958 resultados para Philostratus, the Athenian, active 2nd century-3rd century.


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RESUMO: A escola actual encontra-se perante o desafio de responder com afectividade às necessidades educativas especiais de uma população cada vez mais heterogénea, onde se adopte um modelo de atendimento adequado a cada um. Neste contexto, consideramos os alunos, os professores e os encarregados de educação elementos chave de todo o processo, sobre os quais recaem responsabilidades acrescidas na concretização da filosofia inclusiva. O presente estudo tem como objectivo averiguar a atitude dos alunos face à inclusão dos seus pares com deficiência, determinando o modo como estes percepcionam as atitudes dos professores e dos pais face à inclusão de alunos com NEE de carácter permanente, vantagens e desvantagens da inclusão de alunos com NEE de carácter permanente e a cooperação entre alunos com e sem deficiência, tendo em conta a tipologia da deficiência (motora e mental). No caso do nosso estudo, contámos com a participação de 520 alunos (N= 270 género feminino e N=250 do género masculino), uma amostra distribuída pelo 2ºciclo, 3º ciclo e secundário dos distritos de Setúbal e Lisboa. A recolha de dados concretizou-se pela aplicação do AID – EF, questionário da autoria de Ramos Leitão, 2011.Esta metodologia de recolha e tratamento de informação permitiu-nos concluir que, na opinião dos alunos ditos normais a atitude dos professores face à inclusão de alunos com NEE de carácter permanente (dimensão d1), não varia em função da tipologia da deficiência (deficiência motora e mental). Da mesma forma, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos (deficiência motora e mental), na opinião dos alunos ditos normais, no que respeita às vantagens da inclusão dos alunos com NEE de carácter permanente (dimensão d2). Na opinião dos alunos ditos normais os resultados demonstraram que a cooperação entre alunos com e sem deficiência (dimensão d3), varia em função da tipologia da deficiência (deficiência motora e mental), apontando esses resultados para uma maior cooperação entre os alunos ditos normais e os seus pares com deficiência mental. Não foram igualmente encontradas diferenças significativas no que respeita às desvantagens da inclusão dos alunos com NEE de carácter permanente (dimensão 4), quando temos em consideração a tipologia da deficiência (deficiência motora e mental). Da mesma forma, na opinião dos alunos normais ditos normais a atitude dos pais face à inclusão de alunos com NEE de carácter permanente (dimensão d5) não variam em função da tipologia da deficiência (deficiência motora e mental).ABSTRACT: Currently the school is faced with the challenge of responding affectionately to the special educational needs of an increasingly heterogeneous population, where a standard model is adopted for each individual. In this context, we consider the students, teachers and guardians, key elements in the whole process, over which fall increased responsibilities in the implementation of the inclusive philosophy. The present study aims to determine the attitude of students towards the inclusion of peers with disabilities, determining how they perceive the attitudes of teachers and parents towards the inclusion of pupils with permanent special education needs, advantages and disadvantages of including students with permanent special education needs and the cooperation between students with and without disabilities, taking into account the type of disability (mental and motor). In the case of our study, we had the participation of 520 students (N = 270 N = female and 250 male), a sample distributed to the 2nd cycle, 3rd cycle and Secondary schools in the districts of Setúbal and Lisbon. The data collected was enabled by the application of the IDA - EF, questionnaire by Ramos Leitão, 2011. This methodology of collecting and processing information allowed us to conclude that, in the opinion of the so-called normal students the teachers´ attitude towards the inclusion of pupils with permanent special education needs (dimension d1) does not vary according to the type of disability (motor and mental). Likewise, no significant differences were found between the two groups (mental and motor), in the opinion of the so-called normal students, with regard to the benefits of the inclusion of pupils with permanent special education needs (dimension d2). In the opinion of the so-called normal students, the results demonstrated that the cooperation between students with and without disabilities (dimension d3), vary depending on the type of disability (mental and motor), these results pointing to a greater cooperation between the so-called normal students and their peers with mental disabilities. There were also no significant differences with respect to the disadvantages of inclusion of pupils with permanent special education needs (dimension d4), when we take into account the type of disability (mental and motor). Similarly, in the opinion of the so-called normal students, the parents´ attitude towards the inclusion of pupils with permanent special education needs (dimension d5) does not vary according to the type of disability (mental and motor).


