934 resultados para Paredes de alvenaria


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As investigações conduzidas para avaliar novas substâncias para o tratamento da giardíase justificam-se pelo fato dos medicamentos convencionais apresentarem inconvenientes relacionados à toxicidade, à resistência e aos custos. Diante disso, a busca por novas alternativas terapêuticas tem despertado grande interesse, principalmente, entre os extratos de plantas, produtos complexos com diferentes atividades biológicas e farmacológicas. Considerando que nas infecções por Giardia, a diarréia é um dos principais sintomas, tem sido crescente o interesse em se investigar o efeito de extratos de plantas com atividade antidiarréica. Com isso, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar in vitro o efeito do extrato hidroalcoólico da casca da planta Astronium fraxinifolium, espécie típica do Cerrado brasileiro e empregada na medicina popular no tratamento contra inflamações, diarréias e úlceras gástricas. Para este fim, avaliou-se a atividade sobre o crescimento e aderência de trofozoítos de cepa autóctone de Giardia duodenalis isolada e axenizada em Botucatu, São Paulo. Em todos os ensaios, 105 trofozoítos da cepa BTU-11 foram inoculados em tubos contendo 4,5ml de meio TYI-S-33 e 100μl do extrato nas concentrações de 125; 250; 375 e 500 μg/ml. Para avaliar a atividade sobre o crescimento, os parasitas foram incubados com o extrato durante 24, 48 e 72 horas a 37°C. Nos experimentos que verificaram o efeito sobre a aderência, somente os parasitas aderidos às paredes dos tubos foram incubados com o extrato, durante 24 e 48 horas a 37°C. Em cada ensaio, os trofozoítos recuperados foram contados em câmara de Neubauer e a atividade sobre... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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In this work, it was studied the thermal and fluid dynamic behavior from theorical and experimental point of view of a blast furnace tuyere. The tuyere is responsible for the hot air insuflation into the blast furnace. The parameter used in the comparison was the difference between the cooling water inlet and outlet temperatures. There were used forced convection correlations inside circular sections with adequations for non circular sections. Based on operations dates of flux and thermal loads it was possible to model numerically the tuyere, and, since it was obtained the wall temperatures, estimate the conduction and convection resistances and the heat flux through the walls in contact with the water. The total heat fluxes from wall to water were applied to the energy conservation equation where could be estimated the theorical temperature variation. Compared to the real value, the theorical value presented a difference of 0,2 °C. Considering that the boundary conditions around the tuyere are transitories and that your channels have some rugosity irregularities we can consider the estimation method for cooling system coherent with the real operational parameters


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The present paper conducts an analysis of all steps for the construction of diaphragm walls, from obtaining the soil parameters until its execution. Construction stages of diaphragm wall are detailed. The paper presents a detailed analysis of the main available calculation methods to obtain the soil parameters and the design of the diaphragm wall. A case history extensively documented in previous research and present in international symposiums was chosen for an analysis of construction process and excavation’s instrumentations, as well as emphasizing the importance of temporary works and construction sequence for deep excavation with cast in-situ diaphragm walls. In general, it is possible to conclude the main difficulty and uncertainty of the dimensioning are obtaining the soil parameter for diaphragm wall design. And, it is also possible to conclude the monitoring and execution control are paramount to the success of the diaphragm wall construction


