999 resultados para Queijo de Évora
(Introdução): Après une formation en architecture, la participation au Master TPTI a été une occasion précieuse pour acquérir de nouvelles connaissances, théoriques et pratiques, en rapport avec l'histoire, le patrimoine et l’environnement dans son sens le plus large. Ces dimensions ont souvent été d’un grand apport pour bien des oeuvres et interventions architecturales et leur ont permis de convaincre et de s’imposer au temps. Elles occupent également une place devenue de plus en plus importante dans la réflexion sur bien des sujets dont la gestion territoriale et l’exploitation des ressources naturelles. Leur considération favorise des approches intégrées et est même indispensable pour toute oeuvre ou intervention visant la durabilité. Elle est, en tout cas, indispensable pour l’étude d’un thème comme celui des friches liées à l’exploitation des ressources naturelles, que nous tentons d’aborder dans ce mémoire à travers le cas des carrières de grès-calcaire des environs de la ville de Korba, en Tunisie. En effet, par ses enseignements variées et pluridisciplinaires, le Master TPTI, nous a offert une ouverture sur l'histoire et l'anthropologie des techniques ainsi que la conservation, la gestion et la valorisation du patrimoine industriel, historique et culturel. En plus des séminaires et des contacts directs avec des professionnels de différents domaines et pays, une place importante a été accordée aux visites de terrains. A tout cela s'ajoute une mobilité de spécialité, qui dans notre cas, a eu lieu au Département d'Economie à l'Université d'Alicante. Le premier volet de ce mémoire sera consacré au projet personnel qui traite, comme évoqué plus haut, des carrières de Korba et ses environs. Il est le fruit d'un travail au cours duquel nous avons essayé, sur les deux années du Master, de tirer profit des différents enseignements dispensés afin d’enrichir notre réflexion sur le thème.
Le lambahoany est un pagne tissé par une société textile malgache telle que la Cotona d’ Antsirabe. D’ailleurs, il enveloppe le peuple malgache depuis son existence, les hommes comme les femmes, puis les vivants comme les morts. C’est ainsi que le lambahoany occupe une importante place dans la communauté malgache, non seulement comme un panneau de transmission des messages spécifiques mais également pour son rôle au système éducatif social au même titre que les arts virtuels développés aux écoles des arts. Ensuite, il est aussi nécessaire pour sensibiliser des personnes à travers d’un sujet donné. C’est en ce sens qu’il n’est plus un simple pagne mais il s’agit d’un objet patrimonial qui permet d’identifier les malgaches. Alors, leur préservation et leur valorisation se confirme primordial. D’où, la valorisation du lambahoany et sa pérennisation pour les générations futures constituent les principaux objectifs de cette étude; ABSTRACT: The Lambahoany is woven loin cloth by Malagasy textile companies like Cotona Antsirabe. Moreover, it wraps the Malagasy people since its existence, men and women, and the living and the dead. Thus the Lambahoany occupies an important place in the Malagasy community, not only as a sign of transmission of specific messages but also for its role in social education system as well as virtual arts developed schools of the arts. Then it is also necessary to educate people through a given topic. It is in this sense that it is no longer a simple loincloth, but it is a heritage object that identifies the Malagasy. So, their preservation and enhancement confirms paramount. Hence, the enhancement of Lambahoany and its sustainability for future generations are the main objectives of this study.
(Introdução): La rédaction de ce document entre dans le cadre de la dernière étape du parcours du Master TPTI (Technique, Patrimoine, territoire de l’industrie). Piloté par l’université Paris 1 panthéon Sorbonne, en partenariat avec les universités de padou (Italie) et d’Evora (Portugal), le Master TPTI forme à l’expertise des environnements techniques, à la muséalisation du patrimoine et des paysages culturels. Ce parcours (France, Italie et Portugal) nous à permis de découvrir de nouvelles approches dans le domaine de la culture et du patrimoine en général et industriel en particulier. Ces approches nouvelles concernent surtout l’histoire des techniques dispensée à l’université Paris 1 panthéon Sorbonne et sur les paysages culturels de l’industrie dispensés au Portugal. L’histoire des techniques qui paraissait au début confuse nous a permis d’avoir une lecture claire sur la notion anthropologique de la culture. Les régimes de la pensée opératoire caractérisée par le régime de la pratique, de la technique et de la technologique, nous ont permis de comprendre les fondements de l’innovation technique mais aussi le passage de l’oralité à l’écrit. C’est en effet la compréhension des ces régimes qui nous a aidé à mieux saisir la manière dont la technique se manifeste dans les sociétés orales, se maintien et se transmet. Le senegal, qui fait l’objet de notre étude présente une diversité ethnique assez complexe. Chacune de ses ethnies a su, a sa manière inventer sa technique lui permettant de maitriser son environnement, dons une technique bien différente des autres. Si les « lebou » du cap vert ont su inventer l’une des plus anciennes traditions artisanales dans la pêche et les al poulhar, sur l’élevage, les sereer qui font le point focal de notre étude ont marqué le paysage par l’une des civilisations agraires les plus anciennes venues des civilisations du Nil.