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RESUMO: Quando se fala em inclusão escolar torna-se primordial estudar as interacções que se estabelecem entre os alunos numa sala de aula, sendo essencial que estes tenham atitudes positivas nessas interacções (Roldão, 2007). Estas atitudes não aparecem subitamente numa criança, pelo que as atitudes demonstradas pelas escolas, pelos professores e pelos pais, são factores que influenciam as atitudes dos alunos perante os seus pares com deficiência. Objectivo: O presente estudo pretende analisar as atitudes dos alunos ditos “normais” face à inclusão dos seus pares com deficiência nas aulas de Educação Física, verificando se estas atitudes variam consoante o ciclo de escolaridade. Método: Participaram neste estudo 520 alunos que frequentam o 2º ciclo, 3º ciclo e secundário, com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 20 anos. O instrumento utilizado foi o questionário AID – EF (Leitão, 2011), para análise das atitudes dos alunos face à inclusão de alunos com deficiência nas suas aulas de Educação Física (EF). Resultados: Na globalidade, as atitudes dos alunos ditos “normais” face à inclusão dos seus pares deficientes nas aulas de EF, não variam consoante no ciclo de escolaridade (p=0,074). Ainda assim, nas seguintes variáveis verificou-se que: o grupo de alunos que frequenta o secundário manifesta significativamente atitudes mais positivas face aos inconvenientes da inclusão, em relação aos outros ciclos de escolaridade (p<0,001); quanto às atitudes dos alunos face à inter-ajuda / cooperação entre alunos com e sem deficiência, constatou-se que os alunos do secundário apresentam significativamente atitudes mais positivas (p<0,001); no que respeita às percepções dos alunos face às atitudes dos professores em relação à inclusão, verificou-se que existem diferenças significativas nos três ciclos de escolaridade, sendo que o 2º ciclo apresenta atitudes mais positivas, seguido do 3º ciclo e por fim o secundário (p<0,001); verificou-se ainda, que os alunos do 2º ciclo apresentam significativamente atitudes menos positivas face às atitudes que os seus pais têm em relação à inclusão de alunos com deficiência nas aulas de EF (p=0,002). Conclusões: Este estudo revela que na generalidade os alunos têm tendência para demonstrar atitudes positivas em relação à inclusão de alunos com deficiência nas aulas de EF, contudo ainda longe do esperado e desejado, sendo urgente e necessário que ocorra uma revolução de valores e atitudes na comunidade escolar.ABSTRACT: When it comes to school inclusion it becomes essential to study the interactions that take place among students in a classroom, it is essential that they have positive attitudes in these interactions (Roldão, 2007). These attitudes do not appear suddenly in a child, so the attitudes demonstrated by schools, teachers and parents, are factors that influence the attitudes of students towards peers with disabilities. Objective: This study aims to analyze the attitudes of students said "normal" face to the inclusion of peers with disabilities in physical education classes, ensuring that these attitudes vary according to the school cycle. Method: This study is based on 520 students that attend the 2nd cycle, 3rd cycle and secondary, ages between 10 and 20 years old. The instrument used was a questionnaire AID - EF (Leitão, 2011), to analyze the students attitudes towards the inclusion of students with disabilities in their physical education classes (EF). Results: Overall, the attitudes of students said "normal" face to the inclusion of peers with disabilities in PE classes, do not vary depending on the cycle of education (p = 0.074). Still, the following variables showed that: the group of students attending secondary, manifested significantly more positive attitudes to the disadvantages of including, in relation to other cycles of education (p <0.001). As for the attitudes of students towards interSupport / cooperation between students with and without disabilities, it was found that secondary school students have significantly more positive attitudes (p <0.001), with regard to students perceptions in relation to teachers attitudes regarding inclusion, it was found that there are significant differences in the three cycles of education, 2nd cycle students present more positive attitudes, followed by 3th cycle students and then secondary students (p <0.001)it was also found that students from the 2nd cycle have significantly less positive attitudes compared with those of their parents have in relation to the inclusion of students with disabilities in PE classes ( p = 0.002). Conclusions: This study shows that in general students tend to show positive attitudes towards the inclusion of students with disabilities in PE classes, but is still far from the expected and desired, it is urgent and necessary that we have a revolution of values and attitudes in school community.


