920 resultados para SSP ribbon
Objective: To identify modifiable factors associated with sessile serrated polyps (SSPs), and compare the association of these factors to conventional adenomas (ADs) and hyperplastic polyps (HPs). Design: We utilized data from the Tennessee Colorectal Polyp Study, a colonoscopy-based case-control study. Included were 214 SSP cases, 1779 AD cases, 560 HP cases and 3851 polyp-free controls. Results: Cigarette smoking was associated with increased risk for all polyps and was stronger for SSPs than for ADs (OR 1.74. 95% CI: 1.16-2.62, for current vs. never, ptrend=0.008). Current regular use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAID) was associated with a 40% reduction in SSPs risk in comparison to never-users (OR 0.68, 95% CI 0.48-0.96, ptrend=0.03), similar to the association with AD. Red meat intake was strongly associated with SSPs risk (OR 2.59, 95% CI 1.41-4.74 for highest vs. lowest intake, ptrend<0.001) and the association with SSP was stronger than with AD (ptrend=0.003). Obesity, folate intake, fiber intake, and fat intake were not associated with SSP risk after adjustment for other factors. Exercise, alcohol use, and calcium intake were not associated with risk for SSPs. Conclusion: SSPs share some modifiable risk factors for ADs, some of which are more strongly associated with SSPs than ADs. Thus, preventive efforts to reduce risk for ADs may also be applicable to SSPs. Additionally, SSPs have some distinctive risk factors. Future studies should evaluate the preventive strategies for these factors. The findings from this study also contribute to an understanding of the etiology and biology of SSPs.
Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear)
A Síndrome de Sjögren (SS) é uma das três patologias autoimunes mais frequentes na população mundial, ainda assim frequentemente infradiagnosticada. Esta síndrome é uma doença autoimune crónica que afeta as glândulas exócrinas, particularmente as glândulas salivares e lacrimais. A SS primária (SSp) afeta especificamente as glândulas exócrinas, enquanto que a SS secundária (SSs) aparece associada a outras patologias autoimunes sistémicas. A SS é caracterizada, histopatologicamente, por um infiltrado inflamatório linfocitário que interfere com a função glandular normal. Afeta 0,5% da população mundial, sendo claramente mais predominante em mulheres (9:1 versus homens), principalmente por volta dos 50 anos (após a menopausa), ainda que também possa aparecer depois da menarca (entre os 20 e os 30 anos). Considera se que a etiologia da SS é multifatorial. Fatores genéticos, ambientais, hormonais e virais estão implicados na sua etiopatogénese. É muito importante o papel dos Médicos Dentistas no diagnóstico da SSp, uma vez que na maior parte dos casos são eles quem detetam os primeiros sintomas, mais propriamente a boca seca. Diversos testes auxiliares são utilizados para o diagnóstico desta doença, tais como: o teste de Schimer, o teste de Rosa Bengala, a Sialometria, a Sialografia, a Biópsia das glândulas salivares, entre outros. A SSp, regra geral, tem um curso não doloroso, sendo a boca seca e a secura ocular as suas duas características clínicas mais salientes. A maior parte das manifestações orais que se apresentam nestes pacientes são resultado de hipofunção das glândulas salivares (da boca seca), tais como: a cárie dentária, a doença periodontal, as infeções fúngicas, entre outras. Esta doença também se pode associar a problemas a nível sistémico, que podem ser subdivididos em não viscerais (pele, artralgia, mialgia) e viscerais (pulmão, coração, rim, sistema gastrointestinal, sistema endócrino e sistema nervoso central e periférico). O tratamento é empírico, sintomático e direcionado a tratar as complicações da doença mais inicial, que consiste em limitar os danos da xerostomia e da queratoconjuntivite. A prevenção dos sintomas a nível oral e ocular é fundamental em pacientes com SSp, para assim terem maior qualidade de vida.
