931 resultados para Psychoses in adolescence - Prevention


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Neste artigo discute-se o tema das omissões na gênese de acidentes do trabalho, tendo como referência contribuições de James Reason. Os autores descrevem três acidentes de trabalho ocorridos em atividades de manutenção, e nos quais a omissão de passos na execução da atividade foi apontada como causa nas análises efetuadas pelas empresas, acarretando atribuição de culpa aos acidentados. Nos três casos, a análise efetuada pelos autores revelou que, na seqüência de passos da atividade havia presença simultânea de pelo menos quatro das características apontadas por Reason como geradoras de omissões, caracterizando as denominadas armadilhas cognitivas.


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O interesse por medicamentos alternativos, principalmente daqueles provenientes de extratos naturais, tem aumentado nas últimas décadas. A Melaleuca alternifolia é um arbusto pertencente ao gênero Melaleuca, popularmente conhecida como árvore de chá, cujo principal produto é o óleo essencial (TTO - tea tree oil), de grande importância medicinal por possuir comprovada ação bactericida e antifúngica contra diversos patógenos humanos. em virtude da atividade terapêutica em diversas especialidades médicas, o TTO passou a ser empregado na área odontológica. Esta revisão de literatura foi realizada com o objetivo de discutir os ensaios já realizados com o TTO contra microrganismos relacionados à doença cárie, doença periodontal e problemas pulpares. O óleo de Melaleuca tem demonstrado boa ação antibacteriana in vitro contra microrganismos bucais, porém, pesquisas envolvendo o estudo do mecanismo de ação sobre as células microbianas ou estudos in vivo ainda são escassos e precisam ser realizados, já que esse produto pode ser útil na odontologia, seja na manutenção química da higiene ou prevenção de doenças bucais.


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Objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia que permitisse a sexagem de carne bovina pronta para comercialização. Para tanto, utilizou-se primers seqüência macho-específica e posterior análise do produto amplificado. O método proposto mostrou-se eficiente para verificar o sexo, bem como sua utilização prática, a fim de evitar fraudes na comercialização de carne bovina.


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Probióticos são microrganismos vivos que, se administrados em quantidades adequadas, promovem benefícios à saúde do homem e dos animais. O crescente interesse nos probióticos fundamenta-se em estudos clínicos nos quais a administração desses organismos foi avaliada na prevenção e no tratamento de desordens intestinais e sistêmicas. Os potenciais mecanismos de ação desses microrganismos incluem a exclusão competitiva, a produção de metabólitos com atividade antimicrobiana e a modulação da resposta imune. em algumas circunstâncias clínicas específicas, os benefícios produzidos por esses microrganismos foram amplamente documentados, enquanto que em outras os resultados são contraditórios. No presente artigo de revisão, os probióticos foram abordados considerando-se o potencial bioterapêutico desses microrganismos nas parasitoses intestinais.


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A infecção por influenza A, subtipo H1N1, é considerada uma doença viral aguda e importante causa de doença respiratória. As crianças foram consideradas como um dos grupos de risco, devido à imaturidade do sistema imunológico. A fisioterapia pode atuar na prevenção e no tratamento das doenças respiratórias em crianças, utilizando-se de diversas técnicas e procedimentos terapêuticos. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever o atendimento de fisioterapia em crianças internadas em um hospital-escola com diagnóstico/suspeita de infecção por H1N1. Estudo do tipo descritivo de relato de casos em série realizado por meio de análise de prontuário. Investigados 14 prontuários de crianças com mediana de idade de 1 ano e 5 meses, 10 do sexo masculino e 4 do feminino. A manifestação clínica mais frequente foi esforço respiratório, seguida por tosse, febre, coriza, vômitos e dor no corpo. As técnicas de fisioterapia mais realizadas foram respiratórias, seguidas de cinesioterapia, orientações para os pais, suporte de oxigênio e estímulo ao (DNPM). O tempo médio de internação foi de 4,57 dias. Algumas crianças somavam ao diagnóstico/suspeita de infecção por H1N1 diagnósticos e doenças associadas. A fisioterapia realizada foi principalmente no sentido de melhorar a mecânica respiratória por meio de técnicas desobstrutivas e outras condutas respiratórias, porém preocupação com mobilizações, orientações para os pais e desenvolvimento motor também foi destacada.


