960 resultados para PME.BOX


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Genetic experiments established that p63 is crucial for the development and maintenance of pluristratified epithelia. In the RNA interference (RNAi) screening for targets of p63 in keratinocytes, we identified the transcription factor, High Mobility Group (HMG) box protein 1 (HBP1). HBP1 is an HMG-containing repressor transiently induced during differentiation of several cell lineages. We investigated the relationship between the two factors: using RNAi, overexpression, chromatin immunoprecipitations and transient transfections with reporter constructs, we established that HBP1 is directly repressed by p63. This was further confirmed in vivo by evaluating expression in p63 knockout mice and in transgenics expressing p63 in basal keratinocytes. Consistent with these findings, expression of HBP1 increases upon differentiation of primary keratinocytes and HaCaT cells in culture, and it is higher in the upper layers of human skin. Inactivation of HBP1 by RNAi prevents differentiation of keratinocytes and stratification of organotypic skin cultures. Finally, we analyzed the keratinocyte transcriptomes after HBP1 RNAi; in addition to repression of growth-promoting genes, unexpected activation of differentiation genes was uncovered, coexisting with repression of other genes involved in epithelial cornification. Our data indicate that suppression of HBP1 is part of the growth-promoting strategy of p63 in the lower layers of epidermis and that HBP1 temporally coordinates expression of genes involved in stratification, leading to the formation of the skin barrier.


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Actualmente um dos principais objectivos das empresas consiste em dispor de recursos financeiros suficientes para a satisfação dos seus compromissos de curto prazo, tornando-se assim necessário uma gestão rigorosa e cuidadosa da sua tesouraria. A gestão de tesouraria de curto prazo é de extrema importância a nível da gestão financeira, pois avalia e controla a actividade corrente das empresas, permitindo a tomada de decisões em tempo oportuno, possibilitando uma gestão eficiente dos recursos disponíveis. Para a concretização destes objectivos, as empresas devem dispor de uma noção clara das políticas em relação aos créditos concedidos aos seus clientes, aos créditos dos fornecedores, às políticas de stock e em relação às políticas de financiamento de curto prazo. O propósito deste estudo é o de identificar as alternativas de financiamento mais utilizadas pelas Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PME) em São Vicente no que respeita ao financiamento de tesouraria, bem como conhecer o nível de adesão ao Factoring em São Vicente, como forma de financiamento de curto prazo. Para isso, foram aplicados questionários às PME`S, cujas respostas foram analisadas cuidadosamente para se chegar a uma conclusão.


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The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family of proteins comprise a group of membrane transporters involved in the transport of a wide variety of compounds, such as xenobiotics, vitamins, lipids, amino acids, and carbohydrates. Determining their regional expression patterns along the intestinal tract will further characterize their transport functions in the gut. The mRNA expression levels of murine ABC transporters in the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and colon were examined using the Affymetrix MuU74v2 GeneChip set. Eight ABC transporters (Abcb2, Abcb3, Abcb9, Abcc3, Abcc6, Abcd1, Abcg5, and Abcg8) displayed significant differential gene expression along the intestinal tract, as determined by two statistical models (a global error assessment model and a classic ANOVA, both with a P < 0.01). Concordance with semiquantitative real-time PCR was high. Analyzing the promoters of the differentially expressed ABC transporters did not identify common transcriptional motifs between family members or with other genes; however, the expression profile for Abcb9 was highly correlated with fibulin-1, and both genes share a common complex promoter model involving the NFkappaB, zinc binding protein factor (ZBPF), GC-box factors SP1/GC (SP1F), and early growth response factor (EGRF) transcription binding motifs. The cellular location of another of the differentially expressed ABC transporters, Abcc3, was examined by immunohistochemistry. Staining revealed that the protein is consistently expressed in the basolateral compartment of enterocytes along the anterior-posterior axis of the intestine. Furthermore, the intensity of the staining pattern is concordant with the expression profile. This agrees with previous findings in which the mRNA, protein, and transport function of Abcc3 were increased in the rat distal intestine. These data reveal regional differences in gene expression profiles along the intestinal tract and demonstrate that a complete understanding of intestinal ABC transporter function can only be achieved by examining the physiologically distinct regions of the gut.


