949 resultados para Second Normal Stress Difference


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Background: Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is the leading cause of visual disability in people over 60 years of age in the developed world. The success of treatment deteriorates with increased latency of diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of the macular mapping test (MMT), and to investigate its potential as a screening tool. Methods: The study population comprised of 31 healthy eyes of 31 participants. To assess reliability, four macular mapping test (MMT) measurements were taken in two sessions separated by one hour by two practitioners, with reversal of order in the second session. MMT readings were also taken from 17 age-related maculopathy (ARM), and 12 AMD affected eyes. Results: For the normal cohort, average MMT scores ranged from 85.5 to 100.0 MMT points. Scores ranged from 79.0 to 99.0 for the ARM group and from 9.0 to 92.0 for the AMD group. MMT scores were reliable to within ± 7.0 points. The difference between AMD affected eyes and controls (z = 3.761, p = < 0.001) was significant. The difference between ARM affected eyes and controls was not significant (z = -0.216, p = 0.829). Conclusion: The reliability data shows that a change of 14 points or more is required to indicate a clinically significant change. This value is required for use of the MMT as an outcome measure in clinical trials. Although there was no difference between MMT scores from ARM affected eyes and controls, the MMT has the advantage over the Amsler grid in that it uses a letter target, has a peripheral fixation aid, and it provides a numerical score. This score could be beneficial in office and home monitoring of AMD progression, as well as an outcome measure in clinical research. © 2005 Bartlett et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The practicality of recording visual evoked magnetic fields in 100 subjects 15-87 yr of age using a single channel d.c. SQUID second order gradiometer in an unshielded environment was investigated. The pattern reversal response showed a major positive component between 90 and 120 msec (P100M) while the response to flash produced a major positive component between 90 and 140 msec (P2M). Latency norms of the P100M were more variable than the corresponding P100 and P2 visual evoked potentials. The latency of the P100M may show a steep increase with age in most subjects after about 55 yr whereas only a small trend of latency with age was detected for the flash P2M.


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When testing the difference between two groups, if previous data indicate non-normality, then either transform the data if they comprise percentages, integers or scores or use a non-parametric test. If there is uncertainty whether the data are normally distributed, then deviations from normality are likely to be small if the data are measurements to three significant figures. Unless there is clear evidence that the distribution is non-normal, it is more efficient to use the conventional t-tests. It is poor statistical practice to carry out both the parametric and non-parametric tests on a set of data and then choose the result that is most convenient to the investigator!


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The work described in this thesis deals with the development and application of a finite element program for the analysis of several cracked structures. In order to simplify the organisation of the material presented herein, the thesis has been subdivided into two Sections : In the first Section the development of a finite element program for the analysis of two-dimensional problems of plane stress or plane strain is described. The element used in this program is the six-mode isoparametric triangular element which permits the accurate modelling of curved boundary surfaces. Various cases of material aniftropy are included in the derivation of the element stiffness properties. A digital computer program is described and examples of its application are presented. In the second Section, on fracture problems, several cracked configurations are analysed by embedding into the finite element mesh a sub-region, containing the singularities and over which an analytic solution is used. The modifications necessary to augment a standard finite element program, such as that developed in Section I, are discussed and complete programs for each cracked configuration are presented. Several examples are included to demonstrate the accuracy and flexibility of the technique.


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The creep behaviour of three pressure diecast commercial zinc-aluminium based alloys: Mazak 3, corresponding to BS 1004A, and the new alloys ZA.8 and ZA.27 with a series of alloys with compositions ranging from 0% to 30% aluminium was investigated. The total creep elongation of commercial alloys was shown to be well correlated using an empirical equation. Based on this a parametrical relationship was derived which allowed the total creep extension to be related to the applied stress, the temperature and the time of test, so that a quantitative assessment of creep of the alloys could be made under different conditions. Deviation from the normal creep kinetics occurred in alloys ZA.8 and ZA.27 at very low stresses, 150°C, due to structural coarsening combined with partial transformation of ε -phase into T' phase. The extent of primary creep was found to increase with aluminium content, but secondary creep rates decreased in the order Mazak 3, ZA.8 and ZA.27. Thus, based on the above equation, ZA.8 was found to have a substantially better total creep resistance than ZA.27, which in turn was marginally better than Mazak 3 for strains higher than 0.5%, but inferior for smaller strains, due to its higher primary creep extension. The superior creep resistance of ZA.8 was found to be due to the presence of strictly-orientated, thin plate-like precipitates of ε(CuZn4) phase in the zinc matrix of the eutectic and the lamellarly decomposed β phase, in which the precipitation morphology and orientation of ε in the zinc matrix was determined. Over broad ranges of temperature and stresses, the stress exponents and activation energies for creep were found to be consistent with some proposed creep rate mechanisms; i.e. viscous glide for Mazak 3, dislocation climb over second phase particles for ZA.8 and dislocation climb for ZA.27, controlled by diffusion in the zinc-rich phase. The morphology of aluminium and copper-rich precipitates formed from the solid solution of zinc was clearly revealed. The former were found to further increase the creep rate of inherently low creep resistant zinc, but the latter contributed significantly to the creep resistance. Excess copper in the composition, however, was not beneficial in improving the creep resistance. Decomposition of β in copper-containing alloys was found to be through a metastable Zn-Al phase which is strongly stabilised by copper, and the final products of the decomposition had a profound effect on the creep strength of the alloys. The poor creep resistance of alloy ZA.27 was due to the presence of particulate products derived from decomposed β-phase and a large volume of fine, equiaxed products of continuously decomposed α-dendrites.


