983 resultados para Rocket engines


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The study examined waste heat recovery systems for combustion engines. Emission tests with a real vehicle showed that fuel consumption and CO2 emissions can be reduced by over 7% for the official certification drive cycle through direct heat transfer from the exhaust gas to the engine oil.


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 Many web servers contain some dangerous pages (we name them eigenpages) that can indicate their vulnerabilities. Therefore, some worms such as Santy locate their targets by searching for these eigenpages in search engines with well-crafted queries. In this paper, we focus on the modeling and containment of these special worms targeting web applications. We propose a containment system based on honey pots. We make search engines randomly insert a few honey pages that will induce visitors to the pre-established honey pots among the search results for the arriving queries. And then infectious can be detected and reported to the search engines when their malicious scans hit the honey pots. We find that the Santy worm can be well stopped by inserting no more than two honey pages in every one hundred search results. We also solve the challenging issue to dynamically generate matching honey pages for those dynamically arriving queries. Finally, a prototype is implemented to prove the technical feasibility of this system. © 2013 by CESER Publications.


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This thesis focuses on the 3D mesh segmentation process. The research demonstrated how the process can be done in a parameterless approach which allows full automation with accurate results. Applications of this research include, but not limited to, 3D search engines, 3D character animation, robotics environment recognition, and augmented reality.


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Objective:  To provide clinically relevant evidence-based recommendations for the management of depression in adults that are informative, easy to assimilate and facilitate clinical decision making.Method:  A comprehensive literature review of over 500 articles was undertaken using electronic database search engines (e.g. MEDLINE, PsychINFO and Cochrane reviews). In addition articles, book chapters and other literature known to the authors were reviewed. The findings were then formulated into a set of recommendations that were developed by a multidisciplinary team of clinicians who routinely deal with mood disorders. The recommendations then underwent consultative review by a broader advisory panel that included experts in the field, clinical staff and patient representatives.Results:  The clinical practice recommendations for depression (Depression CPR) summarize evidence-based treatments and provide a synopsis of recommendations relating to each phase of the illness. They are designed for clinical use and have therefore been presented succinctly in an innovative and engaging manner that is clear and informative.Conclusion:  These up-to-date recommendations provide an evidence-based framework that incorporates clinical wisdom and consideration of individual factors in the management of depression. Further, the novel style and practical approach should promote uptake and implementation.


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Lithium is a unique and effective psychotropic agent with a long-standing history of clinical use yet it is increasingly overlooked in lieu of newer agents. The purpose of the present paper was to succinctly review the therapeutic profile of lithium particularly with respect to the treatment of mood disorders and consider its unique properties and clinical utility. A comprehensive literature review pertaining to lithium was undertaken using electronic database search engines to identify relevant clinical trials, meta-analyses and Cochrane reviews. In addition articles and book chapters known to the authors were carefully reviewed, and the authors appraised published guidelines. The evidence from these sources was rated using National Health and Medical Research Council evidence levels and synthesized according to phenotype and mood states. In addition, the authors have drawn upon published guidelines and their own clinical experience. Lithium has specificity for mood disorders with proven efficacy in the treatment of both unipolar depression and bipolar disorder. The recommendations are based predominantly on Level I evidence, but its clinical use has to be tempered against potential side-effects and the need for ongoing monitoring. In practice, lithium should be considered a first-line option in bipolar disorder, especially in prophylaxis and when onset of action is not an imperative. Lithium has been in use in modern medicine for 60 years and as such has been tried and tested across the full range of mood disorders. Arguably, lithium is the only true mood stabilizer and because of its unique properties is in a class of its own.


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Objective:  To provide clinically relevant evidence-based recommendations for the management of bipolar disorder in adults that are informative, easy to assimilate and facilitate clinical decision-making.Method:  A comprehensive literature review of over 500 articles was undertaken using electronic database search engines (e.g. MEDLINE, PsychINFO and Cochrane reviews). In addition articles, book chapters and other literature known to the authors were reviewed. The findings were then formulated into a set of recommendations that were developed by a multidisciplinary team of clinicians who routinely deal with mood disorders. These preliminary recommendations underwent extensive consultative review by a broader advisory panel that included experts in the field, clinical staff and patient representatives.Results:  The clinical practice recommendations for bipolar disorder (bipolar CPR) summarise evidence-based treatments and provide a synopsis of recommendations relating to each phase of the illness. They are designed for clinical use and have therefore been presented succinctly in an innovative and engaging manner that is clear and informative.Conclusion:  These up-to-date recommendations provide an evidence-based framework that incorporates clinical wisdom and consideration of individual factors in the management of bipolar disorder. Further, the novel style and practical approach should promote their uptake and implementation.