Abstract It was in the first decade of the twentieth century that the first white china Factory was implemented in Brazil. Fruit of the association between the Sao Paulo Aristocracy and the Italian Romeo Ranzini, this factory was responsible for producing significant amounts of crockery in industrial moulds in sao Paulo, Brazil. It was also the first factory to produce decorative tiles that would be part of the architecture of the public buildings built between 1919 and 1922 in Commemoration of the Centennial of the Brazilian Independence. Known as The Santa Catharina Factory, this factory was inaugurated in 1913 with the participation of Italian immigrants and German technologies for the development of its first manufacturing activities. As a result of a number of economic, political and social matters that started in the previous century in the city of Sao Paulo, The Santa Catharina factory played an important role in industrial development as regards the production of national white china and was used as a model for the construction of new ceramic factories in Sao Paulo. After acquired by Matarazzo industries in 1927, had closed their activities in 1937. This research is based on the identification and analysis of the first tiles produced in Brazil by the Santa Catharina Factory, which were part of the architectural decorations of the buildings built in Sao Paulo to the celebration of the Centennial of the Brazilian Independence. Designed by Victor Dubugras, The Largo da Memoria (located in the city of Sao Paulo) and the buildings located in the "Paths of the Sea" road marked the beginning of Brazilian industrialization and the emergence of Neocolonial Movement in architecture of Sao Paulo. Studies of the first national patterns of decorative tiles approach a subject poorly researched by experts in tiled studies in Brazil, although in this case these tiles have represented not only an important milestone in the national industrialization, but also have demarcated the significant changes in architectural and decorative practices in the country in the early twentieth century; RESUMÈ: C'est durant la premiere decennie du XXe siecle que la premiere usine de porcelaine blanche fut implant& au Bresil. Elle fut le fruit de l'association entre l'aristocratie de Sao Paulo et l'italien Romeo Ranzini. L'usine produisait une quantite signifiante de porcelaine sur le territoire industriel de Sao Paulo. Ce fut egalement la premiere usine a produire des carreaux decoratifs qui sont aujourd'hui visibles dans l'architecture des batiments publics construit entre 1919 et 1922, pour la commemoration du centenaire de l'independance bresilienne. Connue sous le nom de Santa Catharina, cette usine fut inaugure en 1912. Elle fut construite par des émigrés Italiens, et utilisa pour la technologie allemande pour so production. En tant que resultat d'un certain nombre de questions economiques, politiques et sociales qui ont &butes durant le siecle precedent dans la ville de Sao Paulo, l'usine Santa Catharina a joue un role important dans le developpement industriel de la production de porcelaine blanche nationale et a ete utilise comme modele pour la construction de nouvelles usines de ceramique a Sao Paulo. Apres avoir ete achete par l'industrie Matarazzo en 1927, elle cessa ses activites en 1937. Cette recherche est basee sur l'identification et l'analyse des premiers carreaux decoratifs fabriques au Bresil par l'usine Santa Catharina, qui etait une partie des decorations architecturales des batiments construits a Sao Paulo pour la celebration du centenaire de l'Independance Bresilienne. Connue par Victor Dubugras, le "Largo da Memoria" (situe dans la ville de Sao Paulo), et les batiments situes sur le "Path of the Sea", ont marque le debut de l'industrialisation bresilienne et l'emergence d'un mouvement neocolonialiste dans l'architecture de Sao Paolo. L'etude des premiers modeles nationaux de carreaux decoratifs est un sujet peut etudie par les experts bresiliens, bien qu'ils furent un jalon importante pour l'industrialisation nationale. Its ont egalement entrains des changements importants dans les pratiques architecturales, et decoratives au sein du pays au XXe siecle. Mots-cles: Ceramique - carreaux decoratifs — L'usine Santa Catharina, Bresil - Production de carreaux; RIASSUNTO: Nel primo decennio del Novecento vide luce la prima fabbrica di ceramica di porcellana in Brasile. Frutto dell'associazione tra l'aristocrazia Paulista e l'italiano Romeo Ranzini, questa fabbrica fu responsabile della produzione di notevoli quantita di ceramica di porcellana mediante stampi industriali nella citta di San Paolo, Brasile. Fu anche la prima fabbrica a produrre azulejos che avrebbero poi fatto parte dell'architettura degli edifici pubblici costruiti tra it 1919 ed it 1922, per la commemorazione del Centenario dell'indipendenza Brasiliana. Conosciuta come Fabbrica di Santa Catharina, questa fu inaugurata nel 1913, con la partecipazione di immigrati italiani e con l'impiego di tecnologie tedesche per lo sviluppo delle sue prime attivita produttive. Risultato di una serie di cambiamenti economici, politici e sociali, che ebbero inizio nel secolo precedente nella citta di San Paolo, la Fabbrica di Santa Catharina svolse un ruolo importante