974 resultados para Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-myc


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Ventricular myocytes are exposed to various pathologically important cell stresses in vivo. In vitro, extreme stresses (sorbitol-induced hyperosmotic shock in the presence or absence of okadaic acid, and anisomycin) were applied to ventricular myocytes cultured from neonatal rat hearts to induce a robust activation of the 46 and 54 kDa stress-activated protein kinases (SAPKs). These activities were increased in nuclear extracts of cells in the absence of any net import of SAPK protein. Phosphorylation of ATF2 and c-Jun was increased as shown by the appearance of reduced-mobility species on SDS/PAGE, which were sensitive to treatment with protein phosphatase 2A. Hyperosmotic shock and anisomycin had no effect on the abundance of ATF2. In contrast, cell stresses induced a greater than 10-fold increase in total c-Jun immunoreactivity detected on Western blots with antibody to c-Jun (KM-1). Cycloheximide did not inhibit this increase, which we conclude represents phosphorylation of c-Jun. This conclusion was supported by use of a c-Jun(phospho-Ser-73) antibody. Immunostaining of cells also showed increases in nuclear phospho-c-Jun in response to hyperosmotic stress. Severe stress (hyperosmotic shock+okadaic acid for 2 h) induced proteins (migrating at approx. 51 and 57 kDa) that cross-reacted strongly with KM-1 antibodies in both the nucleus and the cytosol. These may represent forms of c-Jun that had undergone further modification. These studies show that stresses induce phosphorylation of transcription factors in ventricular myocytes and we suggest that this response may be pathologically relevant.


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Cardiac myocyte apoptosis is potentially important in many cardiac disorders. In other cells, Bcl-2 family proteins and mitochondrial dysfunction are probably key regulators of the apoptotic response. In the present study, we characterized the regulation of antiapoptotic (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL) and proapoptotic (Bad, Bax) Bcl-2 family proteins in the rat heart during development and in oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL were expressed at high levels in the neonate, and their expression was sustained during development. In contrast, although Bad and Bax were present at high levels in neonatal hearts, they were barely detectable in adult hearts. We confirmed that H(2)O(2) induced cardiac myocyte cell death, stimulating poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase proteolysis (from 2 hours), caspase-3 proteolysis (from 2 hours), and DNA fragmentation (from 8 hours). In unstimulated neonatal cardiac myocytes, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL were associated with the mitochondria, but Bad and Bax were predominantly present in a crude cytosolic fraction. Exposure of myocytes to H(2)O(2) stimulated rapid translocation of Bad (<5 minutes) to the mitochondria. This was followed by the subsequent degradation of Bad and Bcl-2 (from approximately 30 minutes). The levels of the mitochondrial membrane marker cytochrome oxidase remained unchanged. H(2)O(2) also induced translocation of cytochrome c from the mitochondria to the cytosol within 15 to 30 minutes, which was indicative of mitochondrial dysfunction. Myocytes exposed to H(2)O(2) showed an early loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (assessed by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis) from 15 to 30 minutes, which was partially restored by approximately 1 hour. However, a subsequent irreversible loss of mitochondrial membrane potential occurred that correlated with cell death. These data suggest that the regulation of Bcl-2 and mitochondrial function are important factors in oxidative stress-induced cardiac myocyte apoptosis.


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There are over 500 candidate secreted effector proteins (CSEPs) or Blumeria effector candidates (BECs) specific to the barley powdery mildew pathogen Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei. The CSEP/BEC proteins are expressed and predicted to be secreted by biotrophic feeding structures called haustoria. Eight BECs are required for the formation of functional haustoria. These include the RNase-like effector BEC1054 (synonym CSEP0064). In order to identify host proteins targeted by BEC1054, recombinant BEC1054 was expressed in E. coli, solubilized, and used in pull-down assays from barley protein extracts. Many putative interactors were identified by LC-MS/MS after subtraction of unspecific binders in negative controls. Therefore, a directed yeast-2-hybrid assay, developed to measure the effectiveness of the interactions in yeast, was used to validate putative interactors. We conclude that BEC1054 may target several host proteins, including a glutathione-S-transferase, a malate dehydrogenase, and a pathogen-related-5 protein isoform, indicating a possible role for BEC1054 in compromising well-known key players of defense and response to pathogens. In addition, BEC1054 interacts with an elongation factor 1 gamma. This study already suggests that BEC1054 plays a central role in barley powdery mildew virulence by acting at several levels.


