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The majority of epithelial ovarian carcinomas are of serous subtype, with most women presenting at an advanced stage. Approximately 70% respond to initial chemotherapy but eventually relapse. We aimed to find markers of treatment response that might be suitable for routine use, using the gene expression profile of tumor tissue. Thirty one women with histologically-confirmed late-stage serous ovarian cancer were classified into 3 groups based on response to treatment (nonresponders, responders with relapse less than 12 months and responders with no relapse within 12 months). Gene expression profiles of these specimens were analyzed with respect to treatment response and survival (minimum 36 months follow-up). Patients' clinical features did not correlate with prognosis, or with specific gene expression patterns of their tumors. However women who did not respond to treatment could be distinguished from those who responded with no relapse within 12 months based on 34 gene transcripts (p < 0.02). Poor prognosis was associated with high expression of inhibitor of differentiation-2 (ID2) (p = 0.001). High expression of decorin (DCN) and ID2 together was strongly associated with reduced survival (p = 0.003), with an estimated 7-fold increased risk of dying (95% CI 1.9-29.6; 14 months survival) compared with low expression (44 months). Immunohistochemical analysis revealed both nuclear and cytoplasmic distribution of ID2 in ovarian tumors. High percentage of nuclear staining vas associated with poor survival, although not statistically significantly. In conclusion, elevated expression of ID2 and DCN was significantly associated with poor prognosis in a homogeneous group of ovarian cancer patients for whom survival could not be predicted from clinical factors. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We describe a scheme for measurement of the mean photon flux at an arbitrary optical sideband frequency using homodyne detection. Experimental implementation of the technique requires an acousto-optic modulator in addition to the homodyne detector, and does not require phase locking. The technique exhibits polarization and frequency and spatial mode selectivity, as well as much improved speed, resolution, and dynamic range when compared to linear photodetectors and avalanche photodiodes, with potential application to quantum-state tomography and information encoding using an optical frequency basis. Experimental data also support a quantum-mechanical description of vacuum noise.


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Objective: To ascertain the extent to which neonatal analgesia was used in Australia for minor invasive procedures as an indicator of evidence-based practice in neonatology. Methods: A cross-sectional telephone survey of hospitals in all Australian states and territories with more than 200 deliveries per year was carried out. Questions were asked regarding awareness of the benefits and the use of analgesia for minor invasive procedures in term and near term neonates. Analysis was undertaken according to state and territory, annual birth numbers and the level of neonatal nursery care available. Results: Data were available from 212 of 214 eligible hospitals. Of the total respondents, 51% and 70% respectively were aware of the benefits of sucrose and breast-feeding for neonatal analgesia. Eleven per cent of units administered sucrose before venepuncture and 25% of units used breast-feeding. Ten per cent of units used sucrose before heel prick with 49% utilizing breast-feeding. Expressed breast milk was used in 10% of units. Analgesia was given less frequently before intravenous cannulation compared to venepuncture and heel prick. Awareness and implementation of neonatal analgesia varied widely in the states and territories. There was a trend for hospitals providing a higher level of neonatal care to have a greater awareness of sucrose as an analgesic (P < 0.0001) and the use of sucrose for venepuncture (P = 0.029), heel prick (P = 0.025) and intravenous catheter insertion (P = 0.013). Similar trends were found on analysis according to birth number of the maternity units. Smaller units had a greater usage of breast-feeding as an analgesic for heel prick (P = 0.017). Conclusion: Despite good evidence for the administration of sucrose and breast milk in providing effective analgesia for newborn infants, it is not widely used in Australia. It is imperative that the gap between research findings and clinical practice with regard to neonatal analgesia be addressed.


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A refined nonlinear heat transfer model of a mouse has been developed to simulate the transient temperature rise in a neoplastic tumour and neighbouring tissue during regional hyperthermia using a 150 kHz inductive coil. In this study, we incorporate various bio-energetic enhancements to the heat transfer equation and numerical validations based on experimental findings for the mouse, in terms of nonlinear metabolic heat production, homeothermy, blood perfusion parameters, thermoregulation, psychological and physiological effects. The discretized bio-heat transfer equation has been validated with the commercial software FEMLAB on a canonical multi-sphere object before applying the scheme to the inhomogeneous mouse voxel phantom. The time-dependent numerical results of regional hyperthermia of mouse thigh have been compared with the available experimental temperature results with only a few small disparities. During the first 20 min of local unfocused heating, the temperature in the tumour and the surrounding tissue increased by around 7.5 degrees C. The objective of this preliminary study was to develop a validated electrothermal numerical scheme for inductive hyperthermia of a small mammal with the intention of expanding the model into a complete numerical solution involving ferromagnetic nanoparticles for targeted heating of tumours at low frequencies. In addition, the numerical scheme herein could assist in optimizing and tailoring of focused electromagnetic fields for hyperthermia.


