997 resultados para Ostrander, Jacob


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Gibbs energies of formation of CoF2 and MnF2 have been measured in the temperature range from 700 to 1100 K using Al2O3-dispersed CaF2 solid electrolyte and Ni+NiF2 as the reference electrode. The dispersed solid electrolyte has higher conductivity than pure CaF2 thus permitting accurate measurements at lower temperatures. However, to prevent reaction between Al2O3 in the solid electrolyte and NiF2 (or CoF2) at the electrode, the dispersed solid electrolyte was coated with pure CaF2, thus creating a composite structure. The free energies of formation of CoF2 and MnF2 are (± 1700) J mol−1; {fx37-1} The third law analysis gives the enthalpy of formation of solid CoF2 as ΔH° (298·15 K) = −672·69 (± 0·1) kJ mol−1, which compares with a value of −671·5 (± 4) kJ mol−1 given in Janaf tables. For solid MnF2, ΔH°(298·15 K) = − 854·97 (± 0·13) kJ mol−1, which is significantly different from a value of −803·3 kJ mol−1 given in the compilation by Barinet al.


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It has been experimentally established that nickel and cobalt can be extracted from their ferrites with sodium sulphate melt containing femc ions. The kinetics of extraction from synthetic ferrites using a melt of sodium and ferric sulphates of eutectic composition has been studied as a function of the particle size of the ferrite and temperature in the range 900 to 1073 K. The divalent ions in the ferrite exchange with the ferric ion in the melt, leaving a residue of hematite.The rate of reaction conforms to the Crank-Ginstling-Brounshtein diffusion model. The reaction rate is governed by the counter-diffusion of ~ e an~d ~+i ' +(or co2+) ions in the hematite lattice. Analytical expressions for the rate constants have been derived from the experimental data as a function of particle size and temperature. The activation energy for the extraction of nickel from nickel ferrite is 154(+10) kJ mol-' and the corresponding value for cobalt is 142(+10)kJ mol;'. In sulphation roasting of minerals containing nickel, the yield of nickel is generally limited to 75% due to the formation of insoluble ferrites. The use of melts based on sodium sulphate provides a possible route for enhancing the recovery of nickel to approximately 98%.


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All refractories show enhanced corrosion near the slag/metal interface due to Marangoni and convective flows. However, in the case of oxide refractories containing graphite flakes, corrosion is severe due to periodic oscillations in the contact angle at the slag/metal interface, resulting in cyclic dissolution of oxide and graphite into the slag and metal, respectively. Alumina--graphite (AG) refractories should be used only where they are not in simultaneous contact with slag (flux) and low carbon steel.


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The oxygen content of liquid Ni-Mn alloy equilibrated with spinel solid solution, (Ni,Mn)O. (1 +x)A12O3, and α-Al2O3 has been measured by suction sampling and inert gas fusion analysis. The corresponding oxygen potential of the three-phase system has been determined with a solid state cell incorporating (Y2O3)ThO2 as the solid electrolyte and Cr + Cr2O3 as the reference electrode. The equilibrium composition of the spinel phase formed at the interface of the alloy and alumina crucible was obtained using EPMA. The experimental data are compared with a thermodynamic model based on the free energies of formation of end-member spinels, free energy of solution of oxygen in liquid nickel, interaction parameters, and the activities in liquid Ni-Mn alloy and spinel solid solution. Mixing properties of the spinel solid solution are derived from a cation distribution model. The computational results agree with the experimental data on oxygen concentration, potential, and composition of the spinel phase.


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The concepts and theoretical origins of conduction domains for solid electrolytes and electrode polarization are outlined briefly. The point electrode made of the ' solid electrolyte material is useful for deflecting the semipermeability flux away from the electrode. The emf of galvanic sensors consisting of two solid electrolytes in intimate contact with each other and in which transport occurs by a common ion is reviewed. The voltage of such cells depends on the chemical potential of the active species at the interface between the two electrolytes, which can be evaluated from the transport properties of electrolytes using a numerical procedure. The factors governing the speed of response of solid electrolyte gas sensors are analyzed. A rigorous expression for the emf of non-isothermal galvanic sensors and the criterion for the design of temperature compensated reference electrodes for nonisothermal galvanic sensors are outlined. Non-isothermal sensors are useful for the continuous monitoring of concentrations or chemical potentials in reactive systems at high temperatures. The principles of operation of galvanic sensors for oxygen, sulphur, oxides of sulphur (SOx,x=2,3), carbon, oxides uf carbon (COx,x= 1,2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx,x= 1,2) and silicon are discussed. The use of auxiliary electrodes in galvanic sensors to expand the detection capability of known solid electrolytes to a large number of species is explained with reference to sensors for sulphur and oxides of sulphur (SOx,x=2,3).Finally the cause of the common errors in galvanic measurements and test for the correct functioning of galvanic sensors is given.


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A methodology for evaluating the reactivity of titanium with mould materials during casting has been developed. Microhardness profiles and analysis of oxygen contamination have provided an index for evaluation of the reactivity of titanium. Microhardness profile delineates two distinct regions, one of which is characterised by a low value of hardness which is invariant with distance. The reaction products are uniformly distributed in the metal in this region. The second is characterised by a sharp decrease in microhardness with distance from the metal-mould interface. It represents a diffusion zone for solutes that dissolve into titanium from the mould. The qualitative profiles for contaminants determined by scanning electron probe microanalyser and secondary ion mass spectroscopy in the as-cast titanium were found to be similar to that of microhardness, implying that microhardness can be considered as an index of the contamination resulting from metal-mould reaction.


