1000 resultados para POLYPYRROLE MEMBRANE


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The MNK (Menkes disease protein; ATP7A) is a major copper- transporting P-type ATPase involved in the delivery of copper to cuproenzymes in the secretory pathway and the efflux of excess copper from extrahepatic tissues. Mutations in the MNK (ATP7A) gene result in Menkes disease, a fatal neurodegenerative copper deficiency disorder. Currently, detailed biochemical and biophysical analyses of MNK to better understand its mechanisms of copper transport are not possible due to the lack of purified MNK in an active form. To address this issue, we expressed human MNK with an N-terminal Glu-Glu tag in Sf9 [Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) 9] insect cells and purified it by antibody affinity chromatography followed by size-exclusion chromatography in the presence of the non-ionic detergent DDM (n-dodecyl b-D-maltopyranoside). Formation of the classical vanadate-sensitive phosphoenzyme by purified MNK was activated by Cu(I) [EC50=0.7 µM; h (Hill coefficient) was 4.6]. Furthermore, we report the first measurement of Cu(I)-dependent ATPase activity of MNK (K0.5=0.6 µM; h=5.0). The purified MNK demonstrated active ATP-dependent vectorial 64Cu transport when reconstituted into soya-bean asolectin liposomes. Together, these data demonstrated that Cu(I) interacts with MNK in a co-operative manner and with high affinity in the sub-micromolar range. The present study provides the first biochemical characterization of a purified full-length mammalian copper-transporting P-type ATPase associated with a human disease.


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Integral proteins in the outer membrane of mitochondria control all aspects of organelle biogenesis, being required for protein import, mitochondrial fission, and, in metazoans, mitochondrial aspects of programmed cell death. How these integral proteins are assembled in the outer membrane had been unclear. In bacteria, Omp85 is an essential component of the protein insertion machinery, and we show that members of the Omp85 protein family are also found in eukaryotes ranging from plants to humans. In eukaryotes, Omp85 is present in the mitochondrial outer membrane. The gene encoding Omp85 is essential for cell viability in yeast, and conditional omp85 mutants have defects that arise from compromised insertion of integral proteins like voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) and components of the translocase in the outer membrane of mitochondria (TOM) complex into the mitochondrial outer membrane.


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Reverse osmosis (RO) membranes can be used to treat ground water, surface water and wastewater, but a major problem in RO membrane applications is fouling. Many studies have investigated the mechanisms of fouling in RO membranes and suggested various methods to control the membrane fouling. This paper reviews several aspects of RO membranes, such as the types of membrane fouling, their effects on RO membrane processes and fouling control technologies, focussed on the appropriate feed pretreatment technologies and cleaning methods, especially on the membrane filtration pretreatment processes, including microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration (NF), which are the new trends in designing a pretreatment system in the application of RO.


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Caveolae are small invaginations of the cell surface that are abundant in mature adipocytes. A recent study (Kanzaki, M., and Pessin, J. E. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 25867-25869) described novel caveolin- and actin-containing structures associated with the adipocyte cell surface that contain specific signaling proteins. We have characterized these structures, here termed "caves," using light and electron microscopy and observe that they represent surface-connected wide invaginations of the basal plasma membrane that are sometimes many micrometers in diameter. Rather than simply a caveolar domain, these structures contain all elements of the plasma membrane including clathrin-coated pits, lipid raft markers, and non-raft markers. GLUT4 is recruited to caves in response to insulin stimulation. Caves can occupy a significant proportion of the plasma membrane area and are surrounded by cortical actin. Caveolae density in caves is similar to that on the bulk plasma membrane, but because these structures protrude much deeper into the plane of focus of the light microscope molecules such as caveolin and other plasma membrane proteins appear more concentrated in caves. We conclude that the adipocyte surface membrane contains numerous wide invaginations that do not represent novel caveolar structures but rather large surface caves.


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This study examines the resistance change in conductive polypyrrole-coated PET fabrics under the AS 2001.4.15 – 1994 laundering test conditions. The effects of individual detergent components of a standard detergent, including auxiliary chemicals, at four different temperatures were studied. When the coated fabric was washed under the AS 2001.4.15-1994 conditions, the ECE reference detergent and pure soap flakes (sodium sterate) both decreased the conductivity of the coating at a rate exponentially proportional to the laundering temperature. Detergent types had an influence over the rate of degradation; pH conditions had a large influence on the rate of polymer deterioration with the acidic nonionic detergent giving rise to significantly improved laundering conditions. The auxiliary chemicals, sodium carbonate and sodium perborate were seen to cause large degradation of polymers during laundering. Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid was seen to have only a slight influence on the reduction of conductivity of polymers.


