990 resultados para REJECTION


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To prevent rejection of kidney transplants, patients must be kept in immunosuppressive therapy for a long time, which includes the use of drugs such as cyclosporine, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, and prednisone. The action of these drugs reduces the general immune response of transplant patients and thus increases their susceptibility to infections. Moreover, these drugs increase the potential of developing lesions. Therefore, oral hygiene in kidney transplant recipients contributes to maintenance of the transplanted organ and its function. Thus, an investigation of oral lesions could be counted as a notable work. The aim of this study was to investigate oral lesions in a group of 21 kidney transplant patients under immunosuppressive therapy attended during a 1-year period in the Nephrology Department of the Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil. Data related to sex, age, etiology of renal disease, types of renal transplant, time elapsed after transplantation, immunosuppressive treatment, use of concomitant agents, and presence of oral lesions were obtained. All patients received a kidney transplant from a living donor, and the mean posttransplantation follow-up time was 31.6 months; 71.5% used triple immunosuppressive therapy with cyclosporine A, azathioprine, and prednisone. Ten patients were also treated with calcium-channel blockers. Of the 21 transplant patients, 17 (81%) presented oral lesions. Gingival overgrowth was the most common alteration, followed by candidiasis and superficial ulcers. One case of spindle cell carcinoma of the lower lip was observed. Oral cavity can harbor a variety of manifestations related to renal transplantation under immunosuppressive therapy.


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OBJECTIVE: The significance of pretransplant, donor-specific antibodies on long-term patient outcomes is a subject of debate. This study evaluated the impact and the presence or absence of donor-specific antibodies after kidney transplantation on short-and long-term graft outcomes. METHODS: We analyzed the frequency and dynamics of pretransplant donor-specific antibodies following renal transplantation from a randomized trial that was conducted from 2002 to 2004 and correlated these findings with patient outcomes through 2009. Transplants were performed against a complement-dependent T-and B-negative crossmatch. Pre- and posttransplant sera were available from 94 of the 118 patients (80%). Antibodies were detected using a solid-phase (Luminex (R)), single-bead assay, and all tests were performed simultaneously. RESULTS: Sixteen patients exhibited pretransplant donor-specific antibodies, but only 3 of these patients (19%) developed antibody-mediated rejection and 2 of them experienced early graft losses. Excluding these 2 losses, 6 of 14 patients exhibited donor-specific antibodies at the final follow-up exam, whereas 8 of these patients (57%) exhibited complete clearance of the donor-specific antibodies. Five other patients developed "de novo'' posttransplant donor-specific antibodies. Death-censored graft survival was similar in patients with pretransplant donor-specific and non-donor-specific antibodies after a mean follow-up period of 70 months. CONCLUSION: Pretransplant donor-specific antibodies with a negative complement-dependent cytotoxicity crossmatch are associated with a risk for the development of antibody-mediated rejection, although survival rates are similar when patients transpose the first months after receiving the graft. Our data also suggest that early posttransplant donor-specific antibody monitoring should increase knowledge of antibody dynamics and their impact on long-term graft outcome.


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Introduction. Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) is the most commonly valvular dysfunction found after heart transplantation (HTx). It may be related to endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) performed for allograft rejection surveillance. Objective. This investigation evaluated the presence of tricuspid valve tissue fragments obtained during routine EMB performed after HTx and its possible effect on short-term and long-term hemodynamic status. Method. This single-center review included prospectively collected and retrospectively analyzed data. From 1985 to 2010, 417 patients underwent 3550 EMB after HTx. All myocardial specimens were reviewed to identify the presence of tricuspid valve tissue by 2 observers initially and in doubtful cases by a third observer. The echocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters were only considered for valvular functional damage analysis in cases of tricuspid tissue inadvertently removed during EMB. Results. The 417 HTx patients to 3550 EMB, including 17,550 myocardial specimens. Tricuspid valve tissue was observed in 12 (2.9%) patients corresponding to 0.07% of the removed fragments. The echocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters of these patients before versus after the biopsy showed increased TR in 2 cases (2/12; 16.7%) quantified as moderate without progression in the long term. Only the right atrial pressure showed a significant increase (P = .0420) after tricuspid injury; however, the worsening of the functional class was not significant enough in any of the subjects. Thus, surgical intervention was not required. Conclusions. Histological evidence of chordal tissue in EMB specimens is a real-world problem of relatively low frequency. Traumatic tricuspid valve injury due to EMB rarely leads to severe valvular regurgitation; only a minority of patients develop significant clinical symptoms. Hemodynamic and echocardiographic alterations are also less often observed in most patients.


