928 resultados para SSOESTh Public Governance
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This article tests different P-E fit dimensions in order to assess their impact on three work outcomes: job satisfaction; organizational commitment; and stress perception. Findings shows that P-E fit dimensions have differentiated effects on its dependent variables. This study contributes to several important academic discussions. The first concerns the model tested, which contains several P-E fit dimensions. The second scientific contribution is to consider P-E fit dimensions as antecedents of three job outcomes. The third contribution concerns the development and testing of a new P-E fit dimension called "person-reforms" fit.
The question of the place of psychotherapy in psychiatric public care is posed in this article. We will address this question first by presenting two clinical and research programmes which were implemented in a clinical psychiatric unit, section Karl Jaspers (Service of General Psychiatry) of the Department of Psychiatry CHUV, in Lausanne with the collaboration of the University Institute of Psychotherapy. The first one puts forward psychodynamic psychotherapy of depressed inpatients; the clinical programme and the research questions on efficacy of this treatment are discussed. The second focuses on the early treatment of patients with Borderline Personality Disorder, in particular in its research question on the effect of the motive-oriented therapeutic relationship in this process. We conclude by underlining the convergences of the two programmes.
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Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit bildet die Beobachtung, dass Universitätsbibliotheken unterschiedliche Aufgaben zu Händen verschiedener Akteure erfüllen - so nehmen Universitätsbibliotheken in der Schweiz häufig Aufgaben einer Kantonsbibliothek wahr. Universitätsbibliotheken zeichnen sich durch unterschiedliche Rechts- und Organisationsformen aus, unterhalten Beziehungen zu Dritten und sind deshalb verschiedenen Instanzen zur Rechenschaft verpflichtet. Sie sind, schliesslich, in Zusammenschlüsse unterschiedlicher Natur eingebunden. Vor diesem Hintergrund wirft die vorliegende Arbeit die Frage nach der Steuerung des Unternehmens Universitätsbibliothek auf. Anhand ausgewählter Fallbeispiele wird aufgezeigt, wie sich unterschiedliche Governance-Modelle gestalten. Dabei wird insbesondere auf die Rechts- und Organisationsform, auf institutionelle Strukturen, auf Steuerungsinstrumente (Auftrag und finanzielle Rahmenbedingungen), auf institutionelle Beziehungen sowie auf die Autonomie der Bibliothek eingegangen. Darauf aufbauend werden Vor- und Nachteile der Modelle hinsichtlich der Erfüllung des Doppelauftrags (Universitäts- und Kantonsbibliothek) diskutiert. Es zeigt sich, dass Universitäts- und Kantonsauftrag komplementäre Funktionen darstellen, wobei allerdings vereinzelt Schwierigkeiten auftreten können. Die Rechts- und Organisationsform sowie, insbesondere, die Trägerschaft bilden ein zentrales Element im Hinblick auf die Auftragserfüllung. Gleichzeitig sind auch weitere Elemente zentral, beispielsweise Instrumente, welche nicht nur die Aufgaben, sondern die Zuständigkeiten der beteiligten Akteure festhalten. Parmi les nombreuses fonctions remplies par les bibliothèques universitaires en Suisse, celle de bibliothèque cantonale est la plus fréquente. Les formes juridiques et/ou d'organisation des bibliothèques universitaires suisses sont multiples ; les bibliothèques entretiennent des liens avec des tiers et elles sont, par conséquent, tenues de rendre des comptes à diverses instances. Comme toutes les bibliothèques, elles s'intègrent, finalement, à des réseaux de nature différente. Dans ce contexte, le présent travail soulève la question de la gouvernance de la bibliothèque universitaire. Il décrit, à partir d'exemples choisis, différents modèles de gouvernance en s'intéressant surtout à la forme juridique et/ou d'organisation, aux structures institutionnelles, aux instruments de gouvernance concernant la mission et les conditions cadres financières de la bibliothèque, aux relations institutionnelles et à l'autonomie de la bibliothèque. L'analyse permet ainsi une réflexion sur les avantages et les inconvénients des différents modèles de gouvernance au vu de la double mission universitaire et cantonale des bibliothèques. Le présent travail montre que les fonctions universitaires et cantonales sont à priori complémentaires et ne donnent lieu qu'à des difficultés mineures. La forme juridique et/ou d'organisation ainsi que l'autorité de tutelle constituent des éléments déterminants pour l'accomplissement de la (double) mission de la bibliothèque. Parallèlement, d'autres éléments jouent également un rôle important - par exemple, les instruments permettant non seulement de régler les tâches de la bibliothèque, mais aussi de déterminer les compétences de tous les acteurs intéressés.
