994 resultados para Rigid plastic package industry


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The impact of differing product strategies on product innovation processes pursued by healthcare firms is discussed. The critical success factors aligned to product strategies are presented. A definite split between pioneering product strategies and late entrant product strategies is also recognised.


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A preliminary study is presented of the relationship between the microstructural aspects of failure and the fracture energy G//l//C for cracking parallel to the fibres in long-fibre/thermoplastic matrix composites. Fracture energies are measured by a new technique, and fracture surfaces generated by the test are examined by scanning electron microscopy.


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In this paper. the effect of indenter tip roundness on hardness behavior for two typical elastic perfectly plastic materials is studied by means of finite element simulation. A rigid conical indenter of semi apex angle 70.3 degrees fitted smoothly with a spherical tip is employed. It is shown that as the indentation depth increases hardness first rises from zero, reaches a maximum and then decreases slowly approaching asymptotically the limiting value equal to that due to a conical indenter of ideally sharp tip. The range within which hardness varies appreciably is comparable to the radius of the indenter tip. The difference between the maximum value and the limiting value depends on the yield stress over the Young's modulus ratio. The smaller this ratio the greater the difference is. Numerical simulation also provides an opportunity for checking the accuracy and limitations of the widely used Oliver-Pharr method.


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An investigation has been made into the plastic deformation behavior of a Monel alloy deformed at high strain rate of 10(5) s(-1) by split Hopkinson bar. The results reveal that there are some equiaxed grains with an average size of 150 nm in diameter in the center of the shear bands, suggesting that this microstructure characteristics be developed by dynamic recrystallization, arising from the deformation and the rapid temperature rise in the band. Analysis shows that the plastic strain rate and the mobile dislocation density play a key role in the new crystallized grain formation and growth. Based on grain boundary energy change and diffusion mechanism, the grain growth kinetics is developed for plastic deformation at a high strain rate.


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By means of a surface plastic deformation method a nanocrystalline (NC) intermetallic compound was in situ synthesized on the surface layer of bulk zirconium (Zr). Hardened steel shots (composition: 1.0C, 1.5Cr, base Fe in wt.%) were used to conduct repetitive and multidirectional peening on the surface layer of Zr. The microstructure evolution of the surface layer was investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning and transmission electron microscopy observations. The NC intermetallic layer of about 25 gm thick was observed and confirmed by concentration profiles of Zr, Fe and Cr, and was found to consist of the Fe100-xCrx compound with an average grain size of 22 nm. The NC surface layer exhibited an extremely high average hardness of 10.2 GPa. The Zr base immediately next to the compound/Zr interface has a grain size of similar to 250 nm, and a hardness of similar to 3.4 GPa. The Fe100-xCrx layer was found to securely adhere to the Zr base. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Deformation microstructures have been investigated in nanocrystalline (nc) Ni with grain sizes in the 50-100 nm range. It was found that deformation twinning started to occur in grains of similar to 90 nm, and its propensity increased with decreasing grain size. In most of the nc grains dislocations were observed as well, in the form of individual dislocations and dipoles. It is concluded that dislocation-mediated plasticity dominates for grain sizes in the upper half, i.e. 50-100 nm, of the nanocrystalline regime. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Based on similarity analyses, the flow-induced vibrations of a near-wall cylinder with 2 degrees of freedom are investigated experimentally by employing a hydroelastic apparatus in conjunction with a flume. The cylinder's vibration amplitude, vibration frequency and vortex shedding frequency were measured and analyzed. The effects of gap-to-diameter ratio (e,ID) upon the vibration responses are further investigated. The experimental results indicate that, when the reduced velocity (Vr) is small (e.g. Vr = 1.2 similar to 2.6), only streamwise vibration occurs, and its frequency is quite close to its natural frequency in still water. When increasing Vr (e.g. Vr > 3.4), both streamwise and transverse vibrations of the near-wall cylinder may occur. In the examined range of gap-to-diameter ratio (0.42 < e(0)/D < 2.68), 2 vibration stages (in terms of Vr) of streamwise vibrations usually exist: First Streamwise Vibration (FSV) and Second Streamwise Vibration (SSV). In the SSV stage, the vortex shedding frequency may either undergo a jump to that of the streamwise vibration, or stay consistent with that of the transverse vibration. The amplitudes of transverse vibration are usually much larger than those of streamwise vibration for the same value of e(0)/D. The maximum amplitudes of both streamwise and transverse vibration get larger with the increase of e(0)/D (0.42 < e(0)/D < 2.68).


