984 resultados para STARS: ATMOSPHERES


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In a previous paper we have published observational data for 6 early B-type stars having, galactocentric distances of between 10 and 18 kpc. Using LTE line-blanketed model at mosphere techniques we derived their atmospheric parameters, finding that all our targets had similar effective temperatures and surface gravities. In the following study we additionally include two stars which have been presented previously (Rolleston et al. 1993) and found also to have compatible atmospheric parameters to the original programme stars. The homogeneity of this sample allows quantitative line-by-line differential abundance analyses to be carried out which should reliably detect variations in the chemical compositions of the stellar photospheres. We present differential abundances for eight stars, in either young open clusters or the field, with respect to an arbitrarily chosen standard which shows a normal abundance pattern. Our method of calculating distances from the derived atmospheric parameters means that the relative distance scale should be accurate.


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High resolution spectra of six early B-type main-sequence stars having galactocentric distances of between 10 and 18 kpc are presented. We List the equivalent widths for the metal lines and illustrate their hydrogen and helium line profiles. The stars are analysed using LTE line-blanketed model atmosphere techniques to derive atmospheric parameters and surface chemical compositions. All six stars have similar effective temperatures and surface gravities, allowing a reliable comparison of their metal abundances and distances. Significant variations in the photospheric abundances are evident and are discuss the need for a more detailed line-by-line differential analysis to exactly quantify the differences. This will be presented in a companion paper (Smartt et al. 1996).


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We present the ground-based detection of the secondary eclipse of the transiting exoplanet WASP-19b. The observations were made in the Sloan z' band using the ULTRACAM triple-beam CCD camera mounted on the New Technology Telescope. The measurement shows a 0.088% ± 0.019% eclipse depth, matching previous predictions based on H- and K-band measurements. We discuss in detail our approach to the removal of errors arising due to systematics in the data set, in addition to fitting a model transit to our data. This fit returns an eclipse center, T 0, of 2455578.7676 HJD, consistent with a circular orbit. Our measurement of the secondary eclipse depth is also compared to model atmospheres of WASP-19b and is found to be consistent with previous measurements at longer wavelengths for the model atmospheres we investigated.


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We present an early result from an automated search of Kepler eclipsing binary systems for circumbinary companions. An intriguing tertiary signal has been discovered in the short period eclipsing binary KIC002856960. This third body leads to transit-like features in the light curve occurring every 204.2 days, while the two other components of the system display eclipses on a 6.2 hour period. The variations due to the tertiary body last for a duration of \sim1.26 days, or 4.9 binary orbital periods. During each crossing of the binary orbit with the tertiary body, multiple individual transits are observed as the close binary stars repeatedly move in and out of alignment with the tertiary object. We are at this stage unable to distinguish between a planetary companion to a close eclipsing binary, or a hierarchical triply eclipsing system of three stars. Both possibilities are explored, and the light curves presented.


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Acidity peaks in Greenland ice cores have been used as critical reference horizons for synchronizing ice core records, aiding the construction of a single Greenland Ice Core Chronology (GICC05) for the Holocene. Guided by GICC05, we examined sub-sections of three Greenland cores in the search for tephra from specific eruptions that might facilitate the linkage of ice core records, the dating of prehistoric tephras and the understanding of the eruptions. Here we report the identification of 14 horizons with tephra particles, including 11 that have not previously been reported from the North Atlantic region and that have the potential to be valuable isochrons. The positions of tephras whose major element data are consistent with ash from the Katmai AD 1912 and Öraefajökull AD 1362 eruptions confirm the annually resolved ice core chronology for the last 700 years. We provide a more refined date for the so-called “AD860B” tephra, a widespread isochron found across NW Europe, and present new evidence relating to the 17th century BC Thera/Aniakchak debate that shows N. American eruptions likely contributed to the acid signals at this time. Our results emphasize the variable spatial and temporal distributions of volcanic products in Greenland ice that call for a more cautious approach in the attribution of acid signals to specific eruptive events.


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The effect of hypobaric hypoxia on the in vivo binding of misonidazole was investigated in normal mice and mice bearing T50/80 or CA NT mammary carcinomas. After the intraperitoneal injection of radiolabelled misonidazole, mice were randomised to breathe either room air or air at 0.5 atmospheres. The distribution of misonidazole in liver, kidney, heart, spleen and tumour tissue, 24 h later, was studied by scintillation counting and by autoradiography. Significantly higher misonidazole binding occurred in the livers (x2.5), kidneys (x2.4), spleens (x2.9) and hearts (x1.8) of hypoxic mice compared to controls. Hypobaric hypoxia was associated with a greater than four-fold increase in misonidazole binding within T50/80 tumours. However, significantly higher binding was not demonstrated within CA NT tumours after exposure of tumour-bearing animals to hypoxic conditions. In autoradiographs of hypoxic liver, labelling was intense in regions near to hepatic veins but sparse in areas surrounding portal tracts. This pattern was striking and consistent. In hypoxic kidney, labelling was most intense over tubular cells, less intense over glomeruli and sparse in the renal medulla. It is likely that the hepatic and renal cortical distributions of misonidazole binding reflect local oxygen gradients.


