922 resultados para Peritoneal Cavity


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Neurilemmomas arising from Schwann cells, rarely found in oral cavity, are characterized by solitary occurrence, slow growth and smooth surface with variable clinical aspects, depending on the nerve origin. Most instances are typically asymptomatic. Microscopically, the histopathological characteristic consists of alternating regions of hypercellularity and hypocellularity such as Antoni A and Antoni B, respectively. The prognosis is favorable; complete surgical removal is the treatment of choice, no recurrence should be expected. The present report shows the case of neurilemmoma in bucal mucosa, in a 9-year-old child. Patient was referred to the Stomatology Clinic of School of Dentistry, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, with complaint of nodular mass, with approximately one year development. Patient was submitted to excisional biopsy, with histopathological exam showing diagnosis of neurilemmoma. After 1 year follow-up there has been no recurrence of lesion.


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Peer reviewed


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We review our recent progress on the realisation of pulse shaping in passively-mode-locked fibre lasers by inclusion of an amplitude and/or phase spectral filter into the laser cavity. We numerically show that depending on the amplitude transfer function of the in-cavity filter, various advanced temporal waveforms can be generated, including parabolic, flattop and triangular pulses. An application of this approach using a flattop spectral filter is shown to achieve the direct generation of high-quality sinc-shaped optical Nyquist pulses with a widely tunable bandwidth from the laser oscillator. We also present the operation of an ultrafast fibre laser in which conventional, dispersion-managed and dissipative soliton mode-locking regimes can be selectively and reliably targeted by adaptively changing the dispersion profile and bandwidth programmed on an in-cavity programmable filter.


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A pulse–pulse interaction that leads to rogue wave (RW) generation in lasers was previously attributed either to soliton–soliton or soliton–dispersive-wave interaction. The beating between polarization modes in the absence of a saturable absorber causes similar effects. Accounting for these polarization modes in a laser resonator is the purpose of the distributed vector model of laser resonators. Furthermore, high pump power, high amplitude, and short pulse duration are not necessary conditions to observe pulse attraction, repulsion, and collisions and the resonance exchange of energy between among them. The regimes of interest can be tuned just by changing the birefringence in the cavity with the pump power slightly higher than the laser threshold. This allows the observation of a wide range of RW patterns in the same experiment, as well as to classify them. The dynamics of the interaction between pulses leads us to the conclusion that all of these effects occur due to nonlinearity induced by the inverse population in the active fiber as well as an intrinsic nonlinearity in the passive part of the cavity. Most of the mechanisms of pulse–pulse interaction were found to be mutually exclusive. This means that all the observed RW patterns, namely, the “lonely,” “twins,” “three sisters,” and “cross,” are probably different cases of the same process.


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Plasmonic resonant cavities are capable of confining light at the nanoscale, resulting in both enhanced local electromagnetic fields and lower mode volumes. However, conventional plasmonic resonant cavities possess large Ohmic losses at metal-dielectric interfaces. Plasmonic near-field coupling plays a key role in a design of photonic components based on the resonant cavities because of the possibility to reduce losses. Here, we study the plasmonic near-field coupling in the silver nanorod metamaterials treated as resonant nanostructured optical cavities. Reflectance measurements reveal the existence of multiple resonance modes of the nanorod metamaterials, which is consistent with our theoretical analysis. Furthermore, our numerical simulations show that the electric field at the longitudinal resonances forms standing waves in the nanocavities due to the near-field coupling between the adjacent nanorods, and a new hybrid mode emerges due to a coupling between nanorods and a gold-film substrate. We demonstrate that this coupling can be controlled by changing the gap between the silver nanorod array and gold substrate.


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Atomic ions trapped in micro-fabricated surface traps can be utilized as a physical platform with which to build a quantum computer. They possess many of the desirable qualities of such a device, including high fidelity state preparation and readout, universal logic gates, long coherence times, and can be readily entangled with each other through photonic interconnects. The use of optical cavities integrated with trapped ion qubits as a photonic interface presents the possibility for order of magnitude improvements in performance in several key areas of their use in quantum computation. The first part of this thesis describes the design and fabrication of a novel surface trap for integration with an optical cavity. The trap is custom made on a highly reflective mirror surface and includes the capability of moving the ion trap location along all three trap axes with nanometer scale precision. The second part of this thesis demonstrates the suitability of small micro-cavities formed from laser ablated fused silica substrates with radii of curvature in the 300-500 micron range for use with the mirror trap as part of an integrated ion trap cavity system. Quantum computing applications for such a system include dramatic improvements in the photonic entanglement rate up to 10 kHz, the qubit measurement time down to 1 microsecond, and the measurement error rates down to the 10e-5 range. The final part of this thesis details a performance simulator for exploring the physical resource requirements and performance demands to scale such a quantum computer to sizes capable of performing quantum algorithms beyond the limits of classical computation.


