987 resultados para Raspagem dentária


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The orthodontic movement is a result of the system of forces application and it depends on the response of periodontal tissues to this system. The forces must have a magnitude considered ideal, to has maximum response of tissue without pain or root resorption, and keep the health of the periodontal ligament, during all the tooth movement. Therefore, it seems adequate by means of an available literature to estimate parameters of ideal force, for different types of movements; with intention of assisting the orthodontists in optimum control of the tooth movement and thus to diminish the possibility to generate deleterious effects.


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The increased interest in orthodontics by adults has led companies to develop new treatment alternatives that use less visible and more aesthetic orthodontic appliances. The aesthetic aligners stand out among the treatment options that attend these expectations. This paper presented some relevant aspects of these devices, as well as two cases treated with Essix MTM (Dentsply) system, in which all aesthetic and functional objectives proposed treatment have been achieved. The results of this study support the idea that, when properly indicated, aesthetic aligners are a viable treatment option within the clinical routine of the orthodontist.


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Bite block is a functional orthodontic appliance that promotes relative intrusion or dental eruption inhibition. The purpose of this study is to present the effects of bite block on the treatment of an open bite case report.


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Following the introduction of the acid-etching technique in enamel surface, direct attachment of orthodontic appliances on the surface of the tooth and/or restorations became a routine procedure in the assembly of the fixed devices. The attainment of a success result is related to the criterion attention to the details and the steps of the bonding technique, as well as, to the knowledge of the characteristics of the adhesive materials and orthodontic brackets. This paper presents some aspects of various types of brackets and adhesives materials.


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Direct bonding of orthodontics attachments to the teeth or restoration has become a routine in fixed appliance therapy. The technique used seems to be simple, but meticulous attention to detail and steps, a thorough understanding of factors involved are needed to ensure a successful outcome into different surfaces. It is the purpose of this article to review concerning aspects to orthodontic bonding in enamel and restorations fabricated from different materials; affording assistance to the reader wiser accomplishment and successful procedure.


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Diagnosis and planning stages are critical to the success of orthodontic treatment, in which the orthodontist should have many elements that contribute to the most appropriate decision-making. The orthodontic set-up is an important resource in the planning of corrective orthodontics therapy. It consists of the repositioning of the teeth previously removed from the study dental casts and reassembled on its remaining basis. When properly made, the set-up allows a three-dimensional preview of problems and limitations of the case, assisting in decision-making regarding tooth extractions in cases with problems of space, amount of anchorage loss extent and type of tooth movement, discrepancy of dental arch perimeter, discrepancy of inter-arch tooth volume, among others, indicating the best option for treatment. This paper outlines the most important steps for its confection, an evaluation system and its application in the preparation of orthodontic treatment planning.


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Introduction: Ertty System® is an intraoral system of biomechanical forces to move teeth anteroposteriorly. The application of forces on this system results in the distalization of the molar and all lateral segment in the side to be distalized, including premolars and canine, resulting in alveolar bone remodeling. This system is indicated to correct uni- or bilateral maxillary dental Class II malocclusion in permanent dentition both in children and adults. It is contraindicated in case of skeletal asymmetries, protrusion of maxillary and mandibular teeth, skeletal Class II and Class II subdivision malocclusions with mandibular midline deviation. This study describes Ertty System® and presents two clinical cases treated using this system. The two female patients presented with Class II malocclusion subdivision and maxillary midline deviation. Results: It was achieved correct alignment and leveling, Class I dental relation and correction of upper midline. Conclusion: The success and stability of results confirmed diagnosis and treatment adequacy.


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The correction of a Class III malocclusion in adult patients is one of the major challenges in orthodontics due to facial deformities occurring during the unfavorable growth of this kind of pattern, as well as the treatment options capable of producing facial changes aesthetically acceptable and adequate for today's beauty standards. One acceptable alternative treatment is the removal of a lower incisor. For a Class III correction through a lower incisor extraction a thorough analysis and planning must be carried out by taking into consideration the amount of overjet and overbite, periodontal condition of the teeth and the possibility of obtaining a good dental occlusion with acceptable facial aesthetics. Will be presented two case reports of patients presenting an anteroinferior crowding, Class III malocclusion condition. The treatment through a lower incisor extraction and the reasons why this treatment was adopted will be discussed.


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O tratamento ortodôntico de pacientes periodontalmente comprometidos requer abordagem interdisciplinar que envolva diferentes especialidades odontológicas para que sejam obtidos resultados estéticos e funcionais satisfatórios. Normalmente, pacientes adultos com problemas periodontais apresentam migração dentária, erupção patológica e diastemas. Essas alterações de posição, geralmente, são o resultado da falta de equilíbrio entre o suporte periodontal e as forças oclusais que estão atuando nos dentes durante a mastigação e movimentos funcionais.


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Diagnosis and planning stages are critical to the success of orthodontic treatment, in which the orthodontist should have many elements that contribute to the most appropriate decision-making. The orthodontic set-up is an important resource in the planning of corrective orthodontics therapy. It consists of the repositioning of the teeth previously removed from the study dental casts and reassembled on its remaining basis. When properly made, the set-up allows a three-dimensional preview of problems and limitations of the case, assisting in decision-making regarding tooth extractions in cases with problems of space, amount of anchorage loss extent and type of tooth movement, discrepancy of dental arch perimeter, discrepancy of inter-arch tooth volume, among others, indicating the best option for treatment. This paper outlines the most important steps for its confection, an evaluation system and its application in the preparation of orthodontic treatment planning.


