968 resultados para ROLLING


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Finite element analysis (FEA) of nonlinear problems in solid mechanics is a time consuming process, but it can deal rigorously with the problems of both geometric, contact and material nonlinearity that occur in roll forming. The simulation time limits the application of nonlinear FEA to these problems in industrial practice, so that most applications of nonlinear FEA are in theoretical studies and engineering consulting or troubleshooting. Instead, quick methods based on a global assumption of the deformed shape have been used by the roll-forming industry. These approaches are of limited accuracy. This paper proposes a new form-finding method - a relaxation method to solve the nonlinear problem of predicting the deformed shape due to plastic deformation in roll forming. This method involves applying a small perturbation to each discrete node in order to update the local displacement field, while minimizing plastic work. This is iteratively applied to update the positions of all nodes. As the method assumes a local displacement field, the strain and stress components at each node are calculated explicitly. Continued perturbation of nodes leads to optimisation of the displacement field. Another important feature of this paper is a new approach to consideration of strain history. For a stable and continuous process such as rolling and roll forming, the strain history of a point is represented spatially by the states at a row of nodes leading in the direction of rolling to the current one. Therefore the increment of the strain components and the work-increment of a point can be found without moving the object forward. Using this method we can find the solution for rolling or roll forming in just one step. This method is expected to be faster than commercial finite element packages by eliminating repeated solution of large sets of simultaneous equations and the need to update boundary conditions that represent the rolls.


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10,000 Steps Rockhampton is a multi-strategy health promotion program which aims to develop sustainable community-based strategies to increase physical activity.The central coordinating focus of the project is the use of pedometers to raise awareness of and provide motivation for physical activity, around the theme of '10,000 steps/day - Every step counts.' To date, five key strategies have been implemented: (1) a media-based awareness raising campaign; (2) promotion of physical activity by health professionals; (3) improving social support for physical activity through group-based programs; (4) working with local council to improve environmental support for physical activity; and (5) establishment of a ‘micro-grants’ fund to which community groups could apply for assistance with small, innovative physical activity enhancing projects. Strategies were introduced on a rolling basis beginning in February 2002 with 'layering' of interventions designed to address the multi-level individual social and environmental determinants of physical activity. The project was quasi-experimental in design, involving collection of baseline and two year follow-up data from community based surveys in Rockhampton and in a matched regional Queensland town. In August 2001,the baseline CATI survey (N=1281)found that 47.9% of men and 33.0% of women were meeting the national guidelines for physical activity. In August 2002, a smaller survey (N=400) found an increase in activity levels among women (39.7% active) but not in men (48.5%). Data from the two year follow up survey, to be conducted in August 2003, will be presented, with discussion of the major successes and challenges of this landmark physical activity intervention. Acknowledgement: This project is supported by a grant from Health Promotion Queensland


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Este estudo teve por objetivos, identificar a percepção do padrasto sobre suas relações com seu(s) enteado(s) e identificar a percepção do padrasto acerca da sua função e papel na família. Utilizou-se de uma investigação clínica de referencial psicanalítico que levantou os dados por meio de entrevistas semi-dirigidas e do Desenho de família com estórias, em 3 participantes adultos e que eram padrastos. Os atendimentos foram realizados em ambiente de consultório, respeitando-se questões técnicas e éticas da pesquisa e da Psicologia em especial, tais como sigilo e consentimento dos participantes. A análise do conteúdo mostrou que havia peculiaridades em cada caso estudado, entretanto, havia fatores comuns em seus sentimentos e ações sobre a família e enteados: a) houve uma ambivalência pois tanto se perceberam como homens provedores e orientadores dos filhos e enteados, quanto havia também uma a percepção de que os sentimentos pelo filho biológico eram diferentes daqueles sentidos por seus enteados. b) todos os padrastos revelaram entraves nas relações por uma não definição clara de seu papel e função no contexto familiar, muitas vezes reforçado pelas esposas- mães, tidas como aquelas que detém o poder sobre o filho/enteado e, esta confusão gerava rivalidade entre padrasto e enteado, numa disputa pelo amor da esposa e mãe. c) do ponto de vista psíquico, foi observado que muitos conflitos os remetiam aos períodos precoces do desenvolvimento, especialmente à resolução edipiana, como numa reedição; assim, o exercício da função de padrasto se dá à base da qualidade de suas relações com seus pais na infância tal como se dá no exercício da paternidade consangüínea. De modo que, a função de padrasto, assim como a paterna se dá por um compromisso evolutivo . Sugerem-se outros trabalhos, pois se entendeu que esse tipo de estudo relacionado à Psicologia do desenvolvimento pode auxiliar em ações de saúde e prevenção em saúde mental.