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We present the discovery of four new transiting hot jupiters, detected mainly from SuperWASP-North and SOPHIE observations. These new planets, WASP-52b, WASP-58b, WASP-59b, and WASP-60b, have orbital periods ranging from 1.7 to 7.9 days, masses between 0.46 and 0.94 M_Jup, and radii between 0.73 and 1.49 R_Jup. Their G1 to K5 dwarf host stars have V magnitudes in the range 11.7-13.0. The depths of the transits are between 0.6 and 2.7%, depending on the target. With their large radii, WASP-52b and 58b are new cases of low-density, inflated planets, whereas WASP-59b is likely to have a large, dense core. WASP-60 shows shallow transits. In the case of WASP-52 we also detected the Rossiter-McLaughlin anomaly via time-resolved spectroscopy of a transit. We measured the sky-projected obliquity lambda = 24 (+17/-9) degrees, indicating that WASP-52b orbits in the same direction as its host star is rotating and that this prograde orbit is slightly misaligned with the stellar equator. These four new planetary systems increase our statistics on hot jupiters, and provide new targets for follow-up studies.


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Star formation often occurs within or nearby stellar clusters. Irradiation by nearby massive stars can photoevaporate protoplanetary disks around young stars (so-called proplyds) which raises questions regarding the ability of planet formation to take place in these environments. We investigate the two-dimensional physical and chemical structure of a protoplanetary disk surrounding a low-mass (T Tauri) star which is irradiated by a nearby massive O-type star to determine the survivability and observability of molecules in proplyds. Compared with an isolated star-disk system, the gas temperature ranges from a factor of a few (in the disk midplane) to around two orders of magnitude (in the disk surface) higher in the irradiated disk. Although the UV flux in the outer disk, in particular, is several orders of magnitude higher, the surface density of the disk is sufficient for effective shielding of the disk midplane so that the disk remains predominantly molecular in nature. We also find that non-volatile molecules, such as HCN and H2O, are able to freeze out onto dust grains in the disk midplane so that the formation of icy planetesimals, e.g., comets, may also be possible in proplyds. We have calculated the molecular line emission from the disk assuming LTE and determined that multiple transitions of atomic carbon, CO (and isotopologues, 13CO and C18O), HCO+, CN, and HCN may be observable with ALMA, allowing characterization of the gas column density, temperature, and optical depth in proplyds at the distance of Orion (˜400 pc).


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Emission line fluxes from cool stars are widely used to establish an apparent emission measure distribution, EmdApp(Te), between temperatures characteristic of the low transition region and the low corona. The true emission measure distribution, EmdTrue(Te), is determined by the energy balance and geometry adopted and, with a numerical model, can be used to predict EmdApp(Te), to guide further modelling. The scaling laws that exist between coronal parameters arise from the dimensions of the terms in the energy balance equation. Here, analytical approximations to numerical solutions for EmdTrue(Te) are presented, which show how the constants in the coronal scaling laws are determined. The apparent emission measure distributions show a minimum value at some T0 and a maximum at the mean coronal temperature Tc (although in some stars, emission from active regions can contribute). It is shown that, for the energy balance and geometry adopted, the analytical values of the emission measure and electron pressure at T0 and Tc depend on only three parameters: the stellar surface gravity and the values of T0 and Tc. The results are tested against full numerical solutions for e Eri (K2 V) and are applied to Procyon (a CMi, F5 IV/V). The analytical approximations can be used to restrict the required range of full numerical solutions, to check the assumed geometry and to show where the adopted energy balance may not be appropriate. © 2011 The Authors Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2011 RAS.


