930 resultados para SENSORY EXPLOITATION


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In this work, the volatile chromatographic profiles of roasted Arabica coffees, previously analyzed for their sensorial attributes, were explored by principal component analysis. The volatile extraction technique used was the solid phase microextraction. The correlation optimized warping algorithm was used to align the gas chromatographic profiles. Fifty four compounds were found to be related to the sensorial attributes investigated. The volatiles pyrrole, 1-methyl-pyrrole, cyclopentanone, dihydro-2-methyl-3-furanone, furfural, 2-ethyl-5-methyl-pyrazine, 2-etenyl-n-methyl-pyrazine, 5-methyl-2-propionyl-furan compounds were important for the differentiation of coffee beverage according to the flavour, cleanliness and overall quality. Two figures of merit, sensitivity and specificity (or selectivity), were used to interpret the sensory attributes studied.


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The association of 0,03 % v/w pectinase (Clarex), 0,6 % v/w invertase (Invertase-S) and 0,5 % w/w glucose isomerase (Taka-sweet) in industrialized banana (Musa cavendishii) pulp, under conditions of hydrolysis 40oC, 15 minutes, was observed and compared to other three enzymatic treatements: 0,03 % v/w pectinase (Clarex); 0,03 % v/w pectinase (Clarex) associated to 0,6 % v/w invertase (Invertase-S); and 0,03 % v/w pectinase (Sigma) associated to 0,03 % cellulase (Sigma) to determine the quality using a group of physical, physico-chemical, chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of the banana juices obtained. These properties had not differ significantly in function of pectinases and celulase employed. The addition of invertase had increased sweetness and decreased viscosity in juice. On the other side, the addition of glucose isomerase in inverted juice was not able in increasing significantly fructose content.


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Shelled, roasted and salted cashew nut kernels were packaged in three different flexible materials (PP/PE= polypropylene / polyethylene; PETmet/PE= metallized polyethylene terephthalate / polyethylene; PET/Al/LDPE= polyethylene terephthalate / aluminum foil / low density polyethylene ), with different barrier properties. Kernels were stored for one year at 30° C and 80% relative humidity. Quantitative descriptive sensory analysis (QDA) were performed at the end of storage time. Descriptive terms obtained for kernels characterization were brown color, color uniformity and rugosity for appearance; toasted kernel, sweet, old and rancidity for odor; toasted kernel, sweet, old rancidity, salt and bitter for taste, crispness for texture. QDA showed that factors responsible for sensory quality decrease, after one year storage, were increase in old aroma and taste, increase in rancidity aroma and taste, decrease in roasted kernel aroma and taste, and decrease of crispness. Sensory quality decrease was higher in kernels packaged in PP/PE.


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The extract of stevia leaves (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) is the only sweetener utilized in sucrose substitution which can be produced totally in Brazil. The objective of this study, was determine the temporal characteristic of sweet and bitter taste of stevia and compare with sucrose at 3 and 10% in the same equi-sweet. The time-intensity curves (T-I) for each substance were collected through the software Sistema de Coleta de Dados Tempo-Intensidade - SCDTI for Windows, where the judges recorded through of mouse the perception of each stimuli inside function of time, for each sample. The parameters of T-I curves collected were: time for intensity maxim (TImax), intensity maxim (Imax), time of decay (Td), time of plato (Platô), area under curve (Area) and total time of stimuli duration (Ttot). The parameters Td, Ttot, Area e Plato of T-I curves, for stimuli sweet in both sweetness level, were significativelly superior for stevia, while Timax e Imax were significativelly inferior (p£0,05), at differences between value for both substances were superior DESS at 10%. Sucrose didn?t present any record for simuli bitter as 3 as 10%, while stevia presented a characteristic T-I curve with intensity and total time of stimuli duration dependent of concentration.


