950 resultados para SEALED VESSELS


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N-Acetylchitooligosaccharide (N-acetyl-COs) was prepared by N-acetylation of chitooligosaccharide (COs). In vitro study using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) revealed that both N-acetyl-COs and COs inhibited the proliferation of HUVECs by inducing apoptosis. Treatment of HUVECs by N-acetyl-COs resulted in a significant reduction of density of the migration cells and repressed tubulogenesis process. The antiangiogenic effects of the oligosaccharides were further evaluated using in vivo zebrafish angiogenesis model, and the results showed that both oligosaccharides inhibited the growth of subintestinal vessels (SIV) of zebrafish embryos in a dose-dependent manner, as observed by endogenous alkaline phosphatase (EAP) staining assay. In contrast, no cytotoxicity was found when treating the NIH3T3 and several other cancer cells with the oligosaccharides. Our results also confirmed the antiangiogenic activity of N-acetyl-COs was significantly stronger than the parent oligosaccharide, COs. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Using guanidine-HCl extraction, acetone precipitation, ultra-filtration and chromatography, a novel polypeptide with potent anti-angiogenic activity was purified from cartilage of the shark, Prionace glauca. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis and SDS-PAGE revealed that the substance is a novel polypeptide with MW 15500 (PG155). The anti-angiogenic effects of PG155 were evaluated using zebrafish embryos model in vivo. Treatment of the embryos with 20 mu g/ml PG155 resulted in a significant reduction in the growth of subintestinal vessels (SIVs). A higher dose resulted in almost complete inhibition of SIV growth, as observed by endogenous alkaline phosphatase (EAP) staining assay. An in vitro transwell experiment revealed that the polypeptide inhibited vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) induced migration and tubulogenesis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Exposure of HUVECs in 20 mu g/ml PG155 significantly decreased the density of migrated cells. Almost complete inhibition of cell migration was found when HUVECs were treated with 40-80 mu g/ml PG155. PG155 (20 mu g/ml) markedly inhibited the tube formation of HUVECs and a dose-dependent effect was also found when treatment of HUVECs with PG155 at the concentration from 20 to 160 mu g/ml.


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血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF)是一种多功能的细胞因子,其主要作用是促进血管内皮细胞增殖和增加血管通透性,是肿瘤及正常组织血管生成的中心调控因素,以VEGF为靶点的肿瘤血管靶向性治疗成为近几年肿瘤治疗的新途径。RNAi是近年来新发展的一项反向遗传学技术,是一种研究基因功能的有力工具。斑马鱼作为一种重要的模式生物,被广泛用于胚胎的分子发育机制、疾病模型的构建以及药物筛选等研究中。然而在斑马鱼中运用RNAi技术进行基因功能研究是一个相对较新的领域,研究资料较少,并且目前进行的斑马鱼RNAi实验中,siRNA大都是通过化学方法或体外转录合成的。体外合成的siRNA在进入体内后会被降解而无法达到持久阻抑基因表达的目的。因此本研究旨在探讨VEGF特异性siRNA表达载体对斑马鱼VEGF基因的沉默作用,通过分析表型及相关细胞因子的变化,阐明VEGF对斑马鱼胚胎血管生成的影响及作用机制。 研究通过计算机辅助设计软件,针对斑马鱼VEGF mRNA不同位点设计合成了4段含siRNA特异序列的DNA单链,经退火,克隆入pSilencer 4.1-CMV neo载体CMV启动子下游,构建了重组质粒pS1-VEGF、pS2-VEGF、pS3-VEGF及pS4-VEGF。 通过显微注射的方法将载体导入1-2细胞期斑马鱼体内,于胚胎发育的48 h采用RT-PCR的方法检测VEGF基因的表达量,研究不同干扰序列对VEGF基因表达的干涉作用。结果显示,针对不同位点的表达载体对VEGF基因表达的抑制效率有显著差异。它们对VEGF mRNA的抑制率分别为80.5%,42.8%,12.5%,40.7%。通过筛选我们得到了一条具有高效抑制作用的载体pS1-VEGF,该载体的相应序列靶向斑马鱼两个主要异构体VEGF165和VEGF121的共有外显子序列。 形态学检测结果显示,注射了pS1-VEGF的胚胎出现了心包膜水肿、血流速度减慢、循环红细胞堆积等症状。定量碱性磷酸酶染色显示,注射pS1-VEGF能够抑制斑马鱼胚胎新生血管的形成,当注射剂量为0.4 ng时,血管生成的抑制率为31.8%。NBT/BCIP血管染色显示,注射该载体后72 h,50%的斑马鱼肠下静脉、节间血管以及其它血管的发育受到不同程度的抑制。随着注射剂量的加大,血管发育受抑制的情况也随之加重,当注射剂量为1 ng时,只有心脏、头部及卵黄有血液循环。对干扰效果的特异性进行了研究,结果表明pS1-VEGF对斑马鱼内源基因胸苷酸合成酶(thymidylate synthase, TS)基因的表达没有明显的抑制作用。针对TS基因的shRNA表达载体及与斑马鱼没有同源性的对照载体对VEGF基因表达也没有明显的抑制作用。浓度梯度实验表明在0-1.2 ng的范围内干扰效果具有剂量依赖性。 以胚胎整体原位杂交的方法检测质粒对VEGF基因受体NRP1基因表达的影响,发现VEGF特异性shRNA表达载体能够引起NRP1基因表达的降低,说明斑马鱼中VEGF所介导的血管生成作用至少在部分上是依赖于NRP通路所调节的。 本研究工作为进一步研究斑马鱼基因功能、VEGF调控网络提供了一个快速、有效的手段,为阐明斑马鱼的血管生成机制提供了新的资料,为采用RNAi技术,以VEGF为靶点,以斑马鱼为模型对肿瘤进行基因治疗研究奠定了基础。


