924 resultados para PDF,estrazione,Linked Open Data,dataset RDF
Tämä kandidaatintyö keskittyy avoimen datan käyttämiseen peleissä nyt ja tulevaisuudessa. Sen tavoitteena on tutkia avoimen datan hyötyjä, saatavuutta ja mahdollisuuksia. Tuloksena selvisi, että useimmissa tapauksissa datan avaamisesta hyötyvät kaikki osapuolet. Runsaasti erilaista avointa dataa on saatavilla monissa erilaissa tiedostomuodoissa, moniin eri tarkoituksiin. Avoin data on hyödyllistä peleissä, koska sen avulla voidaan luoda monenlaista sisältöä niihin. Joitakin onnistuneita kokeiluja on jo tehty peleillä ja avoimella datalla, joten se voi olla hyvin tärkeä osa pelialaa tulevaisuudessa.
Abstract. WikiRate is a Collective Awareness Platform for Sustainability and Social Innovation (CAPS) project with the aim of \crowdsourcing better companies" through analysis of their Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) performance. Research to inform the design of the platform involved surveying the current corporate ESG information landscape, and identifying ways in which an open approach and peer production ethos could be e ffectively mobilised to improve this landscape's fertility. The key requirement identi ed is for an open public repository of data tracking companies' ESG performance. Corporate Social Responsibility reporting is conducted in public, but there are barriers to accessing the information in a standardised analysable format. Analyses of and ratings built upon this data can exert power over companies' behaviour in certain circumstances, but the public at large have no access to the data or the most infuential ratings that utilise it. WikiRate aims to build an open repository for this data along with tools for analysis, to increase public demand for the data, allow a broader range of stakeholders to participate in its interpretation, and in turn drive companies to behave in a more ethical manner. This paper describes the quantitative Metrics system that has been designed to meet those objectives and some early examples of its use.
Preserving the cultural heritage of the performing arts raises difficult and sensitive issues, as each performance is unique by nature and the juxtaposition between the performers and the audience cannot be easily recorded. In this paper, we report on an experimental research project to preserve another aspect of the performing arts—the history of their rehearsals. We have specifically designed non-intrusive video recording and on-site documentation techniques to make this process transparent to the creative crew, and have developed a complete workflow to publish the recorded video data and their corresponding meta-data online as Open Data using state-of-the-art audio and video processing to maximize non-linear navigation and hypervideo linking. The resulting open archive is made publicly available to researchers and amateurs alike and offers a unique account of the inner workings of the worlds of theater and opera.
El trabajo de investigación es un estudio de caso que pretende analizar la forma en que factores del contexto institucional y la capacidad de influencia de ciertos actores se reflejan en la discusión y aprobación de la Ley 975 de 2005. Factores del contexto institucional y la capacidad de influencia sobre las posiciones asumidas por los actores políticos y sociales en las diferentes etapas del proceso legislativo y sobre las decisiones que se tomaron para la aprobación de la Ley, en torno a dos elementos fundamentales de ésta que son el delito político y la rebaja de penas. Para ello, se tiene en cuenta el enfoque neo-institucional y el concepto de agencia.
In this article, we argue that there is a growing number of linked datasets in different natural languages, and that there is a need for guidelines and mechanisms to ensure the quality and organic growth of this emerging multilingual data network. However, we have little knowledge regarding the actual state of this data network, its current practices, and the open challenges that it poses. Questions regarding the distribution of natural languages, the links that are established across data in different languages, or how linguistic features are represented, remain mostly unanswered. Addressing these and other language-related issues can help to identify existing problems, propose new mechanisms and guidelines or adapt the ones in use for publishing linked data including language-related features, and, ultimately, provide metrics to evaluate quality aspects. In this article we review, discuss, and extend current guidelines for publishing linked data by focusing on those methods, techniques and tools that can help RDF publishers to cope with language barriers. Whenever possible, we will illustrate and discuss each of these guidelines, methods, and tools on the basis of practical examples that we have encountered in the publication of the datos.bne.es dataset.
Traditionally, the formal scientific output in most fields of natural science has been limited to peer- reviewed academic journal publications, with less attention paid to the chain of intermediate data results and their associated metadata, including provenance. In effect, this has constrained the representation and verification of the data provenance to the confines of the related publications. Detailed knowledge of a dataset’s provenance is essential to establish the pedigree of the data for its effective re-use, and to avoid redundant re-enactment of the experiment or computation involved. It is increasingly important for open-access data to determine their authenticity and quality, especially considering the growing volumes of datasets appearing in the public domain. To address these issues, we present an approach that combines the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) – a widely adopted citation technique – with existing, widely adopted climate science data standards to formally publish detailed provenance of a climate research dataset as an associated scientific workflow. This is integrated with linked-data compliant data re-use standards (e.g. OAI-ORE) to enable a seamless link between a publication and the complete trail of lineage of the corresponding dataset, including the dataset itself.
