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Photodynamic therapy involves delivery of a photosensitising drug that is activated by light of a specific wavelength, resulting in generation of highly reactive radicals. This activated species can cause destruction of targeted cells. Application of this process for treatment of microbial infections has been termed "photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy" (PACT). In the treatment of chronic wounds, the delivery of photosensitising agents is often impeded by the presence of a thick hyperkeratotic/necrotic tissue layer, reducing their therapeutic efficacy. Microneedles (MNs) are an emerging drug delivery technology that have been demonstrated to successfully penetrate the outer layers of the skin, whilst minimising damage to skin barrier function. Delivering photosensitising drugs using this platform has been demonstrated to have several advantages over conventional photodynamic therapy, such as, painless application, reduced erythema, enhanced cosmetic results and improved intradermal delivery. The aim of this study was to physically characterise dissolving MNs loaded with the photosensitising agent, methylene blue and assess their photodynamic antimicrobial activity. Dissolving MNs were fabricated from aqueous blends of Gantrez(®) AN-139 co-polymer containing varying loadings of methylene blue. A height reduction of 29.8% was observed for MNs prepared from blends containing 0.5% w/w methylene blue following application of a total force of 70.56 N/array. A previously validated insertion test was used to assess the effect of drug loading on MN insertion into a wound model. Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans biofilms were incubated with various methylene blue concentrations within the range delivered by MNs in vitro (0.1-2.5 mg/mL) and either irradiated at 635 nm using a Paterson Lamp or subjected to a dark period. Microbial susceptibility to PACT was determined by assessing the total viable count. Kill rates of >96%, were achieved for S. aureus and >99% for E. coli and C. albicans with the combination of PACT and methylene blue concentrations between 0.1 and 2.5 mg/mL. A reduction in the colony count was also observed when incorporating the photosensitiser without irradiation, this reduction was more notable in S. aureus and E. coli strains than in C. albicans.


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RATIONALE: Cigarette smoke exposure is associated with an increased risk of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS); however, the mechanisms underlying this relationship remain largely unknown.

OBJECTIVE: To assess pathways of lung injury and inflammation in smokers and non-smokers with and without lipopolysaccharide (LPS) inhalation using established biomarkers.

METHODS: We measured plasma and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) biomarkers of inflammation and lung injury in smokers and non-smokers in two distinct cohorts of healthy volunteers, one unstimulated (n=20) and one undergoing 50 μg LPS inhalation (n=30).

MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: After LPS inhalation, cigarette smokers had increased alveolar-capillary membrane permeability as measured by BAL total protein, compared with non-smokers (median 274 vs 208 μg/mL, p=0.04). Smokers had exaggerated inflammation compared with non-smokers, with increased BAL interleukin-1β (p=0.002), neutrophils (p=0.02), plasma interleukin-8 (p=0.003), and plasma matrix metalloproteinase-8 (p=0.006). Alveolar epithelial injury after LPS was more severe in smokers than non-smokers, with increased plasma (p=0.04) and decreased BAL (p=0.02) surfactant protein D. Finally, smokers had decreased BAL vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (p<0.0001) with increased soluble VEGF receptor-1 (p=0.0001).

CONCLUSIONS: Cigarette smoke exposure may predispose to ARDS through an abnormal response to a 'second hit,' with increased alveolar-capillary membrane permeability, exaggerated inflammation, increased epithelial injury and endothelial dysfunction. LPS inhalation may serve as a useful experimental model for evaluation of the acute pulmonary effects of existing and new tobacco products.


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Roadside safety barriers designs are tested with passenger cars in Europe using standard EN1317 in which the impact angle for normal, high and very high containment level tests is 20°. In comparison to EN1317, the US standard MASH has higher impact angles for cars and pickups (25°) and different vehicle masses. Studies in Europe (RISER) and the US have shown values for the 90th percentile impact angle of 30°–34°. Thus, the limited evidence available suggests that the 20° angle applied in EN 1317 may be too low.
The first goal of this paper is to use the US NCHRP database (Project NCHRP 17–22) to assess the distribution of impact angle and collision speed in recent ROR accidents. Second, based on the findings of the statistical analysis and on analysis of impact angles and speeds in the literature, an LS-DYNA finite element analysis was carried out to evaluate the normal containment level of concrete barriers in non-standard collisions. The FE model was validated against a crash test of a portable concrete barrier carried out at the UK Transport Research Laboratory (TRL).
The accident data analysis for run-off road accidents indicates that a substantial proportion of accidents have an impact angle in excess of 20°. The baseline LS-DYNA model showed good comparison with experimental acceleration severity index (ASI) data and the parametric analysis indicates a very significant influence of impact angle on ASI. Accordingly, a review of European run-off road accidents and the configuration of EN 1317 should be performed.