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RESUMO: O presente estudo pretende distinguir a especificidade das referências dos estudantes dos três ramos da licenciatura de Educação Física da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), para a escolha do curso e da profissão de professor de educação física, bem como comparar a especificidade das referências dos estudantes dentro dos cinco anos constituintes da formação inicial. Pretende-se ainda caracterizar as representações dos estudantes de Educação Física e Desporto Escolar (EFDE), a frequentar o 3º ano da Licenciatura e o 1º e 2º ano do Mestrado, sobre as orientações da formação recebida. Juntos dos estudantes do 5º ano, pretende-se caracterizar as representações que estes tiveram sobre o apoio e supervisão dos Orientadores de Estágio, bem como caracterizar a auto-avaliação que realizam sobre os seus resultados profissionais no relacionamento com os alunos, durante o ano de estágio pedagógico. Participaram neste estudo 450 estudantes da Faculdade de Educação Física e Desporto, da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Tendo por base o estudo “Motivação para a Profissão Docente”, de 1996, do Professor Doutor Saul Neves de Jesus e a metodologia por ele realizada, foi aplicado o mesmo tipo de estudo a outra amostra tentando perceber de que forma é que esta se manifestava, tendo em conta os objectivos delineados. O instrumento utilizado, originalmente construído e aplicado por Jesus (1996), é um inquérito por questionário, composto por 44 itens com resposta em escala tipo likert. De forma a avaliar as problemáticas em estudo, estes itens encontravam-se divididos em quatro dimensões: motivação inicial para a profissão docente, modelo de formação educacional, apoio no estágio pedagógico e resultados profissionais obtidos no ano de estágio pedagógico. Os estudantes do ramo de EDFE mostram estar mais focados nos aspectos nucleares a ter em conta aquando da escolha da profissão de professor de educação física do que os estudantes dos ramos de Exercício e Bem-Estar (EBE) e Treino Desportivo (TD). Dos três ramos em análise, os estudantes de TD são os que mais vincadamente marcam a posição de não quererem ser professores de educação física. Os estudantes de EFDE, a frequentar o 3º e último ano da Licenciatura e o 1º e 2º ano da Mestrado (descritos como 4º e 5º ano), avaliam positivamente o modelo de formação educacional recebido. Dos três anos em análise, são os alunos do 3º ano que obtiveram a média mais alta na pontuação de sete dos onze itens que compunham esta dimensão. Os estudantes do 5º ano têm uma representação bastante positiva acerca do apoio prestado pelos seus orientadores de estágio, bem como realizam uma auto-avaliação bastante positiva no que diz respeito ao relacionamento com os seus alunos e aos objectivos profissionais daí inerentes durante o ano de estágio pedagógico. ABSTRACT: The present study aims to distinguish the specificity of the references of the students in the three branches, of the Physical Education degree on Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), for choosing the course and the profession of physical education teacher, and to compare the specificity of the references of students within five years of initial constituents. Another objective is to characterize the representations of the students of Physical Education and School Sport (EFDE), to attend the 3rd year of Bachelor and 1st and 2nd year of the Masters on the guidelines of the education received. Have participated in this study 450 students from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, of Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Based on the study "Motivation for the Teaching Profession", 1996, by Professor Saul Neves de Jesus and the methodology he performs, we applied the same type of study to another sample trying to understand how this is manifested, taking into account the objectives outlined. The instrument used, originally built and used by Jesus (1996), is a questionnaire composed of 44 items with Likert scale response. In order to assess the problem under study, these items were divided into four dimensions: initial motivation for the teaching profession, type of educational background, support in teaching practice and professional results obtained in the year of teaching practice. Students of the branch EDFE shown to be more focused on core aspects to consider when choosing the profession of physical education teacher compared to students from branches of Exercise and Wellness (SBS) and Sports Training (DT). Of the three branches in analysis, students of TD are the most that distinctly mark the position of not wanting to be physical education teachers. EFDE students, to attend the 3rd and final year of the Bachelor and the 1st and 2nd year of Master (described as 4th and 5th year), positively evaluate the educational model received. Of the three years under review the third grade students are the ones who achieved the highest average score in seven of the eleven items that made up this dimension. Students in fifth grade have a very positive representation about the support provided by their advisors stage and perform a self-assessment very positive with regard to the relationship with their students and professional goals there inherent during stage pedagogical.


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Esta investigação visa analisar a relação entre trabalho produtivo e acumulação de capital desde a época do mercantilismo. Parte da hipótese de que não é a forma material ou imaterial do produto do trabalho que determina se este é ou não produtivo, mas a função que ele desempenha no processo global de acumulação de capital. Concebemos o capital como uma relação de produção em que trabalhadores assalariados produzem uma mais-valia para os proprietários dos meios de produção que não se limitam a consumi-la improdutivamente, mas a reinvesti-la periodicamente no processo produtivo. Pretendemos demonstrar que com o desenvolvimento do capitalismo a esfera do trabalho produtivo se alarga para além do processo de produção material porque a ciência se transforma numa força produtiva e, por conseguinte, num instrumento de valorização do capital. Além do mais, a revolução cibernética converte uma parte crescente do trabalho intelectual em trabalho produtivo. No entanto, como a desigualdade na repartição de rendimentos não parou de aumentar desde os anos oitenta do século passado, estas transformações tecnológicas não contribuíram para a melhoria das condições de existência de todos mas apenas para o incremento do sobretrabalho que sustenta a acumulação de capital.