Con el objetivo de evaluar los efectos de los sistemas de cultivo - arboles - pastos sobre la erosión laminar y la calidad de suelo, en tres fincas de la micro cuenca Tecomapa, municipio de Somotillo - Nicaragua ; f ueron estable cidas en cinco usos de la tierra: q uema tradicional (Q); sistema agroforestal Quesungual (SAQ ); bosque secundario (Bs ); potreros mejorados con Brachiaria sp - Marandú , (Pm); y sistema silvopastoril (SSP), 30 sub parcelas de 10 m 2 con 10 varillas cada una , y monitoreados diez indicadores de calidad de suelo durante 2011, 2012 y 2013 . Como resultado , la tasa de erosión neta positiva (ganancia) fue clasificada de moderada (10 a 50 t ha - 1 a - 1 ) en los sistemas de BS y Pm, y de alta (50 a 200 t ha - 1 a - 1 ) en los sistemas SAQ y SSP . La tasa de erosión neta (pérdida) fue clasificada de moderado únicamente en el sistema de q uema agrícola (28.3 t ha - 1 a - 1 ) . Procesos qu e ocurrieron mayormente en pendientes de 26 y 57% . La tasa de erosión dentro ( ganancia ) representó un 61.5% del total de la erosión neta, fenómeno asociado al uso de la tierra y probablemente a la forma del micro relieve. Estas tasas de erosión dentro de las parcelas ocurrieron mayormente en pendientes de 15 y 52%, en las partes bajas . La calidad de los suelos fue influenciada por l os contenidos de MOS , contenidos que fueron mayores a 4000 kg ha - 1 en los sistemas SAQ, SSP y Bs . Este indicador fue correlacionado negativamente con el incremento de arcilla en el horizonte superficial de los suelos utilizados en pasturas por erosión previa . Finalmente, l os indicadores de calidad de suelo que incrementan el rendimiento del cultivo de maíz y frijol fueron los altos contenidos de MOS, tasas de infiltraciones rápidas , y la presencia de sue los con pendientes altas únicamente para frijol
Colorectal cancer (CRC) results from histologic and gene alterations can lead to a massive cellular proliferation. Most of the authors assume multifactorial causes to CRC genesis. Low physical activity, a fat diet poor in fibers and smoking habits seems to have an important role in CRC. However, there are also genetic causes associated with CRC risk. It has been described that oxidative stress levels could influence CRC development. Thus, cellular balance reactive species and defense enzymes involved in oxidative stress are crucial to maintain a good tissue function and avoid neoplasic process. Therefore, genome variations on these defense enzymes, such as MNSOD, SOD3, GSTP1, GSTT1 and GSTM1, could be important biomarkers to colorectal adenocarcinomas. We intend to determine frequencies distribution of most common polymorphisms involved on oxidative stress regulation (MNSOD, SOD3, GSTP1, GSTT1 and GSTM1) in patients with sporadic colorectal adenocarcinoma (SCA) and in healthy controls, evaluation their possible correlation with SCA risk. Samples common polymorphisms of antioxidant and detoxify genes (MNSOD T175C, SOD3 R213G, GSTP1 A105G, GSTP1 C114T, GSTT1del and GSTM1del) analysis was done by PCR-SSP techniques. In this study we found a higher prevalence of MNSOD 175CC (55% vs 2%; p<0.0001; OR: 58.5; CI 13.3 to 256.7), SOD3 213GG (31% vs 2%; p<0.0001; OR: 21.89; CI 4.93 to 97.29), GSTP1 105GG (46% vs 12%; p<0.0001; OR: 6.14; CI 2.85 to 13.26), GSTP1 114TT (38% vs 0%; p<0.0001; OR: Infinity) and GSTT1 null (75% vs 28%; p<0.0001; OR: 7.71; CI 3.83 to 15.56) mutated genotypes among SCA patients, while the normal genotypes were associated with SCA absence. Furthermore, we found GSTP1 114TT mutated genotype (52% vs 27%; p=0.003; OR: 2.88; CI: 1.41 to 5.89) and GSTT1 null genotype (87% vs 65%; p=0.003; OR: 3.66; CI 1.51 to 8.84) associated with colon samples. These findings suggest a positive association between most of common polymorphisms involved on oxidative stress regulation and SCA prevalence. Dysregulation of MNSOD, SOD3, GSTP1, GSTT1 and GSTM1 genes could be associated with an increase of ROS in colon and rectum tissue and p53 pathway deregulation, induced by oxidative stress on colonic and rectal cells. The present study also provides preliminary evidence that MNSOD 175C, SOD3 213G, GSTP1 105G, GSTP1 114T and GSTT1 null polymorphisms, may be involved in SCA risk and could be useful to clarify this multifactorial disorder.
