938 resultados para PHASE-II


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We have analyzed the effect of antibodies (Abs) directed against major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II Abs on the proliferation of Theileria parva-infected (Tpi) T cells. Anti-MHC class II Abs exert a direct effect on Tpi T cells causing an acute block in their proliferation. The inhibition does not involve apoptosis and is also entirely reversible. The rapid arrest of DNA synthesis caused by anti-MHC class II Abs is not due to interference with the state of activation of the T cells since the transcriptional activator NF-kappa B remains activated in arrested cells. In addition, interleukin 2 (IL-2), IL-2R, and c-myc gene expression are also unaffected. By analyzing the cell-cycle phase distribution of inhibited cells, it could be shown that cells in all phases of the cell cycle are inhibited. The signal transduction pathway that results in inhibition was shown to be independent of protein kinase C and extracellular Ca2+. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors, however, partly reduced the level of inhibition and, conversely, phosphatase inhibitors enhanced it. The possible relevance of this phenomenon in other systems is discussed.


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We present centennial records of sea surface and upper thermocline temperatures in Core MD01-2378 from the Timor Sea, which provide new insights into the variability of the Indonesian outflow across the last two glacial terminations. Mg/Ca in Globigerinoides ruber (white s. s.) indicates an overall increase of 3.2 °C in sea surface temperature (SST) over Termination I. Following an early Holocene plateau at 11.3-6.4 ka, SSTs cooled by 0.6 °C during the middle to late Holocene (6.4-0.7 ka). The early Holocene warming occurred in phase with increasing northern hemisphere summer insolation, coinciding with northward displacement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, enhanced boreal summer monsoon and expansion of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool. Thermocline temperatures (Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Mg/Ca) gradually decreased from 24.5 to 21.5 °C since 10.3 ka, reflecting intensification of a cool thermocline throughflow. The vertical structure of the upper ocean in the Timor Sea evolved in similar fashion during the Holocene and MIS5e, although the duration of SST plateaux differed (11.3 to 6.4 ka in Termination I and from 129 to 119 ka in Termination II), which was probably due to the more intense northern hemisphere summer insolation during MIS 5e. During both terminations, SST increased simultaneously in the southern high latitudes and the tropical eastern Indian Ocean, suggesting virtually instantaneous atmospheric climate feedbacks between the high and low latitudes.


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In October 1979, a period of heavy rainfall along the French Riviera was followed by the collapse of the Ligurian continental slope adjacent to the airport of Nice, France. A body of slope sediments, which was shortly beforehand affected by construction work south of the airport, was mobilized and traveled hundreds of kilometers downslope into the Var submarine canyon and, eventually, into the deep Ligurian basin. As a direct consequence, the construction was destroyed, seafloor cables were torn, and a small tsunami hit Antibes shortly after the failure. Hypotheses regarding the trigger mechanism include (i) vertical loading by construction of an embankment south of the airport, (ii) failure of a layer of sensitive clay within the slope sequence, and (iii) excess pore fluid pressures from charged aquifers in the underground. Over the previous decades, both the sensitive clay layers and the permeable sand and gravel layers were sampled to detect freshened waters. In 2007, the landslide scar and adjacent slopes were revisited for high-resolution seafloor mapping and systematic sampling. Results from half a dozen gravity and push cores in the shallow slope area reveal a limited zone of freshening (i.e. groundwater influence). A 100-250 m wide zone of the margin shows pore water salinities of 5-50% SW concentration and depletion in Cl, SO4, but Cr enrichment, while cores east or west of the landslide scar show regular SW profiles. Most interestingly, the three cores inside the landslide scar hint towards a complex hydrological system with at least two sources for groundwater. The aquifer system also showed strong freshening after a period of several months without significant precipitation. This freshening implies that charged coarse-grained layers represent a permanent threat to the slope's stability, not just after periods of major rainfall such as in October 1979.


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As part of the PeECE II mesocosm project, we investigated the effects of pCO2 levels on the initial step of heterotrophic carbon cycling in the surface ocean. The activities of microbial extracellular enzymes hydrolyzing 4 polysaccharides were measured during the development of a natural phytoplankton bloom under pCO2 conditions representing glacial (190 µatm) and future (750 µatm) atmospheric pCO2. We observed that (1) chondroitin hydrolysis was variable throughout the pre-, early- and late-bloom phases, (2) fucoidanase activity was measurable only in the glacial mesocosm as the bloom developed, (3) laminarinase activity was low and constant, and (4) xylanase activity declined as the bloom progressed. Concurrent measurements of microbial community composition, using denaturing-gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), showed that the 2 mesocosms diverged temporally, and from one another, especially in the late-bloom phase. Enzyme activities correlated with bloom phase and pCO2, suggesting functional as well as compositional changes in microbial communities in the different pCO2 environments. These changes, however, may be a response to temporal changes in the development of phytoplankton communities that differed with the pCO2 environment. We hypothesize that the phytoplankton communities produced dissolved organic carbon (DOC) differing in composition, a hypothesis supported by changing amino acid composition of the DOC, and that enzyme activities responded to changes in substrates. Enzyme activities observed under different pCO2 conditions likely reflect both genetic and population-level responses to changes occurring among multiple components of the microbial loop.


