978 resultados para Prediction algorithms
This paper provides a solution for predicting moving/moving and moving/static collisions of objects within a virtual environment. Feasible prediction in real-time virtual worlds can be obtained by encompassing moving objects within a sphere and static objects within a convex polygon. Fast solutions are then attainable by describing the movement of objects parametrically in time as a polynomial.
A number of new and newly improved methods for predicting protein structure developed by the Jones–University College London group were used to make predictions for the CASP6 experiment. Structures were predicted with a combination of fold recognition methods (mGenTHREADER, nFOLD, and THREADER) and a substantially enhanced version of FRAGFOLD, our fragment assembly method. Attempts at automatic domain parsing were made using DomPred and DomSSEA, which are based on a secondary structure parsing algorithm and additionally for DomPred, a simple local sequence alignment scoring function. Disorder prediction was carried out using a new SVM-based version of DISOPRED. Attempts were also made at domain docking and “microdomain” folding in order to build complete chain models for some targets.
A number of state-of-the-art protein structure prediction servers have been developed by researchers working in the Bioinformatics Unit at University College London. The popular PSIPRED server allows users to perform secondary structure prediction, transmembrane topology prediction and protein fold recognition. More recent servers include DISOPRED for the prediction of protein dynamic disorder and DomPred for domain boundary prediction.
Dynamically disordered regions appear to be relatively abundant in eukaryotic proteomes. The DISOPRED server allows users to submit a protein sequence, and returns a probability estimate of each residue in the sequence being disordered. The results are sent in both plain text and graphical formats, and the server can also supply predictions of secondary structure to provide further structural information.
An automatic method for recognizing natively disordered regions from amino acid sequence is described and benchmarked against predictors that were assessed at the latest critical assessment of techniques for protein structure prediction (CASP) experiment. The method attains a Wilcoxon score of 90.0, which represents a statistically significant improvement on the methods evaluated on the same targets at CASP. The classifier, DISOPRED2, was used to estimate the frequency of native disorder in several representative genomes from the three kingdoms of life. Putative, long (>30 residue) disordered segments are found to occur in 2.0% of archaean, 4.2% of eubacterial and 33.0% of eukaryotic proteins. The function of proteins with long predicted regions of disorder was investigated using the gene ontology annotations supplied with the Saccharomyces genome database. The analysis of the yeast proteome suggests that proteins containing disorder are often located in the cell nucleus and are involved in the regulation of transcription and cell signalling. The results also indicate that native disorder is associated with the molecular functions of kinase activity and nucleic acid binding.
World-wide structural genomics initiatives are rapidly accumulating structures for which limited functional information is available. Additionally, state-of-the art structural prediction programs are now capable of generating at least low resolution structural models of target proteins. Accurate detection and classification of functional sites within both solved and modelled protein structures therefore represents an important challenge. We present a fully automatic site detection method, FuncSite, that uses neural network classifiers to predict the location and type of functionally important sites in protein structures. The method is designed primarily to require only backbone residue positions without the need for specific side-chain atoms to be present. In order to highlight effective site detection in low resolution structural models FuncSite was used to screen model proteins generated using mGenTHREADER on a set of newly released structures. We found effective metal site detection even for moderate quality protein models illustrating the robustness of the method.
Motivation: A new method that uses support vector machines (SVMs) to predict protein secondary structure is described and evaluated. The study is designed to develop a reliable prediction method using an alternative technique and to investigate the applicability of SVMs to this type of bioinformatics problem. Methods: Binary SVMs are trained to discriminate between two structural classes. The binary classifiers are combined in several ways to predict multi-class secondary structure. Results: The average three-state prediction accuracy per protein (Q3) is estimated by cross-validation to be 77.07 ± 0.26% with a segment overlap (Sov) score of 73.32 ± 0.39%. The SVM performs similarly to the 'state-of-the-art' PSIPRED prediction method on a non-homologous test set of 121 proteins despite being trained on substantially fewer examples. A simple consensus of the SVM, PSIPRED and PROFsec achieves significantly higher prediction accuracy than the individual methods. Availability: The SVM classifier is available from the authors. Work is in progress to make the method available on-line and to integrate the SVM predictions into the PSIPRED server.