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When educational research is conducted online, we sometimes promise our participants that they will be anonymous—but do we deliver on this promise? We have been warned since 1996 to be careful when using direct quotes in Internet research, as full-text web search engines make it easy to find chunks of text online. This paper details an empirical study into the prevalence of direct quotes from participants in a subset of the educational technology literature. Using basic web search techniques, the source of direct quotes could be found in 10 of 112 articles. Analysis of the articles revealed previously undiscussed threats from data triangulation and expert analysis/diagnosis. Issues of ethical obliviousness, obscurity and concern for future privacy-invasive technologies are also discussed. Recommendations for researchers, journals and institutional ethics review boards are made for how to better protect participants' anonymity against current and future threats.


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Titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) has a wide range of application in various fields of engineering. Titanium is mainly used to manufacture aerospace components like landing gear, fuselage, wings, engines etc. and biomedical components like hip joint, knee joint, dental implants etc. Titanium has outstanding material properties such as corrosion resistance, fatigue strength, tensile strength and a very good biocompatibility which makes this material very alluring for biomedical applications. Contrary, the machinability of the material is problematic because of the phase transformations and thus, titanium alloy is a challenge for machining operation. This research is a comparative analysis between the implants manufactured by traditional method of casting and machining. The femoral stem of the hip joint replacement is designed and the component is machined using a five-axis CNC machine.The machined component was subjected to surface roughness testing, tensile testing and bulk hardness testing. The values were compared with the values of titanium implants manufactured by casting. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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© 2015 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. Objectives: To provide guidance for the management of mood disorders, based on scientific evidence supplemented by expert clinical consensus and formulate recommendations to maximise clinical salience and utility. Methods: Articles and information sourced from search engines including PubMed and EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Google Scholar were supplemented by literature known to the mood disorders committee (MDC) (e.g., books, book chapters and government reports) and from published depression and bipolar disorder guidelines. Information was reviewed and discussed by members of the MDC and findings were then formulated into consensus-based recommendations and clinical guidance. The guidelines were subjected to rigorous successive consultation and external review involving: expert and clinical advisors, the public, key stakeholders, professional bodies and specialist groups with interest in mood disorders. Results: The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for mood disorders (Mood Disorders CPG) provide up-to-date guidance and advice regarding the management of mood disorders that is informed by evidence and clinical experience. The Mood Disorders CPG is intended for clinical use by psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians and others with an interest in mental health care. Conclusions: The Mood Disorder CPG is the first Clinical Practice Guideline to address both depressive and bipolar disorders. It provides up-to-date recommendations and guidance within an evidence-based framework, supplemented by expert clinical consensus. Mood Disorders Committee: Professor Gin Malhi (Chair), Professor Darryl Bassett, Professor Philip Boyce, Professor Richard Bryant, Professor Paul Fitzgerald, Dr Kristina Fritz, Professor Malcolm Hopwood, Dr Bill Lyndon, Professor Roger Mulder, Professor Greg Murray, Professor Richard Porter and Associate Professor Ajeet Singh. International expert advisors: Professor Carlo Altamura, Dr Francesco Colom, Professor Mark George, Professor Guy Goodwin, Professor Roger McIntyre, Dr Roger Ng, Professor John O'Brien, Professor Harold Sackeim, Professor Jan Scott, Dr Nobuhiro Sugiyama, Professor Eduard Vieta, Professor Lakshmi Yatham. Australian and New Zealand expert advisors: Professor Marie-Paule Austin, Professor Michael Berk, Dr Yulisha Byrow, Professor Helen Christensen, Dr Nick De Felice, A/Professor Seetal Dodd, A/Professor Megan Galbally, Dr Josh Geffen, Professor Philip Hazell, A/Professor David Horgan, A/Professor Felice Jacka, Professor Gordon Johnson, Professor Anthony Jorm, Dr Jon-Paul Khoo, Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, Dr Cameron Lacey, Dr Noeline Latt, Professor Florence Levy, A/Professor Andrew Lewis, Professor Colleen Loo, Dr Thomas Mayze, Dr Linton Meagher, Professor Philip Mitchell, Professor Daniel O'Connor, Dr Nick O'Connor, Dr Tim Outhred, Dr Mark Rowe, Dr Narelle Shadbolt, Dr Martien Snellen, Professor John Tiller, Dr Bill Watkins, Dr Raymond Wu.