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O metano é um gás de estufa potente e uma importante fonte de energia. A importância global e impacto em zonas costeiras de acumulações e escape de gás metano são ainda pouco conhecidas. Esta tese investiga acumulações e escape de gás em canais de maré da Ria de Aveiro com dados de cinco campanhas de reflexão sísmica de alta resolução realizadas em 1986, 1999, 2002 e 2003. Estas incluem três campanhas de Chirp (RIAV99, RIAV02 e RIAV02A) e duas campanhas de Boomer (VOUGA86 e RIAV03). O processamento dos dados de navegação incluíram filtros de erros, correcções de sincronização de relógios de sistemas de aquisição de dados, ajuste de “layback” e estimativa da posição de “midpoint”. O processamento do sinal sísmico consistiu na correcção das amplitudes, remoção de ruído do tipo “burst”, correcções estáticas, correcção do “normal move-out”, filtragem passabanda, desconvolução da assinatura e migração Stolt F-K. A análise da regularidade do trajecto de navegação, dos desfasamentos entre horizontes e dos modelos de superfícies foi utilizada para controlo de qualidade, e permitiu a revisão e melhoria dos parâmetros de processamento. A heterogeneidade da cobertura sísmica, da qualidade do sinal, da penetração e da resolução, no seu conjunto constrangeram o uso dos dados a interpretações detalhadas, mas locais, de objectos geológicos da Ria. É apresentado um procedimento para determinar a escolha de escalas adequadas para modelar os objectos geológicos, baseado na resolução sísmica, erros de posicionamento conhecidos e desfasamentos médios entre horizontes. As evidências de acumulação e escape de gás na Ria de Aveiro incluem turbidez acústica, reflexões reforçadas, cortinas acústicas, domas, “pockmarks” e alinhamentos de “pockmarks” enterradas, horizontes perturbados e plumas acústicas na coluna de água (flares). A estratigrafia e a estrutura geológica controlam a distribuição e extensão das acumulações e escape de gás. Ainda assim, nestes sistemas de baixa profundidade de água, as variações da altura de maré têm um impacto significativo na detecção de gás com métodos acústicos, através de alterações nas amplitudes originais de reflexões reforçadas, turbidez acústica e branqueamento acústico em zonas com gás. Os padrões encontrados confirmam que o escape de bolhas de gás é desencadeado pela descida da maré. Há acumulações de gás em sedimentos Holocénicos e no substrato de argilas e calcários do Mesozóico. Evidências directas de escape de gás em sondagens em zonas vizinhas, mostraram gás essencialmente biogénico. A maioria do gás na área deve ter sido gerado em sedimentos lagunares Holocénicos. No entanto, a localização e geometria de estruturas de escape de fluidos em alguns canais de maré, seguem o padrão de fracturas do substrato Mesozóico, indicando uma possível fonte mais profunda de gás e que estas fracturas funcionam como condutas preferenciais de migração dos fluidos e exercem um controlo estrutural na ocorrência de gás na Ria.


