943 resultados para Protection against overcurrent


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The skin is one of the largest organs of the human body and accounts for about 16% of body weight. The body protection against the external environment microorganisms is one of its most important functions, however is necessary that the skin remain intact for this function be exercised, so that when there is an injury on the skin, the process of restructuring needs to be starts, however this restructuration may also be compromised due to some diseases, justifying even more the need for the development of topical products that promote or accelerate the skin healing. Thus the aim of this study was to extract bullfrog oil and to develop a suitable topical emulsion. Two different oil samples were extracted by hot or organic solvent process. Titration techniques and gas chromatography- mass spectrometry were used to characterize the bullfrog oil. The required hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLBr) of bullfrog oil was determined and a pseudo-ternary phase diagram was constructed. The stability of the topical emulsion was evaluated. Then, cellular viability was determined by MTT assay using normal fibroblasts (3T3) and melanoma (B16F10) cells lines. The hot extraction yield was 60.6%. The major polyunsaturated compounds found were Eicosapentaenoic acid (17.6%) and Arachidonic acid (8.4%). HLBr study demonstrated the presence of stable systems with HLB ranging from 12.1 to 13.5 and the pseudo-ternary phase diagram showed mainly emulsion systems (62%). Topical emulsion showed 390 nm, polydispersity 0.05, zeta potential -25 mV and remained stable for ninety days. The bullfrog oil and topical emulsion did not showed citotoxicity in normal fibroblasts cells. However, these systems showed significantly inhibition of melanoma cells growth. In conclusion, the bullfrog oil presented desirable chemical characteristics required to be used for the development of a pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.


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The rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) is an anadromous teleost that produces type II antifreeze protein (AFP) and accumulates modest urea and high glycerol levels in plasma and tissues as adaptive cryoprotectant mechanisms in sub-zero temperatures. It is known that glyceroneogenesis occurs in liver via a branch in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis and is activated by low temperature; however, the precise mechanisms of glycerol synthesis and trafficking in smelt remain to be elucidated. The objective of this thesis was to provide further insight using functional genomic techniques [e.g. suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) cDNA library construction, microarray analyses] and molecular analyses [e.g. cloning, quantitative reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction (QPCR)]. Novel molecular mechanisms related to glyceroneogenesis were deciphered by comparing the transcript expression profiles of glycerol (cold temperature) and non-glycerol (warm temperature) accumulating hepatocytes (Chapter 2) and livers from intact smelt (Chapter 3). Briefly, glycerol synthesis can be initiated from both amino acids and carbohydrate; however carbohydrate appears to be the preferred source when it is readily available. In glycerol accumulating hepatocytes, levels of the hepatic glucose transporter (GLUT2) plummeted and transcript levels of a suite of genes (PEPCK, MDH2, AAT2, GDH and AQP9) associated with the mobilization of amino acids to fuel glycerol synthesis were all transiently higher. In contrast, in glycerol accumulating livers from intact smelt, glycerol synthesis was primarily fuelled by glycogen degradation with higher PGM and PFK (glycolysis) transcript levels. Whether initiated from amino acids or carbohydrate, there were common metabolic underpinnings. Increased PDK2 (an inhibitor of PDH) transcript levels would direct pyruvate derived from amino acids and / or DHAP derived from G6P to glycerol as opposed to oxidation via the citric acid cycle. Robust LIPL (triglyceride catabolism) transcript levels would provide free fatty acids that could be oxidized to fuel ATP synthesis. Increased cGPDH (glyceroneogenesis) transcript levels were not required for increased glycerol production, suggesting that regulation is more likely by post-translational modification. Finally, levels of a transcript potentially encoding glycerol-3-phosphatase, an enzyme not yet characterized in any vertebrate species, were transiently higher. These comparisons also led to the novel discoveries that increased G6Pase (glucose synthesis) and increased GS (glutamine synthesis) transcript levels were part of the low temperature response in smelt. Glucose may provide increased colligative protection against freezing; whereas glutamine could serve to store nitrogen released from amino acid catabolism in a non-toxic form and / or be used to synthesize urea via purine synthesis-uricolysis. Novel key aspects of cryoprotectant osmolyte (glycerol and urea) trafficking were elucidated by cloning and characterizing three aquaglyceroporin (GLP)-encoding genes from smelt at the gene and cDNA levels in Chapter 4. GLPs are integral membrane proteins that facilitate passive movement of water, glycerol and urea across cellular membranes. The highlight was the discovery that AQP10ba transcript levels always increase in posterior kidney only at low temperature. This AQP10b gene paralogue may have evolved to aid in the reabsorption of urea from the proximal tubule. This research has contributed significantly to a general understanding of the cold adaptation response in smelt, and more specifically to the development of a working scenario for the mechanisms involved in glycerol synthesis and trafficking in this species.