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Excretion of biopterin and the related pteridines neopterin and pterin was measured in urine samples from a group of 76 male and female unipolar and bipolar depressed outpatients receiving lithium therapy, and compared to 61 male and female control subjects. The ratio of neopterin to biopterin excreted (N/B) was significantly higher in the patients than the controls. The significant positive correlation between urinary neopterin and biopterin shown by the controls was absent in the patients, indicating disrupted biosynthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin.Urinary cortisol excretion in depressed patients was similar to controls, implying normal hypothalmus-pituitary-adrenal axis function in these patients, Serum folate was shown to correlate with urinary total biopterin excretion in female unipolar patients. Two groups of elderly females with senile dementia of Alzheimer type (SDAT) were examined for urinary pteridine excretion. In the first study of 10 patients, the N/B ratio was significantly higher than in 24 controls and the ratio B/B+ N significantly lower. A second study of 30 SDAT patients and 21 controls confirmed these findings. However, neopterin correlated with biopterin in both patients and controls, indicating that the alteration in tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism may be different to that shown in depression. Lithium had no effect in vivo or in vitro on Wistar rat brain or liver biosynthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin at a range of concentrations and duration of dosing period, showing that lithium was not responsible for the lowered biopterin excretion by depressed patients. No significant effects on tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism in the rat were shown by the tricyclic antidepressant imipramine, the anticonvulsant sodium valproate, the vitamin folic acid, the anticatecholaminergic agent amethylparatyrosine, the synthetic corticosteroid dexamethasone, or stimulation of natural cortisol by immobilisation stress. Scopolamine, an ant ichol inergic drug, lowered rat brain pterin which may relate to the tetrahydrobiopterin deficits shown in SDAT.


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Surface deposition of dense aerosol particles is of major concern in the nuclear industry for safety assessment. This study presents theoretical investigations and computer simulations of single gas-born U3O8 particles impacting with the in-reactor surface and the fragmentation of small agglomerates. A theoretical model for elasto-plastic spheres has been developed and used to analyse the force-displacement and force-time relationships. The impulse equations, based on Newton's second law, are applied to govern the tangential bouncing behaviour. The theoretical model is then incorporated into the Distinct Element Method code TRUBAL in order to perform computer simulated tests of particle collisions. A comparison of simulated results with both theoretical predictions and experimental measurements is provided. For oblique impacts, the results in terms of the force-displacement relationship, coefficients of restitution, trajectory of the impacting particle, and distribution of kinetic energy and work done during the process of impact are presented. The effects of Poisson's ratio, friction, plastic deformation and initial particle rotation on the bouncing behaviour are also discussed. In the presence of adhesion an elasto-plastic collision model, which is an extension to the JKR theory, is developed. Based on an energy balance equation the critical sticking velocity is obtained. For oblique collisions computer simulated results are used to establish a set of criteria determining whether or not the particle bounces off the target plate. For impact velocities above the critical sticking value, computer simulated results for the coefficients of restitution and rebound angles of the particle are presented. Computer simulations of fracture/fragmentation resulting from agglomerate-wall impact have also been performed, where two randomly generated agglomerates (one monodisperse, the other polydisperse), each consisting of 50 primary particles are used. The effects of impact angle, local structural arrangements close to the impact point, and plastic deformation at the contacts on agglomerate damage are examined. The simulated results show a significant difference in agglomerate strength between the two assemblies. The computer data also shows that agglomerate damage resulting from an oblique impact is determined by the normal velocity component rather than the impact speed.