nello sviluppo industriale per quanto riguarda la produzione di ceramica di porcellana nazionale e fu adottata come modello per la costruzione di nuove fabbriche a San Paolo. Successivamente, fu acquisita dalle industrie Matarazzo nel 1927, vedendo poi chiudersi le sue attivita nel 1937. Questa ricerca si basa sull'identificazione e l'analisi dei primi azulejos prodotti in Brasile dalla Fabbrica di Santa Catharina che fecero parte delle decorazioni architettoniche degli edifici costruiti a San Paolo per la commemorazione del Centenario dell'indipendenza Brasiliana. Progettati da Victor Dubugras, it Largo da Mem(Via (situato nella citta di San Paolo) e gli edifici che si trovano nei Caminhos do Mar marcarono l'inizio dell'industrializzazione brasiliana e la nascita del Movimento Neocolonial dell'architettura Paulista. Gli studi dei primi modelli di azulejos nazionali affrontano un argomento poco studiato dagli esperti in azulejaria in Brasile, nonostante rappresentino un importante avvenimento dell'industrializzazione nazionale, ma segnano anche i cambiamenti di significative pratiche architettoniche e decorative nel Paese nel primo Novecento. Parole chiave: Ceramica - porcellana - La fabbrica di Santa Catharina - Produzione di ceramica .
La Tunisie a été toujours considérée comme terre de rencontre de plusieurs civilisations, compte tenu de son emplacement stratégique et de son histoire très enracinée. En effet, depuis l’Antiquité ce pays a connu l’installation ou le passage de plusieurs ethnies, qui ont profondément marqué les trois milles ans de son Histoire en dépit de la période ou de la nature de l’occupation et dont les traces constituent aujourd’hui le patrimoine de ce pays. Cet héritage matériel et immatériel semble être parmi les plus riche de la Méditerranée, pour ce, plusieurs villes historiques et sites archéologiques ont été inscrites sur la liste du patrimoine mondial depuis plusieurs décennies. Plusieurs composantes de ce patrimoine furent l’objet de certains projets d’inventaire et d’études, de sauvegarde et de valorisation, tels les sites archéologiques libyques, puniques ou romains, ou même les villes arabo-islamiques. Plusieurs musées, circuits culturels et Parcs archéologiques furent crées. D’autres projets de mise en valeur sont en cours, tels ceux des villes et des villages andalous ou ceux des villages montagneux et des Ksours du sud tunisien… alors que le patrimoine architectural espagnol en Tunisie n’a pas eu jusqu’à présent l’intérêt qu’il mérite malgré son importance et son authenticité et doit être aujourd’hui sauvegardé, mis en valeur et intégré dans la vie patrimoniale et le les circuits culturels et touristiques de la région. Le présent travail réalisé dans le cadre du mémoire de master traite la problématique de la sauvegarde et la mise en valeur d’un monument de type défensif comme cas d’étude. Il s’agit de la Karraka, forteresse bâtie à la ville de la Goulette réagissant à son milieu comme un organisme vivant avec toutes ses variations et déformations de volumes et surtout dans cette typologie dite défensive en se concentrant sur le rôle magistral de la Karraka. L’objectif final de ce projet est de mettre en valeur la validité d’une perception dynamique du patrimoine à travers l’étude de ce monument défensif dans son contexte historique et géographique en particulier et l’essai sur l’histoire de la Goulette; ABSTRACT: Tunisia has always been considered as the meeting earth of several civilizations regarding its strategic position on its deep rooted history. Since the antiquity this country was known the installation or the passage of several ethnics which deeply marqued the three Milles years of its history despite the difficult period of the French occupation its traces are still the country's heritage. This tangible and intangible heritage seems to be among the richest in the Mediterranean in several historic towns and archaeological sites have been listed on the World Heritageas well List for several decades. Many components of this heritage were the object of some inventory projects and studies, Backup and recovery, such the archaeological sites Libyan, Punic, Roman, and even the Arab Islamic cities. Many museums created cultural tours and archaeological parks, we have also other development projects are on the way, such as the Andalusian villages and those of mountain villages and southern Tunisia Ksours….. While the heritage of Spanish architecture in Tunisia has no interest despite its importance and authenticity it must be saved, and it must integrated into the life and heritage and the cultural tours of the region. This work carried out under the master thesis deals with the problem of preservation and development of a defensive type of monument as a case study “ Karraka” This fortress was built in the city of « La Goulette » reacting to his environment as a living organism with all its variations and volume deformations and especially in this so-called defensive typology by focusing on the role of magisterial Karraka. The final objective of this project is to highlight the validity of a dynamic perception of heritage through the study of the defensive monument in its historical and geographical context in particular and the article on the history of « La Goulette ».