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The acceptability of nine commercial brazilian varietal white table wines (Riesling, Chardonnay and Gewürztraminer) was evaluated using sensory affective tests. The samples were assessed by 43 consumers of brazilian white wines using he nine-point structured hedonic scale. Judges were recruited based on their responses to a questionnary about consumer?s behavior towards white wines consumption. Subsequently, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with means comparision (Tukey test) and Internal Analysis of Preference Mapping (MDPREF) were performed on data. Analysis of Variance showed that two samples (a Riesling and a Gewürztraminer, both sweet table wines) had significantly (p < 0.05) higher acceptance means, around 7 in the hedonic scale. The least acceptance means (4,3) was obtained by a demi-sec Chardonnay wine and the other six samples achieved means around 5 in the hedonic scale, all of them either demi-sec or dry table wines. MDPREF confirmed the results showed by ANOVA showing that samples were segmented into two groups of preference. The first group was composed by 86% of consumers who prefered the sweet table wines (higher acceptance), converging to the region on the map where these samples were represented. Only 14% showed preference for the demi-sec and dry table wines, being represented on the region of the MDPREF where these samples were located. This study suggests that sweet table wines are prefered by Brazilian consumers, instead of dry or demi-sec table wines.


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Easter egg is a popular chocolate-candy in egg form commercialized in Brazil during Easter time. In this research, Quantitative Descriptive Analysis was applied to select sensory attributes which best define the modifications in appearance, aroma, flavor and texture when cocoa butter equivalent (CBE) is added to Easter eggs. Samples with and without CBE were evaluated by a selected panel and fourteen attributes best describing similarities and differences between them, were defined. Terms definition, reference materials and a consensus ballot were developed. After a training period, panelists evaluated the samples in a Complete Block Design using a 9 cm unstructured scale. Principal Component Analysis, ANOVA and Tukey test (p<0.05) were applied to the data in order to select attributes which best discriminated and characterized the samples. Samples showed significant differences (p<0.05) in all attributes. Easter egg without CBE showed higher intensities (p<0.05) in relation to the following descriptors: brown color, characteristic aroma, cocoa mass aroma, cocoa butter aroma, characteristic flavor, cocoa mass flavor, hardness and brittleness.


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Descriptive terminology and sensory profile of three varieties of brazilian varietal white wines (cultivars Riesling, Gewürztraminer and Chardonnay) were developed by a methodology based on the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA). The sensory panel consensually defined the sensory descriptors, their respective reference materials and the descriptive evaluation ballot. Ten individuals were selected as judges based on their discrimination, reproducibility and individual consensus with the sensory panel. Twelve descriptors were generated showing similarities and differences among the wine samples. Each descriptor was evaluated using a nine-centimeters non-structured scale with the intensity terms anchored at its ends. The collected data were analysed by ANOVA, Tukey test and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed a great difference within the sensory profile of Riesling and Gewürztraminer wines, whereas Chardonnay wines showed a lesser variation. PCA separated samples into two groups: a first group formed by wines higher in sweetness and fruitty flavor and aroma; and a second group of wines higher in sourness, adstringency, bitterness, alcoholic and fermented flavors.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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TEMA: o desenvolvimento do controle motor oral depende em parte das experiências sensoriais e motoras. OBJETIVO: analisar a relação entre a duração do aleitamento natural, artificial e da sucção e destas com o desempenho motor orofacial. MÉTODO: cento e setenta e seis crianças, de 6 a 12 anos de idade, passaram por avaliação miofuncional orofacial, empregando o protocolo com escores, e os responsáveis foram entrevistados a respeito do aleitamento e hábitos de sucção de suas crianças. As correlações foram calculadas pelo teste de Spearman. RESULTADOS: na amostra estudada, a média de duração do aleitamento natural foi de 10,30 meses (variando de zero a 60 meses), do aleitamento artificial 44,12 (zero a 122 meses) e dos hábitos de sucção de 39,32 meses (zero a 144 meses). Houve correlação negativa da duração do aleitamento natural com a duração do aleitamento artificial e a duração dos hábitos de sucção (p < 0,001). A maior duração do aleitamento artificial correspondeu à maior duração dos hábitos de sucção, apresentando, assim, correlação positiva (p < 0,001). A duração do aleitamento natural foi correlacionada positivamente com a mobilidade orofacial (p = 0,05). Houve correlação negativa da duração do aleitamento artificial e da duração dos hábitos de sucção com, respectivamente, o desempenho na mastigação e na deglutição, bem como da duração de ambos os tipos de sucção com a prova de diadococinesia (p = 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: a duração do aleitamento natural mostrou efeito positivo sobre a mobilidade das estruturas orofaciais. Os efeitos deletérios da duração dos hábitos de sucção no controle motor orofacial foram confirmados.