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In vivo, enzymatic reduction of some protein disulfide bonds, allosteric disulfide bonds, provides an important level of structural and functional regulation. The free cysteine residues generated can be labeled by maleimide reagents, including biotin derivatives, allowing the reduced protein to be detected or purified. During the screening of monoclonal antibodies for those specific for the reduced forms of proteins, we isolated OX133, a unique antibody that recognizes polypeptide resident, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM)-modified cysteine residues in a sequence-independent manner. OX133 offers an alternative to biotin-maleimide reagents for labeling reduced/alkylated antigens and capturing reduced/alkylated proteins with the advantage that NEM-modified proteins are more easily detected in mass spectrometry, and may be more easily recovered than is the case following capture with biotin based reagents.


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The objective of this study was to apply response surface methodology to estimate the emulsifying capacity and stability of mixtures containing isolated and textured soybean proteins combined with pectin and to evaluate if the extrusion process affects these interfacial properties. A simplex-centroid design was applied to the model emulsifying activity index (EAI), average droplet size (D-[4.3]) and creaming inhibition (Cl%) of the mixtures. All models were significant and able to explain more than 86% of the variation. The high predictive capacity of the models was also confirmed. The mean values for EAI, D-[4.3] and Cl% observed in all assays were 0.173 +/- 0.015 mn, 19.2 +/- 1.0 mu m and 53.3 +/- 2.6%, respectively. No synergism was observed between the three compounds. This result can be attributed to the low soybean protein solubility at pH 6.2 (<35%). Pectin was the most important variable for improving all responses. The emulsifying capacity of the mixture increased 41% after extrusion. Our results showed that pectin could substitute or improve the emulsifying properties of the soybean proteins and that the extrusion brings additional advantage to interfacial properties of this combination. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present study concentrates on the evaluation of the anti-glycation effect of some bioactive substances present in yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis): 5-caffeoylquinic acid, caffeic acid and a sapogenin (oleanolic acid). Bovine serum albumin and histones were incubated in the presence of methylglyoxal with or without the addition of 5-caffeoylquinic acid, caffeic acid and oleanolic acid. After the incubation period, advanced glycation end product (AGE) fluorescence spectra were performed and protein structural changes were evaluated by Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. Chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid are the main substances responsible for the anti-glycation effect of mate tea. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The venom gland of viperid snakes has a central lumen where the venom produced by secretory cells is stored. When the venom is lost from the gland, the secretory cells are activated and new venom is produced. The production of new venom is triggered by the action of noradrenaline on both alpha(1)- and beta-adrenoceptors in the venom gland. In this study, we show that venom removal leads to the activation of transcription factors NF kappa B and AP-1 in the venom gland. In dispersed secretory cells, noradrenaline activated both NF kappa B and AP-1. Activation of NF kappa B and AP-1 depended on phospholipase C and protein kinase A. Activation of NF kappa B also depended on protein kinase C. Isoprenaline activated both NF kappa B and AP-1, and phenylephrine activated NF kappa B and later AP-1. We also show that the protein composition of the venom gland changes during the venom production cycle. Striking changes occurred 4 and 7 days after venom removal in female and male snakes, respectively. Reserpine blocks this change, and the administration of alpha(1)- and beta-adrenoceptor agonists to reserpine-treated snakes largely restores the protein composition of the venom gland. However, the protein composition of the venom from reserpinized snakes treated with alpha(1)- or beta-adrenoceptor agonists appears normal, judging from SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. A sexual dimorphism in activating transcription factors and activating venom gland was observed. Our data suggest that the release of noradrenaline after biting is necessary to activate the venom gland by regulating the activation of transcription factors and consequently regulating the synthesis of proteins in the venom gland for venom production.