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Six species of the genus Callithrix can be found across the Atlantic Forest extension, being the Callithrix geoffroyi, Geoffroy`s marmoset, the least studied species. The objective of this study is to investigate the behavioral aspects of the species in captivity, and how the environmental enrichment techniques influence those behaviors. To this end, we have studied three specimens of C. geoffroyi, in captivity at Municipal Zoo of Piracicaba, São Paulo. The enclosure includes a 37m2 with under masonry, concrete platforms with external deep, trunks, a floor of grass and soil, e grid in their other three sides. The sampling method was focal per time interval, with records every 30 seconds in sessions of 30 minutes, totaling 30 hours for each animal, which were distributed in a baseline phase, an environmental enrichment phase and post-enrichment phase (n = 3660 records in each phase). The twelve enrichment techniques were applied: the physical environment (branches for perches and hoses fabrics for bedding and vanishing points), cognitive (radio, mirror, puzzle food) and food (insects, flowers and eggs hidden, wrapped). Initially, to determine the period of greatest activity of marmosets, we investigated the pattern of activity for three days (9:00 am to 17:00 pm) consecutively at intervals of 15 minutes, recording the number of active and inactive individuals. The 495 records signaled greater activity in the morning, then selected period for the completion of this work. The ethogram comprised 16 behaviors. The inactivity was the predominant phase behavior baseline and post-enrichment with a significant decrease (h=8,62, p <0.01) in the enrichment phase, and a significant increase in the post enrichment (h=18,15, p <0.001). The same was seen for the use of substrate (grid and ground vs. Trunk and concrete, h=5,09, p <0.001 and h=3,98, p <0.05)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Bulbophyllum, which comprises 1876 species, is considered the second largest genus of angiosperms, with a pantropical distribution. The morphological and anatomical floral studies in the genus are incipient, with data restricted to the gynostemium and lip of some species. Based on molecular data, six sections were recognized within Bulbophyllum at the Neotropics, amongst them Bulbophyllum sect. Micranthae, which comprises 12 species distributed in central South America. We aimed to study the floral anatomy of six species of Bulbophyllum sect. Micranthae, in order to determine useful characters to differentiate them and contribute to the anatomical characterization of the section as a whole. Floral anatomy was assessed through usual techniques of light microscopy. The data found here for B. adiamantinum, B. chloroglossum, B. epiphytum, B. mentosum, B. micranthum and B. rupicolum allowed to identificate the presence of glandular trichomes and the possible presence of a secretory region on the lip, which might produce substances used as a reward to pollinators. The most significant anatomical characters to the species characterization were the shape and ornamentation of the outer periclinal walls of the epidermal cells, as well as the number of vascular bundles in dorsal and lateral sepals and at the lip. The data also allowed the differentiation between B. epiphytum and B. rupicolum, species very similar in morphology and phylogenetically related. Besides that, the data also allowed the discussion regarding the maintenance of B. mentosum within the section: although its inclusion is supported by molecular studies, the anatomical data here presented shows greater differences compared to the other species, not supporting its maintenance in Bulbophyllum sect. Micranthae


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Estudou-se a anatomia dos órgãos foliares (folhas basais, ou catafilos, no caso de folhas ausentes, e brácteas involucrais) de três espécies de Mapania Aubl. Os espécimes de Mapania macrophylla (Boeck) H.Pfeiff. e M. pycnostachya (Benth.) T.Koyama, pertencentes à seção Pycnocephala, e M. sylvatica Aubl., pertencente à seção Mapania, foram coletados durante expedições científicas na Reserva Florestal Ducke em Manaus, AM, e constituem representantes de um mesmo gênero que ocupam três ambientes distintos da Floresta Amazônica. Em todos os órgãos, as espécies apresentam epiderme uniestratificada, com células de paredes delgadas, e estômatos paracíticos na face abaxial, no mesmo nível ou um pouco acima das demais células epidérmicas. O mesofilo é homogêneo e apresenta dois padrões distintos nos órgãos foliares: o primeiro com feixes vasculares em um único nível, sem extensão de bainha, idioblastos fenólicos abundantes e aerênquima não conspícuo; e o segundo padrão com feixes vasculares maiores e menores intercalados, com extensão de bainha do feixe e interrompidos por aerênquima conspícuo com células translúcidas. O primeiro padrão foi encontrado em brácteas involucrais de M. sylvatica e o segundo em todos os órgãos foliares das demais espécies. Essa diferença corrobora com as seções estabelecidas e é importante na diferenciação de espécies dentro do gênero. No pseudopecíolo de M. pycnostachya foi observada a presença de hipoderme, caráter importante na diferenciação de Mapania e Hypolytrum e que, portanto, necessita ser melhor estudado no gênero. Ainda, a presença de aerênquima, células epidérmicas com parede delgada e posição dos estômatos refletem a adaptação dessas espécies a ambientes úmidos de várzea e igapó onde são encontradas