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The literature on local services has focused on the effects of privatization and, if anything, has compared the effects of private and mixed public-private systems versus public provision. However, alternative forms of provision such as cooperatives, which can be very prevalent in many developing countries, have been completely ignored. In this paper, we investigate the effects of communal water provison (Comités Vecinales and Juntas Administrativas de Servicios de Saneamiento) on child health in Peru. Using detailed survey data at the household- and child-level for the years 2006-2010, we exploit the cross-section variability to assess the differential impact of this form of provision. Despite controlling for a wide range of household and local characteristics, the municipalities served by communal organizations are more likely to have poorer health indicators, what would result in a downward bias on the absolute magnitude of the effect of cooperatives. We rely on an instrumental variable strategy to deal with this potential endogeneity problem, and use the personnel resources and the administrative urban/rural classi fication of the municipalities as instruments for the provision type. The results show a negative and signi cant effect of comunal water provision on diarrhea among under- five year old children. Keywords: water utilities, cooperatives, child health, regulation, Peru. JEL Classi fication Numbers: L33; L50; L95
A rather high prevalence of mansoni schistosomiasis has been observed in some localities of Bananal, State of São Paulo, during the past decade. The highest prevalence of schistosomiasis was found in the Palha District; it was thus considered adequate for an evaluation of public awareness of the risks involved in acquiring schistosomiasis, a likely outcome of certain behavior patterns. We interviewed 542 district-dwellers. The 5-to-39 age-group constituted 65.5% of the whole sample. Concerning the infection, 69.2% had hearsay information; 46.1% know the infection; 69.6% know how it is acquired; 31.5% know about the symptoms and 57.1% know what can be done to avoid infection; 17.7% declared to have acquired the infection at least once in their lifetime; 62.3% reported total or partial immersion in collections of water of Bananal, once or twice a week, 53.9% of these for bathing or fishing. Although most (91.7%) households have treated running water, are connected to the sewage network or have septic tanks, 9% of the people interviewed use to defecate on the field. It became clear that the educational messages aimed at this population had not been adequate, having failed to fulfil any expectations. The local people received only piecemeal and subjective information about their problem. The control of schistosomiasis requires an integrated practice, which includes the analysis of macro-determinant factors, such as basic sanitation, habitation, education and health care. In short, we require a multidisciplinary vision of the mechanisms of transmission of the infection, which depends upon adequate planning and well trained personnel, intent on their educational work, to attain satisfactory results.
Corporate governance is the system by which organisations direct and control their functions and relate to their stakeholders in order to manage their business, achieve their mission and objectives and meet the necessary standards of accountability, integrity and propriety. It is a key element in improving efficiency and accountability as well as enhancing openness and transparency. A significant element of the Governmentâ?Ts programme for health service reform is the strengthening of governance and accountability arrangements across the health system. Read the Report (PDF, 1mb)
In the last decade microsatellites have become one of the most useful genetic markers used in a large number of organisms due to their abundance and high level of polymorphism. Microsatellites have been used for individual identification, paternity tests, forensic studies and population genetics. Data on microsatellite abundance comes preferentially from microsatellite enriched libraries and DNA sequence databases. We have conducted a search in GenBank of more than 16,000 Schistosoma mansoni ESTs and 42,000 BAC sequences. In addition, we obtained 300 sequences from CA and AT microsatellite enriched genomic libraries. The sequences were searched for simple repeats using the RepeatMasker software. Of 16,022 ESTs, we detected 481 (3%) sequences that contained 622 microsatellites (434 perfect, 164 imperfect and 24 compounds). Of the 481 ESTs, 194 were grouped in 63 clusters containing 2 to 15 ESTs per cluster. Polymorphisms were observed in 16 clusters. The 287 remaining ESTs were orphan sequences. Of the 42,017 BAC end sequences, 1,598 (3.8%) contained microsatellites (2,335 perfect, 287 imperfect and 79 compounds). The 1,598 BAC end sequences 80 were grouped into 17 clusters containing 3 to 17 BAC end sequences per cluster. Microsatellites were present in 67 out of 300 sequences from microsatellite enriched libraries (55 perfect, 38 imperfect and 15 compounds). From all of the observed loci 55 were selected for having the longest perfect repeats and flanking regions that allowed the design of primers for PCR amplification. Additionally we describe two new polymorphic microsatellite loci.
Opening statement by Mr Michael Scanlan, Secretary General of the Department of Health & Children at the meeting of the Dáil Committee of Public Accounts on 7th May 2009 Click here to download PDF 37kb
Report On Public Consultation: Efficiency And Effectiveness Of Disability Services In Ireland Click here to download PDF 1.67MB Other Relevant Documents: Click here to download Appendix A PDF 1.06MB Click here to download Summary of Key Proposals from The Review of Disability Policy PDF 250KB
1. Summary of Main Progress Achieved in the Six Month Period April 2011 to September 2011 ICT services and Accounts/Finance services are being provided by the Department to the new Department of Children and Youth Affairs on an ongoing basis.A Special Delivery Unit, as provided for in the Programme for Government, is currently being established.A survey of all staff workloads is currently underway to verify that all staff are appropriately deployed and utilised. Â Click here to download PDF 46KB