975 resultados para Poeticas visuais
Os estudos da territorialidade e de comportamentos associados a ela favorecem o entendimento da maneira como as interações ecológicas afetam a composição de espécies e a dinâmica de uma comunidade. No presente estudo tivemos como objetivo geral investigar o comportamento de Stegastes fuscus, um peixe-donzela territorialista, em ambiente natural e em cativeiro, com foco na capacidade de localização territorial, reconhecimento e defesa de uma área estabelecida. Para tanto subdividimos o trabalho em 3 capítulos. O primeiro teve como foco o estudo da espécie em ambiente natural objetivando estimar a área do território ocupado e os padrões comportamentais da por ela expressos. Sendo encontrado que a área média ocupada por S. fuscus foi de 274 cm2 e os comportamentos mais observados foram: vigilância, ingestão de alimento, tempo no abrigo/toca e displays agressivos. O segundo capítulo teve como alvo investigar a capacidade de localização espacial da espécie mediada por pistas visuais. Os resultados demonstraram que S. fuscus apresenta marcante aprendizagem condicionada e possibilidade de existência de orientação espacial na espécie. O terceiro capítulo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da residência prévia estabelecida e do reconhecimento de coespecíficos nos resultados de confrontos agonísticos. Os resultados apontaram a residência como fator prioritário na dinâmica das disputas agonísticas e que aspectos relacionados à familiaridade como relevantes e destacam-se mais quando não existe um território previamente estabelecido. Diante disso nossos resultados podem favorecer o entendimento da dinâmica estrutural da comunidade na qual S. fuscus esta inserida, sendo isto significativo tendo em vista a importância ecológica da espécie para o ecossistema.
This research seeks to reflect on the dynamics of television reception, studying the Brazilian TV miniseries Hoje é Dia de Maria, produced by Globo Television Network, and aims to generally promote inferences in the process of image reading, mainly for aesthetic reading in school context, aiming at the formation of visual proficient readers. The research was conducted with students from the third grade of a state high school, geographically located in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The theoretical framework comes from the assumptions of cognitive social interactionism to understand language, and it is also based on the ideas of Bakhtin (1992) and Vygotsky (1998), which enabled us to understand the social interaction and the Theory of Aesthetics Reception and Aesthetic Effect with Jauss (1979) and Iser (1999), which provided a better understanding of aesthetic experience, aesthetic effects and production of meaning. The methodological approach assumes a qualitative nature and an interpretive bias, accomplished through interviews, observation, questionnaire and application of a set of investigative activities, such as introductory exposition of themes, handing out of images and mediation process. This research is the result of a research-action process in a pedagogical intervention in a state school. The results indicate that the interactional linguistic resources used by the speakers demonstrated lack of prior knowledge and repertoire regarding image reading, which initially led them to do a cursory reading. It was evident that the respondents were unaware of the initial proposal. However, throughout the meetings, it was possible to realize their transformation, because the pre-established concepts were analyzed with the help of mediation, so that the group felt more autonomous and safe to read images at the end. The survey also showed significant data, so that the school could develop new methods of teaching televisual reading.
This doctoral dissertation proposes to analyze the discursive representations of Lula, as they appear on the covers of the magazines, Época and Veja, targeting the verbo visual elements that comprise the genre, magazine covers. In this way, we seek to describe and interpret the discursive representations (Drs), using a theoretical framework based on the Textual Discourse Analysis –TDA, developed by Jean Michel Adam (2011a), focusing on the semantic level of the text, that is, on the dimension that allows for the comprehension of Drs present in a text. For a discussion about the Drs and their categories of analysis referencing, predication, modification, relation and spatial localization and time we use as a starting point, the study by Brize about the logical discursive operations (1990, 1996), and continue through the studies that discuss linguistic, textual, and discursive operations in concrete utterances, such as Castilho (2010), Rodrigues; Passeggi; Silva Neto (2010), Neves (2011), Rodrigues et al. (2012), Passeggi (2001; 2012), Queiroz (2013), among others. In addition, we rely on Multimodal Discourse for the verbo visual aspects present on magazine covers (KRESS; van LEEUWEN, 2006; DIONISIO, 2011; DIONISIO; VASCONCELOS, 2013). Using aresearch approach that is qualitative with quantitative support, and which is documental, and based on deductive inductive methods, we describe and interpret a corpus (SEVERINO, 2007; CHIZZOTTI, 2010; OLIVEIRA, M., 2013), aiming to reconstruct Lula’s Drs. The cor pusis comprised of forty one magazine covers sixteen from Época and twenty four from Veja. The covers date from the election period in which the candidate, Lula, was elected President of Brazil in 2002, the last mandate after his reelection in 2006, and in the year 2010 a period of 9 years. Based on the analysis carried out, we can affirm that the magazines, Época and Veja, construct diverse Drs by Lula, such as: candidate; elected candidate; governing member and member of a political party; reelected president; politics; workers party acronym PT; international governments as allies; accomplices and participants in scandals of corruption; friend, brother, cousin, nephew, father, parent and man; among others that unfold throughout these by the mediation of the modifiers of the referents and processes, and by the very processes and connections, and analogies made on the object of discourse, Lula. Nonetheless, the reconstruction of these is derived from the description and interpretation of the textual linguistic and discursive choices that the magazines make to produce the proposition utterances, as well as by the choices of images and other visual resources, all operating as co(n)textually articulated to produce the magazine’s desired effect. In conclusion, the Drs verified demand the reflection, description and interpretation of the referencing, prediction, the relationship and spatial temporal localization, which was only possible through the textual discursive analysis of the verbo visual arrangements that comprise texts in the genre magazine cover.