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O trabalho que ora se apresenta, tem como tema “ Gestão de Pequenas e Médias Empresas em Cabo Verde. Estudo de caso Ilha do Santiago.” Em que se pretendeu analisar a gestão de PME`s em Cabo Verde, o ambiente de negócio, as oportunidades de negócio existente nos três sectores de actividades, (sector primário terciário e secundário), estratégias de promoção e incentivos oferecidos as PME`s, e ainda o financiamento e sua problemática. Essas questões foram apresentadas na parte teórica, com base nas literaturas relacionadas com o tema, e a outra parte de natureza prática, foi analisado a gestão das PME`s na Ilha de Santiago, tendo em conta a Ilha com maior número de PME´s do País. Os resultados foram coerentes com o que se esperava, passamos a conhecer o dinamismo e as dificuldades que enfrentam as PME`s Cabo-verdinas, e o seu funcionamento no quadro da teoria de gestão, e sua articulação com a globalização e aplicação das novas tecnologias. Para a realização deste trabalho foi feito pesquisa na Internet, análise de documentos, referências bibliográficas de vários autores, e foi utilizado o programa SPSS para análise dos dados recolhido através do questionário.


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Diatraea flavipennella (Box) (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) is one of the most destructive pests in sugarcane plantations in the Northeast Region of Brazil. Developmental characteristics and parasitism potential of the egg parasitoids Telenomus alecto Crawford (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) and Trichogramma galloi Zucchi (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) were compared with the aim of selecting a suitable species for biological control of D. flavipennella. Both T. alecto and T. galloi developed well and were readily adapted to D. flavipennella eggs as host. Although, T. galloi presented higher viability, with more adults emerging per host egg and higher sex ratio, the developmental period (egg-adult) was shorter in T. alecto and female longevity was extended. In addition, T. alecto exhibited significant higher levels of parasitism during the first three days after emergence than T. galloi. Thus, both parasitoids studied here offer considerable potential for the control of D. flavipennella in sugarcane.


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A dessalinização da água do mar é um método usado para obter água potável. Na dessalinização da água também é necessária a desinfecção de água com o cloro. Esta desinfecção garante à água condições seguras em termos microbiológicos mas promove a formação de novas substâncias consideradas tóxicas, resultantes da reacção do cloro com a matéria orgânica presente na água. Essas substâncias são designados por subprodutos de desinfecção de água com o cloro (DBP) dos quais destacam-se os trihalometanos (THM), os ácidos haloacéticos (HAA), os haloacetonitrilos (HAN), as haloacetonas (HK). A concentração dessas substâncias em águas para consumo humano é muito baixa e constitui sempre um desafio a sua detecção e quantificação. Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se e optimizou-se métodos de análises de DBP em água para consumo humano. Os DBP voláteis foram analisados por headspace e cromatografia gasosa com detecção por captura electrónica (HS-GC-ECD) e por microextracção em fase sólida no headspace e cromatografia gasosa com detecção por captura electrónica (SPME-HS-GC-ECD). Para os DBP não voláteis (HAA) aplicou-se a extracção em fase sólida e cromatografia líquida com detector de fila de diodos (SPE-RPHPLC- DAD). Foram analisados os DBP na água dessalinizada por osmose inversa proveniente de Cabo Verde e na água da cidade de Porto, de forma a verificar as diferenças em termos qualitativos e quantitativos. Usou-se um planeamento factorial de Box-Behnken para a optimização de métodos analíticos. Este modelo foi igualmente aplicado na simulação laboratorial de dessalinização da água do mar por osmose inversa e desinfecção com o cloro, tendo como objectivo identificar os factores mais significativos na formação de DBP em água dessalinizada (pH, temperatura e tempo de desinfecção).