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Botnets have become major engines for malicious activities in cyberspace nowadays. To sustain their botnets and disguise their malicious actions, botnet owners are mimicking legitimate cyber behavior to fly under the radar. This poses a critical challenge in anomaly detection. In this paper, we use web browsing on popular web sites as an example to tackle this problem. First of all, we establish a semi-Markov model for browsing behavior. Based on this model, we find that it is impossible to detect mimicking attacks based on statistics if the number of active bots of the attacking botnet is sufficiently large (no less than the number of active legitimate users). However, we also find it is hard for botnet owners to satisfy the condition to carry out a mimicking attack most of the time. With this new finding, we conclude that mimicking attacks can be discriminated from genuine flash crowds using second order statistical metrics. We define a new fine correntropy metrics and show its effectiveness compared to others. Our real world data set experiments and simulations confirm our theoretical claims. Furthermore, the findings can be widely applied to similar situations in other research fields.


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Each year search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo, complete trillions of search queries online. Students are especially dependent on these search tools because of their popularity, convenience and accessibility. However, what students are unaware of, by choice or naiveté is the amount of personal information that is collected during each search session, how that data is used and who is interested in their online behavior profile. Privacy policies are frequently updated in favor of the search companies but are lengthy and often are perused briefly or ignored entirely with little thought about how personal web habits are being exploited for analytics and marketing. As an Information Literacy instructor, and a member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, I believe in the importance of educating college students and web users in general that they have a right to privacy online. Class discussions on the topic of web privacy have yielded an interesting perspective on internet search usage. Students are unaware of how their online behavior is recorded and have consistently expressed their hesitancy to use tools that disguise or delete their IP address because of the stigma that it may imply they have something to hide or are engaging in illegal activity. Additionally, students fear they will have to surrender the convenience of uber connectivity in their applications to maintain their privacy. The purpose of this lightning presentation is to provide educators with a lesson plan highlighting and simplifying the privacy terms for the three major search engines, Google, Bing and Yahoo. This presentation focuses on what data these search engines collect about users, how that data is used and alternative search solutions, like DuckDuckGo, for increased privacy. Students will directly benefit from this lesson because informed internet users can protect their data, feel safer online and become more effective web searchers.


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O racional teórico das finanças comportamentais se sustenta em dois grandes pilares: limites de arbitragem e irracionalidade dos investidores. Dentre os desvios de racionalidade conhecidos, um foi de particular interesse para este estudo: o viés da disponibilidade. Este viés acontece nas situações em que as pessoas estimam a frequência de uma classe ou a probabilidade de um evento pela facilidade com que instâncias ou ocorrências podem ser lembradas. O advento da internet permitiu a verificação do viés de disponibilidade em larga escala por meio da análise dos dados de buscas realizadas. I.e., se uma determinada ação é mais procurada que outras, podemos inferir que ela está mais disponível na memória coletiva dos investidores. Por outro lado, a literatura das finanças comportamentais tem um braço mais pragmático, que estuda estratégias capazes de fornecer retornos anormais, acima do esperado pela hipótese do mercado eficiente. Para os fins deste estudo, destaca-se o efeito momento, no qual o grupo de ações de melhor resultado nos últimos J meses tende a fornecer melhores resultados pelos próximos K meses. O propósito deste estudo foi verificar a possibilidade de se obter retornos acima dos identificados pelo efeito momento segmentando-se as carteiras de maior e menor viés de disponibilidade. Os resultados obtidos foram positivos e estatisticamente significativos na amostra selecionada. A estratégia cruzada entre efeito momento e disponibilidade produziu, para J=6 e K=6, retornos médios mensais de 2,82% com estatística t de 3,14. Já a estratégia só de efeito momento, para o mesmo período de formação e prazo de manutenção, gerou retornos médios mensais de apenas 1,40% com estatística t de 1,22.