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以血管生成为靶点的抗肿瘤策略是抗肿瘤领域的研究热点,目前已经发现许多天然和化学合成的抗血管生成药物。鲨鱼软骨作为抗新生血管生成因子的重要来源的研究已有20多年的历史,很多研究显示鲨鱼软骨提取物有抗血管生成活性。但鲨鱼软骨活性多肽的完整分子结构一直未见报道;鲨鱼软骨活性多肽干扰血管生成通路的信号途径尚不明确。 本文应用盐酸胍抽提、丙酮分级沉淀、超滤、凝胶层析等分离技术,从青鲨(Prionace glauca)软骨中分离纯化并鉴定了一种新的具有抗新生血管生成活性的多肽。经SDS-PAGE和N-末端氨基酸序列分析显示,该多肽分子量为15500 Da,采用蛋白数据库分析表明该多肽是一种新发现的鲨鱼软骨多肽(Polypeptide from Prionace glauca,PG155)。 体外实验显示,PG155抑制内皮细胞生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)介导的人脐静脉内皮细胞(human umbilical vein endothelial cell ,HUVEC)迁移和管腔形成,并呈剂量依赖关系。200 μg/ml PG155对牛主动脉内皮细胞(Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cells,BAECs)和HUVECs及以下癌细胞,包括人肝癌细胞(human hepatoma Bel-7402 cells,Bel-7402)、 口腔上皮癌细胞(human oral epidermoid carcinoma KB cells ,KB)、人结肠癌细胞(human colon cancer HCT-18 cells,HCT-18)和人乳腺癌细胞(human breast MCF7 cancer cells ,MCF7)的增殖均无抑制作用,说明PG155无细胞毒作用。20 μg/ml PG155显著抑制HUVEC的迁移和管腔形成;40-80 μg/ml PG155 对VEGF 介导的HUVEC的迁移和管腔形成几乎完全抑制。 体内实验显示,PG155显著抑制斑马鱼胚胎模型新生血管生成,并呈剂量依赖关系。形态学观察表明PG155显著抑制斑马鱼胚胎肠下静脉(subintestinal vessels, SIVs)的生长,随着浓度的升高SIVs的生长可受到完全抑制。碱性磷酸酶染色分析显示,在一定浓度范围内,PG155随着浓度的升高对斑马鱼胚胎整体血管生成抑制作用依次增强。160 μg/ml PG155会引起斑马鱼胚胎心脏功能障碍。 由海洋生物中发现新的肿瘤新生血管生成抑制剂国内外的报道较少,我们的工作表明鲨鱼软骨可作为血管生成抑制剂的重要来源,鲨鱼软骨活性多肽PG155由于具有极低的细胞毒作用,并能抑制VEGF介导的血管生成过程,有希望成为一类新型抗肿瘤药物。