There are several abiotic factors reported in the literature as regulators of the distribution of fish species in marine environments. Among them stand out structural complexity of habitat, benthic composition, depth and distance from the coast are usually reported as positive influencers in the diversity of difentes species, including reef fish. These are dominant elements in reef systems and considered high ecological and socioeconomic importance. Understanding how the above factors influence the distribution and habitat use of reef fish communities are important for their management and conservation. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the influence of these variables on the community of reef fishes along an environmental gradient of depth and distance from shore base in sandstone reefs in the coast of state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. These variables are also used for creating a simple predictive model reef fish biomass for the environment studied. Data collection was performed through visual surveys in situ, and recorded environmental data (structural complexity of habitat, type of coverage of the substrate, benthic invertebrates) and ecological (wealth, abundance and reef fish size classes). As a complement, information on the diet were raised through literature and the biomass was estimated from the length-weight relationship of each species. Overall, the reefs showed a low coverage by corals and the Shallow reefs, Intermediate I and II dominated by algae and the Funds by algae and sponges. The complexity has increased along the gradient and positively influenced the species richness and abundance. Both attributes influenced in the structure of the reef fish community, increasing the richness, abundance and biomass of fish as well as differentiating the trophic structure of the community along the depth gradient and distance from the coast. Distribution and use of habitat by recifas fish was associated with food availability. The predictor model identified depth, roughness and coverage for foliose algae, calcareous algae and soft corals as the most significant variables influencing in the biomass of reef fish. In short, the description and understanding of these patterns are important steps to elucidate the ecological processes. In this sense, our approach provides a new understanding of the structure of the reef fish community of Rio Grande do Norte, allowing understand a part of a whole and assist future monitoring actions, evaluation, management and conservation of these and other reefs of Brazil.
The accessory optical system, the pretectal complex, and superior colliculus are important control centers in a variety of eye movement, being extremely necessary for image formation, consequently to visual perception. The accessory optical system is constituted by the nuclei: dorsal terminal nucleus, lateral terminal nucleus, medial terminal nucleus and interstitial nucleus of the posterior superior fasciculus. From a functional point of view they contribute to the image stabilization, participating in the visuomotor activity where all system cells respond to slow eye movements and visual stimuli, which is important for the proper functioning of other visual systems. The pretectal complex comprises a group of nuclei situated in mesodiencephalic transition, they are: anterior pretectal nucleus, posterior pretectal nucleus, medial pretectal nucleus, olivary pretectal nucleus and the nucleus of the optic tract, all retinal projection recipients and functionally are related to the route of the pupillary light reflex and the optokinetic nystagmus. The superior colliculus is an important subcortical visual station formed by layers and has an important functional role in the control of eye movements and head in response to multisensory stimuli. Our aim was to make a mapping of retinal projections that focus on accessory optical system, the nuclei of pretectal complex and the superior colliculus, searching mainly for pretectal complex, better delineation of these structures through the anterograde tracing with the B subunit of cholera toxin (CTb) followed by immunohistochemistry and characterized (measured diameter) synaptic buttons present on the fibers / terminals of the nucleus complex pré-tectal. In our results accessory optical system, including a region which appears to be medial terminal nucleus and superior colliculus, were strongly marked by fibers / terminals immunoreactive CTb as well as pretectal complex in the nucleus: optic tract, olivary pretectal nucleus, anterior pretectal nucleus and posterior pretectal nucleus. According to the characterization of the buttons it was possible to make a better definition of these nucleus.
