985 resultados para Saddle fixed points


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The non-adaptation of the removable partial prosthesis (RPP) base to fibromucosal tissue is caused by resorption of residual ridges (RRR). The onset of bone resorption, which occurs after tooth extraction and continues throughout life, is accelerated by local or systemic factors. Aim: Assess the degree of non-adaptation of removable partial prosthesis saddles and the factors that influence it. Methodology: A sectional study was conducted with 81 patients using RPP who had their prostheses installed between 2003 and 2007 (1 to 5 years of use) at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). After anamnese and clinical examination, a cast was made with polyether-based material, using the base of the prosthesis to make the impression. The base of the saddle was loaded with the casting material and positioned in the mouth, applying pressure on the supports. After polymerization, the material was removed from the saddle and measurements were taken at 3 different points using a pachymeter. Results: The non-adaptation of the saddle increased significantly with years of use (p = 0.005). The tooth-tissue supported prostheses obtained higher mean non-adaptation values than those of tooth supported prostheses (p < 0.001). Flaccid mucosa showed the worst non-adaptation results, which were statistically different from resilient mucosa (p < 0.001). The greater the extension of the saddle, the greater the non-adaptation (p < 0.001). The natural tooth antagonistic arch yielded better results than did RPP and total prosthesis (p < 0.001). Saddle non-adaptation at the free end was less near the pillar tooth and greater in the more posterior region (p < 0.001). When adaptation of the supports to the niches was poor, greater saddle non-adaptation occurred than when it was good or fair (p < 0.001). Saddles located in the posterior region of the arch had greater non-adaptation than those in the anterior region (p = 0.023). Conclusion: The mean non-adaptation of the saddle to the residual ridges was 0.27 mm. It can be concluded that, even with the use of RPP, bone height reduction was slight within the 1-5-year period of use. The following are factors that influence adaptation of the RPP saddle base: years of use, age, force transmission path to the alveolar bone, location of the toothless area, antagonistic arch, type of mucosa, adaptation of supports to the niche and extension of the saddle


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The conventional Newton and fast decoupled power flow (FDPF) methods have been considered inadequate to obtain the maximum loading point of power systems due to ill-conditioning problems at and near this critical point. It is well known that the PV and Q-theta decoupling assumptions of the fast decoupled power flow formulation no longer hold in the vicinity of the critical point. Moreover, the Jacobian matrix of the Newton method becomes singular at this point. However, the maximum loading point can be efficiently computed through parameterization techniques of continuation methods. In this paper it is shown that by using either theta or V as a parameter, the new fast decoupled power flow versions (XB and BX) become adequate for the computation of the maximum loading point only with a few small modifications. The possible use of reactive power injection in a selected PV bus (Q(PV)) as continuation parameter (mu) for the computation of the maximum loading point is also shown. A trivial secant predictor, the modified zero-order polynomial which uses the current solution and a fixed increment in the parameter (V, theta, or mu) as an estimate for the next solution, is used in predictor step. These new versions are compared to each other with the purpose of pointing out their features, as well as the influence of reactive power and transformer tap limits. The results obtained with the new approach for the IEEE test systems (14, 30, 57 and 118 buses) are presented and discussed in the companion paper. The results show that the characteristics of the conventional method are enhanced and the region of convergence around the singular solution is enlarged. In addition, it is shown that parameters can be switched during the tracing process in order to efficiently determine all the PV curve points with few iterations. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The parameterized fast decoupled power flow (PFDPF), versions XB and BX, using either theta or V as a parameter have been proposed by the authors in Part I of this paper. The use of reactive power injection of a selected PVbus (Q(PV)) as the continuation parameter for the computation of the maximum loading point (MLP) was also investigated. In this paper, the proposed versions obtained only with small modifications of the conventional one are used for the computation of the MLP of IEEE test systems (14, 30, 57 and 118 buses). These new versions are compared to each other with the purpose of pointing out their features, as well as the influence of reactive power and transformer tap limits. The results obtained with the new approaches are presented and discussed. The results show that the characteristics of the conventional FDPF method are enhanced and the region of convergence around the singular solution is enlarged. In addition, it is shown that these versions can be switched during the tracing process in order to efficiently determine all the PV curve points with few iterations. A trivial secant predictor, the modified zero-order polynomial, which uses the current solution and a fixed increment in the parameter (V, theta, or mu) as an estimate for the next solution, is used for the predictor step. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work aims to study the influence of two additives, the monomer, acrylamide and its polymer, polyacrylamide, solubilized in microemulsion systems and applied on enhanced oil recovery. By the microemulsion system obtained, it was chosen points into the phase diagram, presenting these compositions: 25%, 30%, 35% C/T; 2% Fo (fixed for all points) e 73%, 68% e 63% Fa, respectively. However, the monomer and the polymer were solubilized in these microemulsion points with 0.1%; 0.5%; 1% e 2% of concentration, ordering to check the concentration influence at the physicochemical properties (surface tension and rheology) of the microemulsion. Through the salinity study, was possible to observe that the concentrations of 1% and 2% of polymer made the solution became blurred, accordingly, the study of surface tension and rheology only was made for the concentrations of 0.1% e 0.5% of monomer and polymer, respectively. By the surface tension study it was observed that how the concentration of active matter (C/T) was increasing the surface tension was amending for each system, with or without additives. In the rheology study, as it increases the concentration of active matter increases both the viscosity of the microemulsion system (SME) with no additive, as the SME with polymer (AD2). After the entire study, it was chosen the lower point of active matter (25% C/T; 2% Fo e 73% Fa), plus additives in concentrations of 0.1% and 0.5% to be used on enhanced oil recovery. Assays were made on sandstone from Botucatu Formation, where after the tests, it was concluded that among the studied points, the point who showed the best efficiency of advanced shift was the microemulsion system + 0.5% AD2, with a recovery of 28% of oil in place and a total of 96,49%, while the other solution with 0.5% of polymer presented the worst result, with 14.1% of oil in place and 67,39% of efficiency of total displacement


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Foram realizados quatro estudos de simulação para verificar a distribuição de inversas de variáveis com distribuição normal, em função de diferentes variâncias, médias, pontos de truncamentos e tamanhos amostrais. As variáveis simuladas foram GMD, com distribuição normal, representando o ganho médio diário e DIAS, obtido a partir da inversa de GMD, representando dias para se obter determinado peso. em todos os estudos, foi utilizado o sistema SAS® (1990) para simulação dos dados e para posterior análise dos resultados. As médias amostrais de DIAS foram dependentes dos desvios-padrão utilizados na simulação. As análises de regressão mostraram redução da média e do desvio-padrão de DIAS em função do aumento na média de GMD. A inclusão de um ponto de truncamento entre 10 e 25% do valor da média de GMD reduziu a média de GMD e aumentou a de DIAS, quando o coeficiente de variação de GMD foi superior a 25%. O efeito do tamanho dos grupos nas médias de GMD e DIAS não foi significativo, mas o desvio-padrão e CV amostrais médios de GMD aumentaram com o tamanho do grupo. em virtude da dependência entre a média e o desvio-padrão e da variação observada nos desvios-padrão de DIAS em função do tamanho do grupo, a utilização de DIAS como critério de seleção pode diminuir a acurácia da variação. Portanto, para a substituição de GMD por DIAS, é necessária a utilização de um método de análise robusto o suficiente para a eliminação da heterogeneidade de variância.