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The principal work reported in this thesis is the examination of autonomic profile of ciliary muscle innervation as a risk factor in myopia development. Deficiency in sympathetic inhibitory control of accommodation has been proposed as a contributory factor in the development of late onset myopia (LOM). Complementary measurements of ocular biometry, oculomotor function and dynamic accommodation response were carried out on the same subject cohort, thus allowing cross-correlation of these factors with. autonomic profile. Subjects were undergraduate and postgraduate students of Aston University. A 2.5 year longitudinal study of refractive error progression in 40 subjects revealed the onset of LOM in 10, initially emmetropic, young adult subjects (age range 18-24 years) undertaking substantial amounts of near work. A controlled, double blind experimental protocol was conducted concurrently to measure post-task open-loop accommodative regression following distance (0 D) or near (3 D above baseline tonic accommodation) closed-loop tasks of short (10 second) or long (3 minute) duration. Closed-loop tasks consisted of observation of a high contrast Maltese cross target; open-loop conditions were imposed by observation of a 0.2 c/deg Difference of Gaussian target. Accommodation responses were recorded continuously at 42 Hz using a modified Shin-Nippon SRW-5000 open-view infra-red optometer. Blockade of the sympathetic branch of accommodative control was achieved by topical instillation of the non-selective b-adrenoceptor antagonist timolol maleate. Betaxolol hydrochloride (non-selective b1-adrenoceptor antagonist) and normal saline were employed as control agents. Retarded open-loop accommodative regression under b2 blockade following the 3 minute near task indicated the presence of sympathetic facility. Sympathetic inhibitory facility in accommodation control was found in similar proportions between LOM and stable emmetropic subjects. A cross-sectional study (N=60) of autonomic profile showed that sympathetic innervation of ciliary muscle is present in similar proportions between emmetropes, early-, and late-onset myopes. Sympathetic facility was identified in 27% of emmetropes, 21% of EOMs and 29% of LOMs.


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There were four principal sections to the work: 1. Investigation of ocular and systemic vascular risk factors in POAG. The principal findings of this work were: a). Glaucoma patients exhibit an anticipatory reaction to the physical stress, similar to subjects at risk for cardiovascular diseases; a blunted BP response and a reduction in ONH blood flow in response to cold provocation was also recorded. b). Silent myocardial ischaemic episodes occurred during peaks in systemic BP and HR. c). Independent of a positive history for cardiovascular diseases, patients suffering from POAG demonstrate a blunt circadian rhythm of the ANS. 2. Assessment of the relationship between vascular and systemic vascular risk factors in GON. The principal findings of this work were: a). POAG patients demonstrate a high sympathetic tonus over a 24-h period. b). POAG patients with lower OBF demonstrate both 24-h systemic BP and HRV abnormalities. c). OBF alterations observed in some glaucoma patients could be either primary or secondary to systemic haemodynamic disturbances and not a consequence of ONH damage. 3. Assessment of the level of systemic anti-oxidant defence in POAG patients. The principal finding of this work was: Patients suffering from POAG demonstrated significantly lower GSH and t-GSH levels than normal controls. 4. Investigation of the effect of treatment with latanoprost 0.005% on visual function and OBF. The findings of this work were: a). Treatment with latanoprost 0.005% resulted in a significant decrease in IOP and increase in OPP. VF damage progression has also been stopped. b). Treatment with latanoprost 0.005% resulted in a significant increase in the OBF parameters measured at the ONH and peripapillary retina levels. Finally, the importance of a clear protocol for managing new POAG cases is highlighted and a clinical conduit is proposed.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the practicality and accuracy of tonometers used in routine clinical practice for established keratoconus (KC). Methods: This was a prospective study of 118 normal and 76 keratoconic eyes where intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured in random order using the Goldman applanation tonometer (GAT), Pascal dynamic contour tonometer (DCT), Reichert ocular response analyser (ORA) and TonoPen XL tonometer. Corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal resistance factor (CRF), as calculated by the ORA, were recorded. Central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured using an ultrasound pachymeter. Results: The difference in IOP values between instruments was highly significant in both study groups (p<0.001). All other IOP measures were significantly higher than those for GAT, except for the Goldmann-correlated IOP (average of the two applanation pressure points) (IOPg) as measured by ORA in the control group and the CH-corrected IOP (corneal-compensated IOP value) (IOPcc) measures in the KC group. CCT, CH and CRF were significantly less in the KC group (p<0.001). Apart from the DCT, all techniques tended to measure IOP higher in eyes with thicker corneas. Conclusion: The DCT and the ORA are currently the most appropriate tonometers to use in KC for the measurement of IOPcc. Corneal factors such as CH and CRT may be of more importance than CCT in causing inaccuracies in applanation tonometry techniques.


