995 resultados para Relative deprivation


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Two groups of rats with electrolytic lesions of the medial and upper septal area (MUL) or, alternatively, of the anteroventral portion of the third ventricle (AV3V) and a third group of sham-operated rats were water loaded and received three carbachol injections into the locus coeruleus according to the following schedule: 1) prelesion, 2) on the second postlesion day and 3) on the seventh postlesion day. Both MUL and AV3V lesions inhibited the carbachol-induced natriuresis on the second postlesion day. Recovery was almost complete after MUL but not after AV3V lesion on the seventh day. Water deprivation also reduced the carbachol-induced natriuresis but passive hydration of AV3V animals did not avoid the impairment induced by the lesion. Transient seizure phenomena such as clonic convulsions, salivation and analgesia subsequent to carbachol injection were not altered by the lesions.


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In the present work we consider a dynamical system of mum size particles around the Earth subject to the effects of radiation pressure. Our main goal is to study the evolution of its relative velocity with respect to the co-planar circular orbits that it crosses. The particles were initially in a circular geostationary orbit, and the particles size were in the range between 1 and 100 mum. The radiation pressure produces variations in its eccentricity, resulting in a change in its orbital velocity. The results indicated the maximum linear momentum and kinetic energy increases as the particle size increases. For a particle of 1 mum the kinetic energy is approximately 1.56 x 10(-7) J and the momentum is 6.27 x 10(-11) kg m/s and for 100 mum the energy is approximately 1.82 x 10(-4) J and the momentum is 2.14 x 10(-6) kg m/s. (C) 2004 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report on the use of dynamic scale theory and fractal analyses in a study of the growth stages of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of polyaniline and a neutral biphosphinic ruthenium complex, namely mer-[ RuCl3 (dppb)(py)] (dppb = 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphine) buthane, py = pyridine), Rupy. The LB films were deposited onto indium-tin-oxide substrates and characterized with atomic force microscopy. From the granular morphology exhibited by the films one could infer growth processes inside and outside the grains. Growth outside was found to follow the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang model, with fractal dimensions of about 2.7. As one would expect, inside the grains the morphology is close to a Euclidian surface with fractal dimension of about 2.


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We define a cohomological invariant E(G, S, M) where G is a group, S is a non empty family of (not necessarily distinct) subgroups of infinite index in G and M is a F2G-module (F2 is the field of two elements). In this paper we are interested in the special case where the family of subgroups consists of just one subgroup, and M is the F2G-module F2(G/S). The invariant E(G, {S}, F2(G/S)) will be denoted by E(G, S). We study the relations of this invariant with other ends e(G) , e(G, S) and e(G, S), and some results are obtained in the case where G and S have certain properties of duality.


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BACKGROUND. The extracellular matrix (ECM) has important roles in prostatic development, and marked stromal changes take place in the rat ventral prostate (VP) after androgen deprivation. However, little knowledge exists about individual ECM components.METHODS. The distribution of elastic fibers (EF) and elastic-related fibers (ERF) in the VP of castrated and control rats was investigated, using histochemistry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).RESULTS. EF are barely detected in the prostatic stroma, but ERF are relatively abundant. Castration results in a relative increase in the number and thickness of ERF. TEM showed an open network of ECM microfibrils throughout the stroma and thin and short EF, which increase in number and thickness after orchiectomy.CONCLUSIONS. The presence of elastic system components in the rat VP warrants the deformability required for the secretion exclusion under the action of smooth muscle cells, and the castration-induced modification may be related to the contraction of the tissue and maintenance of peculiar arrangements of other ECM components. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Reports of the effect of desynchronized sleep (DS) deprivation on body temperature (Tb) of rats in the literature are contradictory. Since conspicuous body weight loss is common in such deprivation, the effect of food plus DS deprivation on Tb of adult male Wistar rats was studied. DS deprivation carried out by the small platform method with food ad libitum(N = 8) induced hyperthermia (Tb above 38.5 degrees C) in 1 to 3 rats daily until the 8th day, when a case of discrete hypothermia (Tb below 36.9 degrees C) appeared. Food deprivation alone started to induce hypothermia on the third day in one (20%) out of five rats. Fasting imposed from the 5th to the 8th day of DS deprivation (N = 12) caused hypothermia in 33% and 67% ofthe animals on the second and third day of starvation, respectively. DS compensatory manifestations in 6 starved rats intensified (N = 2) or precipitated (N = 2) hypothermia after the end of sleep deprivation. It is concluded that the hypothermia is not a primary effect of DS deprivation, and this state of sleep seems to have its particular functional role which is independent of thermoregulation.


