise in sensing interfaces, 2) devising new techniques for noise reduction in discrete-time approaches, 3) developing new architectures for low-noise, low-power sensing interfaces. The manuscript reports a multi-project activity focusing on low-noise design and presents two developed integrated circuits (ICs) as examples of advanced CMOS interfaces for bio-nanosensors. The first project concerns low-noise current-sensing interface for DC and transient measurements of electrophysiological signals. The focus of this research activity is on the noise optimization of the electronic interface. A new noise reduction technique has been developed so as to realize an integrated CMOS interfaces with performance comparable with state-of-the-art instrumentations. The second project intends to realize a stand-alone, high-accuracy electrochemical impedance spectroscopy interface. The system is tailored for conductivity-temperature-depth sensors in environmental applications, as well as for bio-nanosensors. It is based on a band-pass delta-sigma technique and combines low-noise performance with low-power requirements.


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The single electron transistor (SET) is a charge-based device that may complement the dominant metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) technology. As the cost of scaling MOSFET to smaller dimensions are rising and the the basic functionality of MOSFET is encountering numerous challenges at dimensions smaller than 10nm, the SET has shown the potential to become the next generation device which operates based on the tunneling of electrons. Since the electron transfer mechanism of a SET device is based on the non-dissipative electron tunneling effect, the power consumption of a SET device is extremely low, estimated to be on the order of 10^-18J. The objectives of this research are to demonstrate technologies that would enable the mass produce of SET devices that are operational at room temperature and to integrate these devices on top of an active complementary-MOSFET (CMOS) substrate. To achieve these goals, two fabrication techniques are considered in this work. The Focus Ion Beam (FIB) technique is used to fabricate the islands and the tunnel junctions of the SET device. A Ultra-Violet (UV) light based Nano-Imprint Lithography (NIL) call Step-and-Flash- Imprint Lithography (SFIL) is used to fabricate the interconnections of the SET devices. Combining these two techniques, a full array of SET devices are fabricated on a planar substrate. Test and characterization of the SET devices has shown consistent Coulomb blockade effect, an important single electron characteristic. To realize a room temperature operational SET device that function as a logic device to work along CMOS, it is important to know the device behavior at different temperatures. Based on the theory developed for a single island SET device, a thermal analysis is carried out on the multi-island SET device and the observation of changes in Coulomb blockade effect is presented. The results show that the multi-island SET device operation highly depends on temperature. The important parameters that determine the SET operation is the effective capacitance Ceff and tunneling resistance Rt . These two parameters lead to the tunneling rate of an electron in the SET device, Γ. To obtain an accurate model for SET operation, the effects of the deviation in dimensions, the trap states in the insulation, and the background charge effect have to be taken into consideration. The theoretical and experimental evidence for these non-ideal effects are presented in this work.