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Two experiments were designed to evaluate strategies to increase fertility of Bos indicus postpubertal heifers and nonlactating cows submitted to a fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) protocol consisting of an intravaginal device containing 1.9 g of progesterone (CIDR) insertion + estradiol benzoate on Day 0, CIDR withdrawal + estradiol cypionate on Day 9, and TAI on Day 11. In Experiment 1, heifers (n = 1153) received a new or an 18-d previously used CIDR and, on Day 9, prostaglandin F(2 alpha) (PGF(2 alpha)) + 0, 200, or 300 IU equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG). Heifers treated with a new CIDR had greater (least squares means +/- SEM) serum concentration of progesterone on Day 9 (3.06 +/- 0.09 ng/mL vs. 2.53 +/- 0.09 ng/mL; P < 0.05) and a smaller follicle at TAI (11.61 +/- 0.11 nim vs. 12.05 +/- 0.12 mm; P < 0.05). Heifers with smaller follicles at TAI had lesser serum progesterone, concentrations on Day 18 and reduced rates of ovulation, conception, and pregnancy (P < 0.05). Treatment with eCG improved (P < 0.05) follicle diameter at TAI (11.50 +/- 0.10 mm, 11.90 +/- 0.11 mm, and 12.00 +/- 0.10 mm, for 0, 100, and 200 IU, respectively), serum progesterone concentration on Day 18 (2.77 +/- 0.11 ng/mL, 3.81 +/- 0.11 ng/mL, and 4.87 +/- 0.11 ng/mL), and rates of ovulation (83.8%, 88.5%, and 94.3%) and pregnancy (41.3%, 47.0%, and 46.7%). In Experiment 2, nonlactating Nelore cows (n = 702) received PGF(2 alpha) treatment on Days 7 or 9 and, on Day 9, 0 or 300 IU cCG. Cows receiving PGF(2 alpha) on Day 7 had lesser serum progesterone concentrations on Day 9 (3.05 +/- 0.21 ng/mL vs. 4.58 +/- 0.21 ng/mL; P < 0.05), a larger follicle at TAI (11.54 +/- 0.21 mm vs. 10.84 +/- 0.21 mm; P < 0.05), and improved (P < 0.05) rates of ovulation (85.4% vs. 77.0%), conception (60.9% vs. 47.2%), and pregnancy (52.0% vs. 36.4%). Treatment with eCG improved (P < 0.05) serum progesterone concentration on Day 18 (3.24 +/- 0.14 ng/mL vs. 4.55 +/- 0.14 ng/mL) and the rates of ovulation (72.4% vs. 90.0%) and pregnancy (37.5% vs. 50.8%). In conclusion, giving PGF(2 alpha) earlier in the protocol in nonlactating cows and eCG treatment in postpubertal heifers and nonlactating cows improved fertility in response to a TAI (progesterone + estradiol) protocol. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In Experiments 1, 2, and 3, we evaluated the effects of temporary weaning (TW), equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) treatments on results of it fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) protocol in postpartum Bos indicus cows. In Experiment 1, treatment with 400 IU eCG or with TW for 48 h consistently improved pregnancy rates (PRs) at TAI, but, in Experiment 2, FSH treatment was less effective than eCG or TW. In Experiment 3, the inclusion of eCG treatment in cows subjected to TW did not improve PRs. We concluded that TW or 400 IU eCG should be included in the TAI protocol in postpartum Bos indicus cows to enhance fertility. In Experiment 4, we used records front heifers and cows treated with the proposed protocol during the 2006-2007 (n = 27,195) and 2007-2008 (n = 36,838) breeding seasons from multiple locations in Brazil to evaluate factors potentially affecting PRs. Overall PR at TAI was 49.6% (31,786 of 64,033). Pregnancy rate differed (P < 0.01) among farm within location (results ranging between 26.8% and 68.0%; P < 0.01), cow group within farm, by breed (Bos indicus, 48.3% [26,123 of 54,145]; Bos taurus, 61.7% [3652 of 5922]; and crossbred Bos indicus x Bos taurus, 50.7% [2011 of 3966]), category (nulliparous, 39.6% [2095 of 52901] suckled primiparous, 45.2% [3924 of 8677]; suckled multiparous, 51.8% [24,245 of 46,767]; and nonsuckled multiparous, 46.1% [1522 of 3299]), body condition score at TAI (<= 2.5 43.0% [3409 of 7923]; 3.0, 49.6% [18,958 of 38,229]; and >3.5, 52.7% [9419 of 17,881]). Days postpartum at beginning, of protocol did not affect PR (30 to 60 d, 47.6% [4228 of 8881]; 61 to 90 d, 51.7% 116,325 to 31,5721; and 91 to 150 d, 50.8% [7616 to 14,991]; P > 0.1). Pregnancy rate was also consistently affected (P < 0.01) by sire (results ranging from 7.2% to 77.3%) and artificial insemination technician (results ranging from 15.1% to 81.8%). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective was to determine whether the presence of fertility-associated antigen (FAA) on sperm collected from Nelore (Bos indicus) bulls can be used to assess potential fertility of sperm for use at first-service fixed-time AI (TAI). Six Nelore bulls were selected based on FAA status (FAA-negative: N = 3; FAA-positive: N = 3) and the ability to produce neat semen with >= 70% morphologically normal sperm and 60% estimated progressive motility before cryopmservation. In Experiment 1, suckled multiparous Nelore cows (N = 835) were evaluated for body condition score (BCS) and received an intravaginal progesterone device (CIDR) and 2.0 mg of estradiol benzoate (Day 0). on Day 9 the CIDR was removed, 12.5 mg of PGF(2 alpha) and 0.5 mg of estradiol cypionate were administered, and calves were removed for 48 h. All cows received TAI on Day II (48 h after CIDR removal). Pregnancy per TAI (P/TAI) was not different between FAA-positive and FAA-negative bulls (41.5% vs. 39.3%, respectively). There was an effect of AI technician on P/TAI (36.0% vs. 43.9%; P < 0.05) and BCS tended to affect P/TAI (P = 0.09), as cows with BCS >= 2.75 were 1.4 times more likely to become pregnant compared with cows with BCS < 2.75. In Experiment 2, nulliparous Nelore heifers (N = 617) were evaluated for BCS and received a CIDR and estradiol benzoate (2.0 mg) on Day 0. on Day 7, all heifers received PGF(2 alpha) (12.5 mg). on Day 9, CIDR inserts were removed and all heifers received estradiol cypionate (0.6 mg) and 200 IU eCG. All heifers received TAI on Day 11 (48 h after CIDR removal). Pregnancy/TAI was different (P = 0.04) between FAA-positive and FAA-negative bulls (33.7% vs. 40.7%, respectively). Presence of FAA on sperm was unsuccessful in assessing the potential fertility of sperm for use in TAI. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Five experiments were conducted on commercial farms in Brazil aiming to develop a fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) protocol that achieved pregnancy rates between 40% and 55% in Bos indicus cows. These studies resulted in the development of the following protocol: insertion of all intravaginal device containing 1.9 g of progesterone (CIDR) plus 2.0 mg im estradiol benzoate on Day 0; 12.5 mg im dinoprost tromethamine on Day 7 in cycling cows or oil Day 9 in anestrous cows; CIDR withdrawal plus 0.5 mg im estradiol cypionate plus temporary calf removal on Day 9; TAI (48 h after CIDR withdrawal) plus reuniting of calves with their dams on Day 11. Reduced dose of prostaglandin F(2 alpha) (PGF(2 alpha): 12.5 mg im dinoprost tromethamine) effectively caused luteolysis. In cycling cows, fertility was greater when the treatment with PGF(2 alpha) was administered on Day 7 than oil Day 9, but in anestrous cows, no effects of time of the PGF(2 alpha) treatment were found. Estradiol cypionate effectively replaced estradiol benzoate or gonadotropin-releasing hormone as the ovulatory stimulus, reducing labor and cost. In this protocol, CIDR inserts were successfully used four times (9 d each use) with no detrimental effects on fertility. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In Exp. 1, we evaluated the effects of 2 lengths of progesterone exposure [CIDR (controlled intravaginal drug release); 7 vs. 14 d] before a modified CO-Synch protocol [50.0-mu g injection of GnRH 6.5 d before a 25.0-mg injection of PGF(2 alpha) followed by another injection of GnRH and fixed-time AI (TAI) 2 d after PGF(2 alpha)], with or without temporary weaning (TW) before GnRH treatments, on fertility of suckled multiparous Bos indicus cows (n = 283) and on calf performance. Timed AI pregnancy rates for cows receiving 7 d CIDR + TW, 7 d CIDR, 14 d CIDR + TW, and 14 d CIDR were 53, 47, 46, and 41%, respectively (P > 0.10). Calves submitted to two 48-h TW 6 d apart had decreased mean BW at 240 d (187.9 +/- 2.7 vs. 195.5 +/- 2.7 kg; P < 0.05), but BW at 420 d was not affected by TW (240.1 +/- 5.1 kg). In Exp. 2, we evaluated the effect of no treatment and treatment with or without a CIDR insert between GnRH and PGF(2 alpha) treatments of a modified CO-Synch protocol on pregnancy rate to TAI, and throughout a 90-d breeding season in suckled multiparous Bos indicus cows (n = 453). The inclusion of a CIDR between first GnRH and PGF(2 alpha) treatments of a modified CO-Synch protocol did not improve pregnancy rate (29 and 33% for cows receiving CO-Synch + CIDR and CO-Synch protocol, respectively), and cycling cows had poorer TAI pregnancy rates than anestrous cows treated with either synchronization protocol (21.7 vs. 40.7%; P < 0.05). However, regardless of treatment with CIDR, cows submitted to TAI protocol had greater (P < 0.05) pregnancy rates at 30 (54.8 vs. 11.2%), 60 (72.1 vs. 38.8%), and 90 d (82.0 vs. 57.9%) of breeding season than untreated cows.