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Infrared (IR) interferometry is a method for measuring the line-electron density of fusion plasmas. The significant performance achieved by FPGAs in solving digital signal processing tasks advocates the use of this type of technology in two-color IR interferometers of modern stellarators, such as the TJ-II (Madrid, Spain) and the future W7-X (Greifswald, Germany). In this work the implementation of a line-average electron density measuring system in an FPGA device is described. Several optimizations for multichannel systems are detailed and test results from the TJ-II as well as from a W7-X prototype are presented.


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Spider silks combine a significant number of desirable characteristics in one material, including large tensile strength and strain at breaking, biocompatibility, and the possibility of tailoring their properties. Major ampullate gland silk (MAS) is the most studied silk and their properties are explained by a double lattice of hydrogen bonds and elastomeric protein chains linked to polyalanine β-nanocrystals. However, many basic details regarding the relationship between composition, microstructure and properties in silks are still lacking. Here we show that this relationship can be traced in flagelliform silk (Flag) spun by Argiope trifasciata spiders after identifying a phase consisting of polyglycine II nanocrystals. The presence of this phase is consistent with the dominant presence of the –GGX– and –GPG– motifs in its sequence. In contrast to the passive role assigned to polyalanine nanocrystals in MAS, polyglycine II nanocrystals can undergo growing/collapse processes that contribute to increase toughness and justify the ability of Flag to supercontract.


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Realizou-se um estudo comparativo do número de pontos de contato oclusais na posição de máxima intercuspidação habitual em uma amostra composta por 14 pacientes leucodermas, sendo 9 do sexo feminino e 5 do sexo masculino, com máoclusão de Classe II, divisão 1a de Angle, tratados ortodonticamente pela técnica de Edgewise, com extrações dos 4 primeiros pré-molares. Estes pontos foram registrados em dois tempos: T1 - ao final da fase de contenção superior e T2 - após um período médio de 5,2 anos. A contagem dos contatos oclusais foram realizadas nos arcos superior e inferior, separadamente, para as regiões anterior e posteriores. Depois da análise estatística, pôde-se concluir que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre o número médio de contatos oclusais nos diferentes períodos estudados.(AU)


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Realizou-se um estudo comparativo do número de pontos de contato oclusais na posição de máxima intercuspidação habitual em uma amostra composta por 14 pacientes leucodermas, sendo 9 do sexo feminino e 5 do sexo masculino, com máoclusão de Classe II, divisão 1a de Angle, tratados ortodonticamente pela técnica de Edgewise, com extrações dos 4 primeiros pré-molares. Estes pontos foram registrados em dois tempos: T1 - ao final da fase de contenção superior e T2 - após um período médio de 5,2 anos. A contagem dos contatos oclusais foram realizadas nos arcos superior e inferior, separadamente, para as regiões anterior e posteriores. Depois da análise estatística, pôde-se concluir que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre o número médio de contatos oclusais nos diferentes períodos estudados.(AU)


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The semiempirical PM3 method, calibrated against ab initio HF/6–31+G(d) theory, has been used to elucidate the reaction of 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) with the carboxylate of Asp-124 at the active site of haloalkane dehalogenase of Xanthobacter autothropicus. Asp-124 and 13 other amino acid side chains that make up the active site cavity (Glu-56, Trp-125, Phe-128, Phe-172, Trp-175, Leu-179, Val-219, Phe-222, Pro-223, Val-226, Leu-262, Leu-263, and His-289) were included in the calculations. The three most significant observations of the present study are that: (i) the DCE substrate and Asp-124 carboxylate, in the reactive ES complex, are present as an ion-molecule complex with a structure similar to that seen in the gas-phase reaction of AcO− with DCE; (ii) the structures of the transition states in the gas-phase and enzymatic reaction are much the same where the structure formed at the active site is somewhat exploded; and (iii) the enthalpies in going from ground states to transition states in the enzymatic and gas-phase reactions differ by only a couple kcal/mol. The dehalogenase derives its catalytic power from: (i) bringing the electrophile and nucleophile together in a low-dielectric environment in an orientation that allows the reaction to occur without much structural reorganization; (ii) desolvation; and (iii) stabilizing the leaving chloride anion by Trp-125 and Trp-175 through hydrogen bonding.


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Intact etioplasts of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) plants exhibit proteolytic activity against the exogenously added apoprotein of the light-harvesting pigment-protein complex serving photosystem II (LHCII) that increases as etiolation is prolonged. The activity increases in the membrane fraction but not in the stroma, where it remains low and constant and is mainly directed against LHCII and protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase. The thylakoid proteolytic activity, which is low in etioplasts of 6-d-old etiolated plants, increases in plants pretreated with a pulse of light or exposed to intermittent-light (ImL) cycles, but decreases during prolonged exposure to continuous light, coincident with chlorophyll (Chl) accumulation. To distinguish between the control of Chl and/or development on proteolytic activity, we used plants exposed to ImL cycles of varying dark-phase durations. In ImL plants exposed to an equal number of ImL cycles with short or long dark intervals (i.e. equal Chl accumulation but different developmental stage) proteolytic activity increased with the duration of the dark phase. In plants exposed to ImL for equal durations to such light-dark cycles (i.e. different Chl accumulation but same developmental stage) the proteolytic activity was similar. These results suggest that the protease, which is free to act under limited Chl accumulation, is dependent on the developmental stage of the chloroplast, and give a clue as to why plants in ImL with short dark intervals contain LHCII, whereas those with long dark intervals possess only photosystem-unit cores and lack LHCII.