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A low-threshold nanolaser with all three dimensions at the subwavelength scale is proposed and investigated. The nanolaser is constructed based on an asymmetric hybrid plasmonic F-P cavity with Ag-coated end facets. Lasing characteristics are calculated using finite element method at the wavelength of 1550 nm. The results show that owing to the low modal loss, large modal confinement factor of the asymmetric plasmonic cavity structure, in conjunction with the high reflectivity of the Ag reflectors, a minimum threshold gain of 240 cm−1 is predicted. Furthermore, the Purcell factor as large as 2518 is obtained with optimized structure parameters to enhance rates of spontaneous and stimulated emission.


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Sub-ice shelf circulation and freezing/melting rates in ocean general circulation models depend critically on an accurate and consistent representation of cavity geometry. Existing global or pan-Antarctic data sets have turned out to contain various inconsistencies and inaccuracies. The goal of this work is to compile independent regional fields into a global data set. We use the S-2004 global 1-minute bathymetry as the backbone and add an improved version of the BEDMAP topography for an area that roughly coincides with the Antarctic continental shelf. Locations of the merging line have been carefully adjusted in order to get the best out of each data set. High-resolution gridded data for upper and lower ice surface topography and cavity geometry of the Amery, Fimbul, Filchner-Ronne, Larsen C and George VI Ice Shelves, and for Pine Island Glacier have been carefully merged into the ambient ice and ocean topographies. Multibeam survey data for bathymetry in the former Larsen B cavity and the southeastern Bellingshausen Sea have been obtained from the data centers of Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), gridded, and again carefully merged into the existing bathymetry map. The global 1-minute dataset (RTopo-1 Version 1.0.5) has been split into two netCDF files. The first contains digital maps for global bedrock topography, ice bottom topography, and surface elevation. The second contains the auxiliary maps for data sources and the surface type mask. A regional subset that covers all variables for the region south of 50 deg S is also available in netCDF format. Datasets for the locations of grounding and coast lines are provided in ASCII format.


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Light confinement and controlling an optical field has numerous applications in the field of telecommunications for optical signals processing. When the wavelength of the electromagnetic field is on the order of the period of a photonic microstructure, the field undergoes reflection, refraction, and coherent scattering. This produces photonic bandgaps, forbidden frequency regions or spectral stop bands where light cannot exist. Dielectric perturbations that break the perfect periodicity of these structures produce what is analogous to an impurity state in the bandgap of a semiconductor. The defect modes that exist at discrete frequencies within the photonic bandgap are spatially localized about the cavity-defects in the photonic crystal. In this thesis the properties of two tight-binding approximations (TBAs) are investigated in one-dimensional and two-dimensional coupled-cavity photonic crystal structures We require an efficient and simple approach that ensures the continuity of the electromagnetic field across dielectric interfaces in complex structures. In this thesis we develop \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs to calculate the modes in finite 1D and 2D two-defect coupled-cavity photonic crystal structures. In the \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs we expand the coupled-cavity \overrightarrow{E} --modes in terms of the individual \overrightarrow{E} -- and \overrightarrow{D} --modes, respectively. We investigate the dependence of the defect modes, their frequencies and quality factors on the relative placement of the defects in the photonic crystal structures. We then elucidate the differences between the two TBA formulations, and describe the conditions under which these formulations may be more robust when encountering a dielectric perturbation. Our 1D analysis showed that the 1D modes were sensitive to the structure geometry. The antisymmetric \textrm{D} mode amplitudes show that the \textrm{D} --TBA did not capture the correct (tangential \overrightarrow{E} --field) boundary conditions. However, the \textrm{D} --TBA did not yield significantly poorer results compared to the \textrm{E} --TBA. Our 2D analysis reveals that the \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs produced nearly identical mode profiles for every structure. Plots of the relative difference between the \textrm{E} and \textrm{D} mode amplitudes show that the \textrm{D} --TBA did capture the correct (normal \overrightarrow{E} --field) boundary conditions. We found that the 2D TBA CC mode calculations were 125-150 times faster than an FDTD calculation for the same two-defect PCS. Notwithstanding this efficiency, the appropriateness of either TBA was found to depend on the geometry of the structure and the mode(s), i.e. whether or not the mode has a large normal or tangential component.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Extra Ovarian Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma (EOPPC) is a rare type of adenocarcinoma of the pelvic and abdominal peritoneum. The objective examination and the histological aspect of the neoplasia virtually overlaps with that of ovarian carcinoma. The reported case is that of a 72 year-old patient who had undergone a total hysterectomy with bilateral annessiectomy surgery 20 years earlier subsequently to a diagnosis for uterine leiomyomatosis. The patient came to our attention presenting recurring abdominal pain, constipation, weight loss, severe asthenia and fever. Her blood test results showed hypochromic microcytic anemia and a remarkable increase CA125 marker levels. Instrumental diagnostics with Ultrasound (US) and CT scans indicated the presence of a single peritoneal mass (10-12 cm diameter) close to the great epiploon. The patient was operated through a midline abdominal incision and the mass was removed with the great omentum. No primary tumor was found anywhere else in the abdomen and in the pelvis. The operation lasted approximately 50 minutes. The post-operative course was normal and the patient was discharged four days later. The histological exam of the neoplasia, supported by immunohistochemical analysis, showed a significant positivity for CA 125, vimentin and cytocheratin, presence of psammoma bodies, and cytoarchitectural pattern resembling that of a serous ovarian carcinoma even in absence of primitiveness, leading to a final diagnosis of EOPPC. The patient later underwent six cycles of chemotherapy with paclitaxel (135 mg/m2/24 hr) in association with cisplatin (75mg/m2). At the fourth year follow-up no sign of relapse was observed. .