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A batata está sujeita a stresses bióticos (doenças, pragas, infestantes) e abióticos (condições climáticas, secura, excesso de água, ou fitotoxicidade provocada por herbicidas, entre outros). Os adubos foliares contendo nutrientes (macro e micronutrientes) poderão contribuir para uma melhor nutrição da planta, para além de exercer uma ação benéfica ao nível do potencial hídrico da folha e sua proteção contra os diversos inimigos bióticos. Instalou-se um ensaio em Marinhais na variedade de batata de indústria Lady Rosetta, para avaliar o efeito da adubação foliar de uma gama de adubos foliares “Humigel”, contendo, entre outros nutrientes, o enxofre e o potássio, numa situação de fitotoxidade causada pela aplicação de um herbicida. O ensaio foi instalado com um dispositivo experimental de parcelas totalmente aleatórias, com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram a aplicação de “Humigel” e sem aplicação (testemunha). A produção comercial nas parcelas com “Humigel” foi significativamente mais elevada (48 192 kg/ha) do que nas parcelas testemunha (43 458 kg/ha). Não se registaram diferenças significativas ao nível do número de tubérculos (comercial e total) por planta, nem ao nível dos parâmetros de qualidade (peso específico e teste de fritura).


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Immunity is broadly defined as a mechanism of protection against non-self entities, a process which must be sufficiently robust to both eliminate the initial foreign body and then be maintained over the life of the host. Life-long immunity is impossible without the development of immunological memory, of which a central component is the cellular immune system, or T cells. Cellular immunity hinges upon a naïve T cell pool of sufficient size and breadth to enable Darwinian selection of clones responsive to foreign antigens during an initial encounter. Further, the generation and maintenance of memory T cells is required for rapid clearance responses against repeated insult, and so this small memory pool must be actively maintained by pro-survival cytokine signals over the life of the host.

T cell development, function, and maintenance are regulated on a number of molecular levels through complex regulatory networks. Recently, small non-coding RNAs, miRNAs, have been observed to have profound impacts on diverse aspects of T cell biology by impeding the translation of RNA transcripts to protein. While many miRNAs have been described that alter T cell development or functional differentiation, little is known regarding the role that miRNAs have in T cell maintenance in the periphery at homeostasis.

In Chapter 3 of this dissertation, tools to study miRNA biology and function were developed. First, to understand the effect that miRNA overexpression had on T cell responses, a novel overexpression system was developed to enhance the processing efficiency and ultimate expression of a given miRNA by placing it within an alternative miRNA backbone. Next, a conditional knockout mouse system was devised to specifically delete miR-191 in a cell population expressing recombinase. This strategy was expanded to permit the selective deletion of single miRNAs from within a cluster to discern the effects of specific miRNAs that were previously inaccessible in isolation. Last, to enable the identification of potentially therapeutically viable miRNA function and/or expression modulators, a high-throughput flow cytometry-based screening system utilizing miRNA activity reporters was tested and validated. Thus, several novel and useful tools were developed to assist in the studies described in Chapter 4 and in future miRNA studies.

In Chapter 4 of this dissertation, the role of miR-191 in T cell biology was evaluated. Using tools developed in Chapter 3, miR-191 was observed to be critical for T cell survival following activation-induced cell death, while proliferation was unaffected by alterations in miR-191 expression. Loss of miR-191 led to significant decreases in the numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the periphery lymph nodes, but this loss had no impact on the homeostatic activation of either CD4+ or CD8+ cells. These peripheral changes were not caused by gross defects in thymic development, but rather impaired STAT5 phosphorylation downstream of pro-survival cytokine signals. miR-191 does not specifically inhibit STAT5, but rather directly targets the scaffolding protein, IRS1, which in turn alters cytokine-dependent signaling. The defect in peripheral T cell maintenance was exacerbated by the presence of a Bcl-2YFP transgene, which led to even greater peripheral T cell losses in addition to developmental defects. These studies collectively demonstrate that miR-191 controls peripheral T cell maintenance by modulating homeostatic cytokine signaling through the regulation of IRS1 expression and downstream STAT5 phosphorylation.