O presente relatório expõe e analisa a dimensão investigativa desenvolvida em contexto de jardim-de-infância e de 1º ciclo no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este projeto teve como finalidade compreender de que maneira a comunicação e a linguagem promovem ou não interações e aprendizagens das crianças. Para tal, foi dado destaque ao papel do docente enquanto mediador e facilitador das aprendizagens. Assumiu-se uma perspetiva de novas abordagens pedagógicas que promovessem a capacidade individual e coletiva na construção de novos conhecimentos, salientando as comunidades de aprendizagem como o modelo a ser adotado. Este modelo promove estruturas dialógicas, onde a comunicação tem um papel bastante relevante. Neste sentido, foi dada voz às crianças. A investigação presente teve como objetivo causar mudança nos contextos em que se realizou, assim, a reflexão relevou-se um instrumento essencial a todo esse processo; ABSTRACT: This report presents and analyzes the investigative dimension developed in the context of kindergarten and 1st cycle under the Supervised Teaching Practice Master in Preschool Education and Teaching of the 1st cycle of basic education. This project aimed to understand how communication and language promote or not interactions and learning of children. To this end, emphasis was given to the role of the teacher as a mediator and facilitator of learning. A perspective of new pedagogical approaches that promote individual and collective capacity to build new knowledge was assumed, emphasizing learning communities as the model to be adopted. This model promotes dialogical structures where communication plays a very important role. In this sense, voice to the children was given. This research aimed to cause changes in the contexts in which it held, for that end, reflection turned out to be a key tool to all of that process.
O presente relatório surge no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e visa a obtenção do grau de mestre nos níveis de escolaridade referidos. Neste descrevo o projeto de investigação-ação desenvolvido nos contextos da Prática de Ensino Supervisionado (PES) em Educação Pré-escolar e 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB). A investigação-ação realizada visava, sobretudo, ajudar-me a compreender quais as condições que deveria reunir de modo a responder de forma adequada às necessidades das crianças e a perceber como poderia melhorar a minha ação e intervenção promovendo aprendizagens significativas e de qualidade, salientando que o propósito não era fornecer o mesmo a todas as crianças, mas sim, a cada uma aquilo de que necessitava. A minha aposta na Diferenciação Pedagógica e numa gestão flexível do currículo surge orientada pelo princípio do direito de todos à aprendizagem e como resposta intencional à heterogeneidade dos grupos de crianças que frequentam atualmente as instituições. Assim, de modo a atingir os objetivos propostos, planeei algumas sugestões de interação que permitiam a utilização de estratégias diversificadas e a observação das crianças durante a utilização das mesmas. A metodologia utilizada contemplou uma pesquisa bibliográfica com base em vários referenciais teóricos e a recolha e análise de dados. Esta investigação possibilitou constatar que a Diferenciação Pedagógica subjacente às propostas apresentadas proporciona o desenvolvimento das crianças tanto a nível social como cognitivo; ABSTRACT: The present report reflects the research develop in the context of the Master Degree in Preschool Education and Teaching of the Primary School at University of Évora, and aims to obtain the degree of master in the levels mention above. This research was held in two different contexts, the first one in a pre-school classroom, and later in a classroom of fourth year of Primary School. The research performed aimed mainly to help me to understand what conditions must be gathered in order to respond appropriately to children's needs and to see how it could improve my actions and intervention by promoting meaningful and quality learnings, stressing that the purpose was not to provide the same for all children, but to each one what they needed. My bet on Pedagogical Differentiation and a flexible management of the curriculum comes to the principle of the right of all to learning and as an intentional response to the heterogeneity of the groups of children who currently attend institutions. Thus, in order to achieve the proposed objectives, I planned some suggestions for interacting with groups of children’s which allowed me to use multiple strategies and to do observation of the individuals while they were being applied. The methodology included a literature search based on various theoretical frameworks and data collection and the respective analysis. This research led us to confirm that the proposals based on pedagogical differentiation provide children's development both socially and cognitive and it is essential to ensure it since the earliest years of school, in order to build a rich differentiated pedagogical action and to promote learning for all students in pre-school and 1st cycle contexts by using diverse strategies.
Este estudo pretende determinar a influência das características do empresário, das características do investidor e das características da empresa sobre o montante inicialmente investido pelos BA. Para esse efeito, recorreu-se a uma amostra extraída da base de dados da Kauffman Foundation, cujos dados dizem respeito a BA dos E.U.A.. Analisaram-se as estatísticas descritivas e as hipóteses foram testadas através de seis modelos de regressão linear múltipla. Os resultados obtidos mostram que seis dos nove fatores identificados dizem respeito ao empresário e à equipa de gestão; ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the influence of entrepreneur characteristics, investor characteristics and the characteristics of the company on the amount initially invested by BA. For this purpose, we used a sample extracted from Kauffman Foundation database, whose data refer to BA from the United States of America. We performed descriptive statistics and hypotheses were tested through six models of multiple linear regression. The results show that six of the nine factors identified are related to the entrepreneur and management team.