The classifier support vector machine is used in several problems in various areas of knowledge. Basically the method used in this classier is to end the hyperplane that maximizes the distance between the groups, to increase the generalization of the classifier. In this work, we treated some problems of binary classification of data obtained by electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) using Support Vector Machine with some complementary techniques, such as: Principal Component Analysis to identify the active regions of the brain, the periodogram method which is obtained by Fourier analysis to help discriminate between groups and Simple Moving Average to eliminate some of the existing noise in the data. It was developed two functions in the software R, for the realization of training tasks and classification. Also, it was proposed two weights systems and a summarized measure to help on deciding in classification of groups. The application of these techniques, weights and the summarized measure in the classier, showed quite satisfactory results, where the best results were an average rate of 95.31% to visual stimuli data, 100% of correct classification for epilepsy data and rates of 91.22% and 96.89% to object motion data for two subjects.
This study reports recommendations for a tactile and graphic wayfinding system aiming to offer more orientability and mobility for visually impaired people (blindness and low vision) at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), Parnamirim Campus. It was necessary to focus on visual impaired people and approach concepts like orientation and accessibility at the built environment. In order to provide the comprehension of a complex social phenomenon and preserve the meaningful characteristics of the events, this research has developed a single case study in which elements of Post Occupation Evaluation have been used. Its purpose was to allow not only a technical analysis, but also the user perception about the space in use. The chosen tool to collect the user’s opinions and considerations was the Walk Together Method. The collected and analyzed information has demonstrated that, although Parnamirim Campus has implemented some interventions in relation to the spatial accessibility, they are still not enough to create an environment which arranges safety and autonomy for the visual impaired people and the other ones who attend there. This study suggests that it happened because the engineering interventions at the Campus have been based on Brazilian technical standards NBR 9050:2004, which is proper for the physical impaired people, but it does not offer enough information to respond to all the specific needs demanded by all the classifications of visual impairment.
This study reports recommendations for a tactile and graphic wayfinding system aiming to offer more orientability and mobility for visually impaired people (blindness and low vision) at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), Parnamirim Campus. It was necessary to focus on visual impaired people and approach concepts like orientation and accessibility at the built environment. In order to provide the comprehension of a complex social phenomenon and preserve the meaningful characteristics of the events, this research has developed a single case study in which elements of Post Occupation Evaluation have been used. Its purpose was to allow not only a technical analysis, but also the user perception about the space in use. The chosen tool to collect the user’s opinions and considerations was the Walk Together Method. The collected and analyzed information has demonstrated that, although Parnamirim Campus has implemented some interventions in relation to the spatial accessibility, they are still not enough to create an environment which arranges safety and autonomy for the visual impaired people and the other ones who attend there. This study suggests that it happened because the engineering interventions at the Campus have been based on Brazilian technical standards NBR 9050:2004, which is proper for the physical impaired people, but it does not offer enough information to respond to all the specific needs demanded by all the classifications of visual impairment.
Cada indivíduo apresenta uma respostas comportamental diferente diante de um desafio ambiental, muitas vezes mesmo quando comparado a outro indivíduo da mesma espécie, sexo e idade, essas diferenças são chamadas tipos comportamentais e quando consistentes ao longo do tempo caracterizam uma síndrome comportamental ou personalidade animal. Evidências apontam que a personalidade animal pode interferir na aptidão reprodutiva do indivíduo. Tendo isso em vista, no presente estudo machos e fêmeas adultos de Betta splendens foram observados em três contextos (exploratório, social e avaliação de risco), para identificar a existência de tipos comportamentais e diferenças entre os sexos nos tipos comportamentais nessa espécie. Os indivíduos foram classificados em três níveis em cada contexto: contexto social (social; intermediário e não-social), contexto exploratório (explorador, intermediário e não-explorador) e avaliação de risco (bold, intermediário e shy). Após essa classificação, machos sociais e nãosociais, exploradores e não-exploradores de coloração vermelha e azul foram utilizados no experimento de escolha de parceiro pelas fêmeas. Nossos resultados apontam que a maioria dos indivíduos testados possui fenótipos intermediários para os três contextos avaliados, e uma minoria de machos e fêmeas apresentaram tipos comportamentais. E a análise de correlação mostra que machos e fêmeas se comportaram de modo diferente em relação aos contextos. No experimento de escolha de parceiro, os resultados mostram que os tipos comportamentais da fêmea e do macho influenciam no processo de escolha de parceiro e que, mesmo na presença de pistas visuais (coloração corporal dos machos), o tipo comportamental continua sendo importante no processo de escolha.