The studies described in this dissertation collectively demonstrate that miR-191 has a profound role in the maintenance of T cells at homeostasis in the periphery. Importantly, the manipulation of miR-191 altered immune homeostasis without leading to severe immunodeficiency or autoimmunity. As much data exists on the causative agents disrupting active immune responses and the formation of immunological memory, the basic processes underlying the continued maintenance of a functioning immune system must be fully characterized to facilitate the development of methods for promoting healthy immune function throughout the life of the individual. These findings also have powerful implications for the ability of patients with modest perturbations in T cell homeostasis to effectively fight disease and respond to vaccination and may provide valuable targets for therapeutic intervention.


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Cerebral malaria is characterized by cytoadhesion of Plasmodium falciparum–infected red blood cells (Pf-iRBCs) to endothelial cells in the brain, disruption of the blood-brain barrier, and cerebral microhemorrhages. No available antimalarial drugs specifically target the endothelial disruptions underlying this complication, which is responsible for the majority of malaria-associated deaths. Here, we have demonstrated that ruptured Pf-iRBCs induce activation of β-catenin, leading to disruption of inter–endothelial cell junctions in human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs). Inhibition of β-catenin–induced TCF/LEF transcription in the nucleus of HBMECs prevented the disruption of endothelial junctions, confirming that β-catenin is a key mediator of P. falciparum adverse effects on endothelial integrity. Blockade of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) or stimulation of the type 2 receptor (AT2) abrogated Pf-iRBC–induced activation of β-catenin and prevented the disruption of HBMEC monolayers. In a mouse model of cerebral malaria, modulation of angiotensin II receptors produced similar effects, leading to protection against cerebral malaria, reduced cerebral hemorrhages, and increased survival. In contrast, AT2-deficient mice were more susceptible to cerebral malaria. The interrelation of the β-catenin and the angiotensin II signaling pathways opens immediate host-targeted therapeutic possibilities for cerebral malaria and other diseases in which brain endothelial integrity is compromised.


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X chromosome-linked disease characterized by progressive physical disability, immobility, and premature death in affected boys. Underlying the devastating symptoms of DMD is the loss of dystrophin, a structural protein that connects the extracellular matrix to the cell cytoskeleton and provides protection against contraction-induced damage in muscle cells, leading to chronic peripheral inflammation. However, dystrophin is also expressed in neurons within specific brain regions, including the hippocampus, a structure associated with learning and memory formation. Linked to this, a subset of boys with DMD exhibit nonprogressing cognitive dysfunction, with deficits in verbal, short-term, and working memory. Furthermore, in the genetically comparable dystrophin-deficient mdx mouse model of DMD, some, but not all, types of learning and memory are deficient, and specific deficits in synaptogenesis and channel clustering at synapses has been noted. Little consideration has been devoted to the cognitive deficits associated with DMD compared with the research conducted into the peripheral effects of dystrophin deficiency. Therefore, this review focuses on what is known about the role of full-length dystrophin (Dp427) in hippocampal neurons. The importance of dystrophin in learning and memory is assessed, and the potential importance that inflammatory mediators, which are chronically elevated in dystrophinopathies, may have on hippocampal function is also evaluated.


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Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) hydrolyses oxidized low-density lipoproteins into proinflammatory products, which can have detrimental effects on vascular function. As a specific inhibitor of Lp-PLA2, darapladib has been shown to be protective against atherogenesis and vascular leakage in diabetic and hypercholesterolemic animal models. This study has investigated whether Lp-PLA2 and its major enzymatic product, lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), are involved in blood-retinal barrier (BRB) damage during diabetic retinopathy. We assessed BRB protection in diabetic rats through use of species-specific analogs of darapladib. Systemic Lp-PLA2 inhibition using SB-435495 at 10 mg/kg (i.p.) effectively suppressed BRB breakdown in streptozotocin-diabetic Brown Norway rats. This inhibitory effect was comparable to intravitreal VEGF neutralization, and the protection against BRB dysfunction was additive when both targets were inhibited simultaneously. Mechanistic studies in primary brain and retinal microvascular endothelial cells, as well as occluded rat pial microvessels, showed that luminal but not abluminal LPC potently induced permeability, and that this required signaling by the VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2). Taken together, this study demonstrates that Lp-PLA2 inhibition can effectively prevent diabetes-mediated BRB dysfunction and that LPC impacts on the retinal vascular endothelium to induce vasopermeability via VEGFR2. Thus, Lp-PLA2 may be a useful therapeutic target for patients with diabetic macular edema (DME), perhaps in combination with currently administered anti-VEGF agents.


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When most people think of food safety they think of food poisoning and bacteria. They also, one hopes, generally follow the well-understood public advice on bacterial risks and store their food properly and cook it thoroughly. But what about chemical risks in food? Do many consumers ask the question “if drug residues are in my food, does cooking make it safe?” Or do they assume that following the good advice on bacterial risks also affords some protection against the health risks of chemical contaminants? In this short report we highlight some difficulties in assessing the stability of veterinary drug residues during cooking and summarise our cooking studies on anthelmintics, nitroimidazoles and nitrofuran residues in various foods. safefood Knowledge Networks http://safefood.ning.com/


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The Human race of our century is in gluttonous search for novel engineering products which led to a skyrocketed progress in research and fabrication of filled polymers. Recently, a big window has been opened up for speciality polymers especially elastomers with promising properties. Among the many reasons why rubbers are widely used in the process industries, three are considered as important. Firstly, rubbers operate in a variety of environments and possess usable ranges of deformity and durability and can be exploited through suitable and more or less conventional equipment design principles. Secondly, rubber is an eminently suitable construction material for protection against corrosion in the chemical plant and equipment against various corrosive chemicals as, acids and alkalies and if property tailored, can shield ionising radiations as X-rays and gamma rays in medical industry, with minimum maintenance lower down time, negligible corrosion and a preferred choice for aggressive corroding and ionising environment. Thirdly, rubber can readily and hastily, and at a relatively lower cost, be converted into serviceable products, having intricate shapes and dimensions. In a century’s gap, large employment of flexible polymer materials in the different segments of industry has stimulated the development of new materials with special properties, which paved its way to the synthesis of various nanoscale materials. At nano scale, one makes an entry into a world where multidisciplinary sciences meet and utilises the previously unapproached infinitesimal length scale, having dimension which measure upto one billionth of a meter, to create novel properties. The nano fillers augment the elastomers properties in an astonishing fashion due to their multifunctional nature and unprecedented properties have been exhibited by these polymer-nanocomposites just to beat the shortcomings of traditional micro composites. The current research aims to investigate the possibility of using synthesised nano barium sulphate for fabricating elastomer-based nanocomposites and thereby imparting several properties to the rubber. In this thesis, nano materials, their synthesis, structure, properties and applications are studied. The properties of barium sulphate like chemical resistance and radiopacity have been utilized in the present study and is imparted to the elastomers by preparing composites.


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The information technology - IT- benefits have been more perceived during the last decades. Both IT and business managers are dealing with subjects like governance, IT-Business alignment, information security and others on their top priorities. Talking about governance, specifically, managers are facing it with a technical approach, that gives emphasis on protection against invasions, antivirus systems, access controls and others technical issues. The IT risk management, commonly, is faced under this approach, that means, has its importance reduced and delegated to IT Departments. On the last two decades, a new IT risk management perspective raised, bringing an holistic view of IT risk to the organization. According to this new perspective, the strategies formulation process should take into account the IT risks. With the growing of IT dependence on most of organizations, the necessity of a better comprehension about the subject becomes more clear. This work shows a study in three public organizations of the Pernambuco State that investigates how those organizations manage their IT risks. Structured interviews were made with IT managers, and later, analyzed and compared with conceptual categories found in the literature. The results shows that the IT risks culture and IT governance are weakly understood and implemented on those organizations, where there are not such an IT risk methodology formally defined, neither executed. In addition, most of practices suggested in the literature were found, even without an alignment with an IT risks management process


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As the concentration of CO2 in surface seawaters increases (ocean acidification, or OA) the saturation of calcium carbonate decreases, preventing marine organisms from creating shells and other calcified structures. These effects of elevated CO2 on calcification have been previously shown in free-spawning larvae, but are not as well-studied in larvae that spend their early life stages in encapsulation. The focus of our study was to determine what effects CO2 would have on a diversity of encapsulated embryos, and whether different types of encapsulating structures provided different levels of protection against OA. We found only a moderate larval response to low (600 ppm), medium (1050 ppm), and high (1500 ppm) CO2 concentrations across all species taken as a whole, but did observe that several species/ populations exhibited a decline in shell length with no corresponding decline in inorganic content. This suggests that while calcification was not significantly decreased by our OA conditions, perhaps the morphology of certain shells changed, becoming wider and shorter. Our hatch times, which increased with elevated CO2, confirmed that increased CO2 placed embryos under stress during development.