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Patients with agenesis of maxillary lateral incisor must have in your planning functional and aesthetic considerations, important to the success of the treatment, regardless of whether the choice of treatment is closing or opening and maintenance of space for rehabilitation with prosthesis. This choice will depend on factors such as skeletal and tooth structure and profile. Children and adolescents are the group of individuals most exposed to trauma and fracture of the maxillary lateral incisor due to the activities they perform. Proper diagnosis and good treatment are essential to the success of the treatment. This article aims to report a case of agenesis of the maxillary lateral incisor along with the involvement of a root fracture of the maxillary central incisor. The orthodontic treatment was successfully finished with a favorable prognosis for the fractured incisor to stay in a esthetic and functional position.


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Despite the strong valorization of the esthetics and its relationship with restorative materials, the biological principles of any clinical procedure are extremely important to maintain the vitality of the dentin-pulp complex. Dentin and pulp tissue are susceptible to different kinds of irritants such as toxins from microorganisms, traumatic procedures of cavity preparation, as well as toxic components released by restorative materials applied in non recommended clinical situations. Initially, the pulp responds to irritation by starting an inflammatory reaction which involves outward movement of dentinal fluid and intratubular deposition of immunoglobulins, upregulation of odontoblast activities, presence of immune cells and their cytokines as well as local expression of neuropeptides and chemokines. After these initial events, the inflammation process can be resolved associated or not to sclerotic dentin formation and reactionary dentin deposition. If high intensity offensive stimuli are applied to the dentin-pulp complex, death of odontoblasts takes place and consequently pulp ageing or even partial necrosis of this tissue may occurs. Thereby, clinicians need to be aware about the physiological and pathological features of the dentin-pulp complex as well as the possible biological consequences of different clinical procedures. In this way, the dentists should be able to carry out minimally aggressive operative techniques and to select the more appropriate restorative materials for each specific clinical situation in order to obtain excellent clinical results associated to the maintenance of pulp vitality.


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This study ev aluated oral health indic ators by determining the pr evalence of dental c aries, periodontal diseases, prosthetic conditions and need in pr egnant women; identifi ed self-perceived oral health status and evaluated association bet ween variables. A clinical examination was performed in fi fty pregnant women assisted in the Preventive Dentistry Clinic-FOAr-UNESP using traditional oral health indicators: DMFT, C ommunity Periodontal Index ( CPI) and pr osthetic c onditions. A semi-struc tured questionnair e was applied to identify oral health perception and to collect sociodemographic variables. For data analysis, pregnant women were allocated in three groups according to their oral health perception (good, fair, poor) and compared according to clinical variables by the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests. DMFT was high, all of them showed periodontal changes, most do not use and do not r equire any type of prosthesis; 36% considered their oral appearance as good. There was signifi cant diff erence between groups for the DMFT index and prosthetic need. It may be concluded that despite dental caries experience of pregnant women was found to be high, the prosthetic need have been detected in most of them and the presence of calculus was observed in all the volunteers, the majority considered their oral health status satisfactory.


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To evaluate the effect of chlorhexidine (CHX) on the wettability of sound and caries affected dentin by a simplified adhesive system. Material and Methods: Flat coronal dentin surfaces were produced on 60 sound molars, 30 of which were artificially decayed. The teeth were divided randomly into 3 groups (n = 10) with smear layer (SL), without SL impregnated with water and without SL impregnated with chlorhexidine. The SL removal was performed by phosphoric acid etching for 15 s. 20 uL of distilled water or 2% chlorhexidine digluconate were applied on the demineralized dentin for 60 s. Then, a drop of Single Bond 2 was deposited on each surface. Contact angles between dentin surface and adhesive was measured by means of a goniometer and data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey tests (α = 0.05). Results: Higher contact angles were obtained on sound versus caries affected dentin (p <0.05), regardeless of the surface treatment. For both substrates, contact angles statistically higher were obtained for dentin covered with SL (P <0.05). The SL removal resulted in significant reduction of the angles (P <0.05) and no difference was found among angles produced on demineralized dentin impregnated with water or chlorhexidine (p> 0.05). Conclusion: Caries affected dentin wettability was higher than sound dentin and that characteristic was not influenced by chlorhexidine application.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) when used in combination with autogenous bone graft and bioabsorbable membrane (Resolut® ) in the treatment of Class  III furcation defects in dogs. Material and method: Class III furcation defects (5 mm in height and in depth) were surgically created in the mandibular third premolars of five mongrel dogs. After nine weeks, the lesions were treated with scaling and root planning and each defect received one of the following treatments: autogenous bone graft + membrane (group C) or PRP + autogenous bone graft + membrane (group T). After a healing period of 90 days, the animals were sacrificed. Routine histological processing and staining with hematoxilyn and eosin and Masson trichrome were performed and a histomorphometric analysis determined the effect of the treatments on periodontal tissue regereneration. Data were analyzed by Hotelling’s T-squared (p < 0.05). Result: No statistically significant difference between C and T groups was observed by the histomorphometric analysis of the furcation area. Both treatment groups demonstrated similar regenerative results with the furcation defects partially filled and periodontal regeneration limited to the experimental notches of the lesions. (p > 0.05). Conclusion: According to the present results, PRP does not enhance the periodontal regeneration in class III furcation defects treated with autogenous bone graft and bioabsorbable membrane.