No presente estudo procuramos analisar os determinantes do crescimento das empresas familiares portuguesas, através de uma amostra de empresas familiares membros da Associação de Empresas Familiares, durante o período de 2006 a 2014. Com vista ao teste das hipóteses em estudo foram utilizados dados em painel, com modelos de efeitos fixo e aleatório. A variável dependente definida foi o crescimento das vendas. As variáveis independentes definidas foram: dimensão; idade; endividamento; endividamento de curto prazo; endividamento de médio longo prazo; produtividade da mão-de-obra; estrutura do ativo; variável dummy da crise financeira; variável dummy da administração pertencer à família; e variável dummy do género do administrador. Os resultados obtidos confirmam a dimensão, a idade e o endividamento como determinantes do crescimento; ABSTRACT: In the present study we analyzed the determinants of growth of family businesses through a sample of family businesses members of the Family Business Association, during the period between 2006 and 2014. In order to test the hypotheses under study were used panel data, with models of fixed and random effects. The Sales growth was defined as the dependent variable. The independent variables were defined: size; age; debt; short-term debt; medium and long term debt; labor productivity; asset structure; dummy variable of the financial crisis; dummy administration belong to the family; and dummy administrator gender variable. The results confirm the size, age, and debt as determinants of growth.
Com o objetivo de diminuir a incidência das leveduras encapsulas em alginato se aglomerarem na segunda fermentação em garrafa e reduzir custos associados à sua eliminação, pretendeu-se utilizar a metodologia NIR para determinar a quantidade de cálcio no vinho. Foram quantificados outros minerais para avaliar hipotéticos antagonismos iónicos. Observou-se também que este controlo de qualidade poderá ser efetuado no mosto. Atualmente este controlo é realizado por metodologias de análise de referência bastante morosas como EAA. Contudo a metodologia NIR demonstrou ser uma boa alternativa no controlo dos parâ-metros de qualidade na produção de vinho espumante, permitindo a diminuição do tempo de análise e de resíduos. No desenvolvimento dos modelos matemáticos para a calibração do NIR utilizaram-se 79 vinhos brancos e 60 amostras de mosto. Foram desenvolvidos 11 modelos de calibração onde o coeficiente de correlação foi, em aproximadamente 58% dos casos, maior que 0,99; ABSTRACT: In order to reduce the incidence of alginate beads aggregation during the second fermentation in the bottle and to reduce costs associated with their disposal, it was used the NIR technology to quantify calcium content in the wine. Other minerals were also quantified in order to evaluate possible ionic antagonisms. Quality control is usually done in the base wine but it can also be evaluated in the must. Currently this control was carried out by reference analysis methodologies generally rather slow as AAS. However NIR proved to be a good alternative technique in the control of quality parameters of wine production, allowing the reduction of the analysis time and waste. In order to develop mathematical models for the calibration of NIR it was used 79 white wine samples and 60 must samples. Eleven calibration models have been developed, where the correlation coeffi-cient was, in approximately 58% of cases, greater than 0,99.
A Associação da « Rachidi » trabalhou muito para preservar e valorizar a música Tunisiana desde o seu período de criação em 1934. Ela teve uma importante participação na educação musical, na disseminação do conhecimento musical e na organização de grandes concertos, assim como na elaboração de materiais escritos e na gravação das antigas canções. Nos dias de hoje, após 80 anos de trabalho, a Associação precisa que sua história e memória sejam preservadas. Desta forma, será apresentado um estudo sobre a "Rachidia", sua localização, seus personagens, sua música, seus instrumentos e sua orquestra, de um ponto de vista histórico capaz de colocar em evidência o patrimônio musical Tunisiano com ajuda da cenografia, museologia e da museografia. Na realidade será feito um programa científico para a elaboração de uma exposição temporária que destaque a música Tunisiana antiga em geral e em particular a « Rachidia ».
