996 resultados para Opening Day Ceremony


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a dinâmica do herbicida amicarbazone (Dinamic) aplicado sobre palha de cana-de-açúcar deixada sobre o solo, em sistema de cana crua. Três ensaios foram realizados para avaliar a dinâmica desse herbicida aplicado sobre diferentes quantidades de palha de cana-de-açúcar, em diferentes intervalos de tempo e volumes de simulação de chuvas após aplicação do herbicida. No primeiro ensaio, foi avaliada a interceptação do herbicida por 0, 1, 2,5, 5, 7,5, 10, 15 e 20 t de palha de cana-de-açúcar ha-1. A lixiviação do herbicida em 5, 10, 15 e 20 t de palha ha-1 foi avaliada sob simulação de chuva de 2,5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 35 e 65 mm, um dia após a aplicação (DAPC) do segundo ensaio. As chuvas foram acumulativas, aplicando-se de 2,5 em 2,5 mm. No terceiro ensaio, foi avaliado o efeito dos intervalos de tempo entre a aplicação do herbicida e a primeira chuva na lixiviação do herbicida Dinamic (0, 1, 7, 15 e 30 dias) em 10 t de palha ha-1, em função das mesmas precipitações simuladas no segundo ensaio. Nos segundo e terceiro ensaios foi realizada uma simulação de 20 mm em intensidade de 115 mm h-¹ aos 7 e 14 dias após as primeiras chuvas (DAPC). Os resultados obtidos no segundo e terceiro ensaios foram ajustados pelo modelo de Mitscherlich (Y = a * (1-10-c * (b + x))). A quantificação do herbicida foi realizada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Quantidades de palha iguais ou superiores a 5 t ha-1 apresentam interceptação quase que total do herbicida no momento da aplicação, sendo nula a transposição. Com o aumento da quantidade de palha, ocorreu diminuição na quantidade de herbicida lixiviado pela ação da chuva simulada, principalmente para valores de 15 e 20 t de palha de cana-de-açúcar ha-1. Quanto maior o intervalo de tempo entre a aplicação do herbicida e a primeira chuva, menor é a lixiviação total do produto. em relação às chuvas aos 7 e 14 DAPC, no segundo e terceiro ensaios, foram observadas pequenas quantidades extraídas do herbicida, considerando-se que grande parte do amicarbazone foi lixiviada com as primeiras chuvas, que indicaram que os primeiros 20 mm de chuva simulada foram importantes para lixiviação da maior parte do amicarbazone (Dinamic) retido pela palha no momento da aplicação.


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O presente experimento foi conduzido em Jaboticabal, SP, e teve como objetivos estudar uma cultura de café (Coffea arabica L., var. Mundo Novo), quanto à biologia floral, a freqüência e comportamento dos insetos na flor, testar o produto Bee-HereR (Hoescht Shering Agrevo do Brasil Ltda) quanto a sua atratividade para as abelhas Apis mellifera e verificar a produção de frutos com e sem a visita dos insetos. Para isso, foram verificados o tempo do desenvolvimento e quantidade de açúcar solúvel do néctar das flores; freqüência das visitações dos insetos, no decorrer do dia, por meio de contagem do número de insetos visitando as flores, a cada 60 minutos, das 8 às 17 horas, 10 minutos em cada horário; tempo (em segundos) e tipo de coleta (néctar e/ou pólen) dos insetos mais freqüentes; perda de botões florais; porcentagem de flores que se transformaram em frutos; tempo de formação e contagem dos grãos de café, observando-se a porcentagem de frutificação em flores visitadas ou não pelos insetos. Também foram realizados testes por pulverização utilizando-se o produto Bee-HereR , diluído em xarope e em água, em diferentes horários. A flor durou, em média, cerca de 3 dias desde sua abertura até o murchamento. A quantidade de açúcares do néctar apresentou diferença significativa entre os horários, sendo maior às 8 horas (em média, 102,18 ± 8,75 mg de carboidratos totais por flor). A abelha A. mellifera foi o inseto mais freqüente nas flores de café, coletando, principalmente, néctar no decorrer do dia. A perda de botões florais causada pelas chuvas foi, em média, 26,50 ± 11,70%. O tempo para a formação do fruto foi 6 meses e o número de frutos decorrentes do tratamento descoberto foi maior (38,79% e 168,38%, em 1993 e 1994, respectivamente) que do tratamento coberto. Apesar da eficiência do produto Bee-HereR ser afetada pelas condições climáticas, ele pode ser usado para atrair as abelhas A. mellifera na cultura.


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Em 27 pacas (Cuniculus paca Linnaeus, 1766) objetivou-se descrever aos 30, 60 e 90 dias (D) de prenhez diagnosticada por ultrassonografia (US), os tipos celulares do epitélio vaginal em esfregaços vaginais, relatar as condições de abertura da vulva e as características do muco vaginal, determinar a concentração plasmática de progesterona (P4) por radioimunoensaio, e ainda, mensurar por ultrassonografia (US) o diâmetro biparietal (DBP) fetal aos 60 e 90 dias de prenhez. No D30, 40% das amostras exibiram células (com características estrogênicas) superficiais e presença de núcleos nus. Nos D60 e D90, células parabasais, intermediárias, superficiais e naviculares estavam presentes nas mesmas proporções, mas células endocervicais foram descritas em apenas 73,9% e 69% das amostras daqueles dias, respectivamente. No D30 a maior proporção de células naviculares e superficiais diferiu (p < 0,05) em relação aos outros tipos celulares presentes. O muco vaginal apresentou-se cristalino e fluido em 100% e em 70% das fêmeas nos D30 e D60, respectivamente. Observou-se o vestíbulo vaginal aberto em torno de 50% das fêmeas em todos os dias de exames. Valores mínimos detectáveis de P4 foram obtidos em 72% e em 83% das fêmeas, enquanto que as médias das medidas dos DBP foram 1,25 cm (± 0,16) e 2,34 cm (± 0,25) nos D60 e D90, respectivamente. O quadro citológico vaginal nos D30, D60 e D90 e o DBP fornecem elementos que contribuem para diagnóstico de gestação em pacas. A concentração de P4 demonstra a necessidade de maiores estudos da endocrinologia da gestação em pacas.