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PURPOSE: To report the clinical and genetic study of two families of Egyptian origin with clinical anophthalmia. To further determine the role of the retina and anterior neural fold homeobox gene (RAX) in anophthalmia and associated cerebral malformations. METHODS: Three patients with clinical anophthalmia and first-degree relatives from two consanguineous families of Egyptian origin underwent full ophthalmologic, general and neurologic examination, and blood tests. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed in the index cases of both families. Genomic DNA was prepared from venous leukocytes, and direct sequencing of all the exons and intron-exon junctions of RAX was performed after PCR amplification. RESULTS: Clinical bilateral anophthalmia was observed in all three patients. General and neurologic examinations were normal; obesity and delay in psychomotor development were observed in the isolated case. Orbital MRI showed a hypoplastic orbit with present but rudimentary extraocular muscles and normal lacrimal glands. Cerebral MRI showed agenesis of the optic nerves, optic tracts, and optic chiasma. In the index case of family A, the absence of the frontal and sphenoidal sinuses was also noted. In the index case of family B, only the sphenoidal sinus was absent, and there was significant cortical atrophy. The three patients carried a novel homozygous c.543+3A>G mutation (IVS2+3A>G) in RAX. Parents were healthy heterozygous carriers. No mutations were detected in orthodenticle homeobox 2 (OTX2), ventral anterior homeobox 1 (VAX1), or sex determining region Y-box 2 (SOX2). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a homozygous splicing RAX mutation associated with autosomal recessive bilateral anophthalmia. To our knowledge, only two isolated cases of anophthalmia, three null and one missense case affecting nuclear localization or the DNA-binding homeodomain, have been found to be caused by compound heterozygote RAX mutations. A novel missense RAX mutation was identified in three patients with bilateral anophthalmia and a distinct systemic and neurologic phenotype. The mutation potentially affects splicing of the last exon and is thought to result in a protein that has an aberrant homeodomain and no paired-tail domain. Functional consequences of this change still need to be characterized.


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If you haven’t been in the market for new appliances during the past several years, you’re going to be surprised at how innovative and energy-efficient appliances have become. You’ll find energy-smart appliance choices in almost all price ranges. Before heading to the local appliance retailer or “big-box” store, measure the space the new appliance will occupy to make sure it will fit—and that there’s enough room to fully open the door (or lid), as well as adequate clearances for ventilation, plumbing connections and other hookups. Then go to the appliance manufacturers’ Web sites to look at product information, and make a list of questions and “must-have” and “nice-to-have-but-not-essential” features.


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When siblings differ markedly in their need for food, they may benefit from signalling to each other their willingness to contest the next indivisible food item delivered by the parents. This sib-sib communication system, referred to as 'sibling negotiation', may allow them to adjust optimally to investment in begging. Using barn owl (Two alba) broods. I assessed the role of within-brood age hierarchy on sibling negotiation, and in turn on jostling for position where parents predictably deliver food (i.e. nest-box entrance), begging and within-brood food allocation. More specifically, I examined three predictions derived from a game-theoretical model of sibling negotiation where a senior and a junior sibling compete for food resources (Roulin, 2002a, Johnstone and Roulin, 2003): (1) begging effort invested by the senior sibling should be less sensitive to the junior sibling's negotiation than vice versa; (2) the junior should invest less effort in sibling negotiation than its senior sibling but a similar amount of effort in begging; and (3) within-brood food allocation should be directly related to begging but only indirectly to sibling negotiation. Two-chick broods were created and vocalization in the absence (negotiation signals directed to siblings) and presence (begging signals directed to parents) of parents was recorded. In support of the first prediction, juniors begged at a low cadence after their senior sibling negotiated intensely, probably because negotiation reflects prospective investment in begging and hence willingness to compete. In contrast, the begging of senior siblings was not sensitive to their junior sibling's negotiation. In contrast to the second prediction, juniors negotiated and begged more intensely than their senior sibling apparently because they were hungrier rather than younger. In line with the third prediction, juniors monopolized food delivered by their parents when their senior sibling begged at a low level. The begging cadence of both the junior and senior sibling, the junior's negotiation cadence, the difference in age between the two nest-mates and jostling for position were not associated with the likelihood of monopolizing food. In conclusion, sibling negotiation appears to influence begging behaviour, which, in turn, affects within-brood food allocation. Juniors may negotiate to challenge their senior siblings, and thereby determine whether seniors are less hungry before deciding to beg for food. In contrast, seniors may negotiate to deter juniors from begging.


