950 resultados para Prostate-specific membrane antigen
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Epithelial cells from involuting rat ventral prostate (VP) express Matrilysin (MMP-7) mRNA. Herein, we investigated by immunohistochemistry the NIMP-7 protein location and its association with tissue changes following castration in the VP. Normal and castrated adult male Wistar rats were sacrificed at different times after surgery. VP was examined by immunocytochemistry and immunoprecipitation. Castration promoted a shrinking of prostate ducts with an extensive stromal remodeling. In the VP from normal rats, MMP-7 immunoreactivity was found in epithelial secretory granules. Three days after castration, immunostaining for MMP-7 was found in both the epithelial secretory granules and in the stroma just below the epithelium, mainly at the distal ductal tips. At seven and 21 days after castration, the immunostaining for MMP-7 was found only in the stromal space. Immunoprecipitation confirmed the specificity of the primary antibody by rescuing a pro-enzyme form (28 kDa) in the prostate extracts. The present results suggest that MMP-7 participates in the epithelial-stromal interface remodeling of the ventral prostate during the involution achieved by castration, probably in the degradation of components of the epithelial basement membrane. (c) 2007 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Morphological and functional alterations caused by chronic alcohol ingestion in testes and accessory sex organs have been studied both in man and in laboratory animals. The aim of the present study was to examine the possible occurrence of deleterious effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on the secretory epithelium of the ventral prostate of mice. Twenty-four adult male C57BL/6J mice were divided into three groups. The alcohol-treated group was allowed to drink only 6% (v/v) ethanol, the isocaloric group received a diet of water/sucrose with a calorie content equivalent to a 6% alcohol solution and the control group received water. Both groups were fed ad libitum with solid Purina rat chow. After 120 days, animals from each group were anesthetized with ethyl ether, weighed and processed for light and transmission electron microscopy. The results demonstrated reduction in the glandular epithelium cell height and disorganization of the Golgi complex. Moreover, abundant membrane-bound structures, most likely representing cytoplasmic material, were observed, as well as accumulation of dense bodies. Statistical analysis showed that bodyweight gain was similar for both groups. In conclusion, chronic alcohol ingestion has harmful effects on the secretory epithelium cells of the ventral lobe of the prostate of mice after 120 days of treatment. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
Gossypol, a yellow pigment found in cottonseeds, well known for its antifertility properties in animals, has been used as a contraceptive by men. The aims of this work were to evaluate the effects of gossypol throughout sexual development of male rats and to provide additional data to clarify the target site or sites of this compound in the male reproductive system, Gossypol (15 mg/kg per day) was given to animals from weaning through prepuberty (41 days), early puberty (51 days), puberty (61 days), and sexual maturity (91 days). Ventral prostate weight and fructose levels were similar in control and treated rats, suggesting that androgen levels were normal. No histological effects on the testis were detected, but there was a significant decrease in the sperm concentration in the cauda epididymidis of gossypol-treated animals killed at 61 and 91 days, as well as a significant increase in abnormal sperm in the vas deferens of treated animals. Moreover, the histology of the cauda epididymidis of the rats treated throughout puberty (ie, until days 51 and 61) showed a great number of round bodies in the lumen of the epididymis. These structures stained for the epididymis-specific protein E. Collectively, the data demonstrate that the epididymis is a target of gossypol when postweaning exposure extends throughout pubertal development, and that whereas more subtle histological effects commence around puberty, indicators reproductive competence are compromised in adulthood.