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Les éléments des ponts en acier sont exposés à de sévères conditions environnementales, tel l’épandage de sels déglaçant sur les routes. Ces éléments ont besoin d’un niveau suffisant de protection contre la corrosion afin de préserver leur intégrité à long terme. Une solution efficace, devenue populaire au Canada, est la métallisation. La métallisation est un revêtement anticorrosion formé par projection thermique de métal, généralement du zinc, sur la surface à protéger. La protection fournie au substrat d’acier est assurée par une barrière physique et une protection galvanique. Pour le calcul des assemblages boulonnés antiglissement, les codes de conception, tel le code Canadien sur le calcul des ponts routiers CAN/CSA S6-14, spécifient, en fonction des conditions des surfaces de contact désirées, un coefficient de glissement à utiliser. Actuellement, ces codes ne fournissent aucun coefficient de glissement entre deux surfaces métallisées. Donc, il est pratique courante pour les fabricants de ponts en acier de masquer les surfaces de contact des joints boulonnés avant de métalliser, ce qui est très couteux pour l’industrie puisque ce travail doit se faire manuellement. Récemment, des études ont évalué la résistance au glissement à court terme d’assemblages antiglissement ayant des surfaces de contact métallisées. Les résultats ont révélé une résistance au glissement supérieure aux assemblages sur acier nu grenaillés. Dans la présente recherche, la performance en fluage des assemblages antiglissement métallisés a été caractérisée pour s’assurer qu’une résistance en glissement de Classe B soit toujours valide à long terme. L’effet de la relaxation de la force de serrage sur la charge de glissement a aussi été évalué. Les résultats ont démontré une bonne performance en fluage. Aussi, les résultats ont révélé que la relaxation de la force de serrage n’a pas d’impact significatif sur la résistance au glissement des assemblages antiglissement métallisés. Les conclusions de cette étude pourraient bien influencer de futures révisions des codes de conception et avoir un impact sur l’industrie de l’acier en Amérique du Nord.Mots clés : Assemblage boulonné antiglissement, métallisation, pont routier en acier, fluage, relaxation


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La protéine de liaison aux facteurs de croissance analogues à l’insuline (IGFBP)-2 est une protéine circulante fortement associée à la résistance à l’insuline qui module les effets métaboliques d’IGF-I et IGF-II en s’y associant directement, et qui exerce aussi des actions IGF-indépendantes via sa liaison à la matrice extracellulaire et aux intégrines. Chez l’homme, de faibles niveaux d’IGFBP-2 sont associés à un profil lipidique délétère, ainsi qu’à une augmentation de la masse grasse et de la résistance à l’insuline. Les travaux décrits dans cette thèse montrent chez l’humain et la souris que les niveaux d’IGFBP-2 sont associés de manière indépendante aux composantes du risque cardiométabolique. Chez l’homme, de faibles niveaux d’IGFBP-2 sont associés à la dyslipidémie athérogène. Une valeur seuil d’IGFBP-2 de 221.5 ng/mL a permis de discriminer entre les sujets métaboliquement sains et ceux répondant aux critères du syndrome métabolique. En plus de son association avec la résistance à l’insuline et les composantes du profil lipidique, de faibles niveaux d’IGFBP-2 sont associés à une fonction cardiaque diminuée chez les patients atteints de sténose aortique, tel qu’évaluée par le volume d’éjection indexé, un indice de fonction global du ventricule gauche qui intègre la fonction pompe et le remodelage du tissu. Chez l’homme, des niveaux d’IGFBP-2 élevés sont associés à un tissu adipeux brun plus volumineux ainsi qu’à une activité métabolique plus importante de ce dernier. Ces observations, telles qu’évaluées par PET/CT, sont aussi validées chez les souris surexprimant la forme humaine d’IGFBP-2. Nos travaux démontrent que les niveaux d’IGFBP-2 sont fortement associés au métabolisme des lipoprotéines et des lipides, à la fonction cardiaque ainsi qu’à l’activité du tissu adipeux brun. L’influence des niveaux d’IGFBP-2 par différentes altérations métaboliques menant à l’augmentation du risque cardiométabolique pourrait faire de ce dernier un biomarqueur précoce et intégrateur. Les travaux exposés dans la présente thèse soulignent aussi un rôle mécanistique potentiel pour IGFBP-2 dans la protection contre certaines altérations du métabolisme.


