958 resultados para Proverbs, Persian


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O livro de Jó pertence à literatura sapiencial de Israel. Seu conteúdo é um grande debate entre sábios. Estes formavam um segmento educado da população: sabiam ler e escrever. A sabedoria era demasiadamente valorizada e concebida como orientação prudente para a vida. O texto 24,1-12 de Jó pertence à parte poética do livro. O poema foi escrito na primeira metade do século V a.C., no período do pós exílio, durante a dominação dos persas. Este império trouxe profundas modificações para a vida do povo em Judá. Apesar da aparente tolerância por parte de seus governantes, eles criaram métodos muito eficazes para alcançar seus objetivos de controle sobre os povos submetidos. Através de um forte aparelho burocrático, fiscal e militar controlavam e garantiam a ordem e o pagamento de tributos. O templo tornou-se o intermediário entre o império e o povo. A economia e a sociedade se estruturaram conforme o regime imposto pelos persas. Essa política econômica e administrativa favorecia o enriquecimento dos setores dominantes, e conseqüentemente o empobrecimento cada vez maior dos camponeses. Os sacerdotes eram os líderes do povo e a teologia da retribuição se fortaleceu muito nessa época. No entanto, a justiça de Deus explicada pela teologia da retribuição deparava-se com o problema do mal e do sofrimento do justo. É a partir da experiência e da observação da realidade que se origina um movimento de resistência à teologia da retribuição. No capítulo 24,1-12, Jó se lança numa contemplação sobre a sociedade dividida entre opressores e oprimidos. Desmonta o funcionamento da sociedade mostrando suas rupturas e conflitos graves. Sua intenção nesse texto é mostrar através da realidade, porque não concorda com as afirmações dos sábios que defendem a teologia da retribuição, sobre o castigo infalível para os ímpios ricos e sobre o sofrimento do pobre como indicação de castigo.(AU)


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O livro de Malaquias apresenta oráculos que conservam informações relevantes do período pós exílico sob o domínio da Pérsia e, especialmente, os problemas religiosos focalizando a displicência dos sacerdotes no cumprimento de suas funções e os problemas sociais apontando para um amplo movimento de opressão externa e interna. Esta pesquisa buscou verificar, no primeiro capítulo, como a mensagem de Malaquias através de sua forma e conteúdos visava aplacar as insatisfações internas dos grupos que habitavam o território de Judá. Neste capítulo, foram abordadas as discussões histórico-literárias sobre data, autoria, destinatários, forma do anúncio. Ainda procurou-se realizar levantamentos históricos verificando o sistema e as estruturas de opressão dos persas no território de Judá e também as faces da reorganização da sociedade de Judá. O segundo capítulo enfatizou, mais propriamente, o trabalho exegético no quarto oráculo (2,17-3,5). Neste pode-se verificar uma síntese dos temas centrais da mensagem de Malaquias: O juízo divino que viria pela negligência religiosa e que exigia compromissos com a justiça prática na vida do povo. A partir das discussões exegéticas buscou-se verificar como o profeta apresentou ao povo e aos sacerdotes quais seriam os agentes e as ações transformadoras que Javé promoveria para restaurar a justiça e o culto purificado. O terceiro capítulo apresenta um tema recorrente nos oráculos do livro de Malaquias: a justiça. Para isso, foram analisadas três perícopes que tratam o tema da justiça enfocadamente, as influências do sistema judicial persa na prática da justiça cotidiana em Judá e a realidade de opressão nos sistema de parentesco entre as famílias (clãs) que habitavam o território de Judá - (2,10-16; 2,17-3,5 e 3,13-21). A pesquisa de Malaquias aponta para um profeta engajado política e socialmente. O Mensageiro manteve os ideais proféticos e desejou reacender os valores da aliança entre o povo e fortalecer a confiança na ação de Javé que restauraria a justiça na prática cotidiana.(AU)


