984 resultados para Professores - Expectativa (Psicologia)
Este estudo comparou avaliações de mães e professoras, sobre habilidades sociais e problemas de comportamento de crianças, identificadas pelas professoras, como tendo problemas de comportamento. Participaram mães e professoras de 24 crianças com problemas de comportamento e 24 crianças indicadas como sendo socialmente habilidosas. Foram utilizados o Questionário de Comportamentos Socialmente Adequados e a Escala Comportamental Infantil, versões para pais e professores. Os principais resultados foram: (a) mães e professoras de crianças sem problemas não diferiram na avaliação das habilidades sociais, mas diferiram quanto aos problemas, percebidos em nível mais alto pelas mães; (b) mães e professoras de crianças com problemas diferiram na avaliação dos problemas de comportamento e das habilidades sociais; as mães perceberam mais habilidades e menos problemas; (c) diferenças de gênero foram encontradas apenas para problemas de comportamento das crianças com problemas. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de ter diferentes informantes, em diferentes contextos, na avaliação do comportamento de crianças.
O artigo relata pesquisa que visou, entre outros objetivos, identificar a presença do estresse, a sintomatologia e as fases apresentadas pelos professores de 1ª a 4ª série do Ensino Fundamental atuantes em escolas públicas estaduais de uma cidade do Interior de São Paulo. Participaram do estudo 175 professores, perfazendo, aproximadamente, 70% dos profissionais de Ensino Básico I (PEB-I) em atuação no município. Para obtenção dos objetivos foram utilizados dois instrumentos de coleta de dados: o ISSL (Inventário de Sintomas de Estresse) e um questionário para caracterizar a população pesquisada. A pesquisa revelou que 56,6% dos professores estão experimentando estresse, cujos principais sintomas presentes são: sensação de desgaste físico constante, cansaço constante, tensão muscular, problemas com a memória, irritabilidade excessiva, cansaço excessivo, angústia/ansiedade diária, pensar constantemente em um só assunto e irritabilidade sem causa aparente.
Este artigo pretende fazer um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a neurose profissional, cujos sintomas são entendidos como a expressão simbólica de um conflito psíquico que se desenvolve a partir de uma situação organizacional ou profissional determinada. O diagnóstico é formado a partir das queixas mencionadas, da história de trabalho e da análise da situação de trabalho atual. Entende-se que condições estressantes de trabalho, associadas ao contexto social de desemprego e competitividade, contribuem para o aparecimento de doenças mentais como a neurose profissional. As formas de tratamento para essa doença, além da psicoterapia individual, envolvem a ação integrada de uma equipe multiprofissional capacitada para lidar com o sofrimento psíquico do trabalhador e com os aspectos sociais e de intervenção nos ambientes de trabalho. Ressalta-se a carência de literatura sobre o tema estudado e a importância de se ampliar a discussão sobre os fatores de risco no trabalho, os determinantes psíquicos para o desenvolvimento da neurose profissional e o papel do psicólogo no contexto de prevenção e promoção da saúde mental.
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar se o repertório de habilidades sociais importantes para a formação ética de um grupo de estudantes de ensino médio, curso pré-vestibular e curso de graduação em psicologia evidenciava mudanças relacionadas à diferença de idade e características específicas dos contextos interativos oferecidos pelas instituições de ensino participantes desse processo. Foi aplicado o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais a uma amostra de 45 estudantes e questionários semiestruturados a nove professores. Entre os alunos, os resultados indicaram diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as classes das categorias de ensino investigadas em relação a diferentes conjuntos de habilidades sociais. Dos resultados obtidos com os professores, pode-se depreender que estes possuem noção clara das capacidades que o aluno deve obter para agir com ética e ser cidadão, mas esses professores não propiciam condições, no contexto escolar, para a promoção de tais habilidades. Isso indicou a necessidade de melhorias na capacitação dos docentes, visando à ampliação do repertório de habilidades sociais de seus alunos.