7 RESUME/ABSTRACT Au Sénégal, il existe des pratiques culturelles et cultuelles, séculaires que l’on retrouve au niveau de toutes les composantes ethnolinguistiques. Une donnée qui nous interpelle, chacun en ce qui nous concerne, et nous invite à repenser le devenir de nos spécificités et particularités culturelles face aux assauts répétés et multiformes de la modernité. La caractéristique qui entoure les rites et rituels est le plus souvent sujette à plusieurs formes d’interprétations fantaisistes et parfois dévalorisantes. Force est de reconnaître que le recours à la médecine moderne ne saurait pleinement répondre à ce besoin de tranquillité et de sérénité mystique qui habite chaque africain en général et chaque sénégalais en particulier. Il s’agit ici, pour l’africain et en ce qui nous concerne le sénégalais, de trouver une tranquillité psychologique et une assurance symbolique propres à créer les conditions d’une guérison physique et/ou morale. En ce sens que l’emprise du modernise ne peut aucunement influer totalement sur cette croyance ancestrale que bon nombre de sénégalais, et pas des moindres, ont en l’endroit de ces pratiques. Une prédisposition culturelle sous-tendue par des préoccupations cultuelles qui font l’objet d’une communion agissante entre les différents membres des communautés. Une prise de conscience qui se manifeste à travers des cérémonies ponctuellement organisées et présidées par des prêtres et prêtresses. Notre présente étude participe de la recherche d’un juste équilibre spirituel et temporel apte à offrir une possibilité de concilier les aspects traditionnels des spécificités culturelles de nos composantes ethnolinguistiques avec ce qui constitue les contraintes et exigences de la modernité. Il reste certes évident que cette opposition a généré une sorte de fracture culturelle en véhiculant une autre manière de voir, mais surtout de percevoir nos traditions et coutumes. Cependant à l’heure d’un redimensionnement et d’une adaptation contextuelle de ce qui constitue nos valeurs identitaires, il nous revient de procéder à une démarche de sensibilisation et d’explication pour conférer plus de lisibilité à nos expressions culturelles. La mise en place d’un écomusée des pratiques divinatoires et curatives, est un moyen moderne et pratique de sauvegarde et de valorisation des savoirs et connaissances thérapeutiques endogènes. Outre la création d’emplois et de revenus, cette infrastructure sera une vitrine du patrimoine local qui favorisera le développement d’un tourisme culturel source de devises et vecteur de développement local; ABSTRACT: In Senegal, there are cultural and religious practices, ancient that we find in all the ethno-linguistic components. A given that challenges us, each in our case, and invites us to rethink the future of our cultural specificities and characteristics and multifaceted face of repeated assaults of modernity. The characteristic surrounding the rites and rituals is usually subject to various forms of demeaning and sometimes fanciful interpretations. We must recognize that the use of modern medicine can not fully meet this need of tranquility and mystical serenity that inhabits every African in general and Senegal in particular each. This is, for Africa and for us Senegalese, find a psychological tranquility and symbolic own insurance to create conditions for physical healing and / or legal. In that the grip of modernizing can in no way affect totally on this ancient belief that many Senegalese, not least, have the place of such practices. A cultural predisposition underpinned by cultic concerns that are the subject of an active communion between the community members. An awareness that manifests itself through occasionally organized ceremonies presided over by priests and priestesses. Our present study involved the search for a fair balance spiritual and temporal able to offer an opportunity to reconcile the traditional aspects of the cultural specificities of our ethno-linguistic components with which constitutes the constraints and demands of modernity. While it remains clear that this opposition has generated a kind of cultural divide by conveying a different way of seeing, but above all to collect our traditions and customs. However at the time resizing and contextual adaptation of what constitutes our identity values, it is our responsibility to conduct an outreach approach and explanation to give greater clarity to our cultural expressions. The establishment of a museum of divination and healing practices, is a modern and convenient way to backup and recovery of therapeutic knowledge and endogenous knowledge. In addition to creating jobs and income, this infrastructure will be a showcase of local heritage that promote the development of cultural tourism source of foreign exchange and local development vector.
Une préoccupation importante pour le patrimoine culturel universitaire vient de se développer en Europe depuis les années 1980. Dans ce riche patrimoine sont inclus les biens mobiliers de valeur historique, scientifico-technique, académique, documentaire, artistique, architecturale et urbaine. Le continent européen a développé durant ces dernières années des actions significatives qui comprennent la création d’organisations, de comités à caractère international, ainsi que la rédaction de recommandations et règlements au niveau européen et institutionnel. Plusieurs universités ont pris des initiatives dans le domaine de la conservation et de la valorisation. À Cuba, il existe un grand intérêt pour le patrimoine culturel de la nation. Malgré la situation économique difficile depuis plusieurs années, Cuba a réussi des bons résultats dans la gestion des centres historiques et des biens patrimoniaux de la nation. Cependant, la thématique liée au patrimoine universitaire est encore peu discutée sur le territoire national, malgré depuis 2010, des actions pour étudier ce patrimoine sont mis en oeuvre grâce aux initiatives des universités de la capitale cubaine. Notre étude de cas, l’Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, appartenant au campus CUJAE1, fondé en 1964, a produit un patrimoine culturel universitaire de valeur scientifique, artistique