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O sofrimento que aparece no livro de Jó pode ser considerado de diversas formas. Esta dissertação analisa a questão da terra como um eixo em torno do qual Jó e seus interlocutores debatem. Não se trata de um simples debate entre sábios, mas de uma situação de violência social, vitimando principalmente os pobres. Estes, não tendo como pagar os tributos exigidos pelo sistema imperial, vêem suas terras e casas invadidas, as marcas divisórias de suas propriedades mudadas, seus animais roubados e suas vidas reduzidas à escravidão. A terra está sendo violada, a injustiça é visível e o tribunal encontra-se fechado para ouvir o clamor dos injustiçados. Contemplando toda essa realidade, Jó lança seu grito de protesto. Três amigos chegam para o consolar, mas não entram a fundo na questão levantada. Elifaz e seus companheiros têm uma posição diferente da de Jó. A dissertação está organizada em três capítulos. O primeiro apresenta uma visão geral do livro de Jó, com observações necessárias em função do estudo a ser feito, com enfoque no diálogo de Elifaz, na questão da terra na Bíblia e no período persa. O segundo capítulo é dedicado à análise exegética do capítulo 15. A divisão em três partes respeita o argumento de Elifaz: a condenação às palavras de Jó, um ensinamento em relação à terra e a condenação do ímpio. O último capítulo amplia a visão da questão da terra para todo o livro de Jó e procura identificar cada um dos personagens: os estrangeiros, os ímpios, os interlocutores de Jó, os pobres e o próprio Jó. O importante é saber qual o lugar que cada um ocupa na sociedade e o que eles representam na questão da terra. (AU)


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Nos textos de Provérbios 1,20-23; 8 e 9, encontra-se o instigante símbolo da sabedoria mulher, que possui uma longa e controvertida história de interpretação. Ao analisar as ligações textuais entre estes textos e o poema de Pr 31, descobrimos que o símbolo da sabedoria mulher inspira-se na mulher da vida real, que participa corajosamente na reconstrução da história e das relações do povo de Judá, no período pós-exílico. Estas ligações desvelam uma grande valorização da mulher e sua proximidade com Deus ao apresentá- la com o poder de oferecer vida (Pr 8,35; 9,6) e de cuidá-la (Pr 31), vivenciando e transmitindo valores éticos fundamentais para as relações cotidianas da casa (Pr 1,8; 6,20; 31,2-9.26). Este símbolo carrega ainda a memória de antigos cultos realizados na casa para celebrar e garantir a vida. Embora estes rituais contivessem a memória de Deusas, eles não eram opostos ao culto de Javé, pois, dentro da dinâmica da casa, estavam inteiramente integrados na religião de Israel pela priorização da vida e pela prática da jus tiça. Esses textos de Provérbios atestam uma grande mudança na visão da mulher. A origem desta nova visão encontra-se na época do cativeiro, quando já não havia templo e nem um governo que canalizasse a organização do povo e sua luta pela libertação. A casa passa a ter funções de prover a subsistência e de transmitir as tradições religiosas do povo bíblico com a finalidade de obter a inspiração e a força necessárias para garantir o futuro. Na casa interiorana, a mulher tem autoridade e liderança, apesar dos preconceitos da sociedade patriarcal. É no pequeno espaço da casa judaíta que o movimento da sabedoria mulher situa-se, gerando relações de inclusão e de solidariedade, na época da dominação do 2º templo, com suas normas sobre a impureza.(AU)


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A presente dissertação faz um resumo histórico-teológico das relações de Israel com nações estrangeiras. Estuda a origem deste povo, em seus aspectos antropológico-culturais na época do tribalismo e compara com a situação no período Babilônico e Persa. Compreendendo as diferentes posturas da nação em relação à presença de estrangeiros no meio do povo de Deus, investiga a origem do nacionalismo exclusivista a partir do livro do Dt, confrontando com as narrativas de Ed 9 e 10 e Ne 13 na questão dos casamentos mistos. Por fim traz propostas de inclusão da literatura pós-exílica na qual crianças e mulheres estrangeiras fazem ouvir sua voz de protesto.(AU)