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Procedimentos cirúrgicos torácicos podem alterar a mecânica respiratória, repercutindo na função pulmonar. A presença de profissionais fisioterapeutas é fundamental no preparo e na reabilitação dos indivíduos que são submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca, visto que dispõem de um grande arsenal de técnicas. O objetivo foi verificar a efetividade de exercícios respiratórios, com e sem a utilização de dispositivos, e o treinamento muscular respiratório pré-cirurgia cardíaca na redução das complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias. Mesmo existindo controvérsias a respeito de qual técnica utilizar, estudos demonstram a eficácia da fisioterapia respiratória pré-cirúrgica na prevenção e na redução de complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias.


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OBJETIVO: Os autores relatam a influência do controle metabólico do diabetes, experimentalmente induzido no rato, sobre a nefropatia diabética. Eles observaram o efeito da insulina, da acarbose, um inibidor da glicosidase, e de dois agentes combinados sobre o controle metabólico e o desenvolvimento da expansão mesangial de glomérulos renais, no diabetes induzido pela aloxana no rato. MÉTODOS: Usando 5 grupos de ratos Wistar assim definidos: Normal(N), diabéticos não-tratados (D), diabéticos tratados com acarbose (AD); diabéticos tratados com insulina (ID) e diabéticos tratados com insulina associada à acarbose (IAD) foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: peso corporal, ingestão alimentar, ingestão hídrica, diurese, níveis de glicose sanguínea e urinária e as lesões renais: alargamento mesangial e vacuolização de células tubulares, usando contagem semi-quantitativa 1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses após a indução do diabetes. RESULTADOS: Houve acentuado aumento da glicemia, dos níveis de glicose na urina, da diurese, da ingestão hídrica e alimentar, e progressiva perda de peso nos ratos diabéticos, enquanto que os ratos diabéticos tratados exibiram melhora significativa destes parâmetros, sendo os ratos tratados com insulina + acarbose os que apresentaram controle metabólico mais satisfatório. Houve um significativo alargamento mesangial nos ratos diabéticos quando comparado ao observado nos ratos normais, desde o 3º até o 12º mês após a indução do diabetes, sendo observada diferença significativa entre os animais tratados com acarbose + insulina e os ratos diabéticos não-tratados. Não houve diferença significativa entre os animais tratados somente com acarbose ou com insulina quando comparados com ratos diabéticos não-tratados. CONCLUSÃO: Os autores discutem os resultados abordando o papel do controle metabólico do diabetes na prevenção da nefropatia diabética.


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Dry extract of the genus Passiflora has been shown to help control glycemia and lipid levels. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of passion fruit (P. edulis) on the biochemical profile of offspring from diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin. The diabetes group consisted of 10 rats with glucose levels greater than 200 mg/dL; the nondiabetic (control) group consisted of 10 rats with glucose levels less than 120 mg/dL. After the diagnosis of diabetes, the mating phase was started. By day 21 of pregnancy, the offspring were born; the dams were kept in individual cages with their offspring until the weaning period. The offspring were then divided into 4 groups (n = 15 each): G1 were offspring from control dams, G2 were offspring from treated nondiabetic dams, G3 were offspring from diabetic dams, and G4 were offspring from treated diabetic dams. For 30 consecutive days, G1 and G3 offspring were treated with vehicle (oral gavage) and G2 and G4 offspring were treated with passion fruit juice (oral gavage). After 30-day treatment, the animals were anesthetized and killed, and blood was drawn immediately for analysis of the biochemical profile (total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose). The G2 and G4 rats showed significantly reduced total cholesterol, triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and an increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level. The use of passion fruit juice improved lipid profiles, suggesting that this plant may have beneficial effects in the prevention and treatment of dyslipidemias and hyperglycemia.