Este artigo é resultado de estudos teóricos e pretende apresentar algumas contribuições ao estudo da psicologia histórico-cultural do desenvolvimento, mais especificamente no que se refere à relação existente entre as categorias de trabalho e atividade. Estudos desta natureza são importantes para psicólogos, pedagogos e demais profissionais envolvidos direta ou indiretamente com a prática educativa, na busca por compreender o problema da periodização do desenvolvimento em uma perspectiva não naturalizante. Nesta direção, a categoria de atividade principal mostra-se central como força motriz do processo de desenvolvimento humano, portanto encontra-se estreitamente ligada ao lugar que cada indivíduo ocupa na sociedade de classes bem como às condições objetivas de sua existência material. O estudo do desenvolvimento coincide com o estudo da pessoa concreta, imersa numa trama de relações sociais e num sistema político e econômico; enfim, outra coisa não é senão o estudo da história objetivada em cada indivíduo particular.
O presente artigo busca demonstrar a ocorrência de mudanças na prática pedagógica de uma professora, durante o período em que se fez a reflexão teórico-metodológica sobre essa prática, à luz de proposições da Psicologia sócio-histórica. Foram realizados 20 encontros reflexivos com uma professora da Educação Especial, a partir da análise de gravações das situações ocorridas em sala de aula. As discussões promovidas compreendiam aspectos relacionados ao processo de ensino e de aprendizagem na atividade docente. Foram examinadas as locuções verbais da professora e observaram-se indícios de mudança no que se refere ao foco de atenção, quando ela analisa seus problemas pedagógicos, na consideração da multideterminação dos problemas de ensino e aprendizagem, na concepção de aluno, no método de ensino, no estabelecimento e valorização da relação professor-aluno e da interação de alunos. Os resultados obtidos sinalizaram que a interação reflexiva mostrou-se um instrumento útil para a formação continuada de professores.
Men and women express different preferences for ideal romantic partners. These preferences seem to vary with the level of involvement and commitment expected for the relationship and the perceptions people have about themselves. The current work was developed to expand the findings related to this subject, investigating the market perception of romantic relationships and the effect of context on self-assessment and preferences for romantic partners. For this purpose, 753 undergraduate, Brazilian and American, were enrolled between March 2010 and November 2012 and took part in at least one of the four studies that compose this research, performing the assessment of specific stimulus-subject descriptions. Studies one and two addressed Brazilian and American samples to respectively describe female and male expectations on human mating market. It was observed that individuals from both the genders expect positive assortative mating within couples, that each trait is not evaluated independently, and, in addition to biological predispositions, factors as environmental local constrains and cultural values may also affect mating expectations. The contrasts between the samples showed that Americans valued physical-attractiveness and social-status in describing the same-gender subjects and their expected partners, while Brazilians valued social-skills. Another expectation was also identified for both genders: physically attractive women and men of high-status were expected to be paired to each other. Study three addressed males and females expectations regarding which characteristics are most relevant in ensuring desirable partnerships for same-gender individuals. The results showed that men and women can be grouped together by having similar expectations. However, the group mainly composed of men considered status characteristics as the most important attributes, while the groups mostly composed of women indicated that social skills or physical characteristics as the most important in appealing to a desirable partner. Finally, study four investigated the effect of social comparison on self-perception and mate preferences, revealing that individuals were aware of the attributes valued by the opposite-gender and that self-perception was affected by the attributes of other people. In sum, this work evidenced that romantic relationships can be interpreted as a biological market and that the value of the attributes in the romantic mating marketplace are associated with reproductive relevance of the characteristics.