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血管生成是肿瘤生长、发展的必经之路,并且与实体瘤的发生、转移有着密切的关系,抑制肿瘤新生血管生成具有特异性高、疗效好、不易产生耐药性以及毒副作用低等特点,因此抑制肿瘤血管形成可望成为治疗癌症的一个突破点,以抗血管生成为主的肿瘤生物治疗研究已成为近十年的研究热点。玻璃海鞘(Coina intestinalis)属于内性目、玻璃海鞘科,因其进化上的独特地位常作为研究神经发育、免疫系统进化的材料。在其它种属的海鞘中分离发现了多种具有抗肿瘤活性的多肽,但关于玻璃海鞘抗血管生成活性多肽的分离纯化和活性研究未见报道。本文利用多种分离纯化手段,采用活性追踪的方法首次从玻璃海鞘中分离得到具有抗新生血管生成作用的多肽,并对其抗血管生成活性做了初步研究。 本研究利用冷丙酮分级沉淀,超滤截留分子量小于5kDa的蛋白,再经SephadexG25、Superdex75柱层析,µRPC C2/C18反相柱层析等分离手段,采用活性追踪的方法,由玻璃海鞘(Coina intestinalis)中分离纯化出抗血管生成多肽PCI,据保留时间计算其分子量为1.8 kDa。MTT检测表明其对人脐静脉血管内皮细胞(HUVEC)具有强烈的抑制作用,IC50为7.5 μg/ml,并对多种肿瘤细胞有直接的抑制作用。斑马鱼胚胎体内实验进一步表明PCI在40 μg/ml的浓度下作用12h,斑马鱼胚胎新生血管生成受到显著抑制,肠下静脉血管长度为正常组的30%,斑马鱼胚胎血管生成率为正常组的45%。


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Lukeqin arc belt is a compound structure generated by multi-movements and composed of 6 sub-structural zones, which are connected by Huoyanshan Mountain. General characteristics of the arc belt are multi-patterns of structure, multi-phases for petroleum, multi-types of trap and multi-layers for reservoirs. As a part of the eastern Lukeqin arc belt located on the south of Taibei depression, Lukeqin structural zone behaves as a complex faulted-fold zone, in which the formation and distribution of hydrocarbons are controlled by structures. As the dominant source of dynamics for the second migration of hydrocarbon, structure stress field is closely related with the potentials of hydrodynamics. Results derived from the simulations of stress field by finite element method indicate that the northwest tending faults prefer seal to the northeast tending ones. The reason is that the northwest tending faults were squeezed more strongly than the northeast tending ones. Therefor, the northeast tending faults become always the paths for oil to migrate southeastward. Lukeqin structural zone is the main site for oil to concentration because it is surrounded by high stress. Situated on the front of the foreland basin of Turpan-Hami, Lukeqing arc belt is a dam to hold back the southward migrating oil from Shengbei depression. The axis line of Shenquan-Shengnan-Yanmuxi, Lukeqin and Yubei controls the migrating paths and concentrating process of oil and gas. Results derived from stress simulation and structure analyses indicate consistently that both Yubei and Lukeqin structural zones are the favorite areas for oil to migrate. The generally southward paths for oil to migrate out of Taibei depression can be two ways. One of them is from Taibei depression to Yubei structural zone and the other is from Taibei depression to Lukeqin structural zone. By the both ways, oil migrated upward along the faults and southeastward along the structural axis to concentrate in either Permian or Triassic system. The newly ascertained path for oil migration, which is accurately southeastward instead of coarsely southward, indicates the directions for further explorations on the compound Lukeqin block zone. Five kinds of seal models of fault are all found in Lukeqin block zone by studying the seal features of faults occurred in the zone. Having studied the fault seal and their controlling factors by fuzzy set method, the paper deems that the northwest tended faults are better than the northeast tended ones for oil to concentrate. The most important factors to decide the seal extent of faults in this zone are the characteristics of main stress and fluids instead of capillary pressure differences between the two sides of fault and smear mud factors. There exist seal differences not only between the faults of different time but also between the sections within a fault due to the variation of depths, strata and positions. The general distribution rules of reservoirs were dominated by the seal characteristics of a fault during the time reservoirs formed. While the current features of fault seal decide the conservation of reservoirs and heights of oil accumulations. Seal or not of a fault is not absolute because the essential for fault to seal is the distribution of permeability of fault zone. Therefor, the multi cyclical activities of faults create the space-time variation of seal features of the fault. Totally, the seal extent of the faults within the area is not as perfect as to accumulate ordinary crude. Crude oil can only be sealed when it becomes viscous. Process for crude oil to become viscous and viscous happened strongly because of the fault-fold movements. Shallowly burying and even revealing of the objective layers of the reservoirs made the crude oil to be thickened by water washing biologically degradation and oxidation degradation. The northwestward deepening during or after the reservoir formation of the structural zone provided the power for oil to migrate one or more times. The main reason for oil accumulation is the formation of Lukeqin block zone during Xishanyao stage, middle Jurassic Period, Early Yanshanian Movement. While the main reason for reservoir conservation is the placidity of Triassic blocks after the formation of reservoirs. Contrasting to former opinions, it is concluded that the reservoirs in Lukeqin zone, including viscous reservoirs, were formed by one time but not more times. So the author proposes the opinion that the reservoirs of viscous oil were formed by viscous oil migration under the conditions of aptitude sets of fault seals controlled by fluid and other factors. To grope the distribution rules outside Taibei depression and discuss the formation mechanism of Anjurassic reservoirs, it is necessary to study the dominate factors for the formation of reservoirs in Lukeqin structural zone such as structural stress, fault seals and thickening mechanism of crude oil. Also, the necessary studies are the key to break through the Taibei depression and Anjurassic systems. Therefor, they are significant for the future exploration and reserve increasing of hydrocarbon within the Turpan-Hami basin. The paper studied the distribution rules of block reservoirs and forecasted the favorable zones for further exploration in Turpan-Hami basin. Conclusions can be useful for not only the exploration in the area but also the theory consult in the adjacent areas.