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A dissertação objetiva estudar o papel que o apocalipsismo, desempenhou na história e no contexto da redação do oráculo isaiano em Isaías 24,1-6. A proposta é de que sua função foi de grande importância no processo de formação do judaísmo pós-exílico, fomentando uma nova reidentificação e reetnização dos israelitas-judaítas num contexto de frustração nacionalista e religiosa que gerou uma grande heterogeneidade teológica. Identificamos este contexto como sendo o ambiente em que se deu um complexo processo de transição sócio-teológica na história dos judaitas no período de dominação persa. O apocalipsismo, enquanto fenômeno religioso e sócio-histórico, se mostrou como resultado de uma realidade hostil e desumanizadora na qual a identidade teológico-cultural e os relacionamentos sócioeconômicos das pessoas foram extremamente ameaçados e violentados gerando uma contraposição aos desígnios de Yahweh expressos na aliança firmada por ele para com seu povo. Através da pesquisa e análise exegética de Isaías 24,1-6, a presente dissertação propõe que, a partir dessa realidade conflituosa, a profecia apocalipsista isaiana se manifesta contra as estruturas e suas articulações geradoras de segregação e desumanidade, lançando uma esperança no ato transformador por intermédio de Yahweh, o senhor da história, que possibilita um reverso histórico, a partir do qual será possível reconstruir relacionamentos favoráveis no âmbito social e espiritual.(AU)


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Purpose – The UK experienced a number of Extreme Weather Events (EWEs) during recent years and a significant number of businesses were affected as a result. With the intensity and frequency of weather extremes predicted in the future, enhancing the resilience of businesses, especially of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), who are considered as highly vulnerable, has become a necessity. However, little research has been undertaken on how construction SMEs respond to the risk of EWEs. In seeking to help address this dearth of research, this investigation sought to identify how construction SMEs were being affected by EWEs and the coping strategies being used. Design/methodology/approach – A mixed methods research design was adopted to elicit information from construction SMEs, involving a questionnaire survey and case study approach. Findings – Results indicate a lack of coping strategies among the construction SMEs studied. Where the coping strategies have been implemented, these were found to be extensions of their existing risk management strategies rather than radical measures specifically addressing EWEs. Research limitations/implications – The exploratory survey focused on the Greater London area and was limited to a relatively small sample size. This limitation is overcome by conducting detailed case studies utilising two SMEs whose projects were located in EWE prone localities. The mixed method research design adopted benefits the research by presenting more robust findings. Practical implications – A better way of integrating the potential of EWEs into the initial project planning stage is required by the SMEs. This could possibly be achieved through a better risk assessment model supported by better EWE prediction data. Originality/value – The paper provides an original contribution towards the overarching agenda of resilience of SMEs and policy making in the area of EWE risk management. It informs both policy makers and practitioners on issues of planning and preparedness against EWEs.


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Despite Government investment in flood defence schemes, many properties remain at high risk of flooding. A substantial portion of these properties are business establishments. Flooding can create serious consequences for businesses, including damage to property and stocks, being out of business for a considerable period and ultimately business failure. Recent flood events such as those in 2007 and 2009 that affected many parts of the UK have helped to establish the true costs of flooding to businesses. This greater understanding of the risks to businesses has heightened the need for business owners to adapt their businesses to the threat of future flooding. Government policy has now shifted away from investment in engineered flood defences, towards encouraging the uptake of property level flood resistance and resilience measures by businesses. However, implementing such adaptation strategies remains a challenge due a range of reasons. A review of the current state of property level flood risk adaptation of UK businesses is presented, drawing from extant literature. Barriers that may hinder the uptake of property level adaptation by businesses are revealed and drivers that may enhance uptake and effectively overcome these barriers are also discussed. It is concluded that the professions from the construction sector have the potential to contribute towards the adaptation of business properties and thereby the flood resilience of businesses at risk of flooding.


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Flooding can have a devastating impact on businesses, especially on small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who may be unprepared and vulnerable to the range of both direct and indirect impacts. SMEs may tend to focus on the direct tangible impacts of flooding, limiting their ability to realise the true costs of flooding. Greater understanding of the impacts of flooding is likely to contribute towards increased uptake of flood protection measures by SMEs, particularly during post-flood property reinstatement. This study sought to investigate the full range of impacts experienced by SMEs located in Cockermouth following the floods of 2009. The findings of a questionnaire survey of SMEs revealed that businesses not directly affected by the flooding experienced a range of impacts and that short-term impacts were given a higher significance. A strong correlation was observed between direct, physical flood impacts and post-flood costs of insurance. Significant increases in the costs of property insurance and excesses were noted, meaning that SMEs will be exposed to increased losses in the event of a future flood event. The findings from the research will enable policy makers and professional bodies to make informed decisions to improve the status of advice given to SMEs. The study also adds weight to the case for SMEs to consider investing in property-level flood risk adaptation measures, especially during the post flood reinstatement process. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM).


