1000 resultados para Plateau Mont-Royal


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Scrapie, a disease of sheep and goats with a progressive course and fatal outcome, has not been identified in Nigeria. Anecdotal scrapie reports by livestock workers abound. Livestock diseases like scrapie form huddles in livestock economics of countries. For 8 months we surveyed for scrapie targeting emergency/casualty slaughter sheep and goats in Jos, Nigeria. We clinically examined 510 sheep and 608 goats of local breeds, aged from 12 months to 5 years. In total 31 (5.10%) goats and no sheep were clinically suspicious for scrapie. Caudal brainstem tissues of suspect animals collected postmortem were analyzed for the disease specific form of the prion protein, PrPSc, using Bio-Rad’s TeSeE ELISA rapid test kit. No sample was positive for scrapie. Fluorescent antibody test for rabies and H&E staining on samples were carried out for differential diagnosis. These showed no pathological lesions indicative for neurological disease. While our findings do not exclude the presence of scrapie in Jos, we demonstrate that targeted sampling of small ruminants for neuroinfectious disease is feasible in developing countries, pointing to the possibility of implementing such a monitoring scheme in Nigeria to prevent economic losses in small ruminant livestock as scrapie caveats from endemic countries have shown.


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We investigated high temperature Mo isotope fractionation in a hydrous supra-subduction volcano-plutonic system (Kos, Aegean Arc, Greece) in order to address the debate on the δ98/95Mo variability of the continental crust. In this igneous system, where differentiation is interpreted to be dominated by fractional crystallization, bulk rock data from olivine basalt to dacite show δ98/95Mo ratios increasing from +0.3 to +0.6‰ along with Mo concentrations increasing from 0.8 to 4.1 μg g−1. Data for hornblende and biotite mineral separates reveal the extraction of light Mo into crystallizing silicates, with minimum partition coefficients between hornblende- silicate melt and biotite-silicate melt of 0.6 and 0.4 δ98/95Mo, respectively. Our data document significant Mo isotope fractionation at magmatic temperatures, hence, the igneous contribution to continental runoff is variable, besides probable source-related variability. Based on these results and published data an average continental δ98/95Mo of +0.3 to +0.4‰ can be derived. This signature corresponds more closely to the average of published data of dissolved Mo loads of large rivers than previous estimates and is consistent with an upper limit of δ98/95Mo = 0.4‰ of the Earth's upper crust as derived from the analysis of molybdenites.


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This paper is the edited translation of the paper “A. Berson's Bericht über die aerologische Expedition des königlichen aeronautischen Observatoriums nach Ostafrika im Jahre 1908” (Report by A. Berson about the aerological expedition of the Royal Aeronautic Observatory to East Africa in 1908) that was published 1910 in the Meteorologische Zeitschrift 27, 536–542. The paper, provided by R. Süring, co-editor of the journal, is a summary of a more extensive report published in the same year.


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The diffusion properties of the Opalinus Clay were studied in the underground research laboratory at Mont Terri (Canton Jura, Switzerland) and the results were compared with diffusion data measured in the laboratory on small-scale samples. The diffusion of HTO, Na-22(+), Cs+ and I- were investigated for a period of 10 months. The diffusion equipment used in the field experiment was designed in such a way that a solution of tracers was circulated through a sintered metal screen placed at the end of a borehole drilled in the formation. The concentration decrease caused by the diffusion of tracers into the rock could be followed with time and allowed first estimations of the effective diffusion coefficient. After 10 months, the diffusion zone was over-cored and the tracer profiles measured. From these profiles, effective diffusion coefficients and rock capacity factors Could be extracted by applying a two-dimensional transport model including diffusion and sorption. The simulations were done with the reactive transport code CRUNCH. In addition, results obtained from through-diffusion experiments oil small-sized samples with HTO, Cl-36(-) and Na-22(+) are presented and compared with the in situ data. In all cases. excellent agreement between the two data sets exists. Results for Cs+ indicated five times higher diffusion rates relative to HTO. Corresponding laboratory diffusion measurements are still lacking. However. our Cs+ data are in qualitative agreement wish through-diffusion data for Callovo-Oxfordian argillite rock samples. which also indicate significantly higher effective diffusivities for Cs+ relative to HTO.


