985 resultados para Petróleo - Conflitos internacionais
The research presented in this article aims to identify and to analyze the cases of environmental conflicts in the microrregião de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. For this were performed data surveys were conducted in the archives of the Ministério Público regarding the municipalities of microrregião in study and a workshop with various social movements of the mesorregião da Zona da Mata. From this survey on we check the conflict established between environmental legislation and farm workers, and also the concentration of the penalty on small cases of violations of environmental legislation. Thus, we conclude that to think about environmental conflicts is require the recognition of inequalities of power and the different types of knowledge and rationalities involved in the appropriation of natural resources by society.
This paper analyzes the processes of extinction of indigenous collective lands and villages in Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, from mid-eighteenth century to the nineteenth century, giving emphasis on the role of IndigenousÆs policy aiming to delay the process. Based on the correspondence among authorities, laws, statistical reports, and petitions from the Indians themselves, we approach the agrarian conflicts among indigenous, non-Indian residents and municipal councils, focusing on the issue of controversies and discussions regarding ethnicity that played a central role in these disputes.
Except for a History that is mobilized, nowadays, much more by the supposedly continuities than the changes, the periods of major transitions continue to demand interpretative effort from specialists. It is long the list of those who have been dedicated to the transitional problem between the Antiquity and the Middle Ages, focused on a period of poor and unequally distributed sources, trying to shed light and establish various interpretative means for this phenomenon. Albeit having overcome some of the catastrophic perspectives hindering the pioneer analyses within this context, the current approaches have also eliminated the recognition of both the contradictory manifestations and the social struggles acting as central and fundamental engines of the social transformations within the discussed context. When supported by an adequate theoretical background, documents from the period lead us to a process resulting from contradictions and a scenario of actions and reactions that eventually materialized the conflicts and moved History forward. The transition from the Antiquity to the Middle Ages was encompassed by diverse social antagonist manifestations, which allows us to consider that the arena of disputes were, therefore, that of the society itself.
Nuestro objetivo no es concretar un estudio técnico-económico sobre el petróleo en Neuquén, ni tampoco la historia de las actividades productivas y/o energéticas de la provincia; en rigor, el intento se centra en debatir y aportar reflexiones sobre la definición energética de la provincia - proceso lento pero consistente - que se inicia desde que reviste el status de territorio nacional, desmitificando presupuestos vinculados al impacto del desarrollismo en materia petrolífera, sin que ello implique desconocer la incidencia de esa política nacional en el rubro.
The research presented in this article aims to identify and to analyze the cases of environmental conflicts in the microrregião de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. For this were performed data surveys were conducted in the archives of the Ministério Público regarding the municipalities of microrregião in study and a workshop with various social movements of the mesorregião da Zona da Mata. From this survey on we check the conflict established between environmental legislation and farm workers, and also the concentration of the penalty on small cases of violations of environmental legislation. Thus, we conclude that to think about environmental conflicts is require the recognition of inequalities of power and the different types of knowledge and rationalities involved in the appropriation of natural resources by society.
This paper analyzes the processes of extinction of indigenous collective lands and villages in Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, from mid-eighteenth century to the nineteenth century, giving emphasis on the role of IndigenousÆs policy aiming to delay the process. Based on the correspondence among authorities, laws, statistical reports, and petitions from the Indians themselves, we approach the agrarian conflicts among indigenous, non-Indian residents and municipal councils, focusing on the issue of controversies and discussions regarding ethnicity that played a central role in these disputes.
Except for a History that is mobilized, nowadays, much more by the supposedly continuities than the changes, the periods of major transitions continue to demand interpretative effort from specialists. It is long the list of those who have been dedicated to the transitional problem between the Antiquity and the Middle Ages, focused on a period of poor and unequally distributed sources, trying to shed light and establish various interpretative means for this phenomenon. Albeit having overcome some of the catastrophic perspectives hindering the pioneer analyses within this context, the current approaches have also eliminated the recognition of both the contradictory manifestations and the social struggles acting as central and fundamental engines of the social transformations within the discussed context. When supported by an adequate theoretical background, documents from the period lead us to a process resulting from contradictions and a scenario of actions and reactions that eventually materialized the conflicts and moved History forward. The transition from the Antiquity to the Middle Ages was encompassed by diverse social antagonist manifestations, which allows us to consider that the arena of disputes were, therefore, that of the society itself.
