1000 resultados para Post-traitement


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Objective: To compare effects of a non-renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blocker, using a CCB, or a RAS blocker, using an ARB regimen on the arterial stiffness reduction in postmenopausal hypertensive women. Methods: In this prospective study, a total of 125 hypertensive women (age: 61.4_6 yrs; 98% Caucasian; BW: 71.9_14 kg; BMI: 27.3_5 kg/m2; SBP/ DBP: 158_11/92_9 mmHg) were randomized between ARB (valsartan 320mg_HCTZ) and CCB (amlodipine 10mg _ HCTZ). The primary outcome was carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) changes after 38 weeks of treatment. Results: There were no significant differences in baseline demographic data between the two groups. Both treatments effectively lowered BP at the end of the study with similar (p>0.05) reductions in the valsartan (_22.9/_10.9 mmHg) and amlodipine based (_25.2/_11.7 mmHg) treatment groups. Despite a lower (p<0.05 for DBP) central SBP/DBP in the CCB group (_19.2/_10.3 mmHg) compared to the valsartan group (_15.7/_7.6 mmHg) at week 38, a similar reduction in carotid-femoral PWV (_1.7 vs _1.9 m/sec; p>0.05) was observed between both groups. The numerically larger BP reduction observed in the CCB group was associated with a much higher incidence of peripheral edema (77% vs 14%) than the valsartan group. Conclusion: In summary, BP lowering in postmenopausal women led to a reduction in arterial stiffness assessed by PWV measurement. Both regimens reduced PWV at 38 weeks of treatment to a similar degree, despite differences in BP lowering suggesting that the effect of RAS blockade to influence PWV may partly be independent of BP.


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The prevalence of resistant hypertension ranges between 5-30%. Patients with resistant hypertension are at increased risk of cardiovascular events. Radiofrequency renal denervation is a recent and promising technique that can be used in the setting of resistant hypertension. However, long-term safety and efficacy data are lacking and evidence to use this procedure outside the strict setting of resistant hypertension is missing. The aim of the article is to propose a common work-up for nephrologists, hypertensiologists, cardiologists and interventional radiologists in order to avoid inappropriate selection of patients and a possible misuse of this procedure.


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Listeria monocytogenes was inoculated on the surface of sliced fermented sausages with no added sodium salt. The pathogen was progressively inactivated during the product shelf life (90 days). Antimicrobial packaging of fermented sausages with PVOH films containing nisin induced a more pronounced reduction of L. monocytogenes counts during refrigerated storage. HPP alone (600 MPa, 5 min, 12 °C) had no antimicrobial effect against L. monocytogenes at the studied conditions. Combination of HPP with antimicrobial packaging did not produce any extra protection against L. monocytogenes compared to antimicrobial packaging alone. The lack of effect of HPP on L. monocytogenes was attributed to a protective effect exerted by the low water activity of the product and its lactate content. These results reflect that antimicrobial packaging with the inclusion of nisin as a natural antimicrobial could be considered as an effective method to reduce the levels of L. monocytogenes in sliced fermented sausages with no added sodium salt


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El dolor post-operatori és un dels problemes més importants que segons la OMS afecta als pacients intervinguts quirúrgicament i el que més els preocupa. Any rere any hi ha un increment del nombre de pacients intervinguts per Cirurgia Major ambulatòria al nostre país de manera que ha de ser el mateix usuari i la família els que facilitin les cures als pacients al propi domicili. Aquest estudi planteja si introduir intervencions educatives al servei disminueix el dolor post-operatori dels usuaris Objectiu general: Dissenyar un programa d’informació que realitzarà infermeria dirigit als cuidadors i pacients del servei de CMA i que han de ser intervinguts de hèrnia engonal. Avaluar l’eficiència del mateix programa educatiu. Metodologia: l’àmbit d’estudi d’aquest treball serà les unitats de Cirurgia Major ambulatòria de qualsevol centre de Catalunya. Es realitzarà un estudi comparatiu quantitatiu entre dos grups independents integrants per 30 participants en cadascun d’ells (total de 60 participants). Grupo A: protocol habitual de la unitat Grup B: intervenció educativa dissenyada Els participants seran pacients majors d’edat, que compleixen els requisits per ser intervinguts per Cirurgia Major Ambulatòria de Hèrnia inguinal. El participant ha de fer-ho amb un familiar responsable de les seves cures. Es realitzaran 3 enquestes al pacient i 3 al familiar responsable de les cures, la primera a les 24 hores després de la intervenció, la segona a la setmana i l’última a les 2 setmanes. Limitacions de l’estudi: en cas de que el pacient que ha de formar part de l’estudi requereixi ingrés hospitalari per alguna complicació durant la cirurgia el pacient deixa de participar en l’estudi automàticament. En cas que el pacient o familiar no contestin al telèfon el dia i l’hora pactada prèviament també deixarà de formar part de la investigació. Per aquest motiu es tindran 10 pacients de reserva per si calgués reemplaçar el subjecte d’estudi.


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Surgical indications in spinal trauma remain a controversial topic. In general, unstable cervical injuries such as displaced odontoid fractures, burst fractures or tear drop fractures require surgical intervention. Thoracolumbar compression injuries without posterior wall involvement or significant kyphosis can be treated conservatively. Surgery is indicated in fractures-dislocations and burst fractures with significant canal narrowing and/or major kyphosis. The role of emergency decompression as well as that of steroids remain uncertain since no study to date has convincingly proven their efficacy.


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Mild to moderate forms of orbitopathy are common in auto-immune thyroid diseases, whereas severe forms are rare. Euthyroidism restoration, no smoking, and ocular local lubricants are necessary for all the patients. In case of mild orbitopathy, treatment by selenium is now indicated. Active forms of thyroid orbitopathy are better treated by IV steroids. Surgery is indicated in optic neuropathy resistant to steroids and in sequellar forms of the disease.


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Venous symptoms and quality of life (QOL) of 78 patients (54 women, mean age 49,5±13,3 years) with primary superficial venous insufficiency (PSVI) were compared at one year after treatment with crossectomy and stripping (C/S, 56 patients) or endovenous laser ablation (EVLA, 22 patients) using the VEINES-QOL questionnaire. Both treatments significantly (p<0,001) improved the scores for venous symptoms (difference 10,6±9,9 and 9,9±8,2 score points for C/S and EVLA, respectively) and QOL (difference 10,3±8,7 and 8,4±6,6 score points for C/S and EVLA, respectively). No difference was found between treatments regarding symptoms or QOL improvement (p=0,30). We conclude that C/S and EVLA are equally effective in improving symptoms and QOL in PSVI.


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Contexte¦Le syndrome d'apnées/hypopnées obstructives du sommeil (SAHOS) est une maladie qui¦touche 4% des hommes et 2% des femmes entre 30 à 60 ans. Les patients touchés par le¦SAHOS ont deux problèmes principaux: premièrement, ils ont davantage de risque de¦développer une maladie cardiovasculaire. Deuxièmement, ils ont une diminution de la qualité¦de vie se présentant principalement sous forme de somnolence diurne et une perte de¦vigilance. Le meilleur traitement à l'heure actuelle est le CPAP (continuous positive airway¦pressure) qui permet de normaliser la respiration nocturne et d'améliorer la qualité du¦sommeil. Les effets favorables du CPAP sur la qualité de vie, la vigilance et l'inflammation¦ont été suggérés par plusieurs études mais restent controversés.¦Objectifs¦Évaluer l'effet de 6 semaines de traitement par CPAP sur la qualité de vie, la vigilance, la¦pression artérielle et l'inflammation (HsCRP).¦Méthodes¦Vingt-neuf patients connus pour un SAHOS ont été inclus dans cette étude. Les critères¦d'exclusions comprenaient une grossesse chez la femme, la présence de facteurs de risque¦cardiovasculaires ou d'une autre pathologie sévère.¦Les patients inclus dans l'étude ont tous été investigués, avant de débuter le traitement par¦CPAP, par un PVT (psychomotor vigilance test), un questionnaire de qualité de vie (SF-36),¦une polysomnographie, un dosage de l'hsCRP et par 2 prises de pression artérielle (avant et¦après la polysomnographie). Après ces examens, le traitement par CPAP a été introduit pour¦six semaines à l'issue desquelles les mêmes examens ont été répétés.¦Résultats¦L'étude montre tout d'abord une amélioration significative des paramètres concernant la¦vigilance : 1/temps de réaction (P = 0.01) et les oublis (P = 0.04). Ensuite, tous les paramètres¦de la santé mentale évalués par le questionnaire SF-36 s'améliorent significativement ainsi¦que le score global de santé physique. L'hsCRP évaluant l'inflammation montre une tendance¦à la diminution (P = 0.07). Quant à la pression artérielle, la pression systolique du soir¦diminue de manière significative et la pression systolique du matin et les deux tensions¦artérielles moyennes calculées montrent une tendance à la diminution.¦Conclusion¦Cette étude montre un effet bénéfique du CPAP chez les patients atteints de SAHOS au niveau¦de la vigilance et de la qualité de vie. Les effets sur la pression artérielle et l'inflammation ne¦sont toutefois pas complètement établis et restent encore sujet à débat.


