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The increasing diffusion of wireless-enabled portable devices is pushing toward the design of novel service scenarios, promoting temporary and opportunistic interactions in infrastructure-less environments. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) are the general model of these higly dynamic networks that can be specialized, depending on application cases, in more specific and refined models such as Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks. Two interesting deployment cases are of increasing relevance: resource diffusion among users equipped with portable devices, such as laptops, smart phones or PDAs in crowded areas (termed dense MANET) and dissemination/indexing of monitoring information collected in Vehicular Sensor Networks. The extreme dynamicity of these scenarios calls for novel distributed protocols and services facilitating application development. To this aim we have designed middleware solutions supporting these challenging tasks. REDMAN manages, retrieves, and disseminates replicas of software resources in dense MANET; it implements novel lightweight protocols to maintain a desired replication degree despite participants mobility, and efficiently perform resource retrieval. REDMAN exploits the high-density assumption to achieve scalability and limited network overhead. Sensed data gathering and distributed indexing in Vehicular Networks raise similar issues: we propose a specific middleware support, called MobEyes, exploiting node mobility to opportunistically diffuse data summaries among neighbor vehicles. MobEyes creates a low-cost opportunistic distributed index to query the distributed storage and to determine the location of needed information. Extensive validation and testing of REDMAN and MobEyes prove the effectiveness of our original solutions in limiting communication overhead while maintaining the required accuracy of replication degree and indexing completeness, and demonstrates the feasibility of the middleware approach.


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This PhD thesis presents the results, achieved at the Aerospace Engineering Department Laboratories of the University of Bologna, concerning the development of a small scale Rotary wing UAVs (RUAVs). In the first part of the work, a mission simulation environment for rotary wing UAVs was developed, as main outcome of the University of Bologna partnership in the CAPECON program (an EU funded research program aimed at studying the UAVs civil applications and economic effectiveness of the potential configuration solutions). The results achieved in cooperation with DLR (German Aerospace Centre) and with an helicopter industrial partners will be described. In the second part of the work, the set-up of a real small scale rotary wing platform was performed. The work was carried out following a series of subsequent logical steps from hardware selection and set-up to final autonomous flight tests. This thesis will focus mainly on the RUAV avionics package set-up, on the onboard software development and final experimental tests. The setup of the electronic package allowed recording of helicopter responses to pilot commands and provided deep insight into the small scale rotorcraft dynamics, facilitating the development of helicopter models and control systems in a Hardware In the Loop (HIL) simulator. A neested PI velocity controller1 was implemented on the onboard computer and autonomous flight tests were performed. Comparison between HIL simulation and experimental results showed good agreement.


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Reperibile direttamente alla pagina http://www.artechhouse.com/default.asp?frame=book.asp&book=978-0-89006-989-9&Country=&Continent=EU&State=#sample


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PREMESSA: La progressione della recidiva d’epatite C è accelerata nei pazienti sottoposti a trapianto di fegato e ciò ha portato alla necessità di sviluppare nuove e validate metodiche non invasive per la quantificazione e la misura della fibrosi epatica. SCOPI: Stabilire l’efficacia dell’elastometria epatica (Fibroscan®) e dei parametri sierici di fibrosi, attualmente disponibili nella pratica clinica, per predire il grado di fibrosi nei pazienti sottoposti a trapianto epatico. METODI: La correlazione fra fibrosi epatica, determinata mediante biopsia epatica ed esame istologico, e Fibroscan® o indici clinico-sierologici di fibrosi (Benlloch, Apri, Forns, Fibrotest and Doppler resistance index), è stata studiata in pazienti che avevano ricevuto un trapianto ortotopico di fegato con evidenza di recidiva d’epatite da HCV. Un totale di 36 pazienti, con la seguente classificazione istologica: fibrosi secondom METAVIR F1=24, F2=8, F3=3, F4=1, sono stati arruolati nella popolazione oggetto di studio. Un totale di 29 individui volontari sani sono serviti come controllo. Le differenze fra gli stadi di fibrosi sono state calcolate mediante analisi statistica non parametrica. Il miglior cut-off per la differenziazione di fibrosi significativa (F2-F4) è stato identificato mediante l’analisi delle curve ROC. RISULTATI: La rigidità epatica ha presentato valori di 4.4 KPa (2.7-6.9) nei controlli (mediane e ranges), con valori in tutti i soggeti <7.0 KPa; 7.75 KPa (4.2-28.0) negli F1; 16.95 KPa (10.2-31.6) negli F2; 21.10 KPa nell’unico paziente F4 cirrotico. Le differenze sono state statisticamente significative per i soggetti controllo versus F1 e F2 (p<0.0001) e per F1 versus F2 (p<0.0001). Un cut-off elastografico di 11.2 KPagarantisce 88% di Sensibilità, 90% di Specificità, 79% di PPV e 95% di NPV nel differenziare i soggetti F1 dagli F2-F4. Le AUROC, relativamente alla capacità di discriminare fra i differenti gradi di fibrosi, evidenziavano un netto vantaggio per il Fibroscan® rispetto ad ognuno degli indici non invasivi di fibrosi. CONCLUSIONI: L’elastometria epatica presenta una buona accuratezza diagnostica nell’identificare pazienti con fibrosi epatica di grado significativo, superiore a quella di tutti gli altri test non invasivi al momento disponibili nella clinica, nei pazienti portatori di trapianto epatico ortotopico da cadavere con recidiva di HCV.