El artículo presentará resultados obtenidos en una Tesis de Grado de la Licenciatura en Comunicación Social de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco. En ese trabajo, un análisis de imagen y discurso, nos propusimos estudiar comparativamente los discursos publicitarios que YPF emitió antes y después de ser privatizada. La conmemoración del 13 de diciembre, aniversario del descubrimiento del petróleo en el país (ocurrido en Comodoro Rivadavia), fue tomada como referencia. Nos preguntamos, entre otras cosas, cómo conciben Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF) y Repsol a sus objetivos empresariales en relación al recurso y su vinculación con el desarrollo nacional. Por medio de lecturas de segundo orden que problematizan las relaciones entre significantes y significados que se nos imponen a través de procesos hegemónicos, deconstruimos veinticinco propagandas y publicidades publicadas en la prensa gráfica local entre 1943 y 2007. Cada mensaje fue entendido como un texto multimodal; y sus contextos de emisión, las estructuras internas de las imágenes y los mensajes propuestos nos interesaron especialmente. Nuestra mirada dio algunos sentidos posibles a las imágenes ypefianas, en un intento de "desmitificar" los avisos y deconstruirlos para luego "volver a armarlos"
No intuito de compreender quais as influências exercidas pelas questoes temporais na concepçao e execuçao de uma proposta curricular alternativa para o ensino de Química, realizou-se uma análise de documentos referentes à construçao de um projeto desenvolvido por uma escola pública. Identificar e analisar as dimensoes temporais referentes a esta proposta curricular alternativa que a articulem com o cotidiano escolar é o objetivo desta pesquisa. Foram encontrados dispositivos temporais existentes no cotidiano da escola que articulam e controlam os seus "modos de fazer". Tais dispositivos também estao presentes na proposta curricular alternativa de modo a tornar sua execuçao viável na escola, ao passo que também limita as suas açoes. Ou seja, é por meio destes dispositivos que a proposta curricular alternativa se articula com o cotidiano da escola, entretanto os tais dispositivos também controlam e por vezes limitam a experiência curricular
En la actualidad la innovación es un factor clave para asegurar la capacidad competitiva y el desarrollo de los territorios, en particular en aquellos que se incorporan como proveedores de recursos naturales y que se encuentran asociados a estructuras monoproductivas (Méndez, 2010). Focalizar en la innovación no significa concentrar el esfuerzo de forma exclusiva en el desarrollo tecnológico, sólo la presencia de un entorno innovador que implique acumulación de conocimientos, tecnologías, investigación y desarrollo, mano de obra calificada (capital humano) servicios a la producción, etc. podría contribuir al logro de un cierto equilibrio interterritorial (Caravaca, 1998). El rol que cumple cada ciudad es diferenciado, no solo por el rango que tiene en el sistema urbano, sino también por los recursos con que cuenta su hinterland. Lo que conlleva profundos cambios vinculados a la extracción de los mismos, en su infraestructura, en sus sociedades y en sus sistemas productivos (Llop Torné, 2011). El capitalismo global acelera procesos y exige innovaciones que impactan en los sistemas productivos locales. En este contexto se caracteriza la innovación en las pymes en Comodoro Rivadavia, tomando como punto de partida la innovación de proceso, la innovación de producto, de gestión y organización, sobre un grupo de empresas medianas y pequeñas industriales y de servicios que operan en la zona. Entre los resultados obtenidos se observa que, la mayoría de las pymes implementó alguna de las innovaciones contempladas. Las mismas están asociadas en primer lugar al mejoramiento de la gestión y organización, por lo que este es uno de los primeros requerimientos para continuar en expansión. También se observa un cambio del entorno institucional y productivo con la creación de instrumentos específicos de impacto territorial. Lo que aseguraría factores de desarrollo territorial