To gain a fuller understanding of the regions of the Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin important in pore formation, we have used Forster dipole-dipole energy transfer to demonstrate that a central glycine-rich region of alpha-toxin (the so-called ''hinge'' region) inserts deeply into the bilayer on association of toxin with liposomes. Mutant alpha-toxins with unique cysteine (C) residues at positions 69 and 130 [Palmer, M., et al. (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 11959) were reacted with the C-specific fluorophore acrylodan, which acted as an energy donor. The chosen acceptor was N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-13-diazol-4-yl)-1,2-bis(hexadecanoyl) -sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (NBD-PE). Measurement of the degree of donor quenching with increasing NBD-PE in the inner bilayer leaflet enables the distance of closest approach between donor and acceptor to be estimated. For toxin labeled with acrylodan at position 130 (in the hinge region), this distance is approximately 5 +/- 2 Angstrom, showing that the probe is close to the inner surface of the liposomes. A second probe labeled at position 69 (in the N-terminal domain) shows negligible energy transfer, indicating a distance of closest approach >40 Angstrom. This implies that this N-terminal region remains ''outside'' the liposome. We propose a model in which the central region of the alpha-toxin inserts into the membrane and possibly participates in forming the wall of the pore.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
P>BackgroundThe nonclassical human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-G molecule has been well recognized as a tolerogenic molecule and few studies have evaluated the role of the molecule in inflammatory cutaneous autoimmune diseases.ObjectivesTo evaluate the expression of HLA-G in skin specimens of patients with psoriasis and to analyse its correlation with epidemiological and clinical variables.MethodsThirty untreated patients with psoriasis and 32 healthy individuals were enrolled. Immunohistochemistry was applied to identify HLA-G expression in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded cutaneous skin biopsies.ResultsSoluble and membrane-bound HLA-G expression was detected in 30 (90%) of the skin specimens from patients presenting clinical and histopathological features of psoriasis. Although infiltrating lymphomononuclear cells of the dermis exhibited HLA-G expression, the epidermis was primarily targeted. HLA-G expression was also observed in 27% (three of 11) of the specimens that exhibited no clinical and histopathological features of psoriasis (nonaffected areas). In contrast, skin specimens obtained from healthy individuals exhibited no HLA-G expression (P < 0 center dot 0001). The intensity of HLA-G expression was not associated with type I/II psoriasis, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score or clinical forms.ConclusionsAs the HLA-G molecule was consistently expressed in affected and, to a lesser extent, in nonaffected areas of untreated patients with psoriasis, irrespective of the severity of the clinical variants, one may hypothesize that the presence of HLA-G may be responsible, at least in part, for the regulation of autoimmune effector cells.
The authors studied the distribution of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen(s) in human skin and oral mucosa. In biopsies obtained from untreated patients showing the chronic form of the disease, the authors demonstrated the P. brasiliensis antigen using two polyclonal immune sera raised in rabbits, one against the exoantigens of P. brasiliensis and the other against a 43-kDa glycoprotein. Langerhans' cells were detected through double immunolabeling using an anti-S100 protein monoclonal antibody. Double labeling immunohistochemistry showed that both of the immune sera labeled the yeast cells in the center of the granuloma and those transmigrating through the epithelial layer equally well. Granulomas exhibited the P. brasiliensis antigen permeating cells, mainly at the periphery of the granulomatous inflammation. The P. brasiliensis antigen(s) accumulated in the macrophages but not in the Langerhans' cells. P. brasiliensis antigens, detected by antiserum against parasite exoantigens, were also deposited between basal keratinocytes, but not in the granular cells, in 47% of the biopsies. P. brasiliensis antigens, as assessed by immunoelectron microscopic techniques, are present in the cytoplasm of the yeast cells in the host tissues. Antigens are transported to the cell membrane and later excreted through the cell wall. Antigenic deposits are also seen at the fungus-host interface.
Circulating immune complexes (CIC) from 15 paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) patient sera and from 20 healthy control sera were analysed. After CIC precipitation, solubilization and acid treatment, only a little reactivity to P. brasiliensis antigens was found in the free antibodies from PCM-CIC. This result has suggested that there were antibodies with a high affinity bound to fungus components. Dissociated CIC were fractionated in a column of Sephacryl S300 and the fractions that probably contained antigens were pooled and applied to an affinity column, prepared with mouse anti-gp43 monoclonal antibody. Using ECL-Western blotting assay two polypeptide with apparent mass of 43 and 62 kDa were found.
