919 resultados para RESOLVENT OF OPERATORS
This paper is a survey of our recent results on the bispectral problem. We describe a new method for constructing bispectral algebras of any rank and illustrate the method by a series of new examples as well as by all previously known ones. Next we exhibit a close connection of the bispectral problem to the representation theory of W1+∞–algerba. This connection allows us to explain and generalise to any rank the result of Magri and Zubelli on the symmetries of the manifold of the bispectral operators of rank and order two.
* Partially supported by Grant MM-428/94 of MESC.
Bayesian algorithms pose a limit to the performance learning algorithms can achieve. Natural selection should guide the evolution of information processing systems towards those limits. What can we learn from this evolution and what properties do the intermediate stages have? While this question is too general to permit any answer, progress can be made by restricting the class of information processing systems under study. We present analytical and numerical results for the evolution of on-line algorithms for learning from examples for neural network classifiers, which might include or not a hidden layer. The analytical results are obtained by solving a variational problem to determine the learning algorithm that leads to maximum generalization ability. Simulations using evolutionary programming, for programs that implement learning algorithms, confirm and expand the results. The principal result is not just that the evolution is towards a Bayesian limit. Indeed it is essentially reached. In addition we find that evolution is driven by the discovery of useful structures or combinations of variables and operators. In different runs the temporal order of the discovery of such combinations is unique. The main result is that combinations that signal the surprise brought by an example arise always before combinations that serve to gauge the performance of the learning algorithm. This latter structures can be used to implement annealing schedules. The temporal ordering can be understood analytically as well by doing the functional optimization in restricted functional spaces. We also show that there is data suggesting that the appearance of these traits also follows the same temporal ordering in biological systems. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
* The second author is supported by the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation. He is on leave from: Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Beijing 100080, People’s Republic of China.
Nonlinearity plays a critical role in the intra-cavity dynamics of high-pulse energy fiber lasers. Management of the intra-cavity nonlinear dynamics is the key to increase the output pulse energy in such laser systems. Here, we examine the impact of the order of the intra-cavity elements on the energy of generated pulses in the all-normal dispersion mode-locked ring fiber laser cavity. In mathematical terms, the nonlinear light dynamics in resonator makes operators corresponding to the action of laser elements (active and passive fiber, out-coupler, saturable absorber) non-commuting and the order of their appearance in a cavity important. For the simple design of all-normal dispersion ring fiber laser with varying cavity length, we found the order of the cavity elements, leading to maximum output pulse energy.
The basic conceptions of the model „entity-relationship” as entities, relationships, structural constraints of the relationships (index cardinality, participation degree, and structural constraints of kind (min, max)) are considered and formalized in terms of relations theory. For the binary relations two operators (min and max) are introduced; structural constraints are determined in terms of the operators; the main theorem about compatibility of these operators’ values on the source relation and inversion to it is given here.
A model of the cognitive process of natural language processing has been developed using the formalism of generalized nets. Following this stage-simulating model, the treatment of information inevitably includes phases, which require joint operations in two knowledge spaces – language and semantics. In order to examine and formalize the relations between the language and the semantic levels of treatment, the language is presented as an information system, conceived on the bases of human cognitive resources, semantic primitives, semantic operators and language rules and data. This approach is applied for modeling a specific grammatical rule – the secondary predication in Russian. Grammatical rules of the language space are expressed as operators in the semantic space. Examples from the linguistics domain are treated and several conclusions for the semantics of the modeled rule are made. The results of applying the information system approach to the language turn up to be consistent with the stages of treatment modeled with the generalized net.
In this paper, a novel approach for character recognition has been presented with the help of genetic operators which have evolved from biological genetics and help us to achieve highly accurate results. A genetic algorithm approach has been described in which the biological haploid chromosomes have been implemented using a single row bit pattern of 315 values which have been operated upon by various genetic operators. A set of characters are taken as an initial population from which various new generations of characters are generated with the help of selection, crossover and mutation. Variations of population of characters are evolved from which the fittest solution is found by subjecting the various populations to a new fitness function developed. The methodology works and reduces the dissimilarity coefficient found by the fitness function between the character to be recognized and members of the populations and on reaching threshold limit of the error found from dissimilarity, it recognizes the character. As the new population is being generated from the older population, traits are passed on from one generation to another. We present a methodology with the help of which we are able to achieve highly efficient character recognition.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33 (main), 44A40, 44A35, 33E30, 45J05, 45D05
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 31C25, 35S99, 47D07.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B38, 31B10, 42B20, 42B15.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 42B20; Secondary 42B15, 42B25
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 33C45
Well-Posedness of the Cauchy Problem for Inhomogeneous Time-Fractional Pseudo-Differential Equations
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 45K05, 35A05, 35S10, 35S15, 33E12
Mathematics Subject Class.: 33C10,33D60,26D15,33D05,33D15,33D90