997 resultados para Ross, Ann Shaw Spencer


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The Ross operation remains a controversially discussed procedure when performed in the full root technique because concern exists regarding late dilatation of the pulmonary autograft and regurgitation of the neo-aortic valve. In 2008, we published our short-term experience when using external reinforcement of the autograft, which was inserted into a prosthetic Dacron graft. This detail was thought to prevent neoaortic root dilatation. Since 2006, 22 adult patients have undergone a Ross procedure using this technique. Indications were aortic regurgitation (n = 2), aortic stenosis (n = 15), and combined aortic stenosis and insufficiency (n = 5). A bicuspid aortic valve was present in 10 patients. Prior balloon valvuloplasty had been performed in seven patients. No early or late deaths occurred in this small series. One patient required aortic valve replacement early postoperatively, but freedom from late reoperation is 100% in the 21 remaining patients. Echocardiography confirmed the absence of more than trivial aortic insufficiency in 15 patients after a mean of 70 months (range, 14 to 108 months). No autograft dilatation was observed during follow-up and all patients are in New York Heart Association Class I. Autograft reinforcement is a simple and reproducible technical adjunct that may be especially useful in situations known for late autograft dilatation, namely, bicuspid aortic valve, predominant aortic insufficiency, and ascending aortic enlargement. The mid- to long-term results are encouraging because no late aortic root enlargement has been observed and the autograft valve is well functioning in all cases.


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Fil: Starcenbaum, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina.


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Thirty-five box cores were collected from the continental shelf in the Ross Sea during cruises in January and February, 1983. Pb-210 and Pu-239, 240 geochronologies coupled with biogenic-silica measurements were used to calculate accumulation rates of biogenic silica. Sediment in the southern Ross Sea accumulates at rates ranging from <=0.6 to 2.7 mm/y, with the highest values occurring in the southwestern Ross Sea. Biogenic-silica content in surface sediments ranges from 2% (by weight) in Sulzberger Bay and the eastern Ross Sea to 41% in the southwestern Ross Sea. Biogenic-silica accumulation in the southwestern Ross Sea averages 2.7 * 10**-2 g/cm**2/y and is comparable to accumulation rates in high-productivity, upwelling environments from low-latitude continental margins (e.g., Gulf of California, coast of Peru). The total rate of biogenic-silica accumulation in the southern Ross Sea is approximately 0.2 * 10**14 g/y, with most of the accumulation occurring in basins (500-1000 m water depth). If biogenic-silica accumulation in the southern Ross Sea continental shelf is typical of other basins on the Antarctic continental shelf, as much as 1.2 * 10**14 g/y of silica could be accumulating in these deposits. Biogenic-silica accumulation on the Antarctic continental shelf may account for as much as a fourth of the dissolved silica supplied to the world ocean by rivers and hydrothermal vents.


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High-resolution geophysical and sediment core data are used to investigate the pattern and dynamics of former ice flow in Kvitøya Trough, northwestern Barents Sea. A new swath-bathymetric dataset identifies three types of submarine landform in the study area (streamlined landforms, meltwater channels and cavities, iceberg scours). Subglacially produced streamlined landforms provide a record of ice flow through Kvitøya Trough during the last glaciation. Flow directions are inferred from the orientations of streamlined landforms (drumlins, crag-and-tail features). Ice flowed northward for at least 135 km from an ice divide at the southern end of Kvitøya Trough. A large channel-cavity system incised into bedrock in the southern trough indicates that subglacial meltwater was present at the former ice-sheet base. Modest landform elongation ratios and a lack of mega-scale glacial lineations suggest that, although ice in Kvitøya Trough was melting at the bed and flowed faster than the likely thin and cold-based ice on adjacent banks, a major ice stream probably did not occupy the trough. Retreat was relatively rapid after 14-13.5 14C kyr B.P. and probably progressed via ice sheet-bed decoupling in response to rising sea level. There is little evidence for still stands during ice retreat or of ice-proximal deglacial sediments. Relict iceberg scours in present-day water depths of more than 350 m in the northern trough indicate that calving was an important mass loss mechanism during retreat.