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Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the construct validity of the Assessment of Countertransference Scale (ACS) in the context of the trauma care, through the identification of the underlying latent constructs of the measured items and their homogeneity. Methods: ACS assesses 23 feelings of CT in three factors: closeness, rejection and indifference. ACS was applied to 50 residents in psychiatry after the first appointment with 131 victims of trauma consecutively selected during 4 years. ACS was analyzed by exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analysis, internal consistence and convergent-discriminant validity. Results: In spite of the fact that closeness items obtained the highest scores, the EFA showed that the factor rejection (24% of variance, alpha = 0.88) presented a more consistent intercorrelation of the items, followed by closeness (15% of variance, alpha = 0.82) and, a distinct factor, sadness (9% of variance, alpha = 0.72). Thus, a modified version was proposed. In the comparison between the original and the proposed version, CFA detected better goodness-of-fit indexes for the proposed version (GFI = 0.797, TLI = 0.867, CFI = 0.885 vs. GFI = 0.824, TLI = 0.904, CFI = 0.918). Conclusions: ACS is a promising instrument for assessing CT feelings, making it valid to access during the care of trauma victims.


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Background. Nuclear factor kappa B (NF kappa B) plays a potential role in tolerance by orchestrating onset and resolution of inflammation and regulatory T cell differentiation through subunit c-Rel. We characterized cellular infiltrates and expression of NF kappa B1, c-Rel and its upstream regulators phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/RAC-alpha serine/threonine kinase, in allograft biopsies from patients with spontaneous clinical operational tolerance (COT). Methods. Paraffin-fixed kidney allograft biopsies from 40 patients with COT (n=4), interstitial rejection (IR; n=12), borderline changes (BC; n=12), and long-term allograft function without rejection (NR; n=12) were used in the study. Cellular infiltrates and immunohistochemical expression of key proteins of the NF kappa B pathway were evaluated in the cortical tubulointerstitium and in cellular infiltrates using digital image analysis software. Results were given as mean +/- SEM. Results. Biopsies from patients with COT exhibited a comparable amount of cellular infiltrate to IR, BC, and NR (COT, 191 +/- 81; IR, 291 +/- 62; BC, 178 +/- 45; and NR, 210 +/- 42 cells/mm(2)) but a significantly higher proportion of forkhead box P3-positive cells (COT, 11%+/- 1.7%; IR, 3.5%+/- 0.70%; BC, 3.4%+/- 0.57%; and NR, 3.7%+/- 0.78% of infiltrating cells; P=0.02). c-Rel expression in cellular infiltrates was significantly elevated in IR, BC, and NR when analyzing the number of positive cells per mm(2) (P=0.02) and positive cells per infiltrating cells (P=0.04). In contrast, tubular PI3K and c-Rel expression were significantly higher in IR and BC but not in NR compared with COT (P=0.03 and P=0.006, respectively). With RAC-alpha serine-threonine kinase, similar tendencies were observed (P=0.2). Conclusions. Allografts from COT patients show significant cellular infiltrates but a distinct expression of proteins involved in the NF kappa B pathway and a higher proportion of forkhead box P3-positive cells.


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Transplanted individuals in operational tolerance (OT) maintain long-term stable graft function after completely stopping immunosuppression. Understanding the mechanisms involved in OT can provide valuable information about pathways to human transplantation tolerance. Here we report that operationally tolerant individuals display quantitative and functional preservation of the B-c ell compartment in renal transplantation. OT exhibited normal numbers of circulating total B cells, naive, memory and regulatory B cells (Bregs) as well as preserved B-cell receptor repertoire, similar to healthy individuals. In addition, OT also displayed conserved capacity to activate the cluster of differentiation 40 (CD40)/signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) signaling pathway in Bregs, in contrast, with chronic rejection. Rather than expansion or higher activation, we show that the preservation of the B-cell compartment favors OT. Online address: http://www.molmed.org doi: 10.2119/molmed.2011.00281


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Introduction. Endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) plays an important role in allograft surveillance to screen an acute rejection episode after heart transplantation (HT), to diagnose an unknown cause of cardiomyopathies (CMP) or to reveal a cardiac tumor. However, the procedure is not risk free. Objective. The main objective of this research was to describe our experience with EMB during the last 33 years comparing surgical risk between FIT versus no-HT patients. Method. We analyzed retrospectively the data of 5347 EMBs performed from 1978 to 2011 (33 years). For surveillance of acute rejection episodes after HT we performed 3564 (66.7%), whereas 1777 (33.2%) for CMP diagnosis, and 6 (1.0%) for cardiac tumor identification. Results. The main complications due to EMB were divided into 2 groups to facilitate analysis: major complications associated with potential death risk, and minor complications. The variables that showed a significant difference in the HT group were as follows: tricuspid Injury (.0490) and coronary fistula (.0000). Among the no-HT cohort they were insufficient fragment (.0000), major complications (.0000) and total complications (.0000). Conclusions. EMB can be accomplished with a low risk of complications and high effectiveness to diagnose CMP and rejection after HT. However, the risk is great among patients with CMP due to their anatomic characteristics. Children also constitute a risk group for EMB due to their small size in addition to the heart disease. The risk of injury to the tricuspid valve was higher among the HT group.