We describe the datos.bne.es library dataset. The dataset makes available the authority and bibliography catalogue from the Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE, National Library of Spain) as Linked Data. The catalogue contains around 7 million authority and bibliographic records. The records in MARC 21 format were transformed to RDF and modelled using IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) ontologies and other well-established vocabularies such as RDA (Resource Description and Access) or the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. A tool named MARiMbA automatized the RDF generation process and the data linkage to DBpedia and other library linked data resources such as VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) or GND (Gemeinsame Normdatei, the authority dataset from the German National Library).
Linked Data is not always published with a license. Sometimes a wrong license type is used, like a license for software, or it is not expressed in a standard, machine readable manner. Yet, Linked Data resources may be subject to intellectual property and database laws, may contain personal data subject to privacy restrictions or may even contain important trade secrets. The proper declaration of which rights are held, waived or licensed is a must for the lawful use of Linked Data at its different granularity levels, from the simple RDF statement to a dataset or a mapping. After comparing the current practice with the actual needs, six research questions are posed.
rights and conditions present in licenses for software, data and general works are expressed with the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) 2.0 vocabulary and extensions thereof. The dataset contains licenses identified by a dereferenceable URI, which are served with content negotiation providing a double representation for humans and machines alike. This feature enables a generalized machine-to-machine commerce if generally adopted.
In this paper we present a dataset componsed of domain-specific sentiment lexicons in six languages for two domains. We used existing collections of reviews from Trip Advisor, Amazon, the Stanford Network Analysis Project and the OpinRank Review Dataset. We use an RDF model based on the lemon and Marl formats to represent the lexicons. We describe the methodology that we applied to generate the domain-specific lexicons and we provide access information to our datasets.
Scientists need to transfer semantically similar queries across multiple heterogeneous linked datasets. These queries may require data from different locations and the results are not simple to combine due to differences between datasets. A query model was developed to make it simple to distribute queries across different datasets using RDF as the result format. The query model, based on the concept of publicly recognised namespaces for parts of each scientific dataset, was implemented with a configuration that includes a large number of current biological and chemical datasets. The configuration is flexible, providing the ability to transparently use both private and public datasets in any query. A prototype implementation of the model was used to resolve queries for the Bio2RDF website, including both Bio2RDF datasets and other datasets that do not follow the Bio2RDF URI conventions.
The Spanish National Library (Biblioteca Nacional de España1. BNE) and the Ontology Engineering Group2 of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid are working on the joint project ?Preliminary Study of Linked Data?, whose aim is to enrich the Web of Data with the BNE authority and bibliographic records. To this end, they are transforming the BNE information to RDF following the Linked Data principles3 proposed by Tim Berners Lee.
In recent years, a variety of systems have been developed that export the workflows used to analyze data and make them part of published articles. We argue that the workflows that are published in current approaches are dependent on the specific codes used for execution, the specific workflow system used, and the specific workflow catalogs where they are published. In this paper, we describe a new approach that addresses these shortcomings and makes workflows more reusable through: 1) the use of abstract workflows to complement executable workflows to make them reusable when the execution environment is different, 2) the publication of both abstract and executable workflows using standards such as the Open Provenance Model that can be imported by other workflow systems, 3) the publication of workflows as Linked Data that results in open web accessible workflow repositories. We illustrate this approach using a complex workflow that we re-created from an influential publication that describes the generation of 'drugomes'.
In the paper we report on the results of our experiments on the construction of the opinion ontology. Our aim is to show the benefits of publishing in the open, on the Web, the results of the opinion mining process in a structured form. On the road to achieving this, we attempt to answer the research question to what extent opinion information can be formalized in a unified way. Furthermore, as part of the evaluation, we experiment with the usage of Semantic Web technologies and show particular use cases that support our claims.
In parallel to the effort of creating Open Linked Data for the World Wide Web there is a number of projects aimed for developing the same technologies but in the context of their usage in closed environments such as private enterprises. In the paper, we present results of research on interlinking structured data for use in Idea Management Systems - a still rare breed of knowledge management systems dedicated to innovation management. In our study, we show the process of extending an ontology that initially covers only the Idea Management System structure towards the concept of linking with distributed enterprise data and public data using Semantic Web technologies. Furthermore we point out how the established links can help to solve the key problems of contemporary Idea Management Systems