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La principal motivació d'aquest treball ha estat implementar l'algoritme Rijndael-AES en un full Sage-math, paquet de software matemàtic de lliure distribució i en actual desenvolupament, aprofitant les seves eines i funcionalitats integrades.


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Pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) rectifier technology is increasingly used in industrial applications like variable-speed motor drives, since it offers several desired features such as sinusoidal input currents, controllable power factor, bidirectional power flow and high quality DC output voltage. To achieve these features,however, an effective control system with fast and accurate current and DC voltage responses is required. From various control strategies proposed to meet these control objectives, in most cases the commonly known principle of the synchronous-frame current vector control along with some space-vector PWM scheme have been applied. Recently, however, new control approaches analogous to the well-established direct torque control (DTC) method for electrical machines have also emerged to implement a high-performance PWM rectifier. In this thesis the concepts of classical synchronous-frame current control and DTC-based PWM rectifier control are combined and a new converter-flux-based current control (CFCC) scheme is introduced. To achieve sufficient dynamic performance and to ensure a stable operation, the proposed control system is thoroughly analysed and simple rules for the controller design are suggested. Special attention is paid to the estimationof the converter flux, which is the key element of converter-flux-based control. Discrete-time implementation is also discussed. Line-voltage-sensorless reactive reactive power control methods for the L- and LCL-type line filters are presented. For the L-filter an open-loop control law for the d-axis current referenceis proposed. In the case of the LCL-filter the combined open-loop control and feedback control is proposed. The influence of the erroneous filter parameter estimates on the accuracy of the developed control schemes is also discussed. A newzero vector selection rule for suppressing the zero-sequence current in parallel-connected PWM rectifiers is proposed. With this method a truly standalone and independent control of the converter units is allowed and traditional transformer isolation and synchronised-control-based solutions are avoided. The implementation requires only one additional current sensor. The proposed schemes are evaluated by the simulations and laboratory experiments. A satisfactory performance and good agreement between the theory and practice are demonstrated.


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Tutkimus keskittyy hankintatoimen kehittämiseen osana laitosprojektien toteutusta. Työ pohjautuu empiiriseltä taustaltaan Pöyry Oyj:n projektiliiketoimintaan ja työn tarkastelunäkökulmaksi onvalittu projektihallinnosta vastaavan yrityksen näkökulma. Tutkimus on hyvin käytännönläheinen ¿ se lähtee hankinnan ja sen seurannan ongelmista ja pyrkii tarjoamaan niihin uudenlaisia ratkaisuja. Pohjimmiltaan tutkimus kuuluu teollisuustalouden piiriin, vaikka tietojärjestelmätieteellä on vahva tukirooli. Työn tavoitteet ja tulokset liittyvät teollisuustaloudelle ominaisesti yrityksen toiminnan kehittämiseen, käytetyt välineet ja ratkaisut puolestaan hyödyntävät tietojärjestelmätieteen antamia mahdollisuuksia. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty konstruktiivista tutkimusotetta, jonka mukaisesti on luotu innovatiivisia konstruktioita ratkaisemaan aitoja reaalimaailman ongelmia ja tätä kautta tuotettu kontribuutioita teollisuustaloudelle. Tavoitteena oli järjestää hankintatoimi ja sen seuranta suurissa laitosprojekteissa tehokkaammin. Tätä varten uudistettiin ensin projektihallinnon ja hankintatoimen toimintaohjeet vastaamaan paremmin nykyajan vaatimuksia. Toimintaohjeiden perusteella ryhdyttiin toteuttamaan hankintaohjelmistoa, joka pystyisi kattamaan kaikki toimintaohjeissa kuvatut piirteet. Lopulta hankintaohjelmisto toi mukanaan uusia piirteitä projektihallintoon ja hankintatoimeen ja nämä sisällytettiin toimintaohjeisiin. Tähän kehitystyöhön ryhdyttiin, jotta laitosprojektien projektihallinto ja hankintatoimi toimisivat paremmin, eli pienemmin kustannuksin tuottaen projekteissa tarvittavat tulokset nopeammin, tarkemmin ja laadukkaammin. Tutkimuksella on kolmenlaisia tuloksia: hankintatoimen parannetut metodit, hankintaohjelmiston pohjana olevat toiminta- ja laskentamallit sekä implementaationa hankintasovellus. Uudistetut projekti- ja hankintaohjeet kuvaavat hankintatoiminnan parannettuja metodeja. Hankintaohjelmistoasuunnitellessa ja kehitettäessä tehdyt kuvaukset sisältävät uusia malleja niin hankintaprosessille kuin hankinnan seuraamiseksi suurissa laitosprojekteissa. Itse ohjelmisto on tuloksena implementaatio, joka perustuu parannettuihin hankintametodeihin ja uusiin toiminta- ja laskentamalleihin. Uudistetut projekti- ja hankintaohjeet ovat olleet käytössä Pöyry Oyj:ssä vuodesta 1991. Vuosien varrella nämä toimintaohjeet ovat auttaneet ja tukeneet satojen laitosprojektientoteutusta ja ylläpitäneet Pöyry Oyj:n kilpailukykyä kansainvälisenä projektitalona. Hankintasovellus puolestaan on ollut käytössä useissa projekteissa ja sen on havaittu pienentävän hankintatoimen suoria työkustannuksia laitosprojekteissa. Sovelluksen katsotaan myös tuovan epäsuoria kustannussäästöjä parempien hankintapäätösten muodossa, mutta näiden säästöjen suuruutta ei pystytä luotettavasti arvioimaan.