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Context: Genes from the ovarian bone morphogenetic signaling pathway (GDF9 and BMP15) are critical for normal human fertility. We previously identified a deletion mutation in GDF9 in sisters with spontaneous dizygotic (DZ) twins, but the prevalence of rare GDF9 variants in twinning families is unknown. Objective: The objective was to evaluate the frequency of rare variants in GDF9 in families with a history of DZ twinning. Design and Subjects: We recruited 3450 individuals from 915 DZ twinning families (1693 mothers of twins) and 1512 controls of Caucasian origin. One mother of DZ twins was selected from 279 of the 915 families, and a DNA sample was screened for rare variants in GDF9 using denaturant HPLC. Variants were confirmed by DNA sequencing and genotyped in the entire sample by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. Results: We found two novel insertion/deletions (c.392-393insT, c.1268-1269delAA) and four missense alterations in the GDF9 sequence in mothers of twins. Two of the missense variants (c.307C > T, p.Pro103Ser and c.362C > T, p.Thr121Leu) were located in the proregion of GDF9 and two (c.1121C > T, p.Pro374Leu and c.1360C > T, p.Arg454Cys) in the mature protein region. For each variant, the frequencies were higher in cases compared with controls. The proportion of mothers of DZ twins carrying any variant (4.12%) was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) than the proportion of carriers in controls (2.29%). Conclusion: We describe new variants in the GDF9 gene that are significantly more common in mothers of DZ twins than controls, suggesting that rare GDF9 variants contribute to the likelihood of DZ twinning.


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The bacteria that mediate the anaerobic oxidation of ammonium (anammox) are detected worldwide in natural and man-made ecosystems, and contribute up to 50% to the loss of inorganic nitrogen in the oceans. Two different anammox species rarely live in a single habitat, suggesting that each species has a defined but yet unknown niche. Here we describe a new anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacterium with a defined niche: the co-oxidation of propionate and ammonium. The new anammox species was enriched in a laboratory scale bioreactor in the presence of ammonium and propionate. Interestingly, this particular anammox species could out-compete other anammox bacteria and heterotrophic denitrifiers for the oxidation of propionate in the presence of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate. We provisionally named the new species Candidatus "Anammoxoglobus propionicus".


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When cultures of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae were grown under a wide range of in vitro conditions, at least 1% of the cells formed spherical bodies different to the normal helical form. This percentage increased considerably in aging cultures or following their incubation in caramelized media. Spherical body formation was initiated from a terminal localized swelling of the outer sheath followed by a retraction of the protoplasmic cylinder into the resulting swollen vesicle. As this occurred, the periplasmic flagella seemed to unwind from the protoplasmic cylinder. Once retracted, the protoplasmic cylinder was found to be wrapped in an organized manner around the inner surface of the membrane of the swollen vesicle. Although most were 2-3 mu m in diameter, some much larger spherical bodies (6-12 mu m diameter) were occasionally seen, with a corresponding increase in the visible number of peripheral protoplasmic cylinder cross-sections. Spherical bodies from older cultures did not contain protoplasmic cylinders arranged around the periphery, but instead were characterized by the presence of a centrally located, electron-dense body c. 0.5-0.8 mu m in diameter. Brachyspira hyodysenteriae spherical bodies differ in both their structural organization and probable method of formation from similar structures described in other spirochaete genera.


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Novel, low-abundance microbial species can be easily overlooked in standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based surveys. We used community genomic data obtained without PCR or cultivation to reconstruct DNA fragments bearing unusual 16S ribosomal RNA ( rRNA) and protein-coding genes from organisms belonging to novel archaeal lineages. The organisms are minor components of all biofilms growing in pH 0.5 to 1.5 solutions within the Richmond Mine, California. Probes specific for 16S rRNA showed that the fraction less than 0.45 micrometers in diameter is dominated by these organisms. Transmission electron microscope images revealed that the cells are pleomorphic with unusual folded membrane protrusions and have apparent volumes of < 0.006 cubic micrometer.