Lipids can modulate the risk of developing sporadic colorectal adenocarcinoma (SCA), since alterations into lipid metabolism and transport pathways influence directly cholesterol and lipids absorption by colonic cells and indirectly reactive oxygen species (ROS) synthesis in rectum cells due to lipid accumulation. Lipid metabolism is regulated by several proteins APOA1, APOB, APOC3, APOE, CETP, NPY, PON1 and PPARG that could influence both metabolism and transport processes. Is been reported that several common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes could influence their function and/or expression, changing lipid metabolism balance. Thus, genetic changes in those genes can influence SCA development, once the majority of them were never studied in this disease. Furthermore, there are contradictory results between some studied polymorphisms and SCA risk. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore and describe lipid metabolism-associated genes common polymorphisms (APOA1 -75 G>A; APOB R3500Q; APOC3 C3175G, APOC3 T3206G; APOE Cys112/158Arg; CETP G279A, CETP R451Q; NPY Leu7Pro; PON1 Q192R; PPARG Pro12Ala) status among SCA, and their relationship with SCA risk. Genotyping of common lipid metabolism genes polymorphisms (APOA1 75 G>A; APOB R3500Q; APOC3 C3175G, APOC3 T3206G; APOE Cys112/158Arg; CETP G279A, CETP R451Q; NPY Leu7Pro; PON1 Q192R; PPARG Pro12Ala) were done by PCR-SSP techniques, from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded biopsies of 100 healthy individuals and 68 SCA subjects. Mutant genotypes of APOA1 -75AA (32% vs 12%; p=0.001; OR=3.51; 95% CI 1.59-7.72); APOB 3500AA (7% vs 0%; p=0.01); APOC3 3175GG (19% vs 2%; p=0.0002; OR=11.58; 95% CI 2.52-53.22), APOC3 3206GG (19% vs 0%; p<0.0001); CETP 279AA (12% vs 1%; p=0.003; OR=13.20; 95% CI 1.61-108.17), CETP 451AA (16% vs 0%; p<0.0001); NPY 7CC (15% vs 0%; p<0.0001); PPARG 12GG (10% vs 0%; p=0.001); and heterozygote genotype PON1 192AG (56% vs 22%; p<0.0001; OR=4.49; 95% CI 2.298.80) were found associated with SCA prevalence. While, APOE E4/E4 (0% vs 8%; p=0.02) mutant haplotype seemed to have a protective effect on SCA. Moreover, it also been founded differences between APOB 3500GA, APOC3 3206TG, CETP 279AA genotypes and PPARG 12Ala allele prevalence and tissue localization (colon vs rectum). These findings suggest a positive association between most of common lipid metabolism genes polymorphisms studied and SCA prevalence. Dysregulation of APOA1, APOB, APOC3, CETP, NPY, PON1 and PPARG genes could be associated with lower cholesterol plasma levels and increase ROS among colon and rectum mucosa. Furthermore, these results also support the hypothesis that CRC is related with intestinal lipid absorption decrease and secondary bile acids production increase. Moreover, the polymorphisms studied may play an important role as biomarkers to SCA susceptibility.