Cada indivíduo apresenta uma respostas comportamental diferente diante de um desafio ambiental, muitas vezes mesmo quando comparado a outro indivíduo da mesma espécie, sexo e idade, essas diferenças são chamadas tipos comportamentais e quando consistentes ao longo do tempo caracterizam uma síndrome comportamental ou personalidade animal. Evidências apontam que a personalidade animal pode interferir na aptidão reprodutiva do indivíduo. Tendo isso em vista, no presente estudo machos e fêmeas adultos de Betta splendens foram observados em três contextos (exploratório, social e avaliação de risco), para identificar a existência de tipos comportamentais e diferenças entre os sexos nos tipos comportamentais nessa espécie. Os indivíduos foram classificados em três níveis em cada contexto: contexto social (social; intermediário e não-social), contexto exploratório (explorador, intermediário e não-explorador) e avaliação de risco (bold, intermediário e shy). Após essa classificação, machos sociais e nãosociais, exploradores e não-exploradores de coloração vermelha e azul foram utilizados no experimento de escolha de parceiro pelas fêmeas. Nossos resultados apontam que a maioria dos indivíduos testados possui fenótipos intermediários para os três contextos avaliados, e uma minoria de machos e fêmeas apresentaram tipos comportamentais. E a análise de correlação mostra que machos e fêmeas se comportaram de modo diferente em relação aos contextos. No experimento de escolha de parceiro, os resultados mostram que os tipos comportamentais da fêmea e do macho influenciam no processo de escolha de parceiro e que, mesmo na presença de pistas visuais (coloração corporal dos machos), o tipo comportamental continua sendo importante no processo de escolha.
In this study, we intend to focus on the printed advertisement genre which reveals its discursive genre condition circulating in printed media sphere, specifically in four magazines: Playboy, Score, GQ and Men's Health. The overall objective of this study is to analyze the identity in advertisement gender directed at male audience in printing, by considering how commercials work in the consumer society by seeking to satisfy a particular group, the reader/male consumer with modern customs and behaviors. For this, advertisements from four magazines of January, April, July and October were gathered, totaling sixteen magazines and twenty-seven types of genre pieces over a period of one year: from January to December 2012. We have selected about 27 pieces that advertisers tried to expose the body on the space of advertisements, resulting in a heightened appreciation of physical appearance. So we divide our corpus in a category, adiáforo body, and three sub-categories: the body building; the tattooed body and the consumption body. This work is part of a qualitative-interpretative approach, in order to investigate the social reality, paradigm advocated by applied linguists. Thus, our study is turned to a related activity with language issues present in the printed media sphere. Advertisement is understood as real unity of discursive and inter-subjective communication, maintaining relationships with others statements already said and prefigured and calling others to settle. Based on these assumptions, we have presented an analysis of the printed advertisement gender in men's magazines basing ourselves in contemporary research on Discourse Dialogic Analysis in Circle studies by Mikhail Bakhtin, revisiting his theoretical and methodological aspects and the identity concepts and culture as well as authors of the advertising sphere. This research has been presented relevant as it has contributed to an analysis of the verbal-visual dimension of advertising directed at male audience, considered as a discursive genre that circulates in the printed media and advertising, steeped in dialogical relations and have also contributed to the construction and development of theoretical and methodological frameworks, and applied to teachers and professionals interested in the theme. Results have shown data demonstrating that the search for a completeness never come, the man have built himself the search of the perfect body, the pursuit of exquisite stereotype, the search for products that contribute to this his self-assertion always transient and in construction. It is concluded that the body is a recurring theme in the four magazines. The body tailored is always presented as the ideal to which every man must achieve.