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This study is aimed to reveal macroscopic and microscopic anisotropism by using new theories, new methods and new technology. In order to reveal the forming mechanism and distribution pattern of remaining oil, flow units 4-dimension model and realistic model was established according the data over 20 years development of the Pucheng Oil field. Based on theories of multi-discipline subject, methods and technologies, by using correspondent 4-D data body and computer, combining quantity and quality study, static and development data, macroscopic and microscopic data, the two different geneses' reservoir, eg., braided delta and lake delta, are studied. The two different geneses' reservoir flow units models were established. Main achievement of this thesis are summarized as following: The standard of parameter optimization, identification and appreciation of two different geneses' reservoir were established. Based on the standard, the reservoir were classed into four flow units class as G,E,F and P. The flow unit static models of two different geneses' reservoir were established, and the relation of geometric shape, space distribution and macroscopic remaining oil was revealed. the flow units microscopic model were established, which tells that the changes of all the microscopic factor in the development. (4) Accordig BP arithmetic method, an adapt arithmetic method were designed, and the reservoir flow units were simulated based on the new method. (5) Reservoir realistic model of flow unit were established. Based on the model the microscopic development is simulated, which reveals the oil and water seepage in the reservoir and the mechanism of the microscopic oil formation. (6) The spatial residual oil distribution patterns were summarized. The remaided oil is mainly in the places as not being affected by the injected water, high part of the structures and the place near the sealed faults. There are 3 kinds and 9 distribution modes of microscopic remaining oil. The forming mechanism and distribution rule were pointed out. The study has developed a set of theories, technology and methods for flow units study, including flow units description, characterization and prediction. The study is also an improvement of the development geology theory in continental fault depression lake basin.


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To explore the presence of depression, anxiety and cardiac events after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) prospectively and comparably. To analysis influential factors of depression and anxiety ( peri-operation and 1 year after operation ), and the effection on cardiac events in the year after operation. We followed the patients who underwent scheduled consecutive CABG. We interviewed patients to assess depression, anxiety symptoms using self-rating depression scale( SDS) and self-rating anxiety scale(SAS)before operation , before discharge and 1 year after operation. And cardiac events were also identified. All patients were divided into the group with depression and/or anxiety symptoms or the other group without depression and/or anxiety symptoms 3 times according to depression and anxiety symptoms before operation , before discharge and 1 year after operation. 69 patients completed the follow-up.24 patients (34.8%) had depression and/or anxiety symptoms before CABG, 31 patients (44.9%) had depression and/or anxiety symptoms before discharge, and 10 patients (14.5%) had depression and/or anxiety symptoms 1 year after operation. 6 patients(8.7%) had cardiac events, and 5 patients were re-admitted. Arhythmia before and after operation, the quantity of blood vessel grafted, length of stay , depression and anxiety symptoms before operation, cardiac events may lead to depression and anxiety symptoms 1 year after operation. The use of cardiopulmonary bypass grafting (CPB), Arhythmia after operation, the prolonged length of stay are influential factors of cardiac events. Though the incidence of depression and/or anxiety symptoms 1 year after operation is lower than before operation and before discharge, it is high still. Arhythmia before and after operation, the more blood vessels grafted, the prolonged length of stay , depression and anxiety symptoms before operation and cardiac events could be risk factors of depression and anxiety symptoms 1 year after operation. Much attention must be paid to this phenomenon. Heavy patient's condition, complicated surgery are risk factors of cardiac events, and bad emotion before operation and before discharge are independent to cardiac events. Key words: perspective research; depression;anxiety; coronary artery bypass grafting; follow up


