There have been theoretical and experimental studies on quantum nonlocality for continuous variables, based on dichotomic observables. In particular, we are interested in two cases of dichotomic observables for the light field of continuous variables: One case is even and odd numbers of photons and the other case is no photon and the presence of photons. We analyze various observables to give the maximum violation of Bell's inequalities for continuous-variable states. We discuss an observable which gives the violation of Bell's inequality for any entangled pure continuous-variable state. However, it does not have to be a maximally entangled state to give the maximal violation of Bell's inequality. This is attributed to a generic problem of testing the quantum nonlocality of an infinite- dimensional state using a dichotomic observable.
Measures of entanglement, fidelity, and purity are basic yardsticks in quantum-information processing. We propose how to implement these measures using linear devices and homodyne detectors for continuous-variable Gaussian states. In particular, the test of entanglement becomes simple with some prior knowledge that is relevant to current experiments.
Recently Ziman et al. [Phys. Rev. A 65, 042105 (2002)] have introduced a concept of a universal quantum homogenizer which is a quantum machine that takes as input a given (system) qubit initially in an arbitrary state rho and a set of N reservoir qubits initially prepared in the state xi. The homogenizer realizes, in the limit sense, the transformation such that at the output each qubit is in an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the state xi irrespective of the initial states of the system and the reservoir qubits. In this paper we generalize the concept of quantum homogenization for qudits, that is, for d-dimensional quantum systems. We prove that the partial-swap operation induces a contractive map with the fixed point which is the original state of the reservoir. We propose an optical realization of the quantum homogenization for Gaussian states. We prove that an incoming state of a photon field is homogenized in an array of beam splitters. Using Simon's criterion, we study entanglement between outgoing beams from beam splitters. We derive an inseparability condition for a pair of output beams as a function of the degree of squeezing in input beams.
We show that two qubits can be entangled by local interactions with an entangled two-mode continuous variable state. This is illustrated by the evolution of two two-level atoms interacting with a two-mode squeezed state. Two modes of the squeezed field are injected respectively into two spatially separate cavities and the atoms are then sent into the cavities to interact resonantly with the cavity field. We find that the atoms may be entangled even by a two-mode squeezed state which has been decohered while penetrating into the cavity.
The t[(11;19)(p22;q23)] translocation, which gives rise to the MLL-ENL fusion protein, is commonly found in infant acute leukemias of both the myeloid and lymphoid lineage. To investigate the molecular mechanism of immortalization by MLL-ENL we established a Tet-regulatable system of MLL-ENL expression in primary hematopoietic progenitor cells. Immortalized myeloid cell lines were generated, which are dependent on continued MLL-ENL expression for their survival and proliferation. These cells either terminally differentiate or die when MLL-ENL expression is turned off with doxycycline. The expression profile of all 39 murine Hox genes was analyzed in these cells by real-time quantitative PCR. This analysis showed that loss of MLL-ENL was accompanied by a reduction in the expression of multiple Hoxa genes. By comparing these changes with Hox gene expression in cells induced to differentiate with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, we show for the first time that reduced Hox gene expression is specific to loss of MLL-ENL and is not a consequence of differentiation. Our data also suggest that the Hox cofactor Meis-2 can substitute for Meis-1 function. Thus, MLL-ENL is required to initiate and maintain immortalization of myeloid progenitors and may contribute to leukemogenesis by aberrantly sustaining the expression of a "Hox code" consisting of Hoxa4 to Hoxa11.
Evidence for scattering closed orbits for the Rydberg electron of the singly excited helium atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields at constant scaled energy and constant scaled electric field strength has been found through a quantum calculation of the photo-excitation spectrum. A particular 3D scattering orbit in a mixed regular and chaotic region has been investigated and the hydrogenic 3D closed orbits composing it identified. To the best of our knowledge, this letter reports the first quantum calculation of the scaled spectrum of a non- hydrogenic atom in crossed fields.
The scaled photoexcitation spectrum of the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields has been obtained by means of accurate quantum mechanical calculation using a new algorithm. Closed orbits in the corresponding classical system have also been obtained, using a new, efficient and practical searching procedure. Two new classes of closed orbit have been identified. Fourier transforming each photoexcitation quantum spectrum to yield a plot against scaled action has allowed direct comparison between peaks in such plots and the scaled action values of closed orbits, Excellent agreement has been found with all peaks assigned.
In a recent Letter to the Editor (J Rao, D Delande and K T Taylor 2001 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34 L391-9) we made a brief first report of our quantal and classical calculations for the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields at constant scaled energy and constant scaled electric field strength. A principal point of that communication was our statement that each and every peak in the Fourier transform of the scaled quantum photo-excitation spectrum for scaled energy value epsilon = -0.586 538 871028 43 and scaled electric value (f) over tilde = 0.068 537 846 207 618 71 could be identified with a scaled action value of a found and mapped-out closed orbit up to a scaled action of 20. In this follow-up paper, besides presenting full details of our quantum and classical methods, we set out the scaled action values of all 317 closed orbits involved, together with the geometries of many.
Electron energy distributions of singly and doubly ionized helium in an intense 390 nm laser field have been measured at two intensities (0.8 PW/cm(2) and 1.1 PW/cm(2), where PW equivalent to 10(15) W/cm(2)). Numerical solutions of the full-dimensional time-dependent helium Schrodinger equation show excellent agreement with the experimental measurements. The high-energy portion of the two-electron energy distributions reveals an unexpected 5U(p) cutoff for the double ionization (DI) process and leads to a proposed model for DI below the quasiclassical threshold.