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Em todo o mundo são usados, hoje em dia, modelos numéricos hidrogeoquímicos para simular fenómenos naturais e fenómenos decorrentes de actividades antrópicas. Estes modelos ajudam-nos a compreender o ambiente envolvente, a sua variabilidade espacial e evolução temporal. No presente trabalho apresenta-se o desenvolvimento de modelos numéricos hidrogeoquímicos aplicados no contexto do repositório geológico profundo para resíduos nucleares de elevada actividade. A avaliação da performance de um repositório geológico profundo inclui o estudo da evolução geoquímica do repositório, bem como a análise dos cenários de mau funcionamento do repositório, e respectivas consequências ambientais. Se se escaparem acidentalmente radionuclídeos de um repositório, estes poderão atravessar as barreiras de engenharia e barreiras naturais que constituem o repositório, atingindo eventualmente, os ecosistemas superficiais. Neste caso, os sedimentos subsuperficiais constituem a última barreira natural antes dos ecosistemas superficiais. No presente trabalho foram desenvolvidos modelos numéricos que integram processos biogeoquímicos, geoquímicos, hidrodinâmicos e de transporte de solutos, para entender e quantificar a influência destes processos na mobilidade de radionuclídeos em sistemas subsuperficiais. Os resultados alcançados reflectem a robustez dos instrumentos numéricos utilizados para desenvolver simulações descritivas e predictivas de processos hidrogeoquímicos que influenciam a mobilidade de radionuclídeos. A simulação (descritiva) de uma experiência laboratorial revela que a actividade microbiana induz a diminuição do potencial redox da água subterrânea que, por sua vez, favorece a retenção de radionuclídeos sensíveis ao potencial redox, como o urânio. As simulações predictivas indicam que processos de co-precipitação com minerais de elementos maioritários, precipitação de fases puras, intercâmbio catiónico e adsorção à superfície de minerais favorecem a retenção de U, Cs, Sr e Ra na fase sólida de uma argila glaciar e uma moreia rica em calcite. A etiquetagem dos radionuclídeos nas simulações numéricas permitiu concluir que a diluição isotópica joga um papel importante no potencial impacte dos radionuclídeos nos sistemas subsuperficiais. A partir dos resultados das simulações numéricas é possivel calcular coeficientes de distribuição efectivos. Esta metodologia proporciona a simulação de ensaios de traçadores de longa duração que não seriam exequíveis à escala da vida humana. A partir destas simulações podem ser obtidos coeficientes de retardamento que são úteis no contexto da avaliação da performance de repositórios geológicos profundos.


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In recent years, the search for a environmentally friendly products has increased. One of the major challenges has been the demand for biodegradable materials that can replace plastic. If a few decades ago, plastic replaced, for example, the ivory in billiard balls, and in other products, saving the lives of thousands elephants, nowadays a replacement for that plastic is being searched, to prevent the change of the environmental conditions, essential to life in harmonly with the fauna and flora that the human specie has, in recent years, destroyed. Plastic is a petroleum derivate, whose price has been growing exponentially, mainly due to the fact of beind a cheap material and also to enable the production of products that are essential to modern life. Therefore, the petrochemical era is going to come to an end and a new environmentally sustainable era, based on biodegradable materials from renewable sources, will follow. The change to green routes only will be possible with the support of the major companies, and the implementation of drastic governmental law. Poly(lactic acid), PLA, is produced from the lactose present in the corn or sugarcane and has been intensively studied in recent years because if some limitants properties required its extrusion are overcome, it has the potential to replace the traditional polymers. PLA have high brittleness, low toughness and low tensile elongation. In this work, natural antioxidant (alpha-tocopherol) and synthetics antioxidants (BHT ant TBHQ) were added to the PLA with the aim not only to improve their flexibility, but also to create an active packaging to extend the shelf life of the foods and improve the organoleptic properties by preventing food losses. The impact of the addition of antioxidants into the PLA films, in its mechanical, thermal and barrier properties were studied by FTIR, DSC, SEM, AFM, DMA, TGA, QCM and time-lag techniques.


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Adolescence is a time of developmental transition that for one in five young people is characterised by feelings of oppositionality, rebellion, and negativism. Despite the prevalent experience of teen turbulence and despite its significance within the phenomenological framework provided by reversal theory (RT), the childhood antecedents of rebelliousness in adolescence and adulthood have not been given extensive empirical attention within RT, although such work has been carried out using other constructs and theories. We examined recalled parenting style, childhood adversity, and attachment style in adulthood as correlates of proactive and reactive rebelliousness in a sample of 80 participants, aged 18 to 50 years. Each participant responded to a questionnaire package containing the revised Adult Attachment Scale, the Parental Bonding Instrument, the Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse Questionnaire, and the Negativism Dominance Scale. We found that paternal abusive parenting, followed by paternal parenting style, paternal neglect, and paternal antipathy were independently predictive of scores on proactive rebelliousness, the sensation-seeking form. Maternal and paternal indifferent parenting styles each were found to equivalently and independently predict scores on reactive rebelliousness, the interpersonal disaffection form. The results of this study suggest these two forms of rebelliousness may have distinctly different antecedents. A longitudinal study is needed to examine the potentially causal pathways that are suggested by the results of this cross-sectional research. We consider reversal theory explanations of these results and contrast them with complementary theoretical frameworks.