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We performed hyperglycemic clamps in 283 nondiabetic Caucasians and, with multiple linear regression, determined the contribution of beta-cell function and tissue insulin sensitivity to variations in glycemia and insulinemia during oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs). Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) subjects had reduced insulin sensitivity(P < .02) and beta-cell function (P < .0001). Normal glucose tolerance (NGT) subjects with first-degree type 2 diabetic relatives had reduced first and second phase insulin secretion (both, P < .05), but normal insulin sensitivity(P = .37). beta-Cell function and insulin sensitivity accounted for one fourth of the variability in glucose tolerance. Fasting plasma glucose in subjects with NGT (n = 185) was a function of both phases of insulin secretion and of insulin sensitivity tall, P < .05), whereas, in IGT subjects (n = 98), it was a function of first phase insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity(P < .01). Two-hour glycemia was a function of second phase secretion and insulin sensitivity (P < .01). Fasting and 2-hour plasma insulin levels were determined by insulin sensitivity land glycemia) in NGT subjects (P < .001), but by second phase secretion in IGT (P < .001). We conclude that beta-cell function is reduced in subjects with IGT; glycemia and insulinemia are not regulated by the same mechanisms in IGT and NGT; insulin sensitivity does not contribute to insulinemia in IGT; family history of diabetes influences beta-cell function, but not insulin sensitivity in Caucasians. Copyright (C) 2000 by W.B. Saunders Company.


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The electrochemical oxidation of caffeic, chlorogenic, sinapic, ferulic and p-coumaric acids was investigated by cyclic voltammetry on acetate buffer pH 5.6 on glassy carbon electrode and modified glassy carbon electrode. According to their voltammetric behavior, the antioxidant activity of these phenolic acids was evaluated and the results pointed to the following sequence: caffeic acid (E-a = +0.31 V) > chlorogenic acid (+ 0.38 V) > sinapic acid (+ 0.45 V) > ferulic acid (+ 0.53 V) >p-coumaric acid (+ 0.73 V). The results were confirmed by DPPH test, which evidenced the strongest antiradical activity for compounds possessing the cathecol moiety (caffeic and chlorogenic acids). Linear calibration graphs were obtained for their determination at concentrations from 1 x 10(-4) to 1 x 10(-3) mol L-1. The method was applied to orange juice. Selectivity was illustrated by the analysis of caffeic and chlorogenic acids electrodeposited on a glassy carbon electrode previously modified by electrochemical activation in the presence of ascorbic acid. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Adult male rats (n = 5-7 per group) were water deprived for 24 h with only food available. Then they had access to water for 2 h. At the end of the 2 h, 1.5% NaCl was offered to the animals and the intake was measured for another 2 h. The rats drank an average of 9.8 +/- 3.0 ml/120 min of 1.5% NaCl; water intake during this time was negligible (not more than 1.0 ml/120 min). Captopril injected IP at the doses of 12 and 24 mg/kg induced 60-90% inhibition of the intake. Losartan or PD123319 injected ICV induced 50-80% inhibition of the intake. Losartan (80 nmol) inhibited the intake at a lower dose than PD123319 (160 nmol). Neither losartan nor PD123319 inhibited 10% sucrose intake. The inhibition of 1.5% NaCl intake was not related to alterations in arterial pressure. The results show that the antagonism of the renin-angiotensin system inhibits the 1.5% NaCl intake induced by water deprivation. The inhibition induced by the angiotensin II antagonists suggest that this peptide is important for the control of salt intake induced by water deprivation.


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Arenaeus cribrarius is a mainly tropical crab that occurs in the Western Atlantic Ocean, Brazil being its type-locality. The species ranges from Vinevard Sound, Massachusetts, USA to La Paloma, Uruguay. Information about this species is scarce. The relative growth of A. cribrarius was analyzed, based on some morphometric relations, where the carapace width, excluding lateral spines (CW), was used as an independent variable. A total of 403 specimens (189 males and 214 females), was collected in Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, with otter-trawls. The animals were sexed and sorted to maturation phase (juvenile or adult). Some measurements were made: carapace (length and width excluding lateral spines), abdomen (greatest width of the fifth somite in females and the sixth in males) and major chela (greatest length, width and height, dactylus length). This study was made by the application of the power function (y=a.x(b)) which was fitted to the data and the pattern of growth established for each parameter by the ''b''-value (constant of allometry), as positive allometry (b>1), negative allometry (b<1) or isometry (b=1). The morphometric relations of the carapace showed a tendency to isometry. In females, the abdominal width grew in positive allometry, higher in juveniles (b=1.33) than in adults (b=1.18). In this case, an overlap and discontinuity was noticed between the phases over a carapace width range of 55 to 70 mm, where the puberty molt occurs. The majority of relationships showed that the major chela of the males grew in positive allometry, however, the greatest allometric difference between the phases was observed towards the propodus length with 1.09 as juvenile and 1.26 as adult ''b''values. In the males, this variable showed an inflection between the CW range of 45' to 55 mm, where the transition to the maturation phase occurs. The relative growth of this species is similar to those of previously studied species. This indicates, that the propodus length and the abdominal width are the morphometric variables most appropriate to estimate the size of the beginning of the sexual maturity for males and females of this species, respectively.