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Solid dispersions can be used to improve dissolution of poorly soluble drugs and PVP is a common polymeric carrier in such systems. The mechanisms controlling release of drug from solid dispersions are not fully understood and proposed theories are dependent on an understanding of the dissolution behaviour of both components of the dispersion. This study uses microviscometry to measure small changes in the viscosity of the dissolution medium as the polymer dissolves from ibuprofen-PVP solid dispersions. The microviscometer determines the dynamic and kinematic viscosity of liquids based on the rolling/falling ball principle. Using a standard USP dissolution apparatus, the dissolution of the polymer from the solid dispersion was easily measured alongside drug release. Drug release was found to closely follow polymer dissolution at the molecular weights and ratios used. The combination of sensitivity and ease of use make microviscometry a valuable technique for the elucidation of mechanisms governing drug release from polymeric delivery systems. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Guest editorial: This special issue has been drawn from papers that were published as part of the Second European Conference on Management of Technology (EuroMOT) which was held at Aston Business School (Birmingham, UK) 10-12 September 2006. This was the official European conference for the International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT); the overall theme of the conference was “Technology and global integration.” There were many high-calibre papers submitted to the conference and published in the associated proceedings (Bennett et al., 2006). The streams of interest that emerged from these submissions were the importance of: technology strategy, innovation, process technologies, managing change, national policies and systems, research and development, supply chain technology, service and operational technology, education and training, small company incubation, technology transfer, virtual operations, technology in developing countries, partnership and alliance, and financing and investment. This special issue focuses upon the streams of interest that accentuate the importance of collaboration between different organisations. Such organisations vary greatly in character; for instance, they may be large or small, publicly or privately owned, and operate in manufacturing or service sectors. Despite these varying characteristics they all have something in common; they all stress the importance of inter-organisational collaboration as a critical success factor for their organisation. In today's global economy it is essential that organisations decide what their core competencies are what those of complementing organisations are. Core competences should be developed to become a bases of differentiation, leverage and competitive advantage, whilst those that are less mature should be outsourced to other organisations that can claim to have had more recognition and success in that particular core competence (Porter, 2001). This strategic trend can be observed throughout advanced economies and is growing strongly. If a posteriori reasoning is applied here it follows that organisations could continue to become more specialised in fewer areas whilst simultaneously becoming more dependent upon other organisations for critical parts of their operations. Such actions seem to fly in the face of rational business strategy and so the question must be asked: why are organisations developing this way? The answer could lie in the recent changes in endogenous and exogenous factors of the organisation; the former emphasising resource-based issues in the short-term, and strategic positioning in the long-term whilst the later emphasises transaction costs in the short-term and acquisition of new skills and knowledge in the long-term. For a harmonious balance of these forces to prevail requires organisations to firstly declare a shared meta-strategy, then to put some cross-organisational processes into place which have their routine operations automated as far as possible. A rolling business plan would review, assess and reposition each organisation within this meta-strategy according to how well they have contributed (Binder and Clegg, 2006). The important common issue here is that an increasing number of businesses today are gaining direct benefit from increasing their levels of inter-organisational collaboration. Such collaboration has largely been possible due to recent technological advances which can make organisational structures more agile (e.g. the extended or the virtual enterprise), organisational infra-structure more connected, and the sharing of real-time information an operational reality. This special issue consists of research papers that have explored the above phenomenon in some way. For instance, the role of government intervention, the use of internet-based technologies, the role of research and development organisations, the changing relationships between start-ups and established firms, the importance of cross-company communities of practice, the practice of networking, the front-loading of large-scale projects, innovation and the probabilistic uncertainties that organisations experience are explored in these papers. The cases cited in these papers are limited as they have a Eurocentric focus. However, it is hoped that readers of this special issue will gain a valuable insight into the increasing importance of collaborative practices via these studies.


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This paper explores the importance of collaboration between different types of organizations within an enterprise. To achieve successful collaboration requires both endogenous and exogenous factors of each organization to be considered and a shared meta-strategy supported by shared cross-organizational processes and technology. A rolling business plan would periodically review, assess and reposition each organization within this meta-strategy according to how well they have contributed. We show that recent technological advances have made organizational structures more agile, organizational infra-structure more connected and the sharing of real-time information an operational reality; we also discuss the challenges and risks.