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Developmental dyslexia is associated with deficits in the processing of basic auditory stimuli. Yet it is unclear how these sensory impairments might contribute to poor reading skills. This study better characterizes the relationship between phonological decoding skills, the lack of which is generally accepted to comprise the core deficit in reading disabilities, and auditory sensitivity to amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM). Thirty-eight adult subjects, 17 of whom had a history of developmental dyslexia, completed a battery, of psychophysical measures of sensitivity to FM and AM at different modulation rates, along with a measure of pseudoword reading accuracy and standardized assessments of literacy and cognitive skills. The subjects with a history of dyslexia were significantly less sensitive than controls to 2-Hz FM and 20-Hz AM only. The absence of a significant group difference for 2-Hz AM shows that the dyslexics do not have a general deficit in detecting all slow modulations. Thresholds for detecting 2-Hz and 240-Hz FM and 20-Hz AM correlated significantly with pseudoword reading accuracy. After accounting for various cognitive skills, however, multiple regression analyses showed that detection thresholds for both 2-Hz FM and 20-Hz AM were significant and independent predictors of pseudoword reading ability in the entire sample. Thresholds for 2-Hz AM and 240-Hz FM did not explain significant additional variance in pseudoword reading skill, it is therefore possible that certain components of auditory processing of modulations are related to phonological decoding skills, whereas others are not.


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Background: Peanut allergy (PA) is known to impact on quality of life (QoL) of the sufferer, but little research has focused on all family members. We therefore sought to establish the impact of PA on QoL and reported anxiety of children with clinically confirmed PA, their parents and older siblings. Methods: Forty-six families, who had a child with PA, completed QoL (PedsQLTM or WHOQOL-BREF), anxiety (SCAS or STAI) and perceived stress (PSS) scales. PA children completed a PA specific QoL questionnaire (Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2003;14:378). Parents and sibling also completed QoL proxy questionnaires for the PA child (PedsQLTM, Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2003;14:378). Results: Mothers rated their own psychological (P < 0.01) and physical (P < 0.05) QoL significantly worse than fathers rated theirs, and had higher scores than fathers for anxiety (P < 0.05) and stress (P < 0.001). Children with PA had significantly poorer physical health-related QoL (P < 0.05), QoL within school (P < 0.01) and general QoL (P < 0.05) than their siblings did, and greater separation anxiety (P < 0.05). The majority of differences were between girls with PA and female siblings. Mothers felt that there was a greater impact on QoL for their PA child, compared with that reported by siblings, fathers or the PA children themselves (P < 0.01). Conclusions: Mothers report that they have significantly poorer QoL and suffer more anxiety and stress than fathers do; this inter-parental difference may be an important feature of family stress caused by PA. Siblings have a similar view of how QoL affects the PA child as the PA child does, while mothers may possibly overestimate this impact.


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An optical autocorrelator grown on a (211)B GaAs substrate that uses visible surface-emitted second-harmonic generation is demonstrated. The (211)B orientation needs TE mode excitation only, thus eliminating the problem of the beating between the TE and TM modes that is required for (100)-grown devices; it also has the advantage of giving higher upconversion efficiency than (111) growth. Values of waveguide loss and the difference in the effective refractive index between the TE(0) and TE(1) modes were also obtained from the autocorrelation experiment.