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Worldwide floods have become one of the costliest weather-related hazards, causing large-scale human, economic, and environmental damage during the recent past. Recent years have seen a large number of such flood events around the globe, with Europe and the United Kingdom being no exception. Currently, about one in six properties in England is at risk of flooding (EA, 2009), and the risk is expected to further increase in the future (Evans et al., 2004). Although public spending on community-level flood protection has increased and some properties are protected by such protection schemes, many properties at risk of flooding may still be left without adequate protection. As far as businesses are concerned, this has led to an increased need for implementing strategies for property-level flood protection and business continuity, in order to improve their capacity to survive a flood hazard. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) constitute a significant portion of the UK business community. In the United Kingdom, more than 99% of private sector enterprises fall within the category of SMEs (BERR, 2008). They account for more than half of employment creation (59%) and turnover generation (52%) (BERR, 2008), and are thus considered the backbone of the UK economy. However, they are often affected disproportionately by natural hazards when compared with their larger counterparts (Tierney and Dahlhamer, 1996; Webb, Tierney, and Dahlhamer, 2000; Alesch et al., 2001) due to their increased vulnerability. Previous research reveals that small businesses are not adequately prepared to cope with the risk of natural hazards and to recover following such events (Tierney and Dahlhamer, 1996; Alesch et al., 2001; Yoshida and Deyle, 2005; Crichton, 2006; Dlugolecki, 2008). For instance, 90% of small businesses do not have adequate insurance coverage for their property (AXA Insurance UK, 2008) and only about 30% have a business continuity plan (Woodman, 2008). Not being adequately protected by community-level flood protection measures as well as property- and business-level protection measures threatens the survival of SMEs, especially those located in flood risk areas. This chapter discusses the potential effects of flood hazards on SMEs and the coping strategies that the SMEs can undertake to ensure the continuity of their business activities amid flood events. It contextualizes this discussion within a survey conducted under the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funded research project entitled “Community Resilience to Extreme Weather — CREW”.


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Recent policy changes in the UK encourage at-risk communities to learn to live with and adapt to flooding. Adaptation of individual properties by embracing resilient and resistant measures is an important aspect endorsed therein. Uptake of such protection measures by property owners, including that of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), has traditionally been low. A post-flood situation offers an opportunity to reinstate / reconstruct by integrating flood protection measures, in such a way that reduce damage and enhance the ability to recover in the event of a future flood incidence. In order to investigate the reinstatement / reconstruction experiences of flood affected SMEs, those affected by the 2009 Cockermouth flood event were studied. The results of a questionnaire survey revealed that many SMEs have opted for traditional reinstatement rather than resilient reinstatement. A detailed case study revealed requirements of getting the business back and running as soon as possible, a lack of guidance and advice from professionals and financial concerns as some of the barriers faced by SMEs. It is important that SMEs are provided with necessary guidance during the post-flood reinstatement stage, in order to make sure that the opportunity to build back better, integrating flood-protection measures is grasped by the SME owners. Stakeholders related to the construction industry, who are actively involved with post-flood reinstatement work, have an important role to play in this regard, providing necessary guidance and expertise to flooded SMEs.


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This is the final report of the RICS Education Trust funded “Developing Flood Expert Knowledge in Chartered Surveyors – DEFENCES” research project. The UK has endured a number of major flood events in recent years, and the UK Environment Agency (2009a) identified that about 5.2million properties in England, amounting to one in six, are at risk of flooding. The impacts of flooding include direct and indirect impacts and can be particularly devastating for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who are generally more vulnerable to such events than larger business organisations. Recent flood events have established how costly flooding can be to the SME sector (Pitt, 2008, ABI, 2010), which has given greater impetus to the need to improve the resilience of at-risk SMEs. A lack of professional advice on flood protection and adaptation measures represents a potential barrier to the uptake of such interventions by SMEs. A recent Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) survey, as quoted in Defra (2008) notes that, although a majority of chartered surveyors would like to work in this area of practice (flood risk assessment and adaptation), they are conscious of gaps in their competency, knowledge and understanding. The research project sought to contextualise this broader issue and investigate how chartered surveyors can bridge the gap in providing professional flood advice to SMEs. Further, a shift in the UK government policy on flood risk management is evident, where at-risk communities are urged to adapt to flooding. This places greater emphasis on property-level flood adaptation, providing further impetus for Chartered Surveyors to be involved. Findings of the research will be of interest to the RICS, the RICS Flood steering Group, practicing surveyors generally, SMEs, business support and policy making organisations.