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Although diarrhoea caused by Cryptosporidium is prevalent in livestock species throughout the world relatively little is known about the species and subtypes of Cryptosporidium found in cattle on Scottish farms. In particular, little is known about the shedding profiles (age when calves become infected and duration of shedding) of the different species found in cattle and how calves become infected. There are several theories about how neonatal calves first become infected with the parasite but the role which adult cattle play in the transmission of the parasite has not been fully addressed. It was previously thought that adult cattle did not become infected with the same species of Cryptosporidium which causes disease in the young calves. Some studies have shown that this may not be true and with the advance of new techniques to discriminate species this is an area which should be revisited. In addition, it is known that it is possible for humans to become infected with Cryptosporidium and show clinical disease early in life and then again later in adulthood. In livestock however, diarrhoea caused by the parasite is generally only seen in neonatal livestock while older animals tend to be asymptomatic. It is not known if this resistance to clinical disease at an older age is due to changes in the host with an increase in age or if prior infection “immunises” the animal and provides protection against re-infection. It is also not known if infection with one isolate of C. parvum will provide protection against infection with another or if the protection formed is species/isolate specific. The main aims of this thesis were to: determine the species and subtypes of Cryptosporidium found in calves on a study farm over a one year period from birth; assess the role which adult cattle play in the transmission of the parasite to newborn calves; develop new typing tools to enable the rapid and easy differentiation of Cryptosporidium species found in cattle and to examine the host-pathogen interactions in animals given serial experimental challenges with distinct Cryptosporidium parvum isolates to determine if the resistance seen in older animals on farms is due to an increase in age or as a result of prior infection. iii A variety of different approaches were taken to achieve these aims. Longitudinal experiments carried out on a study farm revealed that in calves <9 weeks of age the most common species of Cryptosporidium is C. parvum and that all calves in the group became infected with Cryptosporidium within the first two weeks of life. Sample collection from the same animals later in life (at 6 months of age) showed that contrary to most previous studies the most common species detected at in this age group was also C. parvum although, interestingly, the subtype which the calves were shedding was not the same subtype that they were shedding previously. The longitudinal study which investigated the role of adult cattle in the transmission of Cryptosporidium also yielded some interesting results. It was found that most of the adult cattle on this farm were shedding Cryptosporidium albeit intermittently. Speciation of the positive samples revealed that, on this farm, the most predominant species of Cryptosporidium in adult cattle was also C. parvum. This is very unusual as most previous studies have not found this level of infection in older cattle and C. parvum is not usually found in this age group. A number of different subtypes were found in adult cattle and some animals shed more than one subtype over the course of the study. This contradicts prior findings which demonstrated that only one subtype is found on a single farm. The experimental infection trial involving infection of young (<1 week old) and older (6 week old) lambs with distinct C. parvum isolates demonstrated that an increase in age at primary infection reduces the effect of clinical disease. Animals which were infected at <1 week of age were re-challenged at 6 weeks of age with either a homologous or heterologous infection. Results revealed that previous exposure does not protect against re-infection with the same or a different isolate of C. parvum. This study also demonstrated that an increase in infective dose leads to a shorter pre-patent period and that there are variations in the clinical manifestations of different isolates of the same Cryptosporidium species.


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The present work concerns the use of shade elements as architectural elements to block sunlight in public buildings. In a city like Natal, (5o South) the incidence of sunrays in any type of design should be a constant concern for all the architects. Besides, this habit of avoiding insolation in the environment is not a common practice. Within this context, the present work has the objective to dig deep into the knowledge of solar control, studying some cases and verifying its function according to the orientation and the original design of the building, having in mind if the shade elements usually used in the region have achieved their purpose of providing protection against the incidence of direct sun rays. This study considers the position of the shade element (horizontal and vertical), the angle formed between them and the respective facades, and the local of the buildings in relation to their orientation during the summer, winter and equinox solstice. As supporting instruments the solar map of the city and the protractor, for measuring shade angles, were used. It was concluded that in all the cases studied, it was not possible to obtain the maximum use of the elements. It was verified that the best type of shade element (more efficient) for the city of Natal is the mixed type (horizontal and vertical) and that the vertical shade elements are more efficient in the early mornings and late afternoon. The horizontal shade elements are used more effective at midday. We intend to present the results of this study to the architects in the region in order to show them the correct ways of using the shade elements according to the possible orientation on the facade, as a supporting tool at the time of designing a project as well as a subsidy for further discussions on the elaboration of the new urban standards for the city of Natal/RN