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Nanoindentation simulations on a binary metallic glass were performed under various strain rates by using molecular dynamics. The rate-dependent serrated plastic flow was clearly observed, and the spatiotemporal behavior of its underlying irreversible atomic rearrangement was probed. Our findings clearly validate that the serration is a temporally inhomogeneous characteristic of such rearrangements and not directly dependent on the resultant shear-banding spatiality. The unique spatiotemporal distribution of shear banding during nanoindentation is highlighted in terms of the potential energy landscape (PEL) theory.


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Using molecular dynamics simulations, we show that the mechanical deformation behaviors of single-crystalline nickel nanowires are quite different from their bulk counterparts. Correlation between the obtained stress-strain curves and the visualized defect evolution during deformation processes clearly demonstrates that a sequence of complex dislocation slip events results in a state of dislocation starvation, involving the nucleation and propagation of dislocations until they finally escape from the wires, so that the wires deform elastically until new dislocations are generated. (C) 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Metallic nanowires have many attractive properties such as ultra-high yield strength and large tensile elongation. However, recent experiments show that metallic nanowires often contain grain boundaries, which are expected to significantly affect mechanical properties. By using molecular dynamics simulations, here, we demonstrate that polycrystalline Cu nanowires exhibit tensile deformation behavior distinctly different from their single-crystal counterparts. A significantly lowered yield strength was observed as a result of dislocation emission from grain boundaries rather than from free surfaces, despite of the very high surface to volume ratio. Necking starts from the grain boundary followed by fracture, resulting in reduced tensile ductility. The high stresses found in the grain boundary region clearly play a dominant role in controlling both inelastic deformation and fracture processes in nanoscale objects. These findings have implications for designing stronger and more ductile structures and devices on nanoscale.


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Resumen: Los materiales plásticos utilizados en la industria del embalaje y transporte de mercaderías familiares e industriales, presentan numerosas ventajas que los han puesto en su lugar durante los últimos 50 años. En la actualidad, son miles de millones de toneladas anuales de bolsas o embalajes de polietileno, las que diariamente se producen, se usan, se recuperan (en muy pequeña parte) y son finalmente dispuestas, quemadas o literalmente arrojadas al medio ambiente. La alta estabilidad química o la muy baja tasa de degradación, hace que estos residuos perduren en el medio - en la mayoría de los casos por más de 100 años- dependiendo las condiciones ambientales locales. Hace pocos años, se adaptaron conocimientos científicos a esta problemática, y de ello nacieron dos formas de atacar la eliminación del plástico como desecho (más allá del reciclado y uso racional): por un lado, la utilización de bioplásticos con propiedades biodegradables; y por otro, el agregado de aditivos pro-degradantes a plásticos convencionales. El presente trabajo, tiene por objeto tomar a esta última herramienta, sobre la cual se han comenzado a estudiar los mecanismos químicos por los cuales cumplen su función, evaluándolos en distintas condiciones aceleradas de laboratorio. De esta manera, se caracterizaron velocidades de degradación abiótica mediante envejecimientos acelerados con radiación ultravioleta y térmica, para films de polietileno aditivados con un compuesto oxodegradante comercial. Se estudiaron distintas concentraciones de aditivo en el polímero, en función del tiempo de envejecimiento. Las caracterizaciones incluyeron análisis mecánico, análisis térmico diferencial, espectroscopía de absorción infrarroja y de Absorción Atómica.