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This chapter introduces Native Language Identification (NLID) and considers the casework applications with regard to authorship analysis of online material. It presents findings from research identifying which linguistic features were the best indicators of native (L1) Persian speakers blogging in English, and analyses how these features cope at distinguishing between native influences from languages that are linguistically and culturally related. The first chapter section outlines the area of Native Language Identification, and demonstrates its potential for application through a discussion of relevant case history. The next section discusses a development of methodology for identifying influence from L1 Persian in an anonymous blog author, and presents findings. The third part discusses the application of these features to casework situations as well as how the features identified can form an easily applicable model and demonstrates the application of this to casework. The research presented in this chapter can be considered a case study for the wider potential application of NLID.


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Thirty seven deep-sea sediment cores from the Arabian Sea were studied geochemically (49 major and trace elements) for four time slices during the Holocene and the last glacial, and in one high sedimentation rate core (century scale resolution) to detect tracers of past variations in the intensity of the atmospheric monsoon circulation and its hydrographic expression in the ocean surface. This geochemical multi-tracer approach, coupled with additional information on the grain size composition of the clastic fraction, the bulk carbonate and biogenic opal contents makes it possible to characterize the sedimentological regime in detail. Sediments characterized by a specific elemental composition (enrichment) originated from the following sources: river suspensions from the Tapti and Narbada, draining the Indian Deccan traps (Ti, Sr); Indus sediments and dust from Rajasthan and Pakistan (Rb, Cs); dust from Iran and the Persian Gulf (Al, Cr); dust from central Arabia (Mg); dust from East Africa and the Red Sea (Zr/Hf, Ti/Al). Corg, Cd, Zn, Ba, Pb, U, and the HREE are associated with the intensity of upwelling in the western Arabian Sea, but only those patterns that are consistently reproduced by all of these elements can be directly linked with the intensity of the southwest monsoon. Relying on information from a single element can be misleading, as each element is affected by various other processes than upwelling intensity and nutrient content of surface water alone. The application of the geochemical multi-tracer approach indicates that the intensity of the southwest monsoon was low during the LGM, declined to a minimum from 15,000-13,000 14C year BP, intensified slightly at the end of this interval, was almost stable during the Bölling, Alleröd and the Younger Dryas, but then intensified in two abrupt successions at the end of the Younger Dryas (9900 14C year BP) and especially in a second event during the early Holocene (8800 14C year BP). Dust discharge by northwesterly winds from Arabia exhibited a similar evolution, but followed an opposite course: high during the LGM with two primary sources-the central Arabian desert and the dry Persian Gulf region. Dust discharge from both regions reached a pronounced maximum at 15,000-13,000 14C year. At the end of this interval, however, the dust plumes from the Persian Gulf area ceased dramatically, whereas dust discharge from central Arabia decreased only slightly. Dust discharge from East Africa and the Red Sea increased synchronously with the two major events of southwest monsoon intensification as recorded in the nutrient content of surface waters. In addition to the tracers of past dust flux and surface water nutrient content, the geochemical multi-tracer approach provides information on the history of deep sea ventilation (Mo, S), which was much lower during the last glacial maximum than during the Holocene. The multi-tracer approach-i.e. a few sedimentological parameters plus a set of geochemical tracers widely available from various multi-element analysis techniques-is a highly applicable technique for studying the complex sedimentation patterns of an ocean basin, and, specifically in the case of the Arabian Sea, can even reveal the seasonal structure of climate change.


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Geological, mineralogical and microbiological aspects of the methane cycle in water and sediments of different areas in the oceans are under consideration in the monograph. Original and published estimations of formation- and oxidation rates of methane with use of radioisotope and isotopic methods are given. The role of aerobic and anaerobic microbial oxidation of methane in production of organic matter and in formation of authigenic carbonates is considered. Particular attention is paid to processes of methane transformation in areas of its intensive input to the water column from deep-sea hydrothermal sources, mud volcanoes, and cold methane seeps.