et documentaire qui le distingue des autres universités. Malheureusement, ils existent plusieurs problèmes qui affectent les biens culturels mobiliers de l’ISPJAE et son campus. À partir de la situation actuelle, nous proposons une méthodologie en faveur de la conservation et la valorisation de ses biens, basée sur l’étude des tendances actuelles dans les universités européennes et cubaines étudiées. Les actions proposées favoriseront aussi les biens immobiliers, en tenant compte qu’ils ont un fort lien avec ceux mobiliers; ABSTRACT: An important concern for the university cultural heritage has just developed in Europe since the 1980s. The real asses of historic, scientific-technical, academic, documentary, artistic, architectural values are included in these rich heritages. The European continent developed during the last years significant actions which include the creation of organizations, committees with international character, as well as the writing of recommendations and regulations at the European and institutional level. Several universities took initiatives in the fields of the preservation and the valuation. In Cuba, there is a big interest for the cultural heritage of the nation. In spite of the difficult economic situation for several years, Cuba made a success of good results in the management of the historic centers and the patrimonial asses of the nation. However, the subject related to the university heritage is again little discussed in the national territory in spite of since 2010, several actions to study this heritage are implemented, thanks to the initiatives of the universities of the Cuban capital. Our case of study, Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, belonging to the campus CUJAE, established in 1964, produced a university cultural heritage of the scientific, artistic and documentary value, which distinguishes it from other universities. Unfortunately, there are several problems, which affect the real cultural asses of the ISPJAE and its campus. From the current situation, we propose a methodology in favor of the preservation and the valuation of its properties, based on the study of the current trends in the studied European and Cuban universities. The proposed actions will also favor the real property, taking into account that they have a strong link with those movable cultural asses; RIASSUNTO: Una preoccupazione importante per il patrimonio culturale universitario inizia a svilupparsi in Europa dagli anni 1980. In questo ricco patrimonio sono inclusi i beni mobili di valore storico, scientifico-tenico, accademico, documentario, artistico, architettonico e urbano. Il continente europeo ha sviluppato durante questi ultimi anni delle azioni significative che comprendono la creazione di organizazioni, di comitati internazionali, così come la redazione di raccomandazioni e regolamenti a livello europeo e istituzionale. Molte università hanno intrapreso delle iniziative nella conservazione e nella valorizzazione. A Cuba esiste un grande interesse per il patrimonio culturale della nazione. Malgrado la difficile situazione economica da molti anni Cuba ha ottenuto dei buoni risultati nella gestione di centri storici e di beni patrimoniali del Paese. Comunque, la tematica relativa al patrimonio universitario è ancora poco discussa anche se dal 2010 siano messe in opera delle azioni per studiare questo patrimonio, grazie alle iniziative di alcune università della capitale cubana. Il nostro caso di studio, l’Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría –ISPJAE-, appartenente al campus CUJAE fondato nel 1964, ha prodotto un patrimonio culturale universitario di valore scientifico, artistico e documentale che la distinguono delle altre università. Purtroppo, esistono molti problemi che influenzano i beni culturali mobili dell’ISPJAE e del suo campus. A partire della situazione attuale e facendo parte di questa ricerca, si propone una metodologia a favore della conservazione e della valorizzazione dei loro beni fondata sullo studio delle tendenze attuali in università europee e cubane. Alcune delle azioni proposte sono finalizzate e destinate anche ai beni immobili, tenendo conto che questi hanno un forte rapporto con i beni mobili.
The study aims to improve the understanding about different atmospheric environments leading to the development of storms associated with heavy precipitation in Madeira Island. For this purpose, four main goals have been considered: 1) To document the synoptic and mesoscale environments associated with heavy precipitation. 2) To characterize surface precipitation patterns that affected the island during some periods of significant accumulated precipitation using numerical modelling. 3) To study the relationship between surface precipitation patterns and mesoscale environments. 4) To highlight how the PhD findings obtained in the first three goals can be translated into an operational forecast context. Concerning the large scale environment, precipitation over the island was favoured by weather systems (e.g, mesoscale convective systems and low pressure systems), as well as by the meridional transport of high amount of moisture from a structure denominated as “Atmospheric River”. The tropical origin of this moisture is underscored, however, their impact on the precipitation in Madeira was not so high during the 10 winter seasons [2002 – 2012] studied. The main factor triggering heavy precipitation events over the island is related to the local orography. The steep terrain favours orographically-induced stationary precipitation over the highlands, although maximum of precipitation at coastal region may be produced by localized blocking effect. These orographic precipitating systems presented different structures, associated with shallow and deep convection. Essentially, the study shows that the combination of airflow dynamics, moist content, and orography is the major mechanism that produces precipitation over the island. These factors together with the event duration act to define the regions of excessive precipitation. Finally, the study highlights two useful points for the operational sector, regarding the meridional water