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O presente trabalho consiste em demonstrar valores referentes ao conforto ambiental de dois modelos construtivos, sendo o primeiro um edifício já executado e o outro em fase de implantação, ambos no Campus Experimental de Itapeva, aplicando alguns conceitos em habitação mais sustentáveis de madeira na região de Itapeva, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A edificação construída sedia duas salas de aula a partir da tipologia construtiva wood frame, constituída basicamente de paredes autoportantes compostas de ossatura de madeira tratada de pinus.sp, chapas estruturais em OSB, manta de isolamento térmico/acústico e fechamento interno e externo, respectivamente em gesso e sidding (lambris de madeira). A habitação em fase de início de implantação foi idealizada a partir da tipologia construtiva log-home, e atenderá a necessidade de espaço físico para abrigar o Centro Acadêmico e a empresa-júnior “PROMAD”, ambos do curso de Engenharia Industrial Madeireira do Campus Experimental da UNESP/Itapeva. Esta construção foi elaborada a partir de técnicas de baixo impacto ambiental, levando em consideração os resultados de análise térmica obtidos na edificação anterior. Em ambos modelos construtivos foram empregados recursos renováveis abundantes na região, como a madeira de reflorestamento de Pinus e de Eucalipto. Foi acrescentado ainda ao segundo modelo a utilização de resíduos industriais lignocelulósicos, como rolete de laminação e outros materiais locais disponíveis. A metodologia básica empregada para a obtenção de dados sobre o conforto térmico em relação as edificações foi, para o primeiro caso, a coleta de dados de temperatura e umidade utilizando um termo-higrômetro, a sistematização e análise de dados reais obtidos no interior da edificação. No segundo caso, o dimensionamento do conforto térmico... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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In this study, a composite of titanium oxide (TixOy) and carbon nanotubes multi-walled (MWCNT) was synthesized on a titanium substrate using the sol-gel method. The electrode obtained (TixOy-MWCNT/Ti) was used to the photodegradation of Carbaryl. The morphology and structure of the TixOy-MWCNT composite were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), scanning electron microscopy by field emission (FEG-SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The electrode was evaluated for degradation of Carbaryl (0.9 mmol L-1) in phosphate buffer pH 6, and using chronoamperometry by applying a potential of +1,5 V for 1 h. Using the Ultraviolet-Visible test, the absorbance at 220 nm was collected every 15 min to calculate the percentage of Cabaryl´s degradation. Can be evaluated that the Carbaryl degradation using the TixOy-MWCNT/Ti electrode was 22% more efficient when compared with the electrode without the presence of titanium oxides (MWCNT / Ti)


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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The present study aimed to analyze the effects of tooth bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) gel on the bond strength of resin composite restorations to dentin. Material and Methods: Twenty cavities were prepared on the buccal surface of bovine teeth. After acid etching and application of bonding agent on dentin and enamel, the cavities were restored with composite resin. The specimens were divided into groups according to treatment on the surface of enamel / restoration: G1 - control (no treatment) and G2 (10% PC gel application for 8h/day during 14 days). After this period, the teeth were cut to produce beams with 0.81 mm2 cross-sectional area, which were subjected to microtensile test. The fractures were examined with a stereomicroscope and classified as cohesive in resin or dentin, adhesive, or mixed. Results: The statistical analysis (ANOVA / χ2) revealed that the factor treatment interfered with the bond strength, which was significantly higher for specimens of G2 (p <0.05). Adhesive fractures occurred in most of specimens of both groups with values ranging from 48.3% to 75%. Mixed fractures were the second more frequent in G1 and cohesive resin failure in G2. Conclusion: It was concluded that tooth bleaching with 10% of PC increased the bond strength of adhesive restorations to dentin.


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A metal coping may undergo changes during porcelain firing, which compromises its marginal adaptation. The use of NiCrTi alloy proposes to minimize this effect through the high melting point of titanium present in its composition. This study evaluated the influence of porcelain firing cycle on the marginal adaptation of NiCrTi copings in different preparation designs. Forty standardized metal dies were fabricated with the following combinations finish line/convergence of the axial walls: 1) shoulder/6°; 2) shoulder/20°; 3) sloping shoulder/6°; 4) sloping shoulder/20°. On each die a metal ceramic restoration coping was made. The die/coping set was stabilized with orthodontic elastics, divided into four equidistant areas with three measurement points each and a cementation pressure was simulated. The measurements were taken under a stereomicroscope (32×). After the first measurement, the copings were submitted to sintering cycles simulating porcelain application. For repeated measurements, the same procedures described above were performed. Data were submitted to Student’s-t test, 1-way ANOVA and Tukey´s test (α = 0.05). Adaptation means (µm) before and after porcelain firing in different preparations were: 1) 111.92 and 127.31; 2) 124.15 and 135.48; 3) 122.19 and 138.77; 4) 166.09 and 186.72; respectively. The porcelain firing impaired adaptation, regardless of the preparation design. The preparation in a 20° sloping shoulder provided a worse adaptation when compared with preparations that had 6° and 20° shoulder, which were statistically equal. The 6° sloping shoulder was statistically equal to the other three preparation designs.