The new Evolutionary Psychology (E. P.) paradigm has been trying to understand how the human beings make their decisions over time regarding the most diverse variables, always bearing in mind that such a cognitive process is due to a complex natural selection process that occurred millions of years ago. One of the main topics discussed by this new paradigm is the issue of parental investment, i.e., the care the parents provide to an offspring at the expense of the investment into a new one. The present work sought to integrate these two topics, trying to understand how some variables modulate the process of decision making in a sample of the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte state. It was investigated the hypothesis that the presence of both parents, along the individual development, could signal a more favorable environment, providing clues to the individual that he could assume a competitive position at the socio-biological market. His decisions, therefore, could be guided by long-term investments with aims to obtain more robust rewards. On the contrary, those who has suffered for some moment the absence of one the parents could develop theirselves in a not so competitive way, starting to choose immediate benefits - but lesser ones -, since the future would be less predictable due to their worse development conditions. This study involved 152 individuals from three higher education institutions, one of them being public and the others being private ones. In the results found, there was no difference between children of coupled parents and children of deceased or divorced parents concerning discount rates. The levels of hopelessness did not affect the discount rates of children of single parents when compared to children of coupled parents. Not having one of the parents because of divorce made the child to tend to present lower scores in the domain of social relations of WHOQOL - Bref, whilst the absence of the father by death made the scores lower in the domain of environment. The results indicate that loosing one of the parents along the development influences the individual's quality of life perception, but the measurement method of future discounting rates by means of financial choices is not sensitive to this variation
Human cooperation is a hallmark of this species due to its wide extension to genetically unrelated individuals and complex division of labor. It is considered an evolutionary puzzle, because the theory of evolution by natural selection predicts that self-interested individuals tend to be selected. Different theories have been proposed to explain the evolution of cooperation, which the most important are kin selection and reciprocal altruism. Considering the evolutionary continuity between species, humans and other primates have several common traits that help to promote cooperation between individuals of these species. Two features, however, seem to be particularly humans: inequality aversion and preferences in relation to others. Although human cooperation is not necessarily related to morality, cooperative traits are the basis for moral tendencies. The development of human morality is a combination of early prosocial tendencies, cooperative skills displayed at different ages, social learning and cultural transmission of norms. The social stimulus seems to be particularly important in promoting cooperative behavior in children and adults. In order to study the influence of social stimuli, as verbal feedback, on children cooperation, a study was conducted with children in a public goods game. 407 children from public schools in Natal / RN, divided into 21 groups, between six and nine years, participated in eight rounds of this game. After each round, seven groups received praise for larger donations, seven groups have been criticized by smaller donations, and the other seven received no comment. Children cooperated more when criticized, without significant differences between sexes, although young children have cooperated more negative than older children. The results are likely related to the anticipation and avoidance of punishment associated with the feedback (although this did not occur), and greater sensitivity to the authority in younger children. Nevertheless, the cooperation decreased in all groups until the last day of play. The results suggest an early sensitivity to moral punishment, whose role in the maintenance of social relations must have been important in the evolution of cooperation in humans