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Polyethyleneterephtalate–polypyrrole (PET–PPy) textile complexes incorporating different anionic dopants have been heat treated at 60 °C, 80 °C, 105 °C, 125 °C and 150 °C to investigate effects of short-term heating on conductivity and stability. In most cases heat treatments below 80 °C did not significantly change the final resistance of the conducting textiles. Only the anionic dye-dopant Indigo Carmine acted in a heat-stabilizing manner during treatment at 150 °C, while all samples containing other anionic dopant underwent some degradation. A treatment temperature of 125 °C was the most effective for lowering the final resistance, with sulphonic group containing dopants being particularly effective in improving conductivity and stability. A 29% decrease in the final resistance of a PET–PPy/para-toluene-2-sulphonic acid (pTSA) sample was achievable after 900 s at 125 °C.


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Temperature changes in conducting polypyrrole/para-toluene-2-sulphonic acid (PPy/pTSA) coated nylon textiles due to microwave absorption in the 8–9 GHz and 15–16 GHz frequency ranges were obtained by a thermography station during simultaneous irradiation of the samples. The temperature values are compared and related to the amounts of reflection, transmission and absorption obtained with a non-contact free space transmission technique, indicating a relationship between microwave absorption and temperature increase. Non-conductive samples showed no temperature increase upon irradiation irrespective of frequency range. The maximum temperature difference of around 4 °C in the conducting fabrics relative to ambient temperature was observed in samples having 48% absorption and 26.5 ± 4% reflection. Samples polymerized for 60 or 120 min with a dopant concentration of 0.018 mol/l or polymerized for 180 min with a dopant concentration of 0.009 mol/l yielded optimum absorption levels. As the surface resistivity decreased and the reflection levels increased, the temperature increase upon irradiation reduced.


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The global warming has led to enormous challenges worldwide for a large variety of communities, particularly these associated to water and water treatment industry. Due to increasing scarcity of water resources, the development of new membrane materials and water treatment processes will play an important role in tackling this emerging problem. In this paper, the recent development in characterization of in particular, geometrical parameters of micro- and nano-membrane materials will be reviewed. Membranes with micro- and nano-pores have widely been used for ultrafiltration and nanofiltration. The structure of the pores and the surface of the pores/membranes may be optimized to achieve much improved flow rate in these micro-/nano-channels. Therefore, accurate characterization of porous structures will contribute significantly to the prediction of membrane performance. It will not only provide an insight into the new characterization methods but also the development of novel materials.


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Transcellular diffusion across the absorptive epithelial cells (enterocytes) of the small intestine is the main route of absorption for most orally administered drugs. The process by which lipophilic compounds transverse the aqueous environment of the cytoplasm, however, remains poorly defined. In the present study, we have identified a structurally diverse group of lipophilic drugs that display low micromolar binding affinities for a cytosolic lipid-binding protein—intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP). Binding to I-FABP significantly enhanced the transport of lipophilic drug molecules across a model membrane, and the degree of transport enhancement was related to both drug lipophilicity and I-FABP binding affinity. These data suggest that intracellular lipid-binding proteins such as I-FABP may enhance the membrane transport of lipophilic xenobiotics and facilitate drug access to the enterocyte cytoplasm and cytoplasmic organelles.


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The nanoporous structure of membrane varies in 3-dimensional (3-D) space and has remarkable influences on the filtration or desalination achieved, fouling potentials and therefore, the quality of yielded water. Knowledge of the 3-D nanoporous structure is thus vital to understanding and predicting its performance. A novel method by incorporating transmission electronic microtomography, image processing and 3-D reconstruction is introduced to characterize membranes with nano structures. The reconstruction algorithm allows for the visualization of 3-D nanoporous structure in a non-destructive way from any directions. This novel technique Ieads to in-depth understanding and accurate prediction of filtration performance.


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Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is a major feature of Alzheimer's disease pathology. In CAA, degeneration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) occurs close to regions of the basement membrane where the amyloid protein (Aβ) builds up. In this study, the possibility that Aβ disrupts adhesive interactions between VSMCs and the basement membrane was examined. VSMCs were cultured on a commercial basement membrane substrate (Matrigel). The presence of Aβ in the Matrigel decreased cell-substrate adhesion and cell viability. Full-length oligomeric Aβ was required for the effect, as N- and C-terminally truncated peptide analogues did not inhibit adhesion. Aβ that was fluorescently labelled at the N-terminus (fluo-Aβ) bound to Matrigel as well as to the basement membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) perlecan and laminin. Adhesion of VSMCs to perlecan or laminin was decreased by Aβ. As perlecan influences VSMC viability through the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2 signalling pathway, the effect of Aβ1–40 on ERK1/2 phosphorylation was examined. The level of phospho-ERK1/2 was decreased in cells following Aβ treatment. An inhibitor of ERK1/2 phosphorylation enhanced the effect of Aβ on cell adhesion. The studies suggest that Aβ can decrease VSMC viability by disrupting VSMC–extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesion.