941 resultados para Polygenic inheritance
As a relatively unknown author, Mary Davys (1674-1732) has garnered scant scholarly attention and little admiration for her work. Those who have written on Davys’s prose fiction most often mention the last three texts she published, Familiar Letters betwixt a Gentleman and a Lady (1716), The Reform’d Coquet (1724), and The Accomplish’d Rake (1727), yet rare mention is made of her first three novels. Moreover, of her later novels, many scholars read them as socially conservative and as representations of Davys’s support of and belief in patriarchy. My project disproves the long-standing and generally agreed upon conceptions regarding Davys’s writings and demonstrates the significance of her life’s work to studies of the novel. By investigating contemporary cultural issues, discussing the popular genres and modes of early eighteenth-century England, and comparing and contrasting Davys’s fiction to other authors’, I explore the myriad ways in which Davys experimented with the formal properties of the novel. Also, by closely examining each novel independently, I foreground Davys’s willingness to engage with charged contemporary topics such as rape, suicide, the laws surrounding inheritance, and male privilege. Not only does she engage with these topics; there is a discernable voice of protest imbedded in the narratives. At times, the techniques Davys employed and the plots she created in her work obscured her social concerns, yet with close reading, subversion also surfaces as one of Davys’s methods. An analysis of Davys’s experimentations with prose fiction and form illuminates the ways in which those innovations allowed Davys to criticize the culture in which she lived. Furthermore, an investigation of the whole of Davys’s work and the totality of her novels—looking at both form and content—exemplifies the importance of Davys for students of feminist thought and the development of the novel.
A study has been performed on the Cretaceous to Early Miocene succession of the Vrancea Nappe (Outer Carpathians, Romania), based on field reconstruction of the stratigraphic record, mineralogical-petrographic and geochemical analyses. Extra-basinal clastic supply and intra-basinal autochthonous deposits have been differentiated, appearing laterally inter-fingered and/or interbedded. The main clastic petrofacies consist of calcarenites, sub-litharenites, quartzarenites, sub-arkoses, and polygenic conglomerates derived from extra-basinal margins. An alternate internal and external provenance of the different supplies is the result of the paleogeographic re-organization of the basin/margins system due to tectonic activation and exhumation of rising areas. The intra-basinal deposits consist of black shales and siliceous sediments (silexites and cherty beds), evidencing major environmental changes in the Moldavidian Basin. Organic-matter-rich black shales were deposited during anoxic episodes related to sediment starvation and high nutrient influx due to paleogeographic isolation of the basin caused by plate drifting. The black shales display relatively high contents in sub-mature to mature, Type II lipidic organic matter (good oil and gas-prone source rocks) constituting a potentially active petroleum system. The intra-basinal siliceous sediments are related to oxic pelagic or hemipelagic environments under tectonic quiescence conditions although its increase in the Oligocene part of the succession can be correlated with volcanic supplies. The integration of all the data in the “progressive reorientation of convergence direction” Carpathian model, and their consideration in the framework of a foreland basin, led to propose some constrains on the paleogeographic-geodynamic evolutionary model of the Moldavidian Basin from the Late Cretaceous to the Burdigalian.
Este estudio es una síntesis de las últimas aportaciones acerca de las vías en al-Andalus (ss. VIII-XV), cuya estructura inicial es herencia de la época romana. Dadas las limitaciones que imponen los escasos datos que hallamos en las fuentes árabes y los pocos restos camineros conocidos, se hace necesario emplear una nueva metodología de investigación: Se aborda el objeto como un estudio global, no sólo de los caminos, sino de todos los elementos interrelacionados con ellos, denominados como "espacios viales". Luego se presenta la indisoluble relación de los "espacios viales" con los castillos y torres ("espacios de control y defensa") en al-Andalus, como los vigilantes de los caminos, y se enuncia la toponimia árabe relacionada tanto con los "espacios viales" como con los "espacios de control y defensa". Finalmente, se recogen los datos que las diversas crónicas árabes nos proporcionan acerca de la política viaria en al-Andalus a lo largo del tiempo, así como sobre quién era el responsable de velar por el buen estado de los tramos viales.
Mostrar que una nueva propuesta de enseñanza produce mejores actitudes y aprendizajes en los alumnos requiere disponer de un análisis de lo que se hace y se consigue con la enseñanza habitual. Para realizar dicho análisis se ha efectuado un estudio histórico y epistemológico de la evolución de las ideas en genética clásica, identificando los problemas que están en su origen, las ideas que permitieron avanzar y los obstáculos que hubo que superar. Como resultado de dicho estudio se han seleccionado un conjunto de indicadores de aprendizaje que deberían manifestarse en aquellas personas que hubieran comprendido los aspectos esenciales del modelo de herencia mendeliana, que se imparte en 4º de ESO. Dichos indicadores se han utilizado para analizar el aprendizaje tras la enseñanza convencional del tema. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos que muestran las deficiencias más comunes y justifican la necesidad de una propuesta diferente.
Small pamphlet-sized notebook containing handwritten transcriptions of three poems copied by James Diman, likely in the early 1730s. The notebook contains "The Catholic Remedy. to ye Tune of To all you Ladies, not at land &c.," "Father Ab--y's Will. Col. Sweeper Camb: Dec. 1731," and "The Poet's Lamentation for ye Loss of his cat, w'ch he used to call his Muse" copied from the London Magazine, November 1733. The "Catholic Remedy" begins "You Peope who desire to mend / your Desperate Estate..." and includes the note, "Made upon A--D--'s goving over to take orders. The note refers to the voyage of Addington Davenport (Harvard AB 1719) to England join the priesthood of the Church of England in 1730. "Father Ab--y's Will" begins "To my dear Wife, / My joy and Life..." and was a humorous poem published in 1731 after the death of Harvard College Sweeper Matthew Abdy, and attributed to Jonathan Seccombe (Harvard AB 1728). The "Poet's Lamentation" begins "Oppress'd with Grief, in heavy strains I mourn..." and was written by Joseph Green (Harvard AB 1726) as a parody of a psalm composed by Mather Byles (Harvard AB 1725). Pages 10-12, holding part of "Father Ab--y's Will" are missing, and pages 13-15 are no longer attached to the item.
A miscellaneous collection of letter and legal documents relating to Barbados, especially prize causes, inheritance and slaves.
Handwritten copy of Last Will and Testament of Andrew Bordman II, with an approval of the document by Samuel Danforth, Judge of the Probate of Wills, Middlesex County. The document provides detail on the inheritance of Bordman's wife Elizabeth.
Handwritten plat and note in unknown hand regarding the inheritance of land by William Phips, Sarah Bordman, and Elizabeth Phips from their grandfather's estate. The note offers evidence for the location of the land, and the plat draws it out.
The volume contains acknowledgements of the disbursements of Harvard Tutor Henry Flynt's estate written in the hands of the respective beneficiaries. The entries begin on February 27, 1760 following Flynt's death on February 13, 1760, and continue through May 9, 1767. Each receipt includes the date, name of the executors, description of the property, beneficiary's name, and signature. The beneficiaries include the wife of Sol. Davy, Dorothy Jackson, Edmund Quincy, J. Henry Quincy, Esther and Stephen Richard (received by attorney Nicholas Boylston), Dorothy Skinner (also received for her by her husband Richard Skinner), John Wendell, Edmund Wendell, Katherine Wendell, and Oliver Wendell, as well as Harvard College (received by Harvard Treasurer Thomas Hubbard), and the Deacons of the First Church of Cambridge. The volume also includes a loose document titled "Account from Messrs Edmund & Josiah Quincy Settled & Ballanced March 31, 1749."
[ʻAlī ibn ʻUthmān al-Ūshī].
[katabahu al-faqīr Aḥmad ʻĀrif Ḥikmat ibn Ibrāhīm ʻIṣmat al-Ḥusaynī].
According to the colophon (f. 25v), copy completed in 1272 AH [1855 or 56 AD].
According to the colophons (ff. 15r and 25r), copy completed on 22 Dhū al-Qaʻdah 1247 AH [April 22, 1832 AD] or on 25 Dhū al-Qaʻdah 1247 AH [April 25, 1832 AD].
Title supplied by cataloger.
with a verbal translation and explanatory notes by William Jones.