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Com o rápido crescimento da Internet, a quantidade de informações disponíveis tornou-se gigantesca, dificultando a busca pelo que realmente é essencial. Da mesma forma que vários esforços na divulgação de informações relevantes foram efetuados, sites de qualidade duvidosa também apareceram. Os "Sites de busca, apesar de ainda limitados, passaram a ter papel cada vez mais importante, e alguns deles são, hoje, líderes em número de acessos. A avaliação da qualidade de sites na Internet é, hoje, tópico de estudo de vários pesquisadores em todo o mundo. Vários modelos de avaliação existem, com focos que se alternam entre a avaliação dos aspectos tecnológicos e a medição da qualidade percebida pelo usuário ou consumidor. Nesta pesquisa, optou-se por analisar a aplicabilidade do instrumento "WebOual" - criado pelos professores Stuart Barnes (Victoria University of Wellington - Nova Zelândia) e Richard Vidgen (Universidade de Bath - Inglaterra) - o qual privilegia a avaliação da qualidade dos sites pesquisados pela ótica do usuário ou consumidor. Será aplicada a abordagem WebOual a três sites de busca internacionais que possuem versões localizadas em português. no Brasil: Altavista, Yahoo! e Google. Trata-se de utilização inédita da abordagem WebOual, anteriormente testada por seus criadores na avaliação de sites de Livrarias Virtuais, Universidades, Leilões ontine e sites WAP.


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Who was the cowboy in Washington? What is the land of sushi? Most people would have answers to these questions readily available,yet, modern search engines, arguably the epitome of technology in finding answers to most questions, are completely unable to do so. It seems that people capture few information items to rapidly converge to a seemingly 'obvious' solution. We will study approaches for this problem, with two additional hard demands that constrain the space of possible theories: the sought model must be both psychologically and neuroscienti cally plausible. Building on top of the mathematical model of memory called Sparse Distributed Memory, we will see how some well-known methods in cryptography can point toward a promising, comprehensive, solution that preserves four crucial properties of human psychology.


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No julgamento do recurso especial referente à ação ajuizada pela apresentadora Xuxa Meneghel para compelir o Google Search a desvincular dos seus índices de busca os resultados relativos à pesquisa sobre a expressão “Xuxa pedófila” ou qualquer outra que associasse o nome da autora a esta prática criminosa, a relatora da decisão, a Ministra Nancy Andrighi, definiu de maneira clara a controvérsia de que cuida este trabalho: o cotidiano de milhares de pessoas depende atualmente de informações que estão na web, e que dificilmente seriam encontradas sem a utilização das ferramentas de pesquisas oferecidas pelos sites de busca. Por outro lado, esses mesmos buscadores horizontais podem ser usados para a localização de páginas com informações, URLs prejudiciais resultantes da busca com o nome das pessoas. Diante disso, o que fazer? Existiria realmente um direito de ser esquecido, isto é, de ter uma URL resultante de uma pesquisa sobre o nome de uma pessoa desvinculado do índice de pesquisa do buscador horizontal? Há quem afirme que a medida mais apropriada para lidar com esse problema seria ir atrás do terceiro que publicou essa informação originariamente na web. Há também quem defenda que a proteção de um direito de ser esquecido representaria uma ameaça grande demais para a liberdade de expressão e de informação. Diante deste quadro, esta dissertação visa a estabelecer quais podem ser as características e os limites do direito ao esquecimento na era digital, de acordo com o estado atual da legislação brasileira a respeito, confrontando-se tal direito com outros direitos e interesses públicos e privados (especialmente o direito à liberdade de expressão e à informação) e levando em conta as características de funcionamento da própria rede mundial de computadores, em especial das ferramentas de buscas. Tendo em vista a importância dos buscadores horizontais no exercício do acesso à informação e, além disso, as dificuldades relacionadas à retirada de URLs de todos os sítios em que tenham sido publicadas, nossa pesquisa focará no potencial – e nas dificuldades – de se empregar a regulação de tais ferramentas de busca para a proteção eficaz do direito ao esquecimento na era digital.