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The continuing threat of infectious disease and future pandemics, coupled to the continuous increase of drug-resistant pathogens, makes the discovery of new and better vaccines imperative. For effective vaccine development, antigen discovery and validation is a prerequisite. The compilation of information concerning pathogens, virulence factors and antigenic epitopes has resulted in many useful databases. However, most such immunological databases focus almost exclusively on antigens where epitopes are known and ignore those for which epitope information was unavailable. We have compiled more than 500 antigens into the AntigenDB database, making use of the literature and other immunological resources. These antigens come from 44 important pathogenic species. In AntigenDB, a database entry contains information regarding the sequence, structure, origin, etc. of an antigen with additional information such as B and T-cell epitopes, MHC binding, function, gene-expression and post translational modifications, where available. AntigenDB also provides links to major internal and external databases. We shall update AntigenDB on a rolling basis, regularly adding antigens from other organisms and extra data analysis tools. AntigenDB is available freely at http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/antigendb and its mirror site http://www.bic.uams.edu/raghava/antigendb.


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It is widely accepted that the Thatcher years and their immediate aftermath were associated with substantive social and organizational change. The privatisation programme, 'the rolling back of the State', prosecuted by the successive Conservative Governments from 1979-1997 was a central pillar of Governmental policy. This thesis seeks to engage with privatization through the of CoastElectric, a newly privatised Regional Electricity Company. This thesis contributes to the extant understanding of the dynamics of organizational change in four major ways. Firstly, the study into CoastElectric addresses the senior management decision making within the organization: in particular, it will attempt to make sense of 'why' particular decisions were made. The theoretical backdrop to this concern will draw on the concepts of normalization, cultural capital and corporate fashion. The argument presented in this thesis is that the decision-making broadly corresponded with that which could be considered to be at the vanguard of mangerialist thought. However, a detailed analysis suggested that at different junctures in CoastElectric's history there were differences in the approach to decision making that warranted further analysis. The most notable finding was that the relative levels of new managerialist cultural capital possessed by the decision-making elite had an important bearing upon whether the decision was formulated either endogenously or exogenously, with the assistance of cultural intermediaries such as management consultants. The thesis demonstrates the importance of the broader discourse of new managerialism in terms of shaping what is considered to be a 'commonsensical, rational' strategy. The second concern of this thesis is that of the process of organizational change. The study of CoastElectric attempts to provide a rich account of the dynamics of organizational change. This is realized through, first, examining the pre-existing context of the organization; second, through analyzing the power politics of change interventions. The master concepts utilised in this endeavour are that of: dividing practices, the establishment of violent hierarchies between competing discourses; symbolic violence; critical turning points; recursiveness; creative destruction; legitimation strategies and the reconstitution of subjects in the workplace.


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There is some evidence to suggest that nitriding of alloy steels, in particular high speed tool steels, under carefully controlled conditions might sharply increase rolling contact fatigue resistance. However, the subsurface shear stresses developed in aerospace bearing applications tend to occur at depths greater than the usual case depths currently produced by nitriding. Additionally, case development must be limited with certain materials due to case spalling and may not always be sufficient to achieve the current theoretical depths necessary to ensure that peak stresses occur within the case. It was the aim of' this work to establish suitable to overcome this problem by plasma nitriding. To assist this development a study has been made of prior hardening treatment, case development, residual stress and case cracking tendency. M2 in the underhardened, undertempered and fully hardened and tempered conditions all responded similarly to plasma nitriding - maximum surface hardening being achieved by plasma nitriding at 450°C. Case development varied linearly with increasing treatment temperature and also with the square root of the treatment time. Maximum surface hardness of M5O and Tl steels was achieved by plasma nitriding in 15% nitrogen/85% hydrogen and varied logarithmically with atmosphere nitrogen content. The case-cracking contact stress varied linearly with nitriding temperature for M2. Tl and M5O supported higher stresses after nitriding in low nitrogen plasma atmospheres. Unidirectional bending fatigue of M2 has been improved up to three times the strength of the fully hardened and tempered condition by plasma nitriding for 16hrs at 400°C. Fatigue strengths of Tl and M5O have been improved by up to 30% by plasma nitriding for 16hrs at 450°C in a 75% hydrogen/25% nitrogen atmosphere.