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El artículo explora el papel de los archivos en el Imperio de los Austrias, durante la edad protomoderna, en ambos lados del Atlántico. Con ese propósito se analizan las diferentes tareas que incumbían a los archivos en el siglo XVI y XVII. Se examinan el archivo de la ciudad de Cuenca (actual Ecuador) en el ámbito municipal, el de la Audiencia de Quito en el ámbito regional, el archivo de Simancas (Castilla) en el nivel real y, por último, el archivo en la embajada española en Roma. También se ofrecen reflexiones sobre el carácter y las particularidades de los repositorios documentales, prestando especial atención a la escritura como medio de gobierno.


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Unveiled by the European Commission on July 3rd, the proposed Regulation on key information documents (KID) for packaged retail investment products (PRIPs) represents a step forward in enhancing the protection of retail investors and advancing the single market for financial services. While acknowledging in this Commentary that the KID is a commendable effort, ECMI/CEPS researcher Mirzha de Manuel Aramendía observes that pre-contractual disclosure is just one of the pieces in the jigsaw puzzle of investor protection and regrets that other pieces, such as MiFID and the IMD, are not so ambitiously constructed.


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Extratropical and tropical transient storm tracks are investigated from the perspective of feature tracking in the ECHAM5 coupled climate model for the current and a future climate scenario. The atmosphere-only part of the model, forced by observed boundary conditions, produces results that agree well with analyses from the 40-yr ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-40), including the distribution of storms as a function of maximum intensity. This provides the authors with confidence in the use of the model for the climate change experiments. The statistical distribution of storm intensities is virtually preserved under climate change using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A1B scenario until the end of this century. There are no indications in this study of more intense storms in the future climate, either in the Tropics or extratropics, but rather a minor reduction in the number of weaker storms. However, significant changes occur on a regional basis in the location and intensity of storm tracks. There is a clear poleward shift in the Southern Hemisphere with consequences of reduced precipitation for several areas, including southern Australia. Changes in the Northern Hemisphere are less distinct, but there are also indications of a poleward shift, a weakening of the Mediterranean storm track, and a strengthening of the storm track north of the British Isles. The tropical storm tracks undergo considerable changes including a weakening in the Atlantic sector and a strengthening and equatorward shift in the eastern Pacific. It is suggested that some of the changes, in particular the tropical ones, are due to an SST warming maximum in the eastern Pacific. The shift in the extratropical storm tracks is shown to be associated with changes in the zonal SST gradient in particular for the Southern Hemisphere.


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Tropical Cyclones (TC) under different climate conditions in the Northern Hemisphere have been investigated with the Max Planck Institute (MPI) coupled (ECHAM5/MPIOM) and atmosphere (ECHAM5) climate models. The intensity and size of the TC depend crucially on resolution with higher wind speed and smaller scales at the higher resolutions. The typical size of the TC is reduced by a factor of 2.3 from T63 to T319 using the distance of the maximum wind speed from the centre of the storm as a measure. The full three dimensional structure of the storms becomes increasingly more realistic as the resolution is increased. For the T63 resolution, three ensemble runs are explored for the period 1860 until 2100 using the IPCC SRES scenario A1B and evaluated for three 30 year periods at the end of the 19th, 20th and 21st century, respectively. While there is no significant change between the 19th and the 20th century, there is a considerable reduction in the number of the TC by some 20% in the 21st century, but no change in the number of the more intense storms. Reduction in the number of storms occurs in all regions. A single additional experiment at T213 resolution was run for the two latter 30-year periods. The T213 is an atmospheric only experiment using the transient Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) of the T63 resolution experiment. Also in this case, there is a reduction by some 10% in the number of simulated TC in the 21st century compared to the 20th century but a marked increase in the number of intense storms. The number of storms with maximum wind speeds greater than 50ms-1 increases by a third. Most of the intensification takes place in 2 the Eastern Pacific and in the Atlantic where also the number of storms more or less stays the same. We identify two competing processes effecting TC in a warmer climate. First, the increase in the static stability and the reduced vertical circulation is suggested to contribute to the reduction in the number of storms. Second, the increase in temperature and water vapor provide more energy for the storms so that when favorable conditions occur, the higher SST and higher specific humidity will contribute to more intense storms. As the maximum intensity depends crucially on resolution, this will require higher resolution to have its full effect. The distribution of storms between different regions does not, at first approximation, depend on the temperature itself but on the distribution of the SST anomalies and their influence on the atmospheric circulation. Two additional transient experiments at T319 resolution where run for 20 years at the end of the 20th and 21st century, respectively using the same conditions as in the T213 experiments. The results are consistent with the T213 study. The total number of tropical cyclones were similar to the T213 experiment but were generally more intense. The change from the 20th to the 21st century was also similar with fewer TC in total but with more intense cyclones.