Lipids can modulate the risk of developing sporadic colorectal adenocarcinoma (SCA), since alterations into lipid metabolism and transport pathways influence directly cholesterol and lipids absorption by colonic cells and indirectly reactive oxygen species (ROS) synthesis in rectum cells due to lipid accumulation. Lipid metabolism is regulated by several proteins APOA1, APOB, APOC3, APOE, CETP, NPY, PON1 and PPARG that could influence both metabolism and transport processes. Is been reported that several common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes could influence their function and/or expression, changing lipid metabolism balance. Thus, genetic changes in those genes can influence SCA development, once the majority of them were never studied in this disease. Furthermore, there are contradictory results between some studied polymorphisms and SCA risk. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore and describe lipid metabolism-associated genes common polymorphisms (APOA1 -75 G>A; APOB R3500Q; APOC3 C3175G, APOC3 T3206G; APOE Cys112/158Arg; CETP G279A, CETP R451Q; NPY Leu7Pro; PON1 Q192R; PPARG Pro12Ala) status among SCA, and their relationship with SCA risk. Genotyping of common lipid metabolism genes polymorphisms (APOA1 75 G>A; APOB R3500Q; APOC3 C3175G, APOC3 T3206G; APOE Cys112/158Arg; CETP G279A, CETP R451Q; NPY Leu7Pro; PON1 Q192R; PPARG Pro12Ala) were done by PCR-SSP techniques, from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded biopsies of 100 healthy individuals and 68 SCA subjects. Mutant genotypes of APOA1 -75AA (32% vs 12%; p=0.001; OR=3.51; 95% CI 1.59-7.72); APOB 3500AA (7% vs 0%; p=0.01); APOC3 3175GG (19% vs 2%; p=0.0002; OR=11.58; 95% CI 2.52-53.22), APOC3 3206GG (19% vs 0%; p<0.0001); CETP 279AA (12% vs 1%; p=0.003; OR=13.20; 95% CI 1.61-108.17), CETP 451AA (16% vs 0%; p<0.0001); NPY 7CC (15% vs 0%; p<0.0001); PPARG 12GG (10% vs 0%; p=0.001); and heterozygote genotype PON1 192AG (56% vs 22%; p<0.0001; OR=4.49; 95% CI 2.298.80) were found associated with SCA prevalence. While, APOE E4/E4 (0% vs 8%; p=0.02) mutant haplotype seemed to have a protective effect on SCA. Moreover, it also been founded differences between APOB 3500GA, APOC3 3206TG, CETP 279AA genotypes and PPARG 12Ala allele prevalence and tissue localization (colon vs rectum). These findings suggest a positive association between most of common lipid metabolism genes polymorphisms studied and SCA prevalence. Dysregulation of APOA1, APOB, APOC3, CETP, NPY, PON1 and PPARG genes could be associated with lower cholesterol plasma levels and increase ROS among colon and rectum mucosa. Furthermore, these results also support the hypothesis that CRC is related with intestinal lipid absorption decrease and secondary bile acids production increase. Moreover, the polymorphisms studied may play an important role as biomarkers to SCA susceptibility.
The paper describes the latest change in the research on social and economic development of states. This change is characterized mainly by a strong emphasis put on the role of institutions as key instruments of reducing the development gap between countries. It is argued that in the years after 1989 institutions have disappeared from mainstream academia and major intellectual debates because of: (1) the widespread belief in global convergence of capitalism and (2) the modernization theory which prevailed in the social science in the 1990s. The article indicates that institutions were once again brought into focus as a result of (1) a wider debate about the institutional sources of growth and development sparked by Acemoglu and Robinson’s Why Nations Fail, (2) the beginning of the global economic crisis of 2008 triggered by the fall of American investment bank Lehman Brothers (3) diversified consequences of the economic crisis seen all over Europe and the USA which illustrate (4) the institutional varieties of capitalism.