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Devido à intensidade da concorrência entre as empresas, estas sentem-se cada vez mais forçadas a ter as suas estratégias organizacionais bem delimitadas e translúcidas de forma a garantir o sucesso e a vantagem competitiva. O BSC tem demonstrado, desde o primórdio, uma excelente ferramenta de gestão estratégica nas empresas, pois visa traduzir a estratégia da empresa em objetivos, indicadores, metas e iniciativas dentro de quatro perspetivas: financeira, clientes, processos internos e aprendizado e crescimento; ajuda as empresas a identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso e a interligar os objetivos estratégico através da relação de causa e efeito espelhado num mapa estratégico. Dado que os estudos desenvolvidos a respeito da aplicação desse instrumento estão voltados para as grandes organizações, o presente trabalho de investigação que versa o tema “Aplicação do Balanced Scorecard numa pequena e média empresa de São Vicente”, objetiva apresentar como o uso dos conceitos do BSC pode contribuir para a melhoria do seu desempenho organizacional a longo prazo. Para alcançar o objetivo definido em relação à fundamentação teórica fez-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e em relação à sua aplicabilidade desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso, em que foi necessário aplicação de entrevistas, questionários bem como o uso do método de observação direta e a análise documental. Os resultados conquistados indicam que, apesar das suas especificidades ou limitações, o BSC é exequível às PME desde que as mesmas seguem os procedimentos básicos dessa aplicação para as PME.


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O Lean não é apenas uma prática. É uma revolução nas Tecnologias de Informação (TI) proporcionando uma maior e melhor utilização dos recursos e procurando alcançar custos mais baixos dos que existem atualmente. É muito mais do que uma lista de ferramentas e metodologias e para que seja estabelecido é necessário mudar comportamentos culturais e incentivar todas as organizações a pensarem de forma diferente sobre o poder da informação versus o valor do negócio. Normalmente associa-se o Lean à criação de valor para a organização. Mas o valor é significativo quando é trazido com eficiência e resultando na eliminação de processos que consomem tempo, recursos e espaço desnecessário. Os princípios Lean podem ajudar as organizações na melhoria da qualidade, redução de custos e no alcance da eficiência através de uma melhor produtividade. Existem vários conceitos Lean que podem ser associados a diferentes objetivos de resolução de problemas. Em particular, este trabalho é uma dissertação programada para analisar um novo paradigma sobre o Lean que surgiu recentemente - Lean para Tecnologias de Informação (Lean IT). Esta dissertação apresenta uma abordagem para o Lean IT (enquadramento, objetivos e metodologia) para realizar o trabalho e utiliza um único estudo de caso, com abordagem à técnica 5S/6S (até o terceiro nível de avaliação), numa Pequena, Média Empresa (PME), de forma a demonstrar a agregação de valor e as vantagens na eliminação de resíduos/desperdícios nos seus processos. A técnica também mostra a evolução da avaliação antes e depois da sua aplicação. Este estudo de caso individual avalia um Departamento de TI (com uma equipe de cinco colaboradores e um chefe de Departamento) através da observação direta, documentação e arquivos de registos e os equipamentos analisados são computadores, postos de trabalho e projetos (código desenvolvido, portais e outros serviços de TI). x Como guia, a metodologia inclui a preparação da avaliação em conjunto com o responsável/chefe do Departamento de TI, o desenrolar das operações, a identificação do fluxo de valor para cada atividade, o desenvolvimento de um plano de comunicação e a análise de cada passo da avaliação do fluxo de processamento. Os principais resultados estão refletidos nas novas ferramentas de trabalho (Microsoft SharePoint e Microsoft Project em detrimento do Microsoft Excel) que fornecem comunicação remota e controlo de projetos para todos os stakeholders, tais como, a gestão de topo, parceiros e clientes (algumas organizações incluem o Outsourcing no desenvolvimento de funcionalidades específicas). Os resultados também refletem-se na qualidade do trabalho, no cumprimento de prazos, na segurança física e lógica, na motivação dos colaboradores e na satisfação dos clientes. A técnica 5S/6S ajuda a esclarecer os conceitos e princípios Lean, exequibilidade e aumenta a curiosidade sobre a implementação da técnica noutros departamentos tais como o Financeiro e ou o de Recursos Humanos. Como forma de consolidação do trabalho tornou-se possível organizar a avaliação para que a organização possa candidatar-se a uma certificação na norma ISO/IEC 25010:2011, no modelo de qualidade de software (software é o core business desta PME). Mas tal só será possível se toda a organização atingir a padronização dos seus processos. Este estudo de caso mostra que os conceitos Lean e a aplicação de uma ou mais das suas técnicas (neste caso particular a técnica 5S/6S) ajuda a obter melhores resultados através da gestão e melhoria dos seus principais serviços.