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The pregnant women presenting Diabetes mellitus develop metabolic alterations, that may cause damage to the fetal well-being and provoke anomalies and/or malformations. The antioxidant treatment has improved the embryonic development from streptozotocin diabetic rats. Several studies have shown that a Gingko biloba extract presents antioxidant effects and, in the present study, one of the G. biloba extract formulations was used (EGb761) - Tebonin (200 mg/Kg/day), given to the diabetic pregnant female rats. The aim was to evaluate the effect of the EGb761 treatment on the of anomalies and/ or malformations incidence of the offspring. Diabetes was induced in female rats using streptozotocin in a dose of 40 mg/kg. The rats were mated, and the pregnant animals were divided in two groups: Control (water) and experimental (G. biloba). At day 21 of pregnancy, the rats were killed, and their fetuses were analyzed and processed for anomalies and/or malformations incidence. The results demonstrated that control and experimental groups presented no external anomalies and malformations; increased incidence of skeletal anomalies and of visceral malformations, and lower rate of visceral anomalies and skeletal malformations. These data confirm no statistical difference and, therefore, EGb761 treatment did not cause changes. Thus, a dose of 200 mg/Kg/day of a Gingko biloba extract given during the pregnancy rat was ineffective in the prevention of the anomalies and/or malformations related to the diabetes.


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A 6-year-old girl with Glanzmann thrombasthenia presented with caries and periapical lesions in the primary mandibular second molars and moderate gingivitis of the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth. Dental extraction was recommended, and before every surgical intervention, the patient underwent platelet-concentrate transfusion to prevent hemorrhage. Epsilon aminocaproic acid was administered 6 hours before, and 48 hours after every dental procedure to prevent bleeding. In this case, treatment was effective in the prevention of hemorrhagic complications, during the required dental procedures.


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Maternal mortality rate (MM) is a health quality indicator that is directly influenced by the economic, cultural and technological level of a country. Official data of MM in Brazil, although underestimated, point to the lack of quality in pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium care services. This characteristic is common in developing countries, where poorer pregnant women as well as those facing greater difficulty to quality care access are found. Prenatal care cannot prevent major childbirth complications, which are important causes of MM; however, some interventions during the prenatal period can favor maternal prognosis and prevent MM. In this setting, this study brings a scientifically based update concerning effective interventions for maternal mortality prevention during the prenatal period. The most important strategies consist of a tripod with specific interventions related to maternal health promotion, risk prevention and assurance of nutritional support during gestation, in addition to criteria to investigate gestational risk and inclusion of the pregnant woman in the basic component of the prenatal care model. It ends with the definition of priorities in the prevention of MM related to eclampsia/preeclampsia and reinforces the importance of normalization of reference systems for obstetric emergency cases.


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Behavioral problems in preschool children are one of the most frequent motives for seeking psychological care by parents and caregivers. Instruments are considered necessary, created from a Social Skills Training theoretical-practical perspective, which may systematically assist the identification of social skills and behavioral deficits, helping professionals in the prevention and/or reduction of behavioral problems. The purpose of this study was to test the psychometric validity and reliability of an instrument for evaluation of Socially Skilled Responses, from a teacher's perspective (QRSH-PR For this purpose, 260 preschool children were evaluated, differentiated in subgroups without and without behavioral difficulties, based on the Child Behavior Scale (Escala de Comportamento Infantil/ECI-Professor Studies were conducted for construct, discrimination, concurrent and predictive validity. The Cronbach Alpha was calculated to evaluate internal consistency. The obtained results pointed to positive indicators in reference to construct, discrimination, and predictive validity, and even for good internal consistency, indicating that the items consistently measure the construct of social skills, and differentiated children with and without behavioral problems. The questionnaire is considered to be gauged for evaluation of socially skilled responses from preschool children, and applicable in educational and clinical environments. Copyright 2009 by The Spanish Journal of Psychology.