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Objectives: The effect of glucose and palmitate on the phosphorylation of proteins associated with cell growth and survival (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 [ERK1/2] and stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase [SAPK/JNK]) and on the expression of immediate early genes was investigated. Methods: Groups of freshly isolated rat pancreatic islets were incubated in 10-mmol/L glucose with palmitate, LY294002, or fumonisin B1 for the measurement of the phosphorylation and the content of ERK1/2, JNK/SAPK, and v-akt murine thymoma viral oncongene (AKT) (serine 473) by immunoblotting. The expressions of the immediate early genes, c-fos and c-jun, were evaluated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Results: Glucose at 10 mmol/L induced ERK1/2 and AKT phosphorylations and decreased SAPK/JNK phosphorylation. Palmitate (0.1 mmol/L) abolished the glucose effect on ERK1/2, AKT, and SAPK/JNK phosphorylations. LY294002 caused a similar effect. The inhibitory effect of palmitate on glucose-induced ERK1/2 and AKT phosphorylation changes was not observed in the presence of fumonisin B1. Glucose increased c-fos and decreased c-jun expressions. Palmitate and LY294002 abolished these latter glucose effects. The presence of fumonisin B1 abolished the effect induced by palmitate on c-jun expression. Conclusions: Our results suggest that short-term changes of mitogen-activated protein kinase and AKT signaling pathways and c-fos and c-jun expressions caused by glucose are abolished by palmitate through phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibition via ceramide synthesis.


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The hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the thalamic intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) are considered to be the main centers of the mammalian circadian timing system. In primates, the IGL is included as part of the pregeniculate nucleus (PGN), a cell group located mediodorsally to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. This work was carried out to comparatively evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of the calcium-binding proteins calbindin D-28k (CB), parvalbumin (PV), and calretinin (CR) into the circadian brain districts of the common marmoset and the rock cavy. In both species, although no fibers, terminals or perikarya showed PV-immunoreaction (IR) into the SCN, CB-IR perikarya labeling was detected throughout the SCN rostrocaudal extent, Seeming to delimit its cytoarchitectonic borders. CR-IR perikarya and neuropil were noticed into the ventral and dorsal portions of the SCN, lacking immunoreactivity in the central core of the marmoset and filling the entire nucleus in the rockcavy. The PGN of the marmoset presented a significant number of CB-, PV-, and CR-IR perikarya throughout the nucleus. The IGL of the rocky cavy exhibited a prominent CB- and CR-IR neuropil, showing similarity to the pattern found in other rodents. By comparing with literature data from other mammals, the results of the present study suggest that CB, PV, and CR are differentially distributed into the SCN and IGL among species. They may act either in concert or in a complementary manner in the SCN and IGL, so as to participate in specific aspects of the circadian regulation. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Synaptic modulation by activity-dependent changes constitutes a cellular mechanism for neuronal plasticity. However, it is not clear how the complete lack of neuronal signaling specifically affects elements involved in the communication between neurons. In the retina, it is now well established that both chemical and electrical synapses are essential to mediate the transmission of visual signaling triggered by the photoreceptors. In this study, we compared the expression of synaptic proteins in the retinas of wild-type (WT) vs. rd/rd mice, an animal model that displays inherited and specific ablation of photoreceptors caused by a mutation in the gene encoding the beta-subunit of rod cGMP-phosphodiesterase (Pde6b(rd1)). We specifically examined the expression of connexins (Cx), the proteins that form the gap junction channels of electrical synapses, in addition to synaptophysin and synapsin 1, which are involved in the release of neurotransmitters at chemical synapses. Our results revealed that Cx36 gene expression levels are lower in the retinas of rd/rd when compared with WT. Confocal analysis indicated that Cx36 immunolabeling almost disappeared in the outer plexiform layer without significant changes in protein distribution within the inner plexiform layer of rd/rd retinas. Likewise, synaptophysin expression remarkably decreased in the outer plexiform layer of rd/rd retinas, and this down-regulation was also associated with diminished transcript levels. Furthermore, we observed down-regulation of Cx57 gene expression in rd/rd retinas when compared with WT and also changes in protein distribution. Interestingly, Cx45 and synapsin I expression in rd/rd retinas showed no noticeable changes when compared with WT. Taken together, our results revealed that the loss of photoreceptors leads to decreased expression of some synaptic proteins. More importantly, this study provides evidence that neuronal activity regulates, but is not essential to maintain, the expression of synaptic elements. (c) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Physical exercise is known to enhance brain function in several aspects. We evaluated the acute effects of a moderate forced exercise protocol on synaptic proteins, namely synapsin 1 (SYN) and synaptophysin (SYP), and structural proteins (neurofilaments, NFs) in rat brain regions related to motor function and often affected by neurodegenerative disorders. Immunohistochemistry, Western blotting and real-time PCR were used to analyze the expression of those proteins after 3, 7 and 15 days of exercise (EX3, EX7 and EX15). In the cerebellum, increase of SYN was observed at EX7 and EX15 and of NF68 at EX3. In the substantia nigra, increases of protein levels were observed for NF68 and NF160 at EX3. In the striatum, there was an increase of SYN at EX3 and EX7, of SYP at EX7 and of NF68 at EX3. In the cortex, decreased levels of NF68 and NF160 were observed at EX3, followed by an increase of NF68 at EX15. In the reticular formation, all NF proteins were increased at EX15. The mRNA data for each time-point and region also revealed significant exercise-related changes of SYN, SYP and NF expression. These results suggest that moderate physical exercise modulates synaptic and structural proteins in motor brain areas, which may play an important role in the exercise-dependent brain plasticity. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand-TNFSF10 (TRAIL), a member of the TNF-alpha family and a death receptor ligand, was shown to selectively kill tumor cells. Not surprisingly, TRAIL is downregulated in a variety of tumor cells, including BCR-ABL-positive leukemia. Although we know much about the molecular basis of TRAIL-mediated cell killing, the mechanism responsible for TRAIL inhibition in tumors remains elusive because (a) TRAIL can be regulated by retinoic acid (RA); (b) the tumor antigen preferentially expressed antigen of melanoma (PRAME) was shown to inhibit transcription of RA receptor target genes through the polycomb protein, enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2); and (c) we have found that TRAIL is inversely correlated with BCR-ABL in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients. Thus, we decided to investigate the association of PRAME, EZH2 and TRAIL in BCR-ABL-positive leukemia. Here, we demonstrate that PRAME, but not EZH2, is upregulated in BCR-ABL cells and is associated with the progression of disease in CML patients. There is a positive correlation between PRAME and BCR-ABL and an inverse correlation between PRAME and TRAIL in these patients. Importantly, knocking down PRAME or EZH2 by RNA interference in a BCR-ABL-positive cell line restores TRAIL expression. Moreover, there is an enrichment of EZH2 binding on the promoter region of TRAIL in a CML cell line. This binding is lost after PRAME knockdown. Finally, knocking down PRAME or EZH2, and consequently induction of TRAIL expression, enhances Imatinib sensibility. Taken together, our data reveal a novel regulatory mechanism responsible for lowering TRAIL expression and provide the basis of alternative targets for combined therapeutic strategies for CML. Oncogene (2011) 30, 223-233; doi:10.1038/onc.2010.409; published online 13 September 2010