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Résumé : Le Large tumor suppressor, Lats2, est une protéine humaine homologue au suppresseur de tumeur Warts (Lats) de Drosophila melanogaster, qui réprime la prolifération des cellules en altérant leur cycle au niveau des transitions Gl/S et G2/M, et en induisant l'apoptose. Pourtant, la voie moléculaire par laquelle Lats2, une sériase-thréonine kinase, déclenche l'arrêt du cycle cellulaire, est toujours inconnue. Notre équipe a d'abord déterminé que Lats2 était un gène de réponse à la protéine p53 (Kostic et al., 2000). Par la suite, nous avons identifié des protéines interagissant avec Lats2, notamment les modules de reconnaissance du substrat des ligases Colline E3 (des protéines contenant Socs box ou F box) ainsi que deux Bous-unités du Signalosome CSN: CSN4 et CSNS. En outre, Lats2 est connue pour s'associer au Super-complexe composé de CSN et des ligases Colline E3 (Rongere, thesis, 2004; Rongere, unpublished results, 2005). Le travail présenté ici sur Lats2 a confirmé que cette protéine est une kinase associée à CSN. Nous avons caractérisé les interactions spécifiques de domaines de Lats2 avec hSocs3, hWsb 1 (des protéines Socs box) et hFBX-7 (une protéine F box), ainsi que les conséquences physiologiques des interactions avec hSocs3, hWsb1 et hSocs1. Des expériences de GST pull-down ont montré que les deux domaines, N-terminal et kinase, de Lats2 interagissent avec hSocs3, hWsb1 et hFBX-7, ce qui suggère aussi que l'ensemble de la protéine Lats2 est impliqué dans ces interactions. Une étude approfondie des interactions entre Lats2 et hSocs3 indique que le domaine kinase de Lats2 interagit avec la région de hSocs3 contenant un domaine SH2, situé en amont du domaine Socs box de hSocs3. Par ailleurs, Lats2 phosphoryle des régions spécifiques entre les domaines N-terminal et SH2 (Sl), et, entre les domaines SH2 et Socs box (S3) de la protéine hSocs3. Ces résultats révèlent que hSocs3 est un.nouveau substrat de Lats2. Des modifications de l'activité kinase ont aussi révélé que la protéine sauvage Lats2 (wt Lats2) était capable de phosphoryler hSocs3, alors qu'un mutant dead du domaine kinase Lats (poche ATP délétée, Lats2OATP) non. L'analyse des mutations a permis d'identifier deux résidus sériase situés aux positions 1441145 (S3), spécifiquement phosphorylés par wt Lats2. La phosphorylation des protéines représentant un signal de dégradation protéolytique, nous avons envisagé que Lats2 pouvait cibler hSocs3 pour une dégradation protéasomale. Lorsque wt Lats2 est surexprimée dans des cellules HEK293T et COS7, la demi-vie de hSocs3, un élément de la ligase Elongine BC-Colline É3 (ligase EBC), diminue significativement, effet que n'a pas la surexpression de Lats2OATP. De plus, la stabilité de hSocs3 dépend de la phosphorylation des résidus sériase aux positions 144/145 par wt Lats2. Bien que les sites de phosphorylation ne soient pas définis pour les deux autres modules de reconnaissance du substrat de la ligase EBC: hWsb 1 et hSocsl, leurs demi-vies diminuent également quand wt Lats2 est surexprimée. Pour les tests in vivo, nous avons synthétisé des esiRNA pour diminuer l'expression du gène endogène lats2, ce qui a entraîné une augmentation d'un facteur 2 de la demi-vie de hSocs3 et de hWsbl dans les cellules HEK293T. En conclusion, nos résultats suggérent que Lats2, une kinase associée au CSN, est un nouveau régulateur de la fonction des ligases EBC, agissant sur le renouvellement des protéines hSocs3, hSocs1 et hWsb1. Ainsi, Lats2 altère la spécificité et la capacité des ligases EBC, régulant par là même la stabilité de nombreuses protéines, ciblées par les ligases EBC pour une dégradation protéasomale. D'autres études devraient révéler si la modification observée de la fonction de la ligase EBC par Lats2, associée au Super-complexe, est également responsable du renouvellement des régulateurs du cycle cellulaire et des changements dans ce même cycle observés lors de la surexpression de Lats2. Summary : The Large tumor suppressor 2 (Lats2) is a human homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster tumor suppressor Warts (Cats) who negatively regulates cell proliferation by altering cell cycle Gl/S and G2/M transition and inducing apoptosis. However, the molecular pathway by which Lats2, a serine-threonine kinase, mediates cell cycle arrest is still unknown. Lats2 was initially identified to be a p53 response gene by our group (Kostic et al., 2000). Subsequently, our group identified interacting candidates of Lats2, including substrate recognition modules of Cullin-based E3 ligases (Socs box or F-box containing proteins) as well as two subunits of the Signalosome (CSN), CSN4 and CSNS. Additionally, Lats2 was shown to associate with a Super-complex, composed of CSN and Cullin-based E3 ligases (Rongere, thesis, 2004; Rongere, unpublished results, 2005) We hypothesized that Lats2 may perform its physiological function through interaction with CSN and Cullin-based E3 ligases. The present work on Lats2 has confirmed that Lats2 is a CSN associated kinase. We defined the domain specific interactions of Lats2 with hSocs3, hWsb1 (Sots box proteins) and hFBX-7 (F box protein), as well as the physiological consequences of interaction with hSocs3, hWsb1 and hSocs1. Both the N-terminal and the kinase domains of Lats2 interact with full-length hSocs3, hWsb1 and hFBX-7, determined in GST pull-down assays suggesting that full-length Lats2 protein is involved in interactions. Refinement of the Lats2 interaction with hSocs3 indicated that the kinase domain of Lats2 interacts with a region of hSocs3 containing a SH2 domain located upstream of the Socs box domain of the hSocs3. Moreover, Lats2 phosphorylated specific regions between the N-terminal and SH2 domain (S l) as well as between the SH2 domain and Socs box domain of hSocs3 (S3).These results indicate that hSocs3 is a novel Lats2 substrate. The kinase assay has also demonstrated that wt Lats2 was able to phosphorylate hSocs3, but not Lats2 kinase dead mutant (deleted ATP pocket, Lats20ATP). Mutational analysis identified two serine residues located at positions 144/145 (S3) to be specifically phosphorylated by wt Lats2. Phosphorylation of proteins has been shown to be a signal for proteolytic degradation of many characterized proteins. Thus we hypothesized that Lats2 could target hSocs3 for proteasomal degradation. When wt Lats2 was over-expressed in HEK293T cells and COST cells, the half-life of hSocs3, as a component of Elongin BC Cullin-based E3 ubiquitin ligase (EBC ligase), decreased significantly. In contrast, aver-expression of the Lats2OATP did not alter the half-life of hSocs3. Furthermore, the stability of hSocs3 depended on phosphorylation of serine residues at positions 144/145 by wt Lats2. Although the sites of phosphorylation were not defined for two other substrate recognition modules of EBC ligasehWsbl and hSocsl, their half-lives also decreased when wt Lats2 was over-expressed. To test in vivo, we synthesized esiRNA to knock-down endogenous Lats2 and subsequently we measured the half-lives of hSocs3 and hVVsb l . Here we demonstrated that the half-lives of hSocs3 and hWsbl were increased by the factor of two in Lats2-depleted HEK293T cells. In conclusion, our findings suggest that Lats2, a CSN associated kinase, is a novel regulator of EBC ligase function by regulating the turn-over of hSocs3, hSocs1 and hWsb1. Thus, Lats2 alters the specificity and capacity of EBC ligases regulating thereby the stability of numerous proteins which are targeted by EBC ligases for proteasomal degradation. Further studies should reveal whether the observed modulation of EBC ligase function by Lats2 associated with a Super-complex is also responsible for the turn-over of cell cycle regulators and the observed alteration in cell cycle by Lats2 over-expression.


