992 resultados para Re-introduction
Usual image fusion methods inject features from a high spatial resolution panchromatic sensor into every low spatial resolution multispectral band trying to preserve spectral signatures and improve spatial resolution to that of the panchromatic sensor. The objective is to obtain the image that would be observed by a sensor with the same spectral response (i.e., spectral sensitivity and quantum efficiency) as the multispectral sensors and the spatial resolution of the panchromatic sensor. But in these methods, features from electromagnetic spectrum regions not covered by multispectral sensors are injected into them, and physical spectral responses of the sensors are not considered during this process. This produces some undesirable effects, such as resolution overinjection images and slightly modified spectral signatures in some features. The authors present a technique which takes into account the physical electromagnetic spectrum responses of sensors during the fusion process, which produces images closer to the image obtained by the ideal sensor than those obtained by usual wavelet-based image fusion methods. This technique is used to define a new wavelet-based image fusion method.
[Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum (français). 1880]
Analysis of genetically engineered mice deficient in cell cycle regulators, including E2F1, cdk4, and pRB, showed that the major phenotypes are metabolic perturbations. These key cell cycle regulators contribute to lipid synthesis, glucose production, insulin secretion, and glycolytic metabolism. It has been shown that deregulation of these pathways can lead to metabolic perturbations and related metabolic diseases, such as obesity and type II diabetes. The cyclin-cdk-Rb-E2F1 pathway regulates adipogenesis in addition to its well-described roles in cell cycle regulation and cancer. It was also shown that E2F1 directly participates in the regulation of pancreatic growth and function. Similarly, cyclin D3, cdk4, and cdk9 are also adipogenic factors with strong effects on whole organism metabolism. These examples support the emerging notion that cell cycle regulatory proteins also modulate metabolic processes. These cell cycle regulators are activated by insulin and glucose, even in non-proliferating cells. Most importantly, these cell cycle regulators trigger the adaptive metabolic switch that normal and cancer cells require in order to proliferate. These changes include increased lipid synthesis, decreased oxidative metabolism, and increased glycolytic metabolism. In summary, these factors are essential regulators of anabolic biosynthetic processes, blocking at the same time oxidative and catabolic pathways, which is reminiscent of cancer cell metabolism.
SUMMARYDiabetes is characterized by insulin deficiency that results from the destruction of insulin-secreting pancreatic beta-cells (Type 1), or in part from beta-cell death and insulin secretion defects (Type 2). Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of beta cell neogenesis (to generate unlimited supply of beta cells for T1D transplantation] or identifying the specific genes that favors insulin secretion or beta-cell survival is of great importance for the management of diabetes. The transcriptional repressor RE-1 Silencing Transcription Factor (REST) restricts the expression of a large number of genes containing its binding element, called Repressor Element-1 (RE-1), to neurons and beta cells. To do so, REST is ubiquitously expressed but in neurons and beta cells. To identify these essential genes and their functional significance in beta cells, we have generated transgenic mice that express REST specifically in beta cells under the control of the rat insulin promoter (RIP-REST mice). This resulted in the repression of the RE-1- containing genes in beta cells, and we analyzed the consequences.We first showed that RIP-REST mice were glucose-intolerant because of a defective insulin secretion. To explain this defect, we identified that a subset of the REST target genes were necessary for insulin exocytosis, such as Snap25, Synaptotagmin (Syt) IX, Complexin II, and Ica512, and we further demonstrated that among the identified REST targets, Syt IV and VII were also involved in insulin release. We next analyzed a novel RIP-REST mouse line that featured diabetes and we showed that this defect was due to a major loss of beta-cell mass. To explain this phenotype, we identified REST target genes that were involved in beta-cell survival, such as Ibl, Irs2, Ica512 and Connexin36, and revealed that another REST target, Cdk5r2 is also involved in beta-cell protection. In a third part, we finally suggest that REST may be important for pancreatic endocrine differentiation, since transgenic mice expressing constitutive REST in pancreatic multipotent progenitors show impaired formation of Ngn3-expressing endocrine- committed precursors, and impaired formation of differentiated endocrine cells. Mapping the pattern of REST expression in wild type animals indicates that it is expressed in multipotent progenitors to become then excluded from endocrine cells. Preliminary results suggest that a downregulation of REST would result in relieved expression of at least the Mytl target, favoring subsequent acquisition of the endocrine competence by endocrine precursor cells.Thus, we propose that the REST/RE-1 system is an important feature for beta-cell neogenesis, function and survivalRESUMELe diabète se caractérise par une déficience en insuline qui résulte d'une destruction des cellules bêta (β) pancréatiques sécrétant l'insuline [Type 1], ou à un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline qui peut être associé à la mort des cellules β (Type 2). La compréhension des mécanismes de néogenèse des cellules β, ainsi que l'identification de gènes impliqués dans leur survie et dans le contrôle de la sécrétion d'insuline est donc importante pour le traitement du diabète. Le facteur de transcription de type répresseur, RE-1 Silencing Transcription Factor [REST], contribue à la spécificité d'expression dans les neurones et les cellules β, d'un grand nombre de gènes portant son motif de fixation, le Repressor Element-1 (RE-1). Pour cela, REST est exprimé dans toutes les cellules, sauf dans les neurones et les cellules β. Afin d'identifier les gènes cibles de REST ainsi que leur fonction au sein de la cellule β, nous avons généré des souris transgéniques qui expriment REST spécifiquement dans ces cellules, sous la dépendance du promoteur de l'insuline (souris RIP-REST]. Cette expression ectopique de REST a permis de diminuer l'expression des gènes contrôlés par REST, et d'en analyser les conséquences. Nous avons montré que les souris RIP-REST étaient intolérantes au glucose et que ceci était du à un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline. Pour expliquer ce phénotype, nous avons mis en évidence le fait que des gènes cibles de REST codent pour des protéines importantes pour l'exocytose de l'insuline, comme SNAP25, Synaptotagmin (Syt) IX, Complexin II ou ICA512. De plus, nous avons découvert deux nouvelles cibles de REST impliquées dans la sécrétion d'insuline, Syt IV et Syt VII. Par la suite, nous avons démontré qu'une nouvelle lignée de souris RIP-REST étaient atteintes d'un diabète sévère à cause d'une perte massive des cellules β. La disparition de ces cellules a été expliquée par l'identification de gènes cibles de REST impliqués dans la survie des cellules β, comme Ibl, Irs2, Ica512 ou la Connexine36. De plus, nous avons découvert qu'une nouvelle cible, Cdk5r2, était aussi impliquée dans la survie des cellules β. Dans une dernière partie, nous suggérons, grâce à l'analyse de nouvelles souris transgéniques exprimant constitutivement REST dans les cellules progénitrices du pancréas embryonnaire, que REST empêche la formation des précurseurs de cellules endocrines ainsi que la différenciation de ces cellules. L'analyse de l'expression de REST au cours du développement embryonnaire du pancréas indique que la diminution de l'expression de REST conduit en partie, à l'induction d'un de ses gènes cible Mytl, qui favorise la formation de précurseurs endocrines. Nous proposons donc que le système REST/RE-1 est important pour la génération, la fonction et la survie des cellules β.