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis causes paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), a systemic mycosis presenting clinical manifestations ranging from mild to severe forms. A P. brasiliensis cDNA expression library was produced and screened with pooled sera from PCM patients adsorbed against antigens derived from in vitro-grown P. brasiliensis yeast cells. Sequencing DNA inserts from clones reactive with PCM patients sera indicated 35 open reading frames presenting homology to genes involved in metabolic pathways, transport, among other predicted functions. The complete cDNAs encoding aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase (Pbddc), lumazine synthase (Pbls) and a homologue of the high affinity copper transporter (Pbctr3) were obtained. Recombinant proteins PbDDC and PbLS were obtained; a peptide was synthesized for PbCTR3. The proteins and the synthetic peptide were recognized by sera of patients with confirmed PCM and not by sera of healthy patients. Using the in vivo-induced antigen technology (IVIAT), we identified immunogenic proteins expressed at high levels during infection. Quantitative real time RTPCR demonstrated high transcript levels of Pbddc, Pbls and Pbctr3 in yeast cells infecting macrophages. Transcripts in yeast cells derived from spleen and liver of infected mice were also measured by qRT-PCR. Our results suggest a putative role for the immunogenic proteins in the infectious process of P. brasiliensis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent for Chagas` disease, has requirements for several cofactors, one of which is heme. Because this organism is unable to synthesize heme, which serves as a prosthetic group for several heme proteins (including the respiratory chain complexes), it therefore must be acquired from the environment. Considering this deficiency, it is an open question as to how heme A, the essential cofactor for eukaryotic CcO enzymes, is acquired by this parasite. In the present work, we provide evidence for the presence and functionality of genes coding for heme O and heme A synthases, which catalyze the synthesis of heme O and its conversion into heme A, respectively. The functions of these T. cruzi proteins were evaluated using yeast complementation assays, and the mRNA levels of their respective genes were analyzed at the different T. cruzi life stages. It was observed that the amount of mRNA coding for these proteins changes during the parasite life cycle, suggesting that this variation could reflect different respiratory requirements in the different parasite life stages.