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Background: Fine particulate matter originating from traffic correlates with increased morbidity and mortality. An important source of traffic particles is brake wear of cars which contributes up to 20% of the total traffic emissions. The aim of this study was to evaluate potential toxicological effects of human epithelial lung cells exposed to freshly generated brake wear particles. Results: An exposure box was mounted around a car's braking system. Lung cells cultured at the air-liquid interface were then exposed to particles emitted from two typical braking behaviours ("full stop" and "normal deceleration"). The particle size distribution as well as the brake emission components like metals and carbons was measured on-line, and the particles deposited on grids for transmission electron microscopy were counted. The tight junction arrangement was observed by laser scanning microscopy. Cellular responses were assessed by measurement of lactate dehydrogenase (cytotoxicity), by investigating the production of reactive oxidative species and the release of the pro-inflammatory mediator interleukin-8. The tight junction protein occludin density decreased significantly (p < 0.05) with increasing concentrations of metals on the particles (iron, copper and manganese, which were all strongly correlated with each other). Occludin was also negatively correlated with the intensity of reactive oxidative species. The concentrations of interleukin-8 were significantly correlated with increasing organic carbon concentrations. No correlation was observed between occludin and interleukin-8, nor between reactive oxidative species and interleukin-8. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the metals on brake wear particles damage tight junctions with a mechanism involving oxidative stress. Brake wear particles also increase pro-inflammatory responses. However, this might be due to another mechanism than via oxidative stress. [Authors]