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Many currently available drugs show unfavourable physicochemical properties for delivery into or across the skin and temporary chemical modulation of the penetrant is one option to achieve improved delivery properties. Pro-drugs are chemical derivatives of an active drug which is covalently bonded to an inactive pro-moiety in order to overcome pharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic barriers. A pro-drug relies upon conversion within the body to release the parent active drug (and pro-moiety) to elicit its pharmacological effect. The main drawback of this approach is that the pro-moiety is essentially an unwanted ballast which, when released, can lead to adverse effects. The term ‘co-drug’ refers to two or more therapeutic compounds active against the same disease bonded via a covalent chemical linkage and it is this approach which is reviewed for the first time in the current article. For topically applied co-drugs, each moiety is liberated in situ, either chemically or enzymatically, once the stratum corneum barrier has been overcome by the co-drug. Advantages include synergistic modulation of the disease process, enhancement of drug delivery and pharmacokinetic properties and the potential to enhance stability by masking of labile functional groups. The amount of published work on co-drugs is limited but the available data suggest the co-drug concept could provide a significant therapeutic improvement in dermatological diseases. However, the applicability of the co-drug approach is subject to strict limitations pertaining mainly to the availability of compatible moieties and physicochemical properties of the overall molecule.


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Rotational structure has been resolved and analyzed in two of the infrared‐active perpendicular bands of C2H4 vapor: the Type b fundamental band, ν10, at 826 cm—1, and the Type c fundamental band, ν7, at 949 cm—1. Many of the individual PP and RR branch lines have been observed. The analysis has been confined to values of the quantum number K≥3, for which energy levels ethylene shows no detectable deviations from a symmetric‐top rotational structure. The analysis reveals a Coriolis interaction between ν7 and ν10, and between ν4 and ν10, and values of the Coriolis constants ζ7,10z and ζ4,10y are obtained; these are related to normal coordinate calculations for the appropriate symmetry species, and force constants are derived to fit the observed zeta constants. The band center of ν10 has been revised from the original figure of 810 cm—1 to the new value, 826 cm—1, and the inactive frequency ν4 is estimated to lie at 1023±3 cm—1, in good agreement with the previous estimate of 1027 cm—1. The change in the value of ν10 leads to a suggested change in the value of the Raman‐active fundamental ν6 from 1236 to 1222 cm—1. New combination bands have been observed at 2174 cm—1, assigned as ν3+ν10; and at 2252 cm—1, assigned as ν4+ν6; also rotational structure has been resolved and analyzed in the ν6+ν10 band at 2048 cm—1. The new data obtained for the C2H4 molecule are summarized in Table XII, with all of the other data presently available on the vibrational and rotational constants.


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Three experiments have been performed to resolve an uncertainty in the assignment of ν2 and ν4 for SO3: (i) the gas phase Raman spectrum has been measured; (ii) the infrared active combination band ν3 + ν4 has been measured; (iii) a band contour calculation has been performed taking account of the ℓ-type resonance in ν4 and a strong Coriolis resonance between ν2 and ν4. These experiments establish beyond any doubt that ν2 lies at about 497.5 cm−1 and ν4 lies at about 530.2 cm−1. The contour calculation also shows that the Coriolis resonance gives rise to a positive intensity perturbation.


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The recently described cupin superfamily of proteins includes the germin and germinlike proteins, of which the cereal oxalate oxidase is the best characterized. This superfamily also includes seed storage proteins, in addition to several microbial enzymes and proteins with unknown function. All these proteins are characterized by the conservation of two central motifs, usually containing two or three histidine residues presumed to be involved with metal binding in the catalytic active site. The present study on the coding regions of Synechocystis PCC6803 identifies a previously unknown group of 12 related cupins, each containing the characteristic two-motif signature. This group comprises 11 single-domain proteins, ranging in length from 104 to 289 residues, and includes two phosphomannose isomerases and two epimerases involved in cell wall synthesis, a member of the pirin group of nuclear proteins, a possible transcriptional regulator, and a close relative-of a cytochrome c551 from Rhodococcus. Additionally, there is a duplicated, two-domain protein that has close similarity to an oxalate decarboxylase from the fungus Collybia velutipes and that is a putative progenitor of the storage proteins of land plants.