Among a variety of learning conceptions, David Kolb´s Experiential Learning Theory proposes four different learning styles: diverging, characterized by orientation towards people and multi-perspective vision; assimilating, concerned with ideas and abstract concepts as well as theory formulation; converging, expert in dealing with technical tasks and problem solving; and accommodating, risk taker and good at getting things done. Interesting correlations have been pointed out between Kolb s learning styles, professional careers and genders. With respect to behaviors, specific cognitive skills and interests, sex differences are widely known, and explained by Evolutionary Psychology as the result of distinct selective pressures acting on each gender. The aim of this research was to assess adolescents learning styles and their relation with interests on school and career choices, analyzing possible gender differences. We distributed questionnaires to 221 senior high school students to research their preferences for school disciplines, professional activities and career choices. The Learning Style Inventory specified the learning style of each individual. Our results showed a high frequency of reflective styles, with predominance of females as diverging and males as assimilating. Concerning school and professional interests, there were correlations between styles oriented towards the abstract and technical interests. Moreover, females preferred disciplines related to languages and interpersonal activities while males preferred disciplines related to science and technical activities. There were more males in exact science and engineering careers, and more females in social science and applied social science. Correlations found between learning styles, school and professional interests corroborate Kolb´s propositions, and the findings about gender differences are supported by Evolutionary Psychology theories
Parental investment increases the offspring s survival, though it decreases the opportunities for the parents to invest in a future progeny. In a broad sense, this investment is directed to one s own descendant, but in some cases, such as in adoption, resources are directed to non-relatives even in the absence of fitness benefits. Once there are many factors involved in adoption, this study investigated adopters candidates, aiming to analyze aspects considered by them for adopting, based on the Evolutionary Psychology s perspective. We analyzed the judicial proceedings´ files people who had been inlisted for adoption at the 2ª Childhood and Adolescence Law Court, Natal-RN. The adopter s motivations were classified into biological or social reasons. A relationship between adopters´ age and kind of motivation was found: requirements of young people were related to biological reasons while requirements of the old ones were related to social reasons. Fertility, mainly female requirer´s fertility, underlie this relationship, considering that women fertility is strongly influenced by age. The reasons to adopt were also related to the age of the desired child, once that people who wanted children older than 25 months alleged social reasons while those that wanted younger babies alleged biological reasons. There are lots of motives to adopt a child, but the phenomenon of adoption is broadly acknowledged by society as an act of love and the adoptive parents are often regarded as kind and generous people. It was observed, instead, that the reasons to adopt comes from the adopters themselves, related to the fulfillment of personal needs, such as increasing the family, carrying out mother/father role or having a company or someone to care form them in elderly age
This thesis studied the motivation to work among health professionals of the Basic Unities (BUH) in the health network of the city of Natal (RN). It was understood that the work motivation is a process. Then, the expectation theory was applied and motivation components (results of work, expectative, valence, instrumentality, and motivational force) were used to analyses. It s understanding the motivation as multifaceted phenomenon, the psycho sociological perspective was adopted. The research was developed in two phases: one with application of Work Motivation and Meaning Inventory (WMMI), and another with interview. In the first phases, the analysis of results revealed that the major factors contributing to increase the motivational force to health professionals in the BUH´s are: in valence, Self Expression and Personal Realization (VF2), Personal and Family Survival (VF3); in expectative, Self Expression and Work Justice (EF1), Safety and Dignity (EF2) and Responsibility (EF4); in instrumentality, Involvement (IF1) and Recognition and Economic Independence (IF4). In opposition, the factors that more contribute to reduce the motivational force are Wear and Dehumanization factors in valence (VF4), in expectative (EF3), and in instrumentality (IF4), behind the Work Justice Factor (IF2). Basing in content analysis of interviews, it was possible to associate by equivalence, the senses presented by health professionals with obtained results of first phase, indicating that the results of second phase corroborated and complemented those of first one. This possibility broadened the comprehension of the studied phenomenon. In speaking of the respondents, it was visible the presence of contents showing that they perceive the Health System and BUH´s in degradation. In the first phase, the participants´ instruction also predict the results in motivation, and in the interviews can be saw that the instruction is associated with the opportunities in outside of system. As work motivation is a process, the impact of personal and occupational characteristics tend to interact with contextual aspects. It was concluded the majority of health professionals present the moderated motivational force, but it was falling because they experience and perceive a degrading context with work condition increasingly unfavorable.
