975 resultados para Query Reuse


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Operating in vegetated environments is a major challenge for autonomous robots. Obstacle detection based only on geometric features causes the robot to consider foliage, for example, small grass tussocks that could be easily driven through, as obstacles. Classifying vegetation does not solve this problem since there might be an obstacle hidden behind the vegetation. In addition, dense vegetation typically needs to be considered as an obstacle. This paper addresses this problem by augmenting probabilistic traversability map constructed from laser data with ultra-wideband radar measurements. An adaptive detection threshold and a probabilistic sensor model are developed to convert the radar data to occupancy probabilities. The resulting map captures the fine resolution of the laser map but clears areas from the traversability map that are induced by obstacle-free foliage. Experimental results validate that this method is able to improve the accuracy of traversability maps in vegetated environments.


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Motion planning for planetary rovers must consider control uncertainty in order to maintain the safety of the platform during navigation. Modelling such control uncertainty is difficult due to the complex interaction between the platform and its environment. In this paper, we propose a motion planning approach whereby the outcome of control actions is learned from experience and represented statistically using a Gaussian process regression model. This model is used to construct a control policy for navigation to a goal region in a terrain map built using an on-board RGB-D camera. The terrain includes flat ground, small rocks, and non-traversable rocks. We report the results of 200 simulated and 35 experimental trials that validate the approach and demonstrate the value of considering control uncertainty in maintaining platform safety.


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This paper proposes an approach to obtain a localisation that is robust to smoke by exploiting multiple sensing modalities: visual and infrared (IR) cameras. This localisation is based on a state-of-the-art visual SLAM algorithm. First, we show that a reasonably accurate localisation can be obtained in the presence of smoke by using only an IR camera, a sensor that is hardly affected by smoke, contrary to a visual camera (operating in the visible spectrum). Second, we demonstrate that improved results can be obtained by combining the information from the two sensor modalities (visual and IR cameras). Third, we show that by detecting the impact of smoke on the visual images using a data quality metric, we can anticipate and mitigate the degradation in performance of the localisation by discarding the most affected data. The experimental validation presents multiple trajectories estimated by the various methods considered, all thoroughly compared to an accurate dGPS/INS reference.


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This work aims to promote integrity in autonomous perceptual systems, with a focus on outdoor unmanned ground vehicles equipped with a camera and a 2D laser range finder. A method to check for inconsistencies between the data provided by these two heterogeneous sensors is proposed and discussed. First, uncertainties in the estimated transformation between the laser and camera frames are evaluated and propagated up to the projection of the laser points onto the image. Then, for each pair of laser scan-camera image acquired, the information at corners of the laser scan is compared with the content of the image, resulting in a likelihood of correspondence. The result of this process is then used to validate segments of the laser scan that are found to be consistent with the image, while inconsistent segments are rejected. Experimental results illustrate how this technique can improve the reliability of perception in challenging environmental conditions, such as in the presence of airborne dust.


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This work aims to promote reliability and integrity in autonomous perceptual systems, with a focus on outdoor unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) autonomy. For this purpose, a comprehensive UGV system, comprising many different exteroceptive and proprioceptive sensors has been built. The first contribution of this work is a large, accurately calibrated and synchronised, multi-modal data-set, gathered in controlled environmental conditions, including the presence of dust, smoke and rain. The data have then been used to analyse the effects of such challenging conditions on perception and to identify common perceptual failures. The second contribution is a presentation of methods for mitigating these failures to promote perceptual integrity in adverse environmental conditions.


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This paper presents an approach to autonomously monitor the behavior of a robot endowed with several navigation and locomotion modes, adapted to the terrain to traverse. The mode selection process is done in two steps: the best suited mode is firstly selected on the basis of initial information or a qualitative map built on-line by the robot. Then, the motions of the robot are monitored by various processes that update mode transition probabilities in a Markov system. The paper focuses on this latter selection process: the overall approach is depicted, and preliminary experimental results are presented


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This article presents an approach to improve and monitor the behavior of a skid-steering rover on rough terrains. An adaptive locomotion control generates speeds references to avoid slipping situations. An enhanced odometry provides a better estimation of the distance travelled. A probabilistic classification procedure provides an evaluation of the locomotion efficiency on-line, with a detection of locomotion faults. Results obtained with a Marsokhod rover are presented throughout the paper


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In the present study, we examined the associations of early nutrition with adult lean body mass (LBM) and muscle strength in a birth cohort that was established to assess the long-term impact of a nutrition program. Participants (n = 1,446, 32% female) were born near Hyderabad, India, in 29 villages from 1987 to 1990, during which time only intervention villages (n = 15) had a government program that offered balanced protein-calorie supplementation to pregnant women and children. Participants’ LBM and appendicular skeletal muscle mass were measured using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry; grip strength and information on lifestyle indicators, including diet and physical activity level, were also obtained. Ages (mean = 20.3 years) and body mass indexes (weight (kg)/height (m)2; mean = 19.5) of participants in 2 groups were similar. Current dietary energy intake was higher in the intervention group. Unadjusted LBM and grip strength were similar in 2 groups. After adjustment for potential confounders, the intervention group had lower LBM (β = −0.75; P = 0.03), appendicular skeletal muscle mass, and grip strength than did controls, but these differences were small in magnitude (<0.1 standard deviation). Multivariable regression analyses showed that current socioeconomic position, energy intake, and physical activity level had a positive association with adult LBM and muscle strength. This study could not detect a “programming” effect of early nutrition supplementation on adult LBM and muscle strength.