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Walking on irregular surfaces and in the presence of unexpected events is a challenging problem for bipedal machines. Up to date, their ability to cope with gait disturbances is far less successful than humans': Neither trajectory controlled robots, nor dynamic walking machines (Limit CycleWalkers) are able to handle them satisfactorily. On the contrary, humans reject gait perturbations naturally and efficiently relying on their sensory organs that, if needed, elicit a recovery action. A similar approach may be envisioned for bipedal robots and exoskeletons: An algorithm continuously observes the state of the walker and, if an unexpected event happens, triggers an adequate reaction. This paper presents a monitoring algorithm that provides immediate detection of any type of perturbation based solely on a phase representation of the normal walking of the robot. The proposed method was evaluated in a Limit Cycle Walker prototype that suffered push and trip perturbations at different moments of the gait cycle, providing 100% successful detections for the current experimental apparatus and adequately tuned parameters, with no false positives when the robot is walking unperturbed.


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The ability to discriminate nestmates from non-nestmates in insect societies is essential to protect colonies from conspecific invaders. The acceptance threshold hypothesis predicts that organisms whose recognition systems classify recipients without errors should optimize the balance between acceptance and rejection. In this process, cuticular hydrocarbons play an important role as cues of recognition in social insects. The aims of this study were to determine whether guards exhibit a restrictive level of rejection towards chemically distinct individuals, becoming more permissive during the encounters with either nestmate or non-nestmate individuals bearing chemically similar profiles. The study demonstrates that Melipona asilvai (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) guards exhibit a flexible system of nestmate recognition according to the degree of chemical similarity between the incoming forager and its own cuticular hydrocarbons profile. Guards became less restrictive in their acceptance rates when they encounter non-nestmates with highly similar chemical profiles, which they probably mistake for nestmates, hence broadening their acceptance level.


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Background. After brain death (BD) donors usually experience cardiac dysfunction, which is responsible for a considerable number of unused organs. Causes of this cardiac dysfunction are not fully understood. Some authors argue that autonomic storm with severe hemodynamic instability leads to inflammatory activation and myocardial dysfunction. Objectives. To investigate the hypothesis that thoracic epidural anesthesia blocks autonomic storm and improves graft condition by reducing the inflammatory response. Methods. Twenty-eight male Wistar rats (250-350 g) allocated to four groups received saline or bupivacaine via an epidural catheter at various times in relation to brain-death induction. Brain death was induced by a sudden increase in intracranial pressure by rapid inflation of a ballon catheter in the extradural space. Blood gases, electrolytes, and lactate analyses were performed at time zero, and 3 and 6 hours. Blood leukocytes were counted at 0 and 6 hours. After 6 hours of BD, we performed euthanasia to measure vascular adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1, intracellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, interleukin (IL)-1 beta, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, Bcl-2 and caspase-3 on cardiac tissue. Results. Thoracic epidural anesthesia was effective to block the autonomic storm with a significant difference in mean arterial pressure between the untreated (saline) and the bupivacaine group before BD (P < .05). However, no significant difference was observed for the expressions of VCAM-1, ICAM-1, TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, Bcl-2, and caspase-3 (P > .05). Conclusion. Autonomic storm did not seem to be responsible for the inflammatory changes associated with BD; thoracic epidural anesthesia did not modify the expression of inflammatory mediators although it effectively blocked the autonomic storm.


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Objective: To evaluate the clinical outcomes of multivisceral transplantation (MVT) in the setting of diffuse thrombosis of the portomesenteric venous system. Background: Liver transplantation (LT) in the face of cirrhosis and diffuse portomesenteric thrombosis (PMT) is controversial and contraindicated in many transplant centers. LT using alternative techniques such as portocaval hemitransposition fails to eliminate complications of portal hypertension. MVT replaces the liver and the thrombosed portomesenteric system. Methods: A database of intestinal transplant patients was maintained with prospective analysis of outcomes. The diagnosis of diffuse PMT was established with dual-phase abdominal computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging with venous reconstruction. Results: Twenty-five patients with grade IV PMT received 25 MVT. Eleven patients underwent simultaneous cadaveric kidney transplantation. Biopsy-proven acute cellular rejection was noted in 5 recipients, which was treated successfully. With a median follow-up of 2.8 years, patient and graft survival were 80%, 72%, and 72% at 1, 3, and 5 years, respectively. To date, all survivors have good graft function without any signs of residual/recurrent features of portal hypertension. Conclusions: MVT can be considered as an option for the treatment of patients with diffuse PMT. MVT is the only procedure that completely reverses portal hypertension and addresses the primary disease while achieving superior survival results in comparison to the alternative options.


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Human leukocyte antigen-G (FILA-G) plays a well-recognized role in the modulation of the immune response, and HLA-G expression has been associated with increased graft survival and decreased rejection episodes. To investigate the role of the HLA-G 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) in renal transplantation, we evaluated several polymorphic sites (14-bp Del/Ins +3003T/C, +3010C/G, +3027C/A, +3035C/T, +3142G/C, and +3187A/G) in patients exhibiting or not exhibiting rejection episodes. A total of 104 patients (15 with acute and 48 with chronic rejection, and 41 with no rejection) and 142 healthy individuals were studied. HLA-G 3'UTR was typed by direct sequencing. The +3035C-C genotype was more frequent in patients exhibiting chronic rejection compared with healthy controls, and the +3035C-T genotype was less frequent in chronic rejection compared with patients without rejection (acute plus chronic) or compared with healthy controls. The +3187G-A genotype, in which the A allele is associated with increased mRNA degradation, showed increased frequency in the rejection group (acute plus chronic) when compared with healthy controls. The 14 base pair Deletion/Insertion genotype was marginally increased in patients with acute rejection. This is the first study to show associations among numerous polymorphic sites in the HLA-G 3'UTR in kidney allotransplantation, which may contribute to the understanding of HLA-G post-transcriptional mechanisms. (C) 2012 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This work studies the optimization and control of a styrene polymerization reactor. The proposed strategy deals with the case where, because of market conditions and equipment deterioration, the optimal operating point of the continuous reactor is modified significantly along the operation time and the control system has to search for this optimum point, besides keeping the reactor system stable at any possible point. The approach considered here consists of three layers: the Real Time Optimization (RTO), the Model Predictive Control (MPC) and a Target Calculation (TC) that coordinates the communication between the two other layers and guarantees the stability of the whole structure. The proposed algorithm is simulated with the phenomenological model of a styrene polymerization reactor, which has been widely used as a benchmark for process control. The complete optimization structure for the styrene process including disturbances rejection is developed. The simulation results show the robustness of the proposed strategy and the capability to deal with disturbances while the economic objective is optimized.


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Cyclosporin A (CsA) is an immunosuppressive drug widely used in medicine to reduce the immune system activity and, therefore, the risk of organ rejection after transplantation. However, many side effects can be related to its use, such as, reduction in serum testosterone levels due to damage of the testis structure and, consequently, male infertility. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of chronic CsA administration on the ventral prostate tissue ( 1 5 mg/kg per d, for 56 days). Stereological, morphometrical, morphological and ultrastructural observations were employed. The plasmatic testosterone and glucose levels were measured. An androgen receptor (AR) immunohistochemical method was applied on ventral prostate sections. Apoptosis was detected with the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling technique. CsA treatment caused reduction in plasmatic testosterone levels and an increase in glycemia. The volume of all ventral prostate tissue components (lumen, epithelium and muscular and nonmuscular stroma) and ventral prostate weight were reduced in the CsA-treated group. Light and transmission electron microscopy confirmed epithelium atrophy of treated animals. There was no alteration of AR expression or apoptotic index. CsA chronic treatment in the therapeutic doses caused damage to prostate tissue of adult Wistar rats, probably due to increase in the glucose levels and reduction in the plasmatic testosterone levels.


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Some organ-transplanted patients achieve a state of "operational tolerance" (01) in which graft function is maintained after the complete withdrawal of immunosuppressive drugs. We used a gene panel of regulatory/inflammatory molecules (FOXP3, GATA3, 100, TGFB1, TGFBR1/TBX21, TNF and IFNG) to investigate the gene expression profile in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of renal-transplanted individuals experiencing OT compared to transplanted individuals not displaying OT and healthy individuals (HI). OT subjects showed a predominant regulatory (REG) profile with higher gene expression of GATA3, FOXP3, TGFB1 and TGFB receptor 1 compared to the other groups. This predominant REG gene expression profile displayed stability over time. The significant GATA3 gene and protein expressions in OT individuals suggest that a Th2 deviation may be a relevant pathway to OT. Moreover, the capacity of the REG/INFLAMMA gene panel to discriminate OT by peripheral blood analysis indicates that this state has systemic repercussions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.