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Thedirect torque control (DTC) has become an accepted vector control method besidethe current vector control. The DTC was first applied to asynchronous machines,and has later been applied also to synchronous machines. This thesis analyses the application of the DTC to permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM). In order to take the full advantage of the DTC, the PMSM has to be properly dimensioned. Therefore the effect of the motor parameters is analysed taking the control principle into account. Based on the analysis, a parameter selection procedure is presented. The analysis and the selection procedure utilize nonlinear optimization methods. The key element of a direct torque controlled drive is the estimation of the stator flux linkage. Different estimation methods - a combination of current and voltage models and improved integration methods - are analysed. The effect of an incorrect measured rotor angle in the current model is analysed andan error detection and compensation method is presented. The dynamic performance of an earlier presented sensorless flux estimation method is made better by improving the dynamic performance of the low-pass filter used and by adapting the correction of the flux linkage to torque changes. A method for the estimation ofthe initial angle of the rotor is presented. The method is based on measuring the inductance of the machine in several directions and fitting the measurements into a model. The model is nonlinear with respect to the rotor angle and therefore a nonlinear least squares optimization method is needed in the procedure. A commonly used current vector control scheme is the minimum current control. In the DTC the stator flux linkage reference is usually kept constant. Achieving the minimum current requires the control of the reference. An on-line method to perform the minimization of the current by controlling the stator flux linkage reference is presented. Also, the control of the reference above the base speed is considered. A new estimation flux linkage is introduced for the estimation of the parameters of the machine model. In order to utilize the flux linkage estimates in off-line parameter estimation, the integration methods are improved. An adaptive correction is used in the same way as in the estimation of the controller stator flux linkage. The presented parameter estimation methods are then used in aself-commissioning scheme. The proposed methods are tested with a laboratory drive, which consists of a commercial inverter hardware with a modified software and several prototype PMSMs.


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This thesis investigates the strategy implementation process of enterprices; a process whichhas lacked the academic attentioon compared with a rich strategy formation research trdition. Strategy implementation is viewed as a process ensuring tha the strtegies of an organisation are realised fully and quickly, yet with constant consideration of changing circumstances. The aim of this sudy is to provide a framework for identifying, analysing and removing the strategy implementation bottleneck af an organization and thus for intesifying its strategy process.The study is opened by specifying the concept, tasks and key actors of strategy implementation process; especially arguments for the critical implementation role of the top management are provided. In order to facilitate the analysis nad synthetisation of the core findings of scattered doctrine, six characteristic approaches to strategy implementation phenomenon are identified and compared. The Bottleneck Framework is introduced as an instrument for arranging potential strategy realisation problems, prioritising an organisation's implementation obstacles and focusing the improvement measures accordingly. The SUCCESS Framework is introduced as a mnemonic of the seven critical factors to be taken into account when promoting sttrategy implementation. Both frameworks are empirically tested by applying them to real strategy implementation intesification process in an international, industrial, group-structured case enterprise.


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