The text analyses the intelligence activity against Poland in the period 1944-1989. The paper also contains a case study, i.e. an analysis of the American intelligence service activity held against Poland. While examining the research thesis, the author used the documents and analyses prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In order to best illustrate the point, the author presented a number of cases of persons who spied for the USA, which was possible thanks to the analysis of the training materials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs directed to the officers of the Security Service and the Citizens’ Militia. The text tackles the following issues: (1) to what extent did the character of the socio-political system influence the number of persons convicted for espionage against Poland in the period under examination?, (2) what was the level of interest of the foreign intelligence services in Poland before the year 1990?, (3) is it possible to indicate the specificity of the U.S. intelligence activity against Poland? 1) The analysis of data indicates that the period 1946-1956 witnessed a great number of convictions for espionage, which is often associated with the peculiar political situation in Poland of that time. Up to 1953, the countries of the Eastern bloc had reproduced the Stalin’s system, which only ceased due to the death of Stalin himself. Since then, the communist systems gradually transformed into the system of nomenklatura. Irrespective of these changes, Poland still witnessed a wave of repressions, which resulted from the threats continuously looming over the communist authorities – combating the anti-communist underground movement, fighting with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the Polish government-in-exile, possible revisionism of borders, social discontent related to the socio-political reforms. Hence, a great number of convictions for espionage at that time could be ascribed to purely political sentences. Moreover, equally significant was the fact that the then judicial practice was preoccupied assessing negatively any contacts and relations with foreigners. This excessive number of convictions could ensue from other criminal-law provisions, which applied with respect to the crimes against the State, including espionage. What is also important is the fact that in the Stalin’s period the judiciary personnel acquired their skills and qualifications through intensive courses in law with the predominant spirit of the theory of evidence and law by Andrey Vyshinsky. Additionally, by the decree of 1944 the Penal Code of the Polish Armed Forces was introduced; the code envisaged the increase in the number of offences classified as penalised with death penalty, whereas the high treason was subject to the military jurisdiction (the civilians were prosecuted in military courts till 1955; the espionage, however, still stood under the military jurisdiction). In 1946, there was introduced the Decree on particularly dangerous crimes in the period of the State’s recovery, which was later called a Small Penal Code. 2) The interest that foreign intelligence services expressed in relation to Poland was similar to the one they had in all countries of Eastern and Central Europe. In the case of Poland, it should be noted that foreign intelligence services recruited Polish citizens who had previously stayed abroad and after WWII returned to their home country. The services also gathered information from Poles staying in immigrant camps (e.g. in FRG). The activity of the American intelligence service on the territory of FRG and West Berlin played a key role. The documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs pointed to the global range of this activity, e.g. through the recruitment of Polish sailors in the ports of the Netherlands, Japan, etc. In line with the development in the 1970s, espionage, which had so far concentrated on the defence and strategic sectors, became focused on science and technology of the People’s Republic of Poland. The acquisition of collaborators in academic circles was much easier, as PRL opened to academic exchange. Due to the system of visas, the process of candidate selection for intelligence services (e.g. the American) began in embassies. In the 1980s, the activity of the foreign intelligence services concentrated on the specific political situation in Poland, i.e. the growing significance of the “Solidarity” social movement. 3) The specificity of the American intelligence activity against Poland was related to the composition of the residency staff, which was the largest in comparison to other Western countries. The wide range of these activities can be proved by the quantitative data of convictions for espionage in the years 1944-1984 (however, one has to bear in mind the factors mentioned earlier in the text, which led to the misinterpretation of these data). Analysing the data and the documents prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one should treat them with caution, as, frequently, the Polish counter-intelligence service used to classify the ordinary diplomatic practice and any contacts with foreigners as espionage threats. It is clearly visible in the language of the training materials concerned with “secret service methods of the intelligence activity” as well as in the documents on operational activities of the Security Service in relation to foreigners. The level of interest the USA had in Poland was mirrored in the classification of diplomatic posts, according to which Warsaw occupied the second place (the so-called Group “B”) on the three-point scale. The CIA experienced spectacular defeats during their activity in Poland: supporting the Polish underground anti-communist organisation Freedom and Independence and the so-called Munich-Berg episode (both cases took place in the 1950s). The text focuses only on selected issues related to the espionage activities against Poland. Similarly, the analysis of the problem has been based on selected sources, which has limited the research scope - however, it was not the aim of the author to present the espionage activity against Poland in a comprehensive way. In order to assess the real threat posed by the espionage activity, one should analyse the case of persons convicted for espionage in the period 1944-1989, as the available quantitative data, mentioned in the text, cannot constitute an explicit benchmark for the scale of espionage activity. The inaccuracies in the interpretation of data and variables, which can affect the evaluation of this phenomenon, have been pointed out in the text.
Metallic glasses (MGs) are a relatively new class of materials discovered in 1960 and lauded for its high strengths and superior elastic properties. Three major obstacles prevent their widespread use as engineering materials for nanotechnology and industry: 1) their lack of plasticity mechanisms for deformation beyond the elastic limit, 2) their disordered atomic structure, which prevents effective study of their structure-to-property relationships, and 3) their poor glass forming ability, which limits bulk metallic glasses to sizes on the order of centimeters. We focused on understanding the first two major challenges by observing the mechanical properties of nanoscale metallic glasses in order to gain insight into its atomic-level structure and deformation mechanisms. We found that anomalous stable plastic flow emerges in room-temperature MGs at the nanoscale in wires as little as ~100 nanometers wide regardless of fabrication route (ion-irradiated or not). To circumvent experimental challenges in characterizing the atomic-level structure, extensive molecular dynamics simulations were conducted using approximated (embedded atom method) potentials to probe the underlying processes that give rise to plasticity in nanowires. Simulated results showed that mechanisms of relaxation via the sample free surfaces contribute to tensile ductility in these nanowires. Continuing with characterizing nanoscale properties, we studied the fracture properties of nano-notched MGnanowires and the compressive response of MG nanolattices at cryogenic (~130 K) temperatures. We learned from these experiments that nanowires are sensitive to flaws when the (amorphous) microstructure does not contribute stress concentrations, and that nano-architected structures with MG nanoribbons are brittle at low temperatures except when elastic shell buckling mechanisms dominate at low ribbon thicknesses (~20 nm), which instead gives rise to fully recoverable nanostructures regardless of temperature. Finally, motivated by understanding structure-to-property relationships in MGs, we studied the disordered atomic structure using a combination of in-situ X-ray tomography and X-ray diffraction in a diamond anvil cell and molecular dynamics simulations. Synchrotron X-ray experiments showed the progression of the atomic-level structure (in momentum space) and macroscale volume under increasing hydrostatic pressures. Corresponding simulations provided information on the real space structure, and we found that the samples displayed fractal scaling (rd ∝ V, d < 3) at short length scales (< ~8 Å), and exhibited a crossover to a homogeneous scaling (d = 3) at long length scales. We examined this underlying fractal structure of MGs with parallels to percolation clusters and discuss the implications of this structural analogy to MG properties and the glass transition phenomenon.
116 p.
The addition of heavy rare earth (RE) elements to Nd2Fe14B based magnets to form (Nd,Dy)2Fe14B is known to increase the coercivity and high temperature performance required for hybrid vehicle electric motors and other extreme temperature applications. Attempts to conserve heavy rare earth elements for high temperature (RE)2Fe14B based magnets have led to the development of a grain boundary diffusion process for bulk magnets. This process relies on transport of a heavy rare earth, such as Dy, into a bulk Nd2Fe14B magnet along pores, a low volume fraction of eutectic liquid along grain boundary grain triple junctions and grain boundaries. This enriches the grain surfaces in Dy through the thickness of the bulk magnet, leading to larger increases coercivity with a smaller Dy concentration than can be achieved with homogeneous alloys. Attempts to carry out the same process during sintering require significant control of Dy transport efficiency. The macroscopic transport of Dy in Nd2.7Fe14B1.4 based powder packs is studied using a 'layered' pellet, where Nd2.7Fe14B1.4powder is an interlayer and Dy source as a center layer. The sintering of this layered pellet provided evidence for very large effective diffusion lengths aided by Dy rich liquid flow through connected porosity. Approaches to controlling Dy transportation include decreasing the liquid phase transport capability of the powder pack by increasing the melting point of the Dy source and the decreasing amount of RE rich liquid in the powder packs. The solid-liquid reaction is studied in which melt spun Nd2.7Fe14B1.4 ribbons are PVD coated with Dy-Fe eutectic composition and then thermally treated. The resulting microstructure from the reaction between Dy-Fe eutectic coating and Nd2.7Fe14B1.4 ribbon is interpreted as support for a proposed dissolution/reprecipitation process between solid and liquid phases. The estimate the diffusion coefficient and the effective diffusion length of Dy sources in Nd2.7Fe14B1.4 layered pellets and melt spun ribbons were obtained from the calculation of Fick's second law combined with EDS results from the experiment. The results indicate that the effective diffusion coefficient of Dy in the layered pellets is higher than the diffusion in ribbons due to its higher porosity than ribbons.