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A suite of petropysical measurements - velocity versus pressure, bulk density, porosity, matrix density, and magnetic susceptibility -was undertaken on 63 core plugs from CRP-2A. These data are used to calibrate neutron, resistivity, and magnetic susceptibility well logs. Agreement between core-plug magnetic susceptibility measurements and both well-log and whole-core data is excellent. Comparison of core-plug bulk densities with continious well-log density records shows very good agreement. Core-plug measurements of matrix density permit conversion of the well-log and whole-core density records to porosity. Sands and muds exhibit similar downhole compaction patterns, and both patterns are consistent with 250 ± 150 m of exhumation. Pervasive cementation, particularly in the lower half of the core, has affected many CRP-2A petrophysical parameters: (1) fractional porosities are reduced by about 0.05 - 0.10 in the lower part of the hole; (2) velocity and porosity rebound are much smaller than is usually observed for unconsolidated sediments with burial depths similar to CRP-2A; (3) velocities are unusually insensitive to pressure, suggesting that any exhumation-induced microcracks have been scaled subsequently; (4) the velocity/porosity relationship lacks the characteristic signature of exhumation-induced microcracks; (5) the velocity/porosity relationship changes with depth, indicating downhole increase in consolidation; (6) Vp/Vs ratios of the highest-porosity sediments are unusually low, implying enhancement of framework stiffness.


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Marine diatoms are the primary biostratigraphical and paleoenvironmental tool for interpreting the upper Palaeogene and lower Neogene strata recovered during the second drilling season of the Cape Roberts Project at site CRP-2 in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica. Silicoflagellates, ebridians, and a chrysophyte cyst provide supporting biostratigraphical information. More than 100 dominantly planktic diatom taxa are recognised. Of these, more than 30 are treated informally, pending SEM examination and formal description. Many other taxa are noted only to generic level. Lower Oligocene (c. 31 Ma) through lower Miocene (c. 18.5 Ma) diatoms occur from 28 mbsf down to 565 mbsf. Below this level, to the bottom of the hole at 624.15 mbsf, diatom assemblages are poorly-preserved and many samples are barren. A biostratigraphic zonal framework, consisting of ten diatom zones, is proposed for the Antarctic continental shelf. Ages inferred from the diatom biostratigraphy correspond well with geochronological data from argon dating of volcanic materials and strontium dating of calcareous macrofossils, as well as nannofossil biochronological datums. The biochronostratigraphical record from CRP-2/2A provides an important record of diatom events and mid-Cenozoic environmental changes in the Antarctic neritic zone.


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A faunal comprising 18 foraminiferal taxa wa recovered from a suite of 52 core samples from lower Miocene sandstone, claystone and diamictite in the CRP-1 drillhole, Cape Roberts, Antarctica. The fauna is characterised by low foraminiferal abundance and diversity, the absence of planktics, and typically, the presence of Cribroelphidium sp. and/or Melonis spp. These factors indicate deposition in an inner shelf or nearshore environment. Many of the foraminifers found in CRP-1 also occure in the upper Oligocene-Miocene sequences in CIROS-1 and DSDP-270, but the fauna provides no precise indication of age. Typical and distinctive species from CRP-1 are illustrated with SEM photomicrographs.


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a prevalent neurological disease of complex etiology. Here, we describe the characterization of a multi-incident MS family that nominated a rare missense variant (p.G420D) in plasminogen (PLG) as a putative genetic risk factor for MS. Genotyping of PLG p.G420D (rs139071351) in 2160 MS patients, and 886 controls from Canada, identified 10 additional probands, two sporadic patients and one control with the variant. Segregation in families harboring the rs139071351 variant, identified p.G420D in 26 out of 30 family members diagnosed with MS, 14 unaffected parents, and 12 out of 30 family members not diagnosed with disease. Despite considerably reduced penetrance, linkage analysis supports cosegregation of PLG p.G420D and disease. Genotyping of PLG p.G420D in 14446 patients, and 8797 controls from Canada, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, and Austria failed to identify significant association with disease (P = 0.117), despite an overall higher prevalence in patients (OR = 1.32; 95% CI = 0.93-1.87). To assess whether additional rare variants have an effect on MS risk, we sequenced PLG in 293 probands, and genotyped all rare variants in cases and controls. This analysis identified nine rare missense variants, and although three of them were exclusively observed in MS patients, segregation does not support pathogenicity. PLG is a plausible biological candidate for MS owing to its involvement in immune system response, blood-brain barrier permeability, and myelin degradation. Moreover, components of its activation cascade have been shown to present increased activity or expression in MS patients compared to controls; further studies are needed to clarify whether PLG is involved in MS susceptibility.


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Man wearing top hat standing by a rail fence on hill overlooking Ann Arbor, Michigan (Daybook, image #23)


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On verso: This was said to be a picture of Ann Isabella Barry McCue Allen. She was born Jan. 22, 1797 daughter of Ihmus Barry (& brother of Andrew) & Ann Isabella Smith of New Kent, Md. The birthplace is given by John McCue at Staunton Va. She died there Nov. 28, 1876 at the home of her daughter Sarah Allen Waddell. Her first husband was Wm McCue M.D. born July 14, 1787 Augusta Co. Va. Died Nov. 7 1818 of flu. Her first husband was a man of prominence & education. She had two children Thomas W. McCue and John McCue