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Brain perfusion can be assessed by CT and MR. For CT, two major techniquesare used. First, Xenon CT is an equilibrium technique based on a freely diffusibletracer. First pass of iodinated contrast injected intravenously is a second method,more widely available. Both methods are proven to be robust and quantitative,thanks to the linear relationship between contrast concentration and x-ray attenuation.For the CT methods, concern regarding x-ray doses delivered to the patientsneed to be addressed. MR is also able to assess brain perfusion using the firstpass of gadolinium based contrast agent injected intravenously. This method hasto be considered as a semi-quantitative because of the non linear relationshipbetween contrast concentration and MR signal changes. Arterial spin labelingis another MR method assessing brain perfusion without injection of contrast. Insuch case, the blood flow in the carotids is magnetically labelled by an externalradiofrequency pulse and observed during its first pass through the brain. Eachof this various CT and MR techniques have advantages and limits that will be illustratedand summarised.Learning Objectives:1. To understand and compare the different techniques for brain perfusionimaging.2. To learn about the methods of acquisition and post-processing of brainperfusion by first pass of contrast agent for CT and MR.3. To learn about non contrast MR methods (arterial spin labelling).


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Dermatologic surgery has evolved enormously within the past few years especially for the treatment of varicose veins and telangiectasias. New minimally-invasive techniques have been developed: lasers, echo-sclerosis, surgery with tumescent anesthesia and endovascular treatment of saphenous veins. Most interventions can be performed with local anesthesia in the office setting. These new treatments are intended to decrease the risks of surgery, reduce medical costs and the necessity for hospitalization, and improve functional and esthetic results.


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Objective: To investigate the association between fear of falling appearing within one month after discharge from post-acute rehabilitation and functional status in elderly patients. Methods: Participants (N=180, mean age 81.37.1 years, 75.6% women) were patients consecutively admitted to rehabilitation over a 6-month period. Demographics, functional, cognitive and affective status were assessed upon admission; functional status was assessed at discharge; history of falls since discharge, functional and affective status were assessed by phone one month after discharge. Fear of falling was assessed using the question: "Are you afraid of falling?". Results: Among patients without fear of falling at discharge (N=95), 20.0% (N=19) reported new fear of falling one month after discharge. Living alone (adjOR=4.9, 95%CI 1.04-23.16, P=.045), functional status at discharge (adjOR=0.5, 95%CI 0.32-0.88, P=.014), and depressive symptoms (adjOR=5.4, 95%CI 1.20-24.32, P=.028) independently predicted fear of falling at one month. There was weak evidence that history of falls since discharge (adjOR=4.1, 95%CI 0.81-21.31, P=.088) was associated with new fear of falling. Developing fear of falling was also associated with reduced functional status at one month (mean basic ADL score: fearful 5.20.8; confident: 5.80.4,P<.001). This association remained after controlling for demographics, functional status at discharge, depressive symptoms, and history of falls since discharge (coef =-0.4, 95%CI -0.73 to -0.16, P=.003). Conclusion: Fear of falling appearing within one month after discharge from post-acute rehabilitation was associated with reduced functional status in elderly patients. Further studies should determine whether early interventions targeting specifically fear of falling in these patients would improve their functional status.