997 resultados para Red Giants. Activity. Abundance of lithium


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In the austral summer of 2006/7 the ANDRILL MIS (ANtarctic geological DRILLing- McMurdo Ice Shelf) project recovered a 1285 m sediment core from beneath the Ross Ice Shelf near Hut Point Peninsula, Ross Island, Antarctica in a flexural moat associated with the volcanic loading of Ross Island. Contained within the upper ~600 m of this core are sediments recording 38 glacial to interglacial cycles of Early Pliocene to Pleistocene time, including 13 discrete diatomite units (DU). The longest of these, DU XI, is ~76 m thick, contains two distinct unconformities marked by layers of volcanic brecciated sands, and has been assigned an Early to Mid-Pliocene age (5-3 Ma). A detailed record (avg. sample spacing of 33 cm) of the siliceous microfossil assemblages have been generated for DU XI and used in conjunction with geochemical and sedimentological data to subdivide DU XI into four discrete subunits of continuous sedimentation. Within each unit, changes in diatom assemblages have been correlated with the d18O record, providing a temporal resolution as high as 600 yr, and allowing for the construction of a detailed age model and calculation of associated sediment accumulation rates within DU XI. Results indicate a productivity-dominated sedimentary record with higher sediment accumulation rates containing a greater proportion of hemipelagic mud occurring during relatively cool periods and reduced accumulation during warmer intervals. This implies that even during periods of substantial warmth, Milankovitch-paced changes in Antarctic ice volume can be linked to ecological changes recorded as shifts in diatom assemblages.


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During the European Iron Fertilisation Experiment (EIFEX), performed in the Southern Ocean, we investigated the reactions of different phytoplankton size classes to iron fertilization, applying measurements of size fractionated pigments, particulate organic matter, microscopy, and flow cytometry. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations at 20-m depth increased more than fivefold following fertilization through day 26, while concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC), nitrogen (PON), and phosphorus (POP) roughly doubled through day 29. Concentrations of Chl a and particulate organic matter decreased toward the end of the experiment, indicating the demise of the iron-induced phytoplankton bloom. Despite a decrease in total diatom biomass at the end of the experiment, biogenic particulate silicate (bPSi) concentrations increased steadily due to a relative increase of heavily silicified diatoms. Although diatoms >10 µm were the main beneficiaries of iron fertilization, the growth of small diatoms (2-8 mm) was also enhanced, leading to a shift from a haptophyte- to a diatom-dominated community in this size fraction. The total biomass had lower than Redfield C : N, N : P, and C : P ratios but did not show significant trends after iron fertilization. This concealed various alterations in the elemental composition of the different size fractions. The microplankton (>20 µm) showed decreasing C : N and increasing N : P and C : P ratios, possibly caused by increased N uptake and the consumption of cellular P pools. The nanoplankton (2-20 µm) showed almost constant C : N and decreasing N : P and C : P ratios. Our results suggest that the latter is caused by a shift in composition of taxonomic groups.


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The SESRU02_macrozooplankton dataset contains data collected in September 2008 at 15 stations located between 37°E and 39.5°E and between 42.4°N and 44.5°N in the north-eastern Black Sea. Samples were collected with a Ring net. Vertical tows of a Ring net, with mouth area 0.5 m**2, mesh size 400?m. Sample was taken from the layer 0-45 m. Towing speed: 0.8m/s. Samples were analyzed on board without preservation. Sampling volume was estimated by multiplying the mouth area by the wire length. The entire sample was analyzed on board. Macrozooplankton species were identified and enumerated.