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Since the early findings on the protective effects of fluoride present in drinking water upon caries incidence and prevalence, intensive research has been conducted in order to determine the benefits, safety, as well as the cost-effectiveness of other modalities of fluoride delivery. The present chapter reviews the various forms of topical fluoride use - professionally and self-applied - with special emphasis on clinical efficacy and possible side effects. The most widely used forms of fluoride delivery have been subject of several systematic reviews, providing strong evidence supporting the use of dentifrices, gels, varnishes and mouth rinses for the control of caries progression. Dentifrices with fluoride concentrations of 1,000 ppm and above have been shown to be clinically effective in caries prevention when compared to a placebo treatment, but the evidence regarding formulations with 450-550 ppm is still subject of debate. Therefore, the recommendation for low-fluoride dentifrice use must take into account both risks and benefits. The evidence for the combined use of two modalities of fluoride application in comparison to a single modality is still inconsistent, implying that more studies with adequate methodology are needed to determine the real benefits of each method. Considering the currently available evidence and risk-benefit aspects, it seems justifiable to recommend the use of fluoridated dentifrices to individuals of all ages, and additional fluoride therapy should also be targeted towards individuals at high caries risk. © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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β-glucan is an important polysaccharide due to its medicinal properties of stimulating the immune system and preventing chronic diseases such as cancer. The aim of the present study was to determine the anticlastogenic effect of β-glucan in cells exposed to ultraviolet radiation (UV). Chromosome aberration assay was performed in drug-metabolizing cells (HTC) and non drug-metabolizing cells (CHO-K1 and repair-deficient CHO-xrs5), using different treatment protocols. Continuous treatment (UV + β-glucan) was not effective in reducing the DNA damage only in CHO-xrs5 cells. However, the pre-treatment protocol (β-glucan before UV exposition) was effective in reducing DNA damage only in CHO-K1 cells. In post-treatment (β-glucan after UV exposition) did not show significative anticlastogenic effects, although there was a tendency toward prevention. The data suggest that β-glucan has more than one action mechanism, being capable of exerting desmutagenic as well as bio-antimutagenic action. The findings also suggest that the presence of the xenobiotic metabolizing system can reduce the chemopreventive capacity of β-glucan. Therefore, these results indicate that β-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be used in the prevention and/or reduction of DNA damage. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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Objective: To examine the influence of a preventative training program (PTP) on sagittal plane kinematics during different landing tasks and vertical jump height (VJH) in males. Design: Six weeks prospective exercise intervention. Participants: Fifteen male volleyball athletes (13 ± 0.7 years, 1.70 ± 0.12 m, 60 ± 12 kg). Interventions: PTP consisting of plyometric, balance and core stability exercises three times per week for six weeks. Bilateral vertical jumps with double leg (DL) and single leg (SL) landings were performed to measure the effects of training. Main outcome measurements: Kinematics of the knee and hip before and after training and VJH attained during both tasks after training. The hypothesis was that the PTP would produce improvements in VJH, but would not generate great changes in biomechanical behavior. Results: The only change identified for the SL was the longest duration of landing, which represents the time spent from initial ground contact to maximum knee flexion, after training, while increased angular displacement of the knee was observed during DL. The training did not significantly alter the VJH in either the SL (difference: 2.7 cm) or the DL conditions (difference: 3.5 cm). Conclusions: Despite the PTP's effectiveness in inducing some changes in kinematics, the changes were specific for each task, which highlights the importance of the specificity and individuality in selecting prevention injury exercises. Despite the absence of significant increases in the VJH, the absolute differences after training showed increases corroborating with the findings of statistically powerful studies that compared the results with control groups. The results suggest that short-term PTPs in low risk young male volleyball athletes may enhance performance and induce changes in some kinematic parameters. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.