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Skin flap procedures are commonly used in plastic surgery. Failures can follow, leading to the necrosis of the flap. Therefore, many studies use LLLT to improve flap viability. Currently, the LED has been introduced as an alternative to LLLT. the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of LLLT and LED on the viability of random skin flaps in rats. Forty-eight rats were divided into four groups, and a random skin flap (10 x 4 cm) was performed in all animals. Group 1 was the sham group; group 2 was submitted to LLLT 660 nm, 0.14 J; group 3 with LED 630 nm, 2.49 J, and group 4 with LLLT 660 nm, with 2.49 J. Irradiation was applied after surgery and repeated on the four subsequent days. On the 7th postoperative day, the percentage of flap necrosis was calculated and skin samples were collected from the viable area and from the transition line of the flap to evaluate blood vessels and mast cells. the percentage of necrosis was significantly lower in groups 3 and 4 compared to groups 1 and 2. Concerning blood vessels and mast cell numbers, only the animals in group 3 showed significant increase compared to group 1 in the skin sample of the transition line. LED and LLLT with the same total energies were effective in increasing viability of random skin flaps. LED was more effective in increasing the number of mast cells and blood vessels in the transition line of random skin flaps.


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The presence of tissue specific precursor cells is an emerging concept in organ formation and tissue homeostasis. Several progenitors are described in the kidneys. However, their identity as a true stem cell remains elusive. Here, we identify a neonatal kidney-derived c-kit(+) cell population that fulfills all of the criteria as a stem cell. These cells were found in the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop and exhibited clonogenicity, self-renewal, and multipotentiality with differentiation capacity into mesoderm and ectoderm progeny. Additionally, c-kit(+) cells formed spheres in nonadherent conditions when plated at clonal density and expressed markers of stem cells, progenitors, and differentiated cells. Ex vivo expanded c-kit(+) cells integrated into several compartments of the kidney, including tubules, vessels, and glomeruli, and contributed to functional and morphological improvement of the kidney following acute ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. Together, these findings document a novel neonatal rat kidney c-kit(+) stem cell population that can be isolated, expanded, cloned, differentiated, and used for kidney repair following acute kidney injury. These cells have important biological and therapeutic implications. STEM Cells 2013;31:1644-1656


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R. Zwiggelaar, S.M. Astley, C.J. Taylor and C.R.M. Boggis, 'Linear structures in mammographic images: detection and classification', IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging 23 (9), 1077-1086 (2004)


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Binding, David; Couch, M.A.; Sujatha, K.S.; Webster, M.F., (2003) 'Experimental and numerical simulation of dough kneading in filled geometries', Journal of Food Engineering 58 pp.111-123 RAE2008


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High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) can be used to control bleeding, both from individual blood vessels as well as from gross damage to the capillary bed. This process, called acoustic hemostasis, is being studied in the hope that such a method would ultimately provide a lifesaving treatment during the so-called "golden hour", a brief grace period after a severe trauma in which prompt therapy can save the life of an injured person. Thermal effects play a major role in occlusion of small vessels and also appear to contribute to the sealing of punctures in major blood vessels. However, aggressive ultrasound-induced tissue heating can also impact healthy tissue and can lead to deleterious mechanical bioeffects. Moreover, the presence of vascularity can limit one’s ability to elevate the temperature of blood vessel walls owing to convective heat transport. In an effort to better understand the heating process in tissues with vascular structure we have developed a numerical simulation that couples models for ultrasound propagation, acoustic streaming, ultrasound heating and blood cooling in Newtonian viscous media. The 3-D simulation allows for the study of complicated biological structures and insonation geometries. We have also undertaken a series of in vitro experiments, in non-uniform flow-through tissue phantoms, designed to provide a ground truth verification of the model predictions. The calculated and measured results were compared over a range of values for insonation pressure, insonation time, and flow rate; we show good agreement between predictions and measurements. We then conducted a series of simulations that address two limiting problems of interest: hemostasis in small and large vessels. We employed realistic human tissue properties and considered more complex geometries. Results show that the heating pattern in and around a blood vessel is different for different vessel sizes, flow rates and for varying beam orientations relative to the flow axis. Complete occlusion and wall- puncture sealing are both possible depending on the exposure conditions. These results concur with prior clinical observations and may prove useful for planning of a more effective procedure in HIFU treatments.