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Context. The recent discovery of a very bright type la supernova, SNLS-03D3bb (=SN 2003fg), in the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) has raised the question of whether super-Chandrasekhar-mass white-dwarf stars are needed to explain such bright explosions. Progenitors of this sort could form by mergers of pairs of rather massive white dwarfs. Binary systems of two white dwarfs in close orbit, where their total mass significantly exceeds the Chandrasekhar mass, have not yet been found. Therefore SNLS-03D3bb could establish the first clear case of a double-degenerate progenitor of a (peculiar) type la supernovae. Moreover, if this interpretation is correct, it casts some doubt on the universality of the calibration relations used to make SNe la distance indicators for cosmology. Aims. We aim to evaluate the case for a super-Chandrasekhar-mass progenitor for SNLS-03D3bb in light of previous theoretical work on super-Chandrasekhar-mass explosions. Furthermore, we propose an alternative scenario involving only a Chandrasekhar-mass progenitor. Methods. We present a theoretically motivated critical discussion of the expected observational fingerprints of super-Chandrasekharmass explosions. As an alternative, we describe a simple class of aspherical Chandrasekhar-mass models in which the products of nuclear burning are displaced from the center. We then perform simple radiative transfer calculations to predict synthetic lightcurves for one such off-center explosion model. Results. In important respects, the expected observational consequences of super-Chandrasekhar-mass explosions are not consistent with the observations of SNLS-03D3bb. We demonstrate that the lopsided explosion of a Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf could provide a better explanation. © ESO 2007.


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Type Ia supernovae are thought to result from thermonuclear explosions of carbong'oxygen white dwarf stars. Existing models generally explain the observed properties, with the exception of the sub-luminous 1991bg-like supernovae. It has long been suspected that the merger of two white dwarfs could give rise to a type Ia event, but hitherto simulations have failed to produce an explosion. Here we report a simulation of the merger of two equal-mass white dwarfs that leads to a sub-luminous explosion, although at the expense of requiring a single common-envelope phase, and component masses of 0.9M. The light curve is too broad, but the synthesized spectra, red colour and low expansion velocities are all close to what is observed for sub-luminous 1991bg-like events. Although the mass ratios can be slightly less than one and still produce a sub-luminous event, the masses have to be in the range 0.83M to 0.9M. © 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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Galactic bulge planetary nebulae show evidence of mixed chemistry with emission from both silicate dust and PAHs. This mixed chemistry is unlikely to be related to carbon dredge up, as third dredge-up is not expected to occur in the low mass bulge stars. We show that the phenomenon is widespread, and is seen in 30 nebulae out of our sample of 40. A strong correlation is found between strength of the PAH bands and morphology, in particular, the presence of a dense torus. A chemical model is presented which shows that hydrocarbon chains can form within oxygen-rich gas through gas-phase chemical reactions. We conclude that the mixed chemistry phenomenon occurring in the galactic bulge planetary nebulae is best explained through hydrocarbon chemistry in an UV-irradiated, dense torus. © 2012 International Astronomical Union.


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Self-organization(1,2) occurs in plasmas when energy progressively transfers from smaller to larger scales in an inverse cascade(3). Global structures that emerge from turbulent plasmas can be found in the laboratory(4) and in astrophysical settings; for example, the cosmic magnetic field(5,6,) collisionless shocks in supernova remnants(7) and the internal structures of newly formed stars known as Herbig-Haro objects(8). Here we show that large, stable electromagnetic field structures can also arise within counter-streaming supersonic plasmas in the laboratory. These surprising structures, formed by a yet unexplained mechanism, are predominantly oriented transverse to the primary flow direction, extend for much larger distances than the intrinsic plasma spatial scales and persist for much longer than the plasma kinetic timescales. Our results challenge existing models of counter-streaming plasmas and can be used to better understand large-scale and long-time plasma self-organization.


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We present time-resolved J-band spectroscopy of the short-period cataclysmic variable SDSS J143317.78+101123.3. We detect absorption lines from the sub-stellar donor star in this system, which contributes 38 +/- 5 per cent to the J-band light. From the relative strengths of the absorption lines in the J band, we estimate the spectral type of the donor star to be L2 +/- 1. These data are the first spectroscopic detection of a donor with a confirmed sub-stellar mass in a cataclysmic variable, and the spectral type is consistent with that expected from semi-empirical evolutionary models.

Using skew mapping, we have been able to derive an estimate for the radial velocity of the donor of K-d = 520 +/- 60 km/s. This value is consistent with, though much less precise than, predictions from mass determinations found via photometric fitting of the eclipse light curves.


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HR 8799 is a multi-planet system detected in direct imaging, with three companions known so far. Here, we present spatially resolved Very Large Telescope/NACO 3.88-4.10 µm spectroscopy of the middle planet, HR 8799 c, which has an estimated mass of ~10 M Jup, temperature of ~1100 K, and projected separation of 38 AU. The spectrum shows some differences in the continuum from existing theoretical models, particularly longwards of 4 µm, implying that detailed cloud structure or non-equilibrium conditions may play an important role in the physics of young exoplanetary atmospheres.