If secondary structure predictions are to be incorporated into fold recognition methods, an assessment of the effect of specific types of errors in predicted secondary structures on the sensitivity of fold recognition should be carried out. Here, we present a systematic comparison of different secondary structure prediction methods by measuring frequencies of specific types of error. We carry out an evaluation of the effect of specific types of error on secondary structure element alignment (SSEA), a baseline fold recognition method. The results of this evaluation indicate that missing out whole helix or strand elements, or predicting the wrong type of element, is more detrimental than predicting the wrong lengths of elements or overpredicting helix or strand. We also suggest that SSEA scoring is an effective method for assessing accuracy of secondary structure prediction and perhaps may also provide a more appropriate assessment of the “usefulness” and quality of predicted secondary structure, if secondary structure alignments are to be used in fold recognition.
The PSIPRED protein structure prediction server allows users to submit a protein sequence, perform a prediction of their choice and receive the results of the prediction both textually via e-mail and graphically via the web. The user may select one of three prediction methods to apply to their sequence: PSIPRED, a highly accurate secondary structure prediction method; MEMSAT 2, a new version of a widely used transmembrane topology prediction method; or GenTHREADER, a sequence profile based fold recognition method.
Some points of the paper by N.K. Nichols (see ibid., vol.AC-31, p.643-5, 1986), concerning the robust pole assignment of linear multiinput systems, are clarified. It is stressed that the minimization of the condition number of the closed-loop eigenvector matrix does not necessarily lead to robustness of the pole assignment. It is shown why the computational method, which Nichols claims is robust, is in fact numerically unstable with respect to the determination of the gain matrix. In replying, Nichols presents arguments to support the choice of the conditioning of the closed-loop poles as a measure of robustness and to show that the methods of J Kautsky, N. K. Nichols and P. VanDooren (1985) are stable in the sense that they produce accurate solutions to well-conditioned problems.
A number of computationally reliable direct methods for pole assignment by feedback have recently been developed. These direct procedures do not necessarily produce robust solutions to the problem, however, in the sense that the assigned poles are insensitive to perturbalions in the closed-loop system. This difficulty is illustrated here with results from a recent algorithm presented in this TRANSACTIONS and its causes are examined. A measure of robustness is described, and techniques for testing and improving robustness are indicated.
The solution of the pole assignment problem by feedback in singular systems is parameterized and conditions are given which guarantee the regularity and maximal degree of the closed loop pencil. A robustness measure is defined, and numerical procedures are described for selecting the free parameters in the feedback to give optimal robustness.
In this paper we explore classification techniques for ill-posed problems. Two classes are linearly separable in some Hilbert space X if they can be separated by a hyperplane. We investigate stable separability, i.e. the case where we have a positive distance between two separating hyperplanes. When the data in the space Y is generated by a compact operator A applied to the system states ∈ X, we will show that in general we do not obtain stable separability in Y even if the problem in X is stably separable. In particular, we show this for the case where a nonlinear classification is generated from a non-convergent family of linear classes in X. We apply our results to the problem of quality control of fuel cells where we classify fuel cells according to their efficiency. We can potentially classify a fuel cell using either some external measured magnetic field or some internal current. However we cannot measure the current directly since we cannot access the fuel cell in operation. The first possibility is to apply discrimination techniques directly to the measured magnetic fields. The second approach first reconstructs currents and then carries out the classification on the current distributions. We show that both approaches need regularization and that the regularized classifications are not equivalent in general. Finally, we investigate a widely used linear classification algorithm Fisher's linear discriminant with respect to its ill-posedness when applied to data generated via a compact integral operator. We show that the method cannot stay stable when the number of measurement points becomes large.