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The principal aim of this work was to determine the role of non-metallic inclusions in the process of hydrogen stepwise cracking (SWC). Additionally, the influence of inclusions upon the notch ductility of hydrogen charged (HC) and uncharged (UN) tensile specimens was examined. To obtain a basis for experiment a series of low carbon-manganese steels were prepared by induction melting. In order to produce variations in the composition, morphology, volume fraction, size and distribution of the inclusions the steel chemistry was adjusted prior to casting by additions of deoxidiser and Ca-Si injection. Sections of each ingot were hot rolled. Metallography, image analysis, mechanical tests and hydrogen SWC tests were then carried out. The volume fraction, morphology, and shape of inclusions influenced the tensile ductility of the steels. Marked anisotropy was found in the steels containing type II MnS inclusions at all rolling temperatures, whereas the fully Ca treated steel was isotropic. It was found that several inclusion parameters (projected length PL, mean free distance MFD, nearest-neighbour distance NND) correlated with fracture strain. An increase in inclusion volume fraction and/or the dimension of inclusions on a plane parallel to the plane of fracture led to a decrease in fracture strain. The inclusion parameters did not correlate with the fracture strains for the HC tensile specimens. However, large or clusters of inclusions acted as the principal sites for crack initiation. `Fisheyes' or areas of `flat' fracture were often found on these fracture surfaces. The criteria for SWC initiation was found to be either large inclusions or clusters of inclusions. As the PL of inclusions increased the probability of large SWCs occurring increased. SWC initiation at inclusions was believed to occur at a critical concentration of hydrogen. Factors which assisted the concentration of hydrogen at inclusions were discussed. None of the proposed mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement could be identified as the single cause of SWC.


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Changes in modern structural design have created a demand for products which are light but possess high strength. The objective is a reduction in fuel consumption and weight of materials to satisfy both economic and environmental criteria. Cold roll forming has the potential to fulfil this requirement. The bending process is controlled by the shape of the profile machined on the periphery of the rolls. A CNC lathe can machine complicated profiles to a high standard of precision, but the expertise of a numerical control programmer is required. A computer program was developed during this project, using the expert system concept, to calculate tool paths and consequently to expedite the procurement of the machine control tapes whilst removing the need for a skilled programmer. Codifying the expertise of a human and the encapsulation of knowledge within a computer memory, destroys the dependency on highly trained people whose services can be costly, inconsistent and unreliable. A successful cold roll forming operation, where the product is geometrically correct and free from visual defects, is not easy to attain. The geometry of the sheet after travelling through the rolling mill depends on the residual strains generated by the elastic-plastic deformation. Accurate evaluation of the residual strains can provide the basis for predicting the geometry of the section. A study of geometric and material non-linearity, yield criteria, material hardening and stress-strain relationships was undertaken in this research project. The finite element method was chosen to provide a mathematical model of the bending process and, to ensure an efficient manipulation of the large stiffness matrices, the frontal solution was applied. A series of experimental investigations provided data to compare with corresponding values obtained from the theoretical modelling. A computer simulation, capable of predicting that a design will be satisfactory prior to the manufacture of the rolls, would allow effort to be concentrated into devising an optimum design where costs are minimised.


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A detailed literature survey confirmed cold roll-forming to be a complex and little understood process. In spite of its growing value, the process remains largely un-automated with few principles used in set-up of the rolling mill. This work concentrates on experimental investigations of operating conditions in order to gain a scientific understanding of the process. The operating conditions are; inter-pass distance, roll load, roll speed, horizontal roll alignment. Fifty tests have been carried out under varied operating conditions, measuring section quality and longitudinal straining to give a picture of bending. A channel section was chosen for its simplicity and compatibility with previous work. Quality measurements were measured in terms of vertical bow, twist and cross-sectional geometric accuracy, and a complete method of classifying quality has been devised. The longitudinal strain profile was recorded, by the use of strain gauges attached to the strip surface at five locations. Parameter control is shown to be important in allowing consistency in section quality. At present rolling mills are constructed with large tolerances on operating conditions. By reduction of the variability in parameters, section consistency is maintained and mill down-time is reduced. Roll load, alignment and differential roll speed are all shown to affect quality, and can be used to control quality. Set-up time is reduced by improving the design of the mill so that parameter values can be measured and set, without the need for judgment by eye. Values of parameters can be guided by models of the process, although elements of experience are still unavoidable. Despite increased parameter control, section quality is variable, if only due to variability in strip material properties. Parameters must therefore be changed during rolling. Ideally this can take place by closed-loop feedback control. Future work lies in overcoming the problems connected with this control.