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An in situ experiment on a full-scale timber frame test building was carried out to study the hygrothermal performance of wood-hemp composite insulation in timber frame wall panels with and without a vapour barrier. The heat transfer properties and the likelihood of mould growth and condensation in the panels were compared. Step changes in the internal relative humidity were performed to explore the effects of high, normal and low internal moisture loads on the wall panels. No significant difference in the average equivalent thermal transmittance (U-values) between the panels with and without a vapour barrier was observed. The average equivalent U-values of the panels were close to the U-values calculated from the manufacturers’ declared thermal conductivity values of the insulation. The likelihood of condensation was higher at the interface of the wood-hemp insulation and the oriented strand board (OSB) in the panel without a vapour barrier. In terms of the parametric assessment of the mould germination potential, the relative humidity, the temperature and the exposure conditions in the insulation-OSB interfaces of the panel without a vapour barrier were found to be more favourable to the germination of mould spores. Nonetheless, when the insulations were dismantled, no mould was visually detected.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Engenharia de Recursos Naturais, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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The present work has the merit of exploring an insight into the activation of defence genes of Quercus suber during response to infection by Phytophthora cinnamomi. Thus, cDNA-AFLP methodology was used to identify gene fragments differentially present in the mRNA profiles of host cells of micropropagated Q. suber plantlets roots infected with zoospores of P. cinnamomi at different post challenge time points. Six candidate genes were selected based on their interesting cDNA-AFLP expression patterns and homology to genes known to play a role in defence. These six genes encode a cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase 2 (QsCAD2), a protein disulphide isomerase (QsPDI), a CC-NBS-LRR resistance protein (QsRPc), thaumatin-like protein (QsTLP), chitinase (QsCHI) and a 1,3-beta glucanase (QsGLU). The current work has been successful in evaluation of the expression of these genes by qRT-PCR. Data analysis revealed that transcript levels of QsRPc, QsCHI, QsCAD2 and QsPDI increased during the early hours of inoculation, while transcript profiles of thaumatin-like protein showed decreasing. No expression was detected for 1,3-beta-glucanase (QsGLU). Furthermore, the choice of suitable reference genes in any new experimental system is absolutely crucial in qRT-PCR; for this reason in this study and for the first time a set of potential reference genes were analyzed and validated for qRT-PCR normalization in the patho-system Phytophthora-Q. suber. Four candidate reference genes polimerase II (QsRPII), eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A(QsEIF-5A), b-tubulin (QsTUB) and a medium subunit family protein of Clathrin adaptor complexes (QsCACs) were evaluated to determine the most stable internal references in Q. suber. Analysis of stability of genes was carried out using Genex software. Results indicated all these four potential reference genes assumed stable expression. Data analysis revealed that QsRPII and QsCACs were the two most stable genes, while genes QsTUB and QsEIF-5A were the third and the fourth most stable gene, respectively. In this study, a plasmid-based quantitative PCR method was developed to measure P. cinnamomi colonization during infection process of Q. suber. Plasmid-based detection of P. cinnamomi showed a gradual accumulation of the pathogen DNA in cork oak root tips up to 24 h post infection. The higher increase in P. cinnamomi/plasmid DNA ratio occurred between 18 and 24 h. One of the primary objectives of this research was to study the effect of cinnamomins (elicitins secreted by P. cinnamomin) on inducing defence mechanism against the pathogen, as recent histological and ultra-structural studies showed that P. cinnamomi was restricted to the outer cortex root fragments pre-treated with capsicien and cryptogein, suggesting that elicitins can stimulate plant defence reactions against P. cinnamomi. To complement these studies and to have a clear view of the nature of the interaction, the role of cinnamomins in the production of the oxidative burst [ROS and ROS scavenging enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD)] and in the defence responses was evaluated. Cork oak seedlings were pretreated with alpha-cinnamomin and then inoculated with P. cinnamomi mycelia. Results showed a significant higher production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (H2O2 and O2•-) in elicitin and non-elicitin treated roots in interaction with P. cinnamomi in comparison to the corresponding control. The plant group inoculated with the pathogen after cinnamomin treatment showed an earlier increase in H2O2 production but this was lower as compared with that group inoculated with P. cinnamomi alone. Also, in elicitin pre-treated group generally, a lower level of O2•− production during infection was observed as compared with inoculated roots with P. cinnamomi alone without elicitin treatment. Furthermore, in this study, we evaluated activities of antioxidant enzymes upon challenge with P. cinnamomi, with and without pretreatment with alpha cinnamomin. Results indicated that the activities of defense enzymes POD, SOD and CAT increased after P. cinnamomi inoculation when compared with those in the control group. Also, in the group treated with alpha-cinnamomin followed by P. cinnamomi inoculation, a higher level of enzymatic activities was detected as compared with elicitin non-treated group, which suggest the protective effect of alpha-cinnamomin against the pathogen due to higher elevated levels of defense enzymes POD, SOD and CAT during the infection period. Furthermore, a sensitive qPCR method was applied to measure the pathogen biomass in elicited and non-elicited Q. suber roots challenged with P. cinnamomi to elucidate the effect of cinnamomins on the colonization of P. cinnamomi. Plasmid-based quantification of P. cinnamomi showed a significant decrease in accumulation of the pathogen DNA in cork oak roots after treatment with alpha and beta-cinnamomins which attest the role of cinnamomins in promoting defense responses in cork oak against P. cinnamomi invasion.