'SequenceSpace' analysis is a novel approach which has been used to identify unique amino acids within a subfamily of phospholipases A2 (PLA2) in which the highly conserved active site residue Asp49 is substituted by Lys (Lys49-PLA2s). Although Lys49-PLA2s do not bind the catalytic co-factor Ca2+ and possess extremely low catalytic activity, they demonstrate a Ca2+-independent membrane damaging activity through a poorly understood mechanism, which does not involve lipid hydrolysis. Additionally, Lys49-PLA2s possess combined myotoxic, oedema forming and cardiotoxic pharmacological activities, however the structural basis of these varied functions is largely unknown. Using the 'SequenceSpace' analysis we have identified nine residues highly unique to the Lys49-PLA2 sub-family, which are grouped in three amino acid clusters in the active site, hydrophobic substrate binding channel and homodimer interface regions. These three highly specific residue clusters may have relevance for the Ca2+-independent membrane damaging activity. Of a further 15 less stringently conserved residues, nine are located in two additional clusters which are well isolated from the active site region. The less strictly conserved clusters have been used in predictive sequence searches to correlate amino acid patterns in other venom PLA2s with their pharmacological activities, and motifs for presynaptic and combined toxicities are proposed.
For the diagnosis and follow-up of paracoccidioidomycosis patients undergoing therapy, we evaluated two methods (immunoblotting and competition enzyme immunoassay) for the detection of circulating antigen in urine samples. A complex pattern of reactivity was observed in the immunoblot test. Bands of 70 and 43 kDa were detected more often in urine samples from patients before treatment. The immunoblot method detected gp43 and gp70 separately or concurrently in 11 (91.7%) of 12 patients, whereas the competition enzyme immunoassay detected antigenuria in 9 (75%) of 12 patients. Both tests appeared to be highly specific (100%), considering that neither fraction detectable by immunoblotting was present in urine samples from the control group. gp43 remained present in the urine samples collected during the treatment period, with a significant decrease in reactivity in samples collected during clinical recovery and increased reactivity in samples collected during relapses. Reactivity of some bands was also detected in urine specimens from patients with 'apparent cure.' The detection of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigens in urine appears to be a promising method for diagnosing infection, for evaluating the efficacy of treatment, and for detecting relapse.
Prostatic diseases have been a common problem in middle age and older intact male dogs. Among these, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP) is the most frequent, age-related and hormonal-dependent condition of human and canine prostate. Blood samples were collected from 37 male intact dogs, tree years old dogs or more to determine androgens, estrogen, prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) and prostatic specific antigen (PSA) according to histopathological aspects. Low levels of estrogen and high levels of prostatic specific antigen (PSA) were founded in dogs with BHP, respectively. Seric and urinary PAP levels were high in dogs with hyperplasia.
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) play a major role in extracellular matrix component degradation in several normal and abnormal tissue situations; they are also found in human seminal plasma. MMPs have been found in rat prostate secretions and are nearly lobe specific in expression pattern. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether TIMP-2, like other semen components, is expressed differently from different rat prostatic lobes. Immunohistochemical staining was performed in both young and adult rat ventral (VP), lateral (LP), dorsal (DP), and anterior (AP) prostatic lobes and confirmed by western blotting. TIMP-2 expression was found in the epithelial cells in the following sequence: LP > AP > DP > VP, in both young and adult rats. In this study, 100% of adult LP presented histological signs of prostatitis, where TIMP-2 immunostaining was positive in normal epithelium even with intraluminal neutrophils, but was reduced or absent in the epithelium with intraepithelial leukocytes or with periductal stroma disorganization associated with mononuclear cell infiltration. However, TIMP-2 expression in LP was not induced by prostatitis, since younger rat LPs were also strongly TIMP-2 positive. The distal and intermediate VP regions were TIMP-2 negative, but the proximal regions were strongly stained. Western blotting results confirmed the high TIMP-2 expression in the LP lobe. Thus, TIMP-2 is expressed differently between the prostatic lobes and is another nearly lobe-specific protein, which plays a role in the regulation of MMP activity in seminal plasma and glandular homeostasis. TIMP-2 is also another regional ductal variation of VP. Further studies should address whether TIMP-2 expression is related to the highest incidence of rat LP prostatitis and adenocarcinoma. © 2006 International Federation for Cell Biology.