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Chromatin remodeling at specific genomic loci controls lymphoid differentiation. Here, we investigated the role played in this process by Kruppel-associated box (KRAB)-associated protein 1 (KAP1), the universal cofactor of KRAB-zinc finger proteins (ZFPs), a tetrapod-restricted family of transcriptional repressors. T-cell-specific Kap1-deleted mice displayed a significant expansion of immature thymocytes, imbalances in CD4(+)/CD8(+) cell ratios, and altered responses to TCR and TGFβ stimulation when compared to littermate KAP1 control mice. Transcriptome and chromatin studies revealed that KAP1 binds T-cell-specific cis-acting regulatory elements marked by the H3K9me3 repressive mark and enriched in Ikaros/NuRD complexes. Also, KAP1 directly controls the expression of several genes involved in TCR and cytokine signaling. Among these, regulation of FoxO1 seems to play a major role in this system. Likely responsible for tethering KAP1 to at least part of its genomic targets, a small number of KRAB-ZFPs are selectively expressed in T-lymphoid cells. These results reveal the so far unsuspected yet important role of KAP1-mediated epigenetic regulation in T-lymphocyte differentiation and activation.


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DNA condensation observed in vitro with the addition of polyvalent counterions is due to intermolecular attractive forces. We introduce a quantitative model of these forces in a Brownian dynamics simulation in addition to a standard mean-field Poisson-Boltzmann repulsion. The comparison of a theoretical value of the effective diameter calculated from the second virial coefficient in cylindrical geometry with some experimental results allows a quantitative evaluation of the one-parameter attractive potential. We show afterward that with a sufficient concentration of divalent salt (typically approximately 20 mM MgCl(2)), supercoiled DNA adopts a collapsed form where opposing segments of interwound regions present zones of lateral contact. However, under the same conditions the same plasmid without torsional stress does not collapse. The condensed molecules present coexisting open and collapsed plectonemic regions. Furthermore, simulations show that circular DNA in 50% methanol solutions with 20 mM MgCl(2) aggregates without the requirement of torsional energy. This confirms known experimental results. Finally, a simulated DNA molecule confined in a box of variable size also presents some local collapsed zones in 20 mM MgCl(2) above a critical concentration of the DNA. Conformational entropy reduction obtained either by supercoiling or by confinement seems thus to play a crucial role in all forms of condensation of DNA.