Criticism done to the undergraduate training process of the psychologist in Brazil raised debates known as "dilemmas of training". In recent years the classic training model, based on the Minimum Curriculum has undergone a series of changes after the National Curriculum Guidelines (DCN), modifying the context of courses. Thus, this paper aimed to investigate, in a post- DCN context how undergraduate courses in Psychology in Brazil have been dealing with the dilemmas of training. So, we decided to analyze the Course Pedagogical Projects (CPPs) of Psychology in the country. Forty CPPs, selected by region, academic organization and legal status were collected. The data was grouped into three blocks of discussions: theoretical, philosophical and pedagogical foundations; curriculum emphases and disciplines; and professional practices. The results were grouped into four sets of dilemmas: a) ethical and political; b) theoreticalepistemological; c) professional practice of the psychologist and d) academic-scientific. Courses claim a socially committed, generalist, pluralistic training, focusing on research, non-dissociation of teaching-research-extension, interdisciplinary training and defending a vision of man and of critical and reflective and non-individualistic psychology. The curriculum keeps the almost exclusive teaching of the classical areas of traditional fields of applied Psychology. Training is content based. The clinic is hegemonic, both in theory and in application fields. The historical debate is scarce and themes linked to the Brazilian reality are missing, despite having social policies present in the curricula. Currently, DCNs have a much greater impact on courses due to the influence of the control agencies, fruit of current educational policy, and the result is felt in the homogenization of curriculum discourses
This work presents the processes and the results of a research concerning the affectivity in children suffering from the Down´s Syndrome (DS). The relevance of the study is justified due to the need of the development of researches, in the area of psychological evaluation of people who suffers from Down´s Syndrome (DS), that are backed by the use of appropriate instruments for such purpose. The thematic discussed focuses the characteristics of the affectivity of children suffering from Down´s Syndrome. Affectivity, conceptually, is considered a wide phenomenon, including several aspects such as emotions, passions, anxiety, anguish, sadness, happiness and even the pleasure sensations and pain. The general objective of the study consisted of investigating the manifestation of the affectivity in children and young with Down´s Syndrome and the parents´ and educators´ perception concerning the expression of the affectivity in the behavior and in the social activities. The specific objectives were: to identify the parents' perceptions about the several manifestations of indicative behaviors of affectivity; to verify in the social atmosphere, outside home, through the teachers' perception, the several forms and intensities of the expression of the affectivity; and, to make possible the use of the technique of Zulliger (Z-test) in people with Down´s Syndrome. 70 (seventy) children and young with Down´s Syndrome participated in the research, in the age group from 04 to 26 years old, which are attended by Institutions of Paraíba and of Rio Grande do Norte. The instruments used were two questionnaires, applied with the parents and teachers, and the projective technique, Z-test, applied, individually, with the children and young with Down´s Syndrome. For analysis of the data of the questionnaires, the program Trideux-Mots was used, with the intention of selecting the main outstanding words for the parents and teachers concerning the expression of the children's affectivity and young with Down´s Syndrome. For so much, it was organized a database that was processed by that program and, soon after, interpreted through the Factorial Analysis by Correspondence (AFC), looking for to clear the modalities of presented answers in an organized way, through a graph. The data of the Z-test were analyzed, taking in consideration the need to characterize the aspects of the affectivity and the elaboration of specific norms for this sample type, through normalized scores. In agreement with the data presented by Tri-deux-Mots, it was observed that in the affective behavior and in the relationship with the other, home and in the school, the children and young with Down´s Syndrome they express your affectivity through positive and negative characteristics, in the same way that any other child that doesn't have to syndrome. The Z-test made possible initial elements to work with that population, however it is necessary that grow other researches with the intention of investigating the reason of the answers they present not the specific categories that you/they are related to the affectivity, since it was well-known the diversity of affective characteristics presented by the researched group
Considering the necessary approaches with the quotidian of the pedagogical field mentioned in the recent productions in Psychology about the insertion of psychologists in the school field, the objective of this work was to know and to understand the dynamics of functioning of a team of pedagogical coordination, intending to produce reflections on the possibilities of action in school psychology with these professionals. Our field of research was the Municipal School Teacher Emília Ramos (EMPER), considering its peculiar history, distinguished by a constant effort of achievement of the school success by its pupils. As subject of the study, six pedagogical coordinators participated, who worked at the school in the diurne turns, where regular classrooms of 1º cycle of basic education functioned. As procedures, we use participant observations and open interviews, focusing the activities performed by the coordinators and its possible demands to psychology. We use the analysis of content for the production of results. These results evidenced a work of coordination realized on a structured routine, but flexible, centered around the activity of conduction of groups of studies with the teachers. We grouped the demands to psychology in four thematic groups: diagnosis and attending the pupils; orientation to the families, contribution in the formation of the professionals and clinical listening of the professionals of the school. In this way, it is made clear that, in a context where happens a well articulated and consistent pedagogical work, the possible performance in school psychology is not scrumbled or confused with social and pedagogical practical others which many times takes attendance. With these information, we expect to contribute for the theoretical and practical elaborations, in Psychology and the Pedagogy, compromised with the success of the educative work realized in the public schools