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The objective of the present experiment was to assess the effects of temperament on pregnancy rates to fixed-time AI (FTAI) in Bos indicus beef cows. A total of 761 multiparous lactating Nelore cows, originated from 4 different commercial cow-calf ranches, were evaluated for BCS and temperament at the time of FTAI (day 0). Temperament was assessed by chute score and exit velocity. Further, individual exit score was calculated by dividing exit velocity results into quintiles and assigning cows with a score from 1 to 5 (exit score: 1 = slowest cows; 5 = fastest cow). Temperament scores were calculated by averaging cow chute score and exit score. Cows were also classified for temperament type according to temperament score (<= 3 = adequate temperament, >3 = excitable temperament). Pregnancy status was verified by detecting a viable conceptus with rectal ultrasonography approximately 40 days after FTAI. Chute score, exit velocity, and temperament score were not correlated to BCS (P>0.31). Hence, BCS did not differ (P=0.30) according to temperament type (4.13 vs. 4.09 for cows with excitable and adequate temperament, respectively; SEM = 0.070). Pregnancy rates to FTAI tended to be negatively affected by temperament score (P=0.08), whereas the probability of cows becoming pregnant to FTAI was negatively associated with temperament score (linear effect, P<0.01). Accordingly, pregnancy rates were reduced (P=0.05) in cows with excitable temperament compared to cows with adequate temperament (35.3 vs. 42.8% of pregnant cows/total cows, respectively; SEM = 2.85). Pregnancy rates to FTAI were not affected by chute score (P=0.25), although the probability of cows becoming pregnant to FTAI tended to be negatively associated with chute score (linear effect, P=0.07). Pregnancy rates to FTAI were negatively affected by exit score (P=0.05), and the probability of cows becoming pregnant to FTAI was negatively associated with exit score and with actual exit velocity (linear effects, P<0.01). Results from this experiment indicate that excitable temperament is detrimental to pregnancy rates of B. indicus cows assigned to an estrus synchronization + FTAI protocol. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos de diferentes níveis de ingestão de suplemento com milho moído finamente (MF) em vacas de corte, mantidas em pasto, após inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF), sobre a concentração sérica de progesterona (P4) no dia 7, e sobre a concepção no dia 28 pós IATF. Trezentas e sessenta e quatro vacas Brangus, multíparas lactantes, tiveram as atividades folicular e luteal sincronizadas por tratamento com benzoato de estradiol (Estrogin; 2,0mg IM) e inserção de dispositivo intravaginal de P4 (CIDR) no dia -11, seguido por tratamento com PGF2 α (Lutalyse; 25mg IM) no dia - 4, retirada do CIDR e remoção temporária de bezerros no dia -2, e tratamento com GnRH (Fertagyl; 100 µ g IM), IATF e retorno dos bezerros no dia 0. No dia 0, as vacas foram aleatoriamente distribuídas para receber um dos quatro tratamentos: G1 -2kg/dia de MF do dia 0 ao dia 21; G2 -2kg/dia de MF do dia 0 ao dia 7, e 6kg/dia de MF do dia 8 ao dia 21; G3 -6kg/dia de MF do dia 0 ao dia 7, e 2kg/dia de MF do dia 8 ao dia 21; G4 -6kg/dia de MF do dia 0 ao dia 21. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas no dia 7, e o diagnóstico de gestação foi realizado por ultrassonografia no dia 28. As vacas suplementadas com 2kg/dia de MF apresentaram maior concentração sérica de P4 no dia 7 em relação às vacas suplementadas com 6kg/dia (1,58 vs. 1,28ng/mL; P<0,01, EPM=0,08). As vacas do G4 apresentaram maior taxa de concepção em relação às vacas do G1 (58,4 vs. 41,9%, respectivamente; P<0,05). O nível de consumo do suplemento energético após a IATF é negativamente associado às concentrações séricas de P4, porém positivamente associado à taxa de concepção em vacas de corte em pasto.