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The Seebeck coefficient (S) of YBa2Cu3O7-δ was measured in the temperature range 450 – 1200 K in air and in pure oxygen in order to derive information on charge carrier concentration. The orthorhombic to tetragonal phase transition manifests as maxima in the variation of (dS/dT) with temperature. Seebeck coefficient in air decreases beyond ∼ 1130K corresponding to a value of δ = 0.73.


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The standard Gibbs energies of formation of platinum-rich intermetallic compounds in the systems Pt-Mg, Pt-Ca, and Pt-Ba have been measured in the temperature range of 950 to 1200 K using solid-state galvanic cells based on MgF2, CaF2, and BaF2 as solid electrolytes. The results are summarized by the following equations: ΔG° (MgPt7) = −256,100 + 16.5T (±2000) J/mol ΔG° (MgPt3) = −217,400 + 10.7T (±2000) J/mol ΔG° (CaPt5) = −297,500 + 13.0T (±5000) J/mol ΔG° (Ca2Pt7) = −551,800 + 22.3T (±5000) J/mol ΔG° (CaPt2) = −245,400 + 9.3T (±5000) J/mol ΔG° (BaPt5) = −238,700 + 8.1T (±4000) J/mol ΔG° (BaPt2) = −197,300 + 4.0T (±4000) J/mol where solid platinum and liquid alkaline earth metals are selected as the standard states. The relatively large error estimates reflect the uncertainties in the auxiliary thermodynamic data used in the calculation. Because of the strong interaction between platinum and alkaline earth metals, it is possible to reduce oxides of Group ILA metals by hydrogen at high temperature in the presence of platinum. The alkaline earth metals can be recovered from the resulting intermetallic compounds by distillation, regenerating platinum for recycling. The platinum-slag-gas equilibration technique for the study of the activities of FeO, MnO, or Cr2O3 in slags containing MgO, CaO, or BaO is feasible provided oxygen partial pressure in the gas is maintained above that corresponding to the coexistence of Fe and “FeO.”


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Metal-mold reaction during Ti casting in zircon sand molds has been studied using scanning electron microscope, energy and wave length dispersive analysis of X-rays, X-ray diffraction, microhardness measurements, and chemical analysis. Experimental results suggest that oxides from the mold are not fully leached out by liquid Ti, but oxygen is preferentially transferred to liquid Ti, leaving behind metallic constituents in the mold as lower oxides or intermetallics of Ti. The electron microprobe analysis has revealed the depth profile of contaminants from the mold into the cast Ti metal. The elements Si, Zr and O were found to have diffused to a considerable distance within the Ti metals. A possible mechanism has now been evolved in regard to the reactions that occur during casting of Ti in zircon sand molds.


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The Gibbs energies of formation of MPt5 (MNd, Dy, Ho, Er) intermetallic compounds were determined in the temperature range 900–1100 K using the solid state cell Ta,M+MF3¦CaF2¦MPt5+Pt+MF3,Ta For M ≡ Sm, a mixture of Gd + GdF3 was used as the reference electrode. In the case of Eu, a mixture of Eu + EuF2 served as the reference electrode. The trifluorides of Sm and Eu are not stable in equilibrium with the metal. The fluoride phase coexisting with a SmPt5 + Pt mixture is SmF3, whereas EuF2 is the equilibrium phase in contact with EuPt5 + Pt. All the MPt5 compounds studied (except EuPt5) exhibit similar stability. Europium is divalent in the pure metal and trivalent in EuPt5. The energy required for the promotion of divalent Eu to the trivalent state accounts for the less negative Gibbs energy of formation of EuPt5. The enthalpies of formation of all the MPt5 compounds obtained in this study are in good agreement with Miedema's model.


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The Gibbs’ energies of formation of Pt5La, Pt5Ce, Pt5Pr, Pt5Tb and Pt5 Tm intermetallic compounds have been determined in the temperature range 870–1100 K using the solid state cell:Ta,M + MF3 /CaF2 /Pt5 M + Pt + MF3 ,TaTaM+MF3CaF2Pt5M+Pt+MF3Ta.The reversible emf of the cell is directly related to the Gibbs’ energy of formation of the Pt5M compound. The results can be summarized by the equations:DGf° á Pt5 La ñ = - 373,150 + 6 ·60 T( ±300 )J mol - 1 DGf° á Pt5 Ce ñ = - 367,070 + 5 ·79 T( ±300 )J mol - 1 DGf° á Pt5 Pr ñ = - 370,540 + 4 ·69 T( ±300 )J mol - 1 DGf° á Pt5 Tb ñ = - 372,280 + 4 ·11 T( ±300 )J mol - 1 DGf° á Pt5 Tm ñ = - 368,230 + 4 ·89 T( ±300 )J mol - 1 Unknown control sequence '\hfill'relative to the low temperature allotropic form of the lanthanide element and solid platinum as standard states The enthalpies of formation of all the Pt5M intermetallic compounds obtained in this study are in good agreement with Miedema’s model. The experimental values are more negative than those calculated using the model. The variation of the thermodynamic properties of Pt5M compounds with atomic number of the lanthanide element is discussed in relation to valence state and molar volume.