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Objective: To independently evaluate the impact of the second phase of the Health Foundation's Safer Patients Initiative (SPI2) on a range of patient safety measures. Design: A controlled before and after design. Five substudies: survey of staff attitudes; review of case notes from high risk (respiratory) patients in medical wards; review of case notes from surgical patients; indirect evaluation of hand hygiene by measuring hospital use of handwashing materials; measurement of outcomes (adverse events, mortality among high risk patients admitted to medical wards, patients' satisfaction, mortality in intensive care, rates of hospital acquired infection). Setting: NHS hospitals in England. Participants: Nine hospitals participating in SPI2 and nine matched control hospitals. Intervention The SPI2 intervention was similar to the SPI1, with somewhat modified goals, a slightly longer intervention period, and a smaller budget per hospital. Results: One of the scores (organisational climate) showed a significant (P=0.009) difference in rate of change over time, which favoured the control hospitals, though the difference was only 0.07 points on a five point scale. Results of the explicit case note reviews of high risk medical patients showed that certain practices improved over time in both control and SPI2 hospitals (and none deteriorated), but there were no significant differences between control and SPI2 hospitals. Monitoring of vital signs improved across control and SPI2 sites. This temporal effect was significant for monitoring the respiratory rate at both the six hour (adjusted odds ratio 2.1, 99% confidence interval 1.0 to 4.3; P=0.010) and 12 hour (2.4, 1.1 to 5.0; P=0.002) periods after admission. There was no significant effect of SPI for any of the measures of vital signs. Use of a recommended system for scoring the severity of pneumonia improved from 1.9% (1/52) to 21.4% (12/56) of control and from 2.0% (1/50) to 41.7% (25/60) of SPI2 patients. This temporal change was significant (7.3, 1.4 to 37.7; P=0.002), but the difference in difference was not significant (2.1, 0.4 to 11.1; P=0.236). There were no notable or significant changes in the pattern of prescribing errors, either over time or between control and SPI2 hospitals. Two items of medical history taking (exercise tolerance and occupation) showed significant improvement over time, across both control and SPI2 hospitals, but no additional SPI2 effect. The holistic review showed no significant changes in error rates either over time or between control and SPI2 hospitals. The explicit case note review of perioperative care showed that adherence rates for two of the four perioperative standards targeted by SPI2 were already good at baseline, exceeding 94% for antibiotic prophylaxis and 98% for deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis. Intraoperative monitoring of temperature improved over time in both groups, but this was not significant (1.8, 0.4 to 7.6; P=0.279), and there were no additional effects of SPI2. A dramatic rise in consumption of soap and alcohol hand rub was similar in control and SPI2 hospitals (P=0.760 and P=0.889, respectively), as was the corresponding decrease in rates of Clostridium difficile and meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection (P=0.652 and P=0.693, respectively). Mortality rates of medical patients included in the case note reviews in control hospitals increased from 17.3% (42/243) to 21.4% (24/112), while in SPI2 hospitals they fell from 10.3% (24/233) to 6.1% (7/114) (P=0.043). Fewer than 8% of deaths were classed as avoidable; changes in proportions could not explain the divergence of overall death rates between control and SPI2 hospitals. There was no significant difference in the rate of change in mortality in intensive care. Patients' satisfaction improved in both control and SPI2 hospitals on all dimensions, but again there were no significant changes between the two groups of hospitals. Conclusions: Many aspects of care are already good or improving across the NHS in England, suggesting considerable improvements in quality across the board. These improvements are probably due to contemporaneous policy activities relating to patient safety, including those with features similar to the SPI, and the emergence of professional consensus on some clinical processes. This phenomenon might have attenuated the incremental effect of the SPI, making it difficult to detect. Alternatively, the full impact of the SPI might be observable only in the longer term. The conclusion of this study could have been different if concurrent controls had not been used.


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Purpose: To compare corneal thickness measurements using Orbscan II (OII) and ultrasonic (US) pachymetry in normal and in keratoconic eyes. Setting: Eye Department, Heartlands and Solihull NHS Trust, Birmingham, United Kingdom. Methods: Central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured by means of OII and US pachymetry in 1 eye of 72 normal subjects and 36 keratoconus patients. The apical corneal thickness (ACT) in keratoconus patients was also evaluated using each method. The mean of the difference, standard deviation (SD), and 95% limits of agreement (LoA = mean ± 2 SD), with and without applying the default linear correction factor (LCF), were determined for each sample. The Student t test was used to identify significant differences between methods, and the correlation between methods was determined using the Pearson bivariate correlation. Bland-Altman analysis was performed to confirm that the results of the 2 instruments were clinically comparable. Results: In normal eyes, the mean difference (± 95% LoA) in CCT was 1.04 μm ± 68.52 (SD) (P>.05; r = 0.71) when the LCF was used and 46.73 ± 75.40 μm (P = .0001; r = 0.71) without the LCF. In keratoconus patients, the mean difference (± 95% LoA) in CCT between methods was 42.46 ± 66.56 μm (P<.0001: r = 0.85) with the LCF, and 2.51 ± 73.00 μm (P>.05: r = 0.85) without the LCF. The mean difference (± 95% LoA) in ACT for this group was 49.24 ± 60.88 μm (P<.0001: r = 0.89) with the LCF and 12.71 ± 68.14 μm (P = .0077; r = 0.89) when the LCF was not used. Conclusions: This study suggests that OII and US pachymetry provide similar readings for CCT in normal subjects when an LCF is used. In keratoconus patients, OII provides a valid clinical tool for the noninvasive assessment of CCT when the LCF is not applied. © 2004 ASCRS and ESCRS.