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Mosquito-borne diseases pose some of the greatest challenges in public health, especially in tropical and sub-tropical regions of theworld. Efforts to control these diseases have been underpinned by a theoretical framework developed for malaria by Ross and Macdonald, including models, metrics for measuring transmission, and theory of control that identifies key vulnerabilities in the transmission cycle. That framework, especially Macdonald’s formula for R0 and its entomological derivative, vectorial capacity, are nowused to study dynamics and design interventions for many mosquito-borne diseases. A systematic review of 388 models published between 1970 and 2010 found that the vast majority adopted the Ross–Macdonald assumption of homogeneous transmission in a well-mixed population. Studies comparing models and data question these assumptions and point to the capacity to model heterogeneous, focal transmission as the most important but relatively unexplored component in current theory. Fine-scale heterogeneity causes transmission dynamics to be nonlinear, and poses problems for modeling, epidemiology and measurement. Novel mathematical approaches show how heterogeneity arises from the biology and the landscape on which the processes of mosquito biting and pathogen transmission unfold. Emerging theory focuses attention on the ecological and social context formosquito blood feeding, themovement of both hosts and mosquitoes, and the relevant spatial scales for measuring transmission and for modeling dynamics and control.


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Whole image descriptors have recently been shown to be remarkably robust to perceptual change especially compared to local features. However, whole-image-based localization systems typically rely on heuristic methods for determining appropriate matching thresholds in a particular environment. These environment-specific tuning requirements and the lack of a meaningful interpretation of these arbitrary thresholds limits the general applicability of these systems. In this paper we present a Bayesian model of probability for whole-image descriptors that can be seamlessly integrated into localization systems designed for probabilistic visual input. We demonstrate this method using CAT-Graph, an appearance-based visual localization system originally designed for a FAB-MAP-style probabilistic input. We show that using whole-image descriptors as visual input extends CAT-Graph’s functionality to environments that experience a greater amount of perceptual change. We also present a method of estimating whole-image probability models in an online manner, removing the need for a prior training phase. We show that this online, automated training method can perform comparably to pre-trained, manually tuned local descriptor methods.


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Visual localization in outdoor environments is often hampered by the natural variation in appearance caused by such things as weather phenomena, diurnal fluctuations in lighting, and seasonal changes. Such changes are global across an environment and, in the case of global light changes and seasonal variation, the change in appearance occurs in a regular, cyclic manner. Visual localization could be greatly improved if it were possible to predict the appearance of a particular location at a particular time, based on the appearance of the location in the past and knowledge of the nature of appearance change over time. In this paper, we investigate whether global appearance changes in an environment can be learned sufficiently to improve visual localization performance. We use time of day as a test case, and generate transformations between morning and afternoon using sample images from a training set. We demonstrate the learned transformation can be generalized from training data and show the resulting visual localization on a test set is improved relative to raw image comparison. The improvement in localization remains when the area is revisited several weeks later.


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Business processes depend on human resources and managers must regularly evaluate the performance of their employees based on a number of measures, some of which are subjective in nature. As modern organisations use information systems to automate their business processes and record information about processes’ executions in event logs, it now becomes possible to get objective information about resource behaviours by analysing data recorded in event logs. We present an extensible framework for extracting knowledge from event logs about the behaviour of a human resource and for analysing the dynamics of this behaviour over time. The framework is fully automated and implements a predefined set of behavioural indicators for human resources. It also provides a means for organisations to define their own behavioural indicators, using the conventional Structured Query Language, and a means to analyse the dynamics of these indicators. The framework's applicability is demonstrated using an event log from a German bank.


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A microgrid may contain a large number of distributed generators (DGs). These DGs can be either inertial or non-inertial, either dispatchable or non-dispatchable. Moreover, the DGs may operate in plug and play fashion. The combination of these various types of operation makes the microgrid control a challenging task, especially when the microgrid operates in an autonomous mode. In this paper, a new control algorithm for converter interfaced (dispatchable) DG is proposed which facilitates smooth operation in a hybrid microgrid containing inertial and non-inertial DGs. The control algorithm works satisfactorily even when some of the DGs operate in plug and play mode. The proposed strategy is validated through PSCAD simulation studies.


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This paper presents a distributed communication based active power curtailment (APC) control scheme for grid connected photovoltaic (PV) systems to address voltage rise. A simple distribution feeder model is presented and simulated using MATLAB. The resource sharing based control scheme proposed is shown to be effective at reducing voltage rise during times of peak generation and low load. Simulations also show the even distribution of APC using simple communications. Simulations demonstrate the versatility of the proposed control method under major communication failure conditions. Further research may lead to possible applications in coordinated electric vehicle (EV) charging.


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This paper shows how multiple interconnected microgrids can operate in autonomous mode in a self–healing medium voltage network. This is possible if based on network self– healing capability, the neighbour microgrids are interconnected and a surplus generation capacity is available in some of the Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) of the interconnected microgrids. This will reduce or prevent load shedding within the microgrids with less generation capacity. Therefore, DERs in a microgrid are controlled such that they share the local load within that microgrid as well as the loads in other interconnected microgrids. Different control algorithms are proposed to manage the DERs at different operating conditions. On the other hand, a Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM) is employed to regulate the voltage. The efficacy of the proposed power control, sharing and management among DERs in multiple interconnected microgrids is validated through extensive simulation studies using PSCAD/EMTDC.