vapour transport and local effects causing significant precipitation over the Island; RESUMO: O estudo procura melhorar o entendimento sobre os diferentes ambientes atmosféricos que favorecem o desenvolvimento de tempestades associadas com precipitação intensa na ilha da Madeira. Nesse sentido foram definidos quatro objetivos: 1) Documentar os ambientes sinópticos e de mesoescala associados com precipitação intensa; 2) Caracterizar padrões de precipitação na superfície, em eventos de elevada precipitação acumulada, utilizando modelação numérica; 3) Estudar as relações entre os padrões de precipitação e ambientes de mesoescala; 4) Mostrar como tais resultados podem ser utilizados num contexto operacional de previsão do tempo. Em relação a ambientes de larga escala, verificou-se que a ocorrência de eventos de precipitação intensa sobre a ilha foi favorecida por sistemas meteorológicos, assim como pelo transporte meridional de humidade por meio de estruturas atualmente denominadas Rios atmosféricos. Neste último caso é de destacar a origem tropical de humidade, no entanto, o seu impacto na precipitação sobre a Madeira durante os 10 invernos estudados [2002-2012] não foi tão elevada. O principal fator que favorece os eventos de precipitação intensa está relacionado com a orografia local. O terreno complexo da ilha favorece a ocorrência de precipitação estacionária induzida orograficamente sobre as terras mais altas, embora a precipitação nas zonas costeiras possa ser produzida por um efeito localizado de bloqueio. Estes sistemas orográficos precipitantes apresentaram diferentes estruturas, associados a convecção pouco profunda e profunda. O estudo mostra que a combinação entre as características do escoamento, a quantidade de humidade, e a orografia são os condimentos essenciais para o desenvolvimento da precipitação sobre a ilha, atuando de maneira a definir as regiões de precipitação excessiva. Por fim, o estudo destaca dois pontos que podem ser úteis na previsão do tempo operacional, ligados a larga escala e aos efeitos locais, os quais podem levar ao desenvolvimento de tempestades e precipitação intensa sobre a ilha.
Os controladores de caudal, normalmente implementados em sistemas Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), apresentam uma grande relevância no controlo automático de canais de adução. Para garantir que os controladores de caudal sejam fiáveis em todo o seu domínio de funcionamento (em situações de escoamento com ressalto livre ou submerso e de transição entre escoamentos com ressalto livre e ressalto submerso) foram comparados os resultados dos ensaios experimentais com diferentes métodos de cálculo da vazão em comportas e/ou sobre soleiras. O programa de ensaios foi realizado nos canais laboratorial e experimental da Universidade de Évora. Foram realizados ensaios em comportas planas verticais e em soleiras do tipo Waterways Experiment Station (WES) controladas ou não por comportas planas verticais. Em ambos os casos, foram contempladas as situações de escoamento com ressalto livre e submerso. Os resultados obtidos mostram que: a) para as comportas, o método Rajaratnam e Subramanya (1967a) conduz a bons resultados com um erro percentual médio absoluto MAPE < 1% para o escoamento com ressalto livre e MAPE < 4% para o submerso; a transição entre escoamentos foi identificada corretamente por este método; b) para as soleiras, obtiveram-se bons resultados para o escoamento com ressalto livre para o método USACE (1987), com MAPE < 2%, e para o submerso através do método Alves e Martins (2011), com MAPE < 5%; a transição entre escoamentos pode ser considerada adequada de acordo com a curva experimental de Grace (1963); c) para soleiras controladas por comporta, conseguiram-se bons resultados para o escoamento com ressalto livre recorrendo à equação dos orifícios de pequenas dimensões, com MAPE < 1, 5%, e para o submerso com a equação dos orifícios totalmente submersos com MAPE < 1, 6%; em ambos os casos foi necessária calibração do coeficiente de vazão; a transição entre escoamentos foi adequada pelo método de Grace (1963). Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi possível definir um algoritmo de vazão generalizado para comportas e/ou soleiras que permite a determinação da vazão para as situações de escoamento com ressalto livre e submerso incluindo a transição entre escoamentos; ABSTRACT: Flow controllers, usually implemented in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, are very important in the automatic control of irrigation canal systems. To ensure that flow controllers are reliable for the entire operating range (free or submerged flow and flow transitions) the experimental results were compared with different methods of flow measurement for gates and/or weirs. The test program was conducted in the laboratory flume and in the automatic canal of the University of ´Evora. Tests were carried in sluice gates and in broad-crested weirs controlled or not by sluice gate. In both cases free and submerged flow conditions were analyzed. The results show that: a) for the sluice gates, the method of Rajaratnam e Subramanya (1967a) leads to good results with a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) < 1% for free flow and MAPE < 4% for submerged flow. The transition between flows is correctly identified by this method; b) for the uncontrolled weir, good results were obtained for free flow with the method USACE (1987) with MAPE < 2%, and for submerged flow by the method Alves e Martins (2011) with MAPE < 5%. The transition between flows can be accurately defined by the experimental curve of Grace (1963); c) for the controlled weir, good results were achieved for the free flow with the small orifice equation with MAPE < 1.5% and for submerged flow with the submerged orifice equation with MAPE < 1.6%; in both cases the calibration of the discharge coefficient is needed. The transition between flows can be accomplished through Grace (1963) method. Based on the obtained results, it was possible to define a generalized flow algorithm for gates and/or weirs that allows flow determination for free and submerged flow conditions including the transition between flows.