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TEMA: crianças deficientes auditivas não adquirem linguagem no mesmo período e velocidade de uma criança normo-ouvinte, pois o aprendizado da linguagem oral é um evento essencialmente auditivo. O desenvolvimento da criança consiste na aquisição progressiva de habilidades motoras e psicocognitivas, e a entrada no mundo simbólico é fator preponderante para que a criança possa atingir os níveis de maior complexidade no domínio da linguagem. OBJETIVO: relacionar o jogo simbólico e aspectos do desenvolvimento infantil em crianças deficientes auditivas com seus pares ouvintes. MÉTODO: 32 crianças, de ambos os sexos, de 2 a 6 anos de idade, pareadas por idade, foram submetidas à Avaliação da Maturidade Simbólica e ao Teste de Triagem do Desenvolvimento de Denver II, sendo 16 deficientes auditivas neurossensorial de grau moderado a profundo (grupo pesquisa - GP) e 16 normo-ouvintes (grupo controle - GC). RESULTADOS: observou-se simbolismo na brincadeira de 81,25% do GP, enquanto que no GC isto ocorreu em 87,5%. No Teste de Denver II 100% do GP foi classificado como risco, e o GC apresentou 94% de crianças normais e 6% de risco (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: observou-se desempenho semelhante nos dois grupos quanto ao jogo simbólico. Entretanto, numa análise qualitativa, o GP apresentou brincadeiras menos complexas que o GC. Observou-se que o GP apresentou desempenho no jogo simbólico compatível ao seu desempenho nos aspectos pessoal-social, motor fino-adaptativo e motor grosseiro do Teste de Denver II.


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Atualmente, o aproveitamento de resíduos na construção civil tem sido estimulado, uma vez que esse setor apresenta-se como um dos maiores consumidores de materiais naturais em seus processos e produtos. As cinzas ocupam lugar de destaque entre os resíduos agroindustriais por resultarem de processos de geração de energia. Grande parte dessas cinzas possui atividade pozolânica, podendo ser utilizada como substituto parcial do cimento Portland, resultando numa economia significativa de energia e custo. Este trabalho faz parte de uma pesquisa mais ampla, a qual busca avaliar a viabilidade técnica da cinza da casca da castanha de caju (CCCC) como adição mineral em matrizes de cimento Portland, como também, propor uma metodologia de análise de cinzas agroindustriais. Aplicou-se a técnica de difratometria de raios X para avaliar a reatividade do hidróxido de cálcio pela cinza da casca da castanha de caju em pastas, empregaram-se teores de substituição entre 2,5 e 30,0% e os difratogramas das pastas foram comparados com os das pastas confeccionadas com sílica ativa, executados sobre as mesmas condições de ensaio. Os resultados apontam para a ausência de reatividade pozolânica da CCCC com o cimento Portland.


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Filleting yield of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.) is low (30%) and generates large amount of wastes that may turn into environmental and economic problem. However, these wastes can be used for the extraction of minced fish (MF) which can be used in the preparation of sausages. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of sausages prepared with 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% of MF from Nile tilapia filleting waste during storage at 0±0.3ºC. Alterations in the instrumental color (L*, a* and b*), lipid oxidation (TBARS), total volatile nitrogenous bases (TVB-N), pH, microbiological condition (pathogenic bacteria and aerobic psychrotrophic bacteria), and sensory attributes (color, odor, flavor, texture and overall acceptability) were evaluated for up to 40 days. The addition of MF to sausages increased TBARS values and decreases TVB-N, L*, a* and b* values. Acceptability of color attribute decreased with increasing MF; best flavor, texture and overall acceptability scores were registered for sausages containing 40 and 60% MF; best odor was registered for 100% MF. Pathogenic microorganisms were not detected, but decrease in pH and proliferation of aerobic psychrotrophic bacteria which, however, did not compromise sensory evaluation of sausages were registered throughout storage. Sausages prepared with MF from tilapia filleting waste have a shelf-life of 40 days when stored at 0±0.3ºC, and the maximum recommended MF inclusion to maintain good sensory quality is 60%.