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Analizamos en base a nuestra experiencia apoyados por bibliografía reciente, la importancia, validez, precisión y actualidad del Lavado Peritoneal como método diagnóstico de lesión intraabdominal en pacientes con trauma contuso y penetrante por arma blanca hemodinámicamente estables que cumplían los criterios de inclusión predeterminados para el caso. Durante un período de 10 meses desde Octubre de 1998 a Julio de 1999, tomando como Universo a los pacientes politraumatizados de la sala de emergencia del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso de Cuenca - Ecuador, se obtuvo una muestra de 50 casos con sospecha de lesión intraabdominal por trauma abdominal contuso o herida penetrante por objeto corto punzante, en quienes se efectuó un estudio cuasi experimental descriptivo al ser sometido a lavado peritoneal diangóstico para determinar casos positivos, negativos, falsos positivos y falsos negativos. Se utilizó la técnica abierta de Fisher por considerarla la más segura y con menos complicaciones. Se decidió laparotomía de urgencia en los casos positivos registrándose los hallazgos transoperatorios. Se obtuvieron 27 lavados positivos, 20 negativos, un falso positivo que al ser laparotomizado se comprobó que la sangre en cavidad provenía de la pared del abdomen y dos falsos negativos que se desestabilizaron hemodinámicamente, presentaron reacción peritoneal y también fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente. Por lo tanto, se realizaron 30 laparotomías, justificándose 27, dos resultaron ser los casos falsos negativos y una sola laparotomía fue innecesaria. Las complicaciones por el procedimiento estuvieron ausentes. En este estudio, el Lavado Peritoneal Diagnosticó demostró una sensibilidad del 93.1 por ciento especificidad del 95.2 por ciento, un valor predictivo positivo del 96.4 por ciento, un valor predictivo negativo del 90.9 por ciento; datos que se equiparan con otros estudios. De acuerdo a la experiencia realizada concluimos que el Lavado Peritoneal Diagnóstico constituye una prueba efectiva, precisa, rápida, económica para la manejor evaluación clínica en centros de baja complejidad o faltos de otros métodos complementarios diagnósticos como ultrasonido o T.A.C. y que ante su existencia, el Lavado Peritoneal Diagnóstico es coadyuvante, por tanto, debe formar parte de los protocolos de valoración de traumatismo abdominal en nuestros hospitales


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Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is one of the most frequent neoplastic diseases in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The authors report the case of a 40-year-old male with ascites, peripheral edema and peritoneal carcinomatosis secondary to a gastric KS related to human herpes virus type 8 (HHV-8). The patient had severe immunodeficiency, with a TCD4+ count of 86 cells/µl and newly diagnosed acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. His clinical condition rapidly deteriorated, with multiorgan failure, and he died without the possibility of initiating antiretroviral therapy or chemotherapy. To the authors’ knowledge, carcinomatosis is a rare feature in KS.


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A patient undergoing peritoneal dialysis was admitted with acute peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis. On the 10th day of intraperitoneal antibacterial therapy, the patient’s dialysate developed a green color. Gallbladder perforation was revealed. The patient underwent a conventional cholecystectomy with a preserved peritoneal catheter. There are few cases in the medical literature about green dialysate. In all of them, peritoneal dialysis catheters were removed after cholecystectomy. The present case report shows a patient with an intact peritoneal catheter and with no further complications.