BACKGROUND Bluetongue virus (BTV) is an economically important, arthropod borne, emerging pathogen in Europe, causing disease mainly in sheep and cattle. Routine vaccination for bluetongue would require the ability to distinguish between vaccinated and infected individuals (DIVA). Current vaccines are effective but are not DIVA. Virus-like particles (VLPs) are highly immunogenic structural mimics of virus particles, that only contain a subset of the proteins present in a natural infection. VLPs therefore offer the potential for the development of DIVA compatible bluetongue vaccines. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS Merino sheep were vaccinated with either monovalent BTV-1 VLPs or a bivalent mixture of BTV-1 VLPs and BTV-4 VLPs, and challenged with virulent BTV-1 or BTV-4. Animals were monitored for clinical signs, antibody responses, and viral RNA. 19/20 animals vaccinated with BTV-1 VLPs either alone or in combination with BTV-4 VLPs developed neutralizing antibodies to BTV-1, and group specific antibodies to BTV VP7. The one animal that showed no detectable neutralizing antibodies, or group specific antibodies, had detectable viral RNA following challenge but did not display any clinical signs on challenge with virulent BTV-1. In contrast, all control animals' demonstrated classical clinical signs for bluetongue on challenge with the same virus. Six animals were vaccinated with bivalent vaccine and challenged with virulent BTV-4, two of these animals had detectable viral levels of viral RNA, and one of these showed clinical signs consistent with BTV infection and died. CONCLUSIONS There is good evidence that BTV-1 VLPs delivered as monovalent or bivalent immunogen protect from bluetongue disease on challenge with virulent BTV-1. However, it is possible that there is some interference in protective response for BTV-4 in the bivalent BTV-1 and BTV-4 VLP vaccine. This raises the question of whether all combinations of bivalent BTV vaccines are possible, or if immunodominance of particular serotypes could interfere with vaccine efficacy.
This thesis investigates the phenotypic and genotypic diversity of non-dairy L. lactis strains and their application to dairy fermentations. A bank of non-dairy lactococci were isolated from grass, vegetables and the bovine rumen. Subsequent analysis of these L. lactis strains revealed seven strains to possess cremoris genotypes which did not correlate with their observed phenotypes. Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) highlighted the genetic diversity of lactis and cremoris subspecies. The application of these non-dairy lactococci to cheese production was also assessed. In milk, non-dairy strains formed diverse volatile profiles and selected strains were used as adjuncts in a mini Gouda-type cheese system. Sensory analysis showed non-dairy strains to be strongly associated with the development of off-flavours and bitterness. However, microfluidisation appeared to reduce bitterness. A novel bacteriophage, ɸL47, was isolated using the grass isolate L. lactis ssp. cremoris DPC6860 as a host. The phage, a member of the Siphoviridae, possessed a long tail fiber, previously unseen in dairy lactococcal phages. Genome sequencing revealed ɸL47 to be the largest sequenced lactococcal phage to date and owing to the high % similarity with ɸ949, a second member of the 949 group. Finally, to identify and characterise specific genes which may be important in niche adaptation and for applications to dairy fermentations, comparative genome sequence analysis was performed on L. lactis from corn (DPC6853), the bovine rumen (DPC6853) and grass (DPC6860). This study highlights the contribution of niche specialisation to the intra-species diversity of L. lactis and the adaptation of this organism to different environments. In summary this thesis describes the genetic diversity of L. lactis strains from outside the dairy environment and their potential application in dairy fermentations.