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A terapia génica tem-se revelado uma alternativa relevante no tratamento de doenças neurodegenerativas (DN). Contudo, a entrega de vetores para transferência génica no cérebro representa ainda um enorme desafio devido à presença da barreira hemato-encefálica (BHE). A BHE é uma interface dinâmica e seletiva entre o sangue e o cérebro, constituída pelas células endoteliais cerebrais, astrócitos e pericitos, desempenhando um importante papel na regulação da homeostasia cerebral. A BHE representa um dos maiores obstáculos no tratamento de DN, uma vez que esta barreira impede o transporte para o cérebro da maioria das moléculas terapêuticas, incluindo os vetores para terapia génica. Embora tenham sido desenvolvidos diferentes modelos in vitro da BHE de forma a avaliar o transporte de fármacos através da BHE, muito poucos foram criados com o intuito de testar a permeabilidade desta barreira a vetores de terapia génica. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento e a avaliação de modelos in vitro de BHE que permitam a investigação da capacidade dos vetores de terapia génica de penetrarem no cérebro. No nosso estudo, foram testados diferentes modelos in vitro de BHE em monocultura, constituídos por células endoteliais de rato ou murganho (RBE4 e bEnd3, respetivamente), e modelos de co-cultura, que combinam células endoteliais com células neuronais (Neuro2a) ou astrócitos primários, cultivados num sistema transwell. Para caraterizar estes modelos foram realizados testes de permeabilidade e de resistência elétrica transendotelial, bem como estudos baseados na técnica de PCR quantitativo e na imunocitoquímica das proteínas das junções intercelulares. Verificámos que os modelos baseados na cultura de células bEnd3 e células neuronais ou astrócitos apresentavam as melhores propriedades de barreira. Posteriormente foi avaliada nos modelos selecionados a penetração de um vetor não-viral que reconhecidamente tem a capacidade de atravessar in vivo a BHE: o peptídeo da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva (RGV-9r). Os siRNAs marcados com um fluoróforo e acoplados ao peptídeo RVG-9r foram capazes de penetrar eficientemente as células bEnd3, localizadas no lado luminal do insert, via endocitose mediada por recetores, e ainda de penetrar os astrócitos ou células neuronais, previamente cultivadas no lado abluminal. Estes resultados correlacionam-se, de forma clara, com os resultados previamente descritos em estudos in vivo. Em conclusão, os modelos in vitro de BHE baseados na co-cultura de células bEnd3 com células Neuro2a ou astrócitos, têm grande potencial na seleção de candidatos a vetores de terapia génica para o cérebro, uma vez que apresentam importantes características da BHE e se baseiam num método fácil e reprodutível. Tal facto representa uma promessa significativa para a identificação de novas estratégias de terapia génica não invasiva para o tratamento de doenças neurológicas.


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Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciências da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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This study examines managers‟ perceptions of Knowledge Management (KM) prior to implementation of KM-systems in a global insurance company and investigates whether Hierarchical structures are conducive to KM. Mixed methods are used, combining large scale surveying and case study using content analysis to organize the data into themes that provide the basis for arguments. Evidence suggests that managers strongly align their perception of KM with communication. Despite a multi-layered, hierarchical structure and strong middle management presence, organizational structure was not viewed as an issue. These factors are usually barriers to communication and organizational flexibility, yet managers believe that they may not inhibit KM becoming fully embedded. This evidence is contradicted by the results of a global KM study where silos, stovepipe and hierarchical structures were commonly cited as barriers. This contributes to the understanding of managerial mis-conceptions of knowledge as opposed to communication, and how organizations effectively share knowledge.