From techniques such as lithography and woodcut, it was possible to create and reproduce daily images in the newspapers of the Empire and the Republic of Brazil. The purpose of this study is to make a historiographic report, derived from a multidisciplinary theoretical analysis to which several printed visual documents were selected from the newspaper A Coisa from Salvador, in Bahia. The weekly news, edited in the capital and distributed also in the countryside of Bahia by the end of 1897 and the beginning of 1904 is rich for its illustrations and the satirical, humorous and critical content, signed by its editors. The images in A Coisa are appealing for their content filled with tensions inherent to the time of the First Republic in Brazil, such as issues regarding ones skin color, phenotypes, race, gender, the value and the social ranking of the black population. The paper, in its gathering of texts and images, is the main basis of this research corpus, in which a dialogue with other papers from other places and times is proposed so that it becomes evident the historical process that marks the ideal of nation and the construction of a body and an identity for the people of African Descent in Brazil. The observation and analysis of the selected images from the newspaper allow the identification of its way of production, the orientation of a reality in function of its target consumers, their authorship and the objectives to which it was created. Therefore, this work aims to critically analyze the representations given to the black body and skin, in order to problematize the memories of these bodies and their sociocultural meanings and, thus, question, through a methodology aimed to the description and analysis of images united to texts, these bodies visual representations possible contribution to the formation of an idea of black people unified identity, and their social alterity in deference to the memories given to the white society in the historical and social context of that time.
This research studies the landscape paintings of the artist Ido Finotti, specifically the Brazilian cerrado vegetation and rivers landscape paintings, in the region of Triângulo Mineiro, mainly Uberlândia and the surrounding cities as Uberaba and Araguari. The artist produced the landscape paintings from 1947 to 1980. This study searches to understand the poetic in the paintings and identify the elements that the artist chose to create the visuality of landscape to build a regional identity. Therefore, it links the artistic and historical reflections with the general ideas about the landscape painting in the Universal History of Art and in the Brazilian History of Art through the main landscape painters. First, this work shows the trajectory of the artist Ido Finotti and the two phases of his paintings: as a decorative painter of walls from 1920 to 1940, then as an oil painter artist on canvas. Second, the national and foreign authors studied were from several fields: Visual Arts, History, History of the Art, Philosophy and Geography, but had produced literature on the idea and the subject of landscape in the painting. The initial reading was about some workmanships of Ido Finotti, which included 142 landscapes paintings; interviews; articles, periodicals and magazines collected; documents, brochures and catalogues gathered. The comparison between the written and visual sources made possible the textual construction of this research.
Esta pesquisa investiga a presença da imagem na capa do suplemento cultural dominical da Folha de S. Paulo, a Ilustríssima, a partir de um estudo de caso. O foco foi a análise das condições sociais e estéticas de produção dessa imagem de origem artística, levando em conta a mistura entre arte e jornalismo que o suplemento comporta e os conceitos de hibridação e de convergência. Técnicas da Análise de Discurso auxiliaram na análise da articulação entre as questões estéticas (condições textuais) e extratextuais (condições sociais), onde os sentidos são renovados a partir das tensões e contradições entre texto e contexto. A metodologia baseia-se nos Estudos Visuais, campo que tem o pensamento de Edgar Morin como principal influência, possibilitando-nos um olhar complexo sobre a produção da imagem presente na Ilustríssima.
This search addresses the public policies that directly or indirectly corroborate for the implementation of the Brazilian Law number 10.639/2003 in Federal University of Uberlândia and it analyzes the affirmative actions in this context. The study aims to answer some questions such as: Why we have found difficulties in implementing the Law 10.639/2003 and its correlate legislation in the institutions responsible for teachers formation, particularly in the courses of History, Visual Arts, Portuguese Language and Literature and Education teachers? We started from the hypothesis that implementing the Law 10.639/2003 is considered by popular movements that fight for the emancipation of black population and for its rights consider such actions as a form of eradicating racial and ethnic prejudice which are still present in our society. The methodology is based on case study, which allows the triangulation to other methodological approaches such as qualitative analysis and bibliographic search. The investigation instruments were: I. Bibliographic sources including books, papers, periodic and so one; II. Documental sources: specific legislation on the theme (Brazilian Federal Law 10.639/2003, Resolution CNE/CP 1/2004 and others; III. Oral sources obtained from semi structured interviews with coordinators of the selected Graduation courses. Critical multicuturalism according to McLaren (1999) allowed us to approach our research object in order to understand its plural characteristics, specially reading the different aspects that permeate the relationship between culture and identity, cultural differences and power relationship in modern society. In the study, we did not perceive the involvement of the Higher Education professionals in order to implement Law 10.639/2003. The problem perceived for implementing the law and its pedagogical normative legal framework is the personal and institutional attitude, because every subject involved in it has a direct responsibility. We cannot believe that the institutions may claim lack of knowledge and research in the area as impediments to implementing the disciplines and the pedagogical contents concerning to the Law nor contracting researcher experts and scholars on this topic to compose the frames of the University.