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The diffusion of radionuclides is an important safety aspect for nuclear waste disposal in argillaceous host rocks. A long-term diffusion experiment, termed DI-A, is being carried out at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory in the Opalinus Clay formation. The aim of this experiment is the understanding of the migration and sorption behaviour of cationic and anionic species in consolidated clays. This study reports on the experimental layout and the first results obtained from the DI-A experiment, which include the investigation of HTO, Na-22(+), Cs+, and I- migration during a period of 1 year by analysing these tracers in the water circulating in the borehole. In addition, results obtained from through-diffusion experiments on small-sized samples with HTO, I-, and Cl-36(-) are presented. The decrease of tracer concentrations in the borehole is fastest for Cs+, followed by Na-22(+), HTO, and finally I-. The chemical composition of the artificial pore water in the borehole shows very little variation with time, thus indicating almost no chemical disturbance around the borehole. Through-diffusion experiments in the laboratory that were performed parallel to the bedding plane with two different methods yielded effective diffusion coefficients for HTO of 4-5 X 10(-11) m(2) s(-1) and significantly lower ones for anions Cl- and I- (0.7-1.6 X 10(-11) m(2) s(-1)). The results indicate the importance of anion exclusion effects arising from the negatively charged clay surfaces. Furthermore, they demonstrate the anisotropic diffusion properties of the clay formation with significantly increased diffusion rates parallel to bedding relative to the perpendicular direction. The tracer data of the in situ experiment were successfully described with 2D diffusion models using diffusion and sorption parameters obtained from the above mentioned and other laboratory studies. The modelling results indicate that HTO and I- diffused with no retardation. The retardation of Na+ and Cs+ could be described by empirical sorption expressions from previously derived batch sorption (Cs+) or diffusion (Na+) experiments. Overall, the obtained results demonstrate the feasibility of the technical concept to study the diffusion of nonsorbing and sorbing tracers in consolidated clays. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Excavated by French Egyptologist P. Montet in the 1920s, Royal Tomb II at Byblos (Bronze Age Gubla) yielded a significant number of Egyptian objects of the Middle Kingdom. Among these finds is a stone vessel with lid that carries the cartouche of a king named Amenemhat, often believed to be Amenemhat IV of the late Middle Kingdom. Hitherto unnoticed by the scholarly community, however, are two Egyptian measure capacity signs on the stone vessel itself. Since measure capacity signs on stone vessels dating to the Middle Kingdom are only rarely attested even in Egypt, the signs on the stone vessel from Royal Tomb II at Byblos therefore contribute considerably to our understanding of the use and application of such signs. The article deals with the examination of these signs and tries to correlate them with the actual capacity of the vessel.


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Sub-fossil Cladocera were studied in a core from Gerzensee (Swiss Plateau) for the late-glacial periods of Oldest Dryas, Bølling, and Allerød. Cladocera assemblages were dominated by cold-tolerant littoral taxa Chydorus sphaericus, Acroperus harpae, Alonella nana, Alona affinis, and Alonella excisa. The rapid warming at the beginning of the Bølling (GI-1e) ca. 14,650 yr before present (BP: before AD 1950) was indicated by an abrupt 2‰ shift in carbonate δ18O and a clear change in pollen assemblages. Cladocera assemblages, in contrast, changed more gradually. C. sphaericus and A. harpae are the most cold-tolerant, and their abundance was highest in the earliest part of the record. Only 150–200 years after the beginning of the Bølling warming we observed an increase in less cold-tolerant A. excisa and A. affinis. The establishment of Alona guttata, A. guttata var. tuberculata, and Pleuroxus unicatus was delayed by ca. 350, 770, and 800 years respectively after the onset of the Bølling. The development of the Cladocera assemblages suggests increasing water temperatures during the Bølling/Allerød, which agrees with the interpretation by von Grafenstein et al. (2013-this issue) that decreasing δ18O values in carbonates in this period reflect increasing summer water temperatures at the sediment–water interface. Other processes also affected the Cladocera community, including the development and diversification of aquatic vegetation favourable for Cladocera. The record is clearly dominated by Chydoridae, as expected for a littoral core. Yet, the planktonic Eubosmina-group occurred throughout the core, with the exception of a period at ca. 13,760–13,420 yr BP. Lake levels reconstructed for this period are relatively low, indicating that the littoral location might have become too shallow for Eubosmina in that period.


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lsochronal layers in firn detected with ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and dated using results from ice-core analyses are used to calculate accumulation rates along a 100 km across-flow profile in West Antarctica. Accumulation rates are shown to be highly variable over short distances. Elevation measurements from global positioning system surveys show that accumulation rates derived from shallow horizons correlate well with surface undulations, which implies that wind redistribution of snow is the leading cause of this variability. Temporal changes in accumulation rate over 25-185 year intervals are smoothed to along-track length scales comparable to surface undulations in order to identify trends in accumulation that are likely related to changes in climate. Results show that accumulation rates along this profile have decreased in recent decades, which is consistent with core-derived time series of annual accumulation rates measured at the two ends of the radar profile. These results suggest that temporal variability observed in accumulation-rate records from ice cores and GPR profiles can be obscured by spatial influences, although it is possible to resolve temporal signals if the effects of local topography and ice flow are quantified and removed.