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Cold roll forming is an extremely important but little studied sheet metal forming process. In this thesis, the process of cold roll forming is introduced and it is seen that form roll design is central to the cold roll forming process. The conventional design and manufacture of form rolls is discussed and it is observed that surrounding the design process are a number of activities which although peripheral are time consuming and a possible source of error. A CAD/CAM system is described which alleviates many of the problems traditional to form roll design. New techniques for the calculation of strip length and controlling the means of forming bends are detailed. The CAD/CAM system's advantages and limitations are discussed and, whilst the system has numerous significant advantages, its principal limitation can be said to be the need to manufacture form rolls and test them on a mill before a design can be stated satisfactory. A survey of the previous theoretical and experimental analysis of cold roll forming is presented and is found to be limited. By considering the previous work, a method of numerical analysis of the cold roll forming process is proposed based on a minimum energy approach. Parallel to the numerical analysis, a comprehensive range of software has been developed to enhance the designer's visualisation of the effects of his form roll design. A complementary approach to the analysis of form roll design is the generation of form roll design, a method for the partial generation of designs is described. It is suggested that the two approaches should continue in parallel and that the limitation of each approach is knowledge of the cold roll forming process. Hence, an initial experimental investigation of the rolling of channel sections is described. Finally, areas of potential future work are discussed.


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The bearings in the air motors of modern jet aircraft engines must operate dry in hostile conditions at temperatures up to 500° C, where the thrust races in the actuators operate at temperatures up to 300° C. One of the few metallurgical combinations which can function efficiently under these conditions is martensitic stainless steel on tungsten carbide. The work described was initiated to isolate the wear mechanisms of two such steels in contact with tungsten carbide at temperatures up to 500° C. Experiments were carried out on angular contact bearings similar to these used in service, where both rolling and sliding is present and also for pure sliding conditions using a pin-on-disc apparatus. Wear measurements of the bearings were obtained with wear rates, friction and surface temperatures from the pin-on-disc machine for a series of loads and speeds. Extensive X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out on the wear debris, with also S.E.M. analysis and hardness tests on the worn surfaces along with profilometry measurements of the disc. The oxidational parameters of the steel were obtained from measurements of oxide growth rates by ellipsometry. Three distinct mechanisms of wear were established and the latter two were found to be present in both configurations. These involve an oxidational-abrasive mechanism at loads below 40 N with pin surface temperatures up to about 300 °C, with the mechanism changing to severe wear for higher loads. As the temperature increases a third wear mechanism appears due to transfer of relatively soft oxide films to the steel surface reducing the wear rate. Theoretical K factors were derived and compared with experimental values which were found to be in good agreement for the severe wear mechanism. The pin-on-disc experiments may be useful as a screening test for material selection, without the considerable cost of producing the angular contact bearings.


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In recent years dual phase steels comprising of 5-20% martensite in a ferrite matrix have come into the limelight of high strength cold formable steels because of their potential for vehicle weight saving. They show the following features: no yield point; relatively low initial flow stress; high initial workhardening rate; well sustained work hardening. As a consequence of these characteristics, dual phase steels exhibit a better combination of strength and elongation than other HSLA steels. In this thesis, a broad view of the factors which influence their properties is presented. Mechanical properties and forming ability of a commercially available dual phase steel and an AL-Si killed steel processed to dual phase form are investigated to ascertain the effect of their microstructure on their properties. It is found that the yield phenomena are masked by the transformation induced stresses present during processing and so yield point could be recovered under suitable ageing treatment; that apart from giving the above properties dual phasing gives rise to very low strain-rate sensitivity and a low R value ~ 1; that the mechanical response under rolling conditions is not different from those under tension; that there is a danger of damage to tooling during forming operations of these steels if fracture should precede instability as a result of grain size dependent strength found for these steels. It is also found that very little deformation of the martensite islands took place during deformation except at high strains. The work-hardening and the strength levels can be controlled by either decreasing the grain size or increasing the martensite volume fraction, but it is found that increasing martensite has a detrimental effect on ductility and the ductility and fracture strength can be controlled better by refining the grain size. A remarkable effect found in the dual phase steel tested is that the compressive strength is higher than the tensile strength. The reason for this observation is not yet clear but it is suggested that it might be due to the introduction of emissary type dislocations into the ferrite lattice as a result of twins formed in the martensite during transformation from austenite. The twins are envisaged to be {111} <112> in character.