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Thirteen cows, Bos indicus, of the Nellore breed were superovulated with 22 mg of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) administered by intramuscular route during four consecutive days (D10, D11, D12 and D13), starting on the 10th day of the estrous cycle (day 0 = estrus). Prostaglandin (PGF2alpha, 1.0 mg, im) was administered on D12, 48 h after the first FSH injection, for the induction of estrus on D14, when artificial insemination was performed. Seven days later (D21 of the cycle), embryos were collected, and evaluated, and the ovarian response was estimated on the basis of number of corpora lutea determined by rectal palpation. Blood samples were obtained for the determination of plasma 17-beta estradiol on D10, D11, D12, D13, D14 and D21 and plasma progesterone on D14 by RIA. The donors were divided into two groups according to progesterone levels on D14, the day of the induced estrus (GI: P4 less-than-or-equal-to 1.00 ng/ml, N = 5 and GII: P4 > 1.00 ng/ml, N = 8). A linear positive correlation was observed between plasma 17-beta estradiol concentration on the day of estrus and viable embryo number. We conclude that plasma 17-beta estradiol and progesterone concentrations on the day of estrus can be used to predict the viability of embryos recovered from Nellore cows superovulated with FSH.


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Children who grow up in developing countries of the world must work to help financially support their families, and they must also attend school. We investigated the impact of work on the sleep of working vs. nonworking high school students. Twenty-seven São Paulo, Brazil, public high school students (eight male and eight female working students plus six nonworking female and five nonworking male students) 14-18 yrs of age who attended school Monday-Friday between 19:00 to 22:30h participated. A comprehensive questionnaire about work and living conditions, health status, and diseases and their symptoms was also answered. The activity level and rest pattern (sleep at night and napping during the day) were continuously assessed by wrist actigraphy (Ambulatory Monitoring, USA). The main variables were analyzed by a two-factor ANOVA with application of the Tukey HSD test for multiple comparisons, and the length of sleep during weekdays vs. weekends was compared by Student t-test. Working students went to sleep earlier weekends [F-(1,F-23) = 6.1; p = 0.02] and woke up earlier work days than nonworking students [F-(1,F-23) = 17.3; p = 0.001]. The length of nighttime sleep during weekdays was shorter among all the working [F-(1,F-23) = 16.7; p < 0.001] than all the nonworking students. The sleep duration of boys was shorter than of girls during weekends [F-(1,F-23) = 10.8; P < 0.001]. During weekdays, the duration of napping by working and nonworking male students was shorter than nonworking female students. During weekdays, working girls took the shortest naps [F-(1,F-23) = 5.6; p = 0.03]. The most commonly reported sleep complaint during weekdays was difficulty waking up in the morning [F-(1.23) = 6.5; p = 0.02]. During weekdays, the self-perceived sleep quality of working students was worse than nonworking students [F-(1,F-23) = 6.2; p = 0.02]. The findings of this study show that work has negative effects on the sleep of adolescents, with the possible build-up of a chronic sleep debt with potential consequent impact on quality of life and school learning.


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In order to determine the net energy, protein and macrominerals requirements of 70 to 120 day old, 52 female White New Zealand rabbits, weighing 1900g +/- 40g were used. At the beginning of the experimental period, 14 of the 52 young does were slaughtered and the 38 remaining animals were kept under two dietary management: ad libitum and restricted feeding. Slaughters were performed to determine each nutrient body content. The weight gain nutrient requirements depicted by the quantities of each nutrient stored into the body were obtained by applying the regression equation, which estimate the empty body nutrient content logarithm as a function of the empty body weight logarithm, as described by ARC (1980). By determining the heat production logarithm at the zero level of metabolizable energy intake, the maintenance net energy requirement was estimated to be 45.31 Kcal/day/Kg(0.75) the mean net energy. protein, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, magnesium and potassium requirements for each gram of weight gain per day were estimated to be, 2.51 Kcal, 0.21g, 0.02g, 0.005g, 0.001g, 0.0004g and 0.002g, respectively.


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The buffaloes dairy milk production (BDMP) has increased in the last 20 years, mainly for the manufacturing of mozzarella cheese, which is recognized by its high nutritional quality. However, this quality can be affected by several factors i. e. high somatic cells count (SCC) provokes changes in the milk's constituents. As in bovine dairy milk, the SCC is used as diagnostic tool for milk quality; because it enables the diagnosis of sub-clinic mastitis and also allows the selection of individuals genetically resistant to that disease. Based on it, we collected information about SCC and BDMP along the lactation in Murrah breed buffaloes, during the period between 1997 and 2005. Curves were designed to estimate genetic parameters. These parameters were estimated by ordinary test-day models. There were observed variations in the estimated heritability for both characteristics the lowest score for somatic cells count (SSCC) was seen at first month (0.01) and the highest at sixth months (0.29 the genetic correlation between these traits varied from -1 at the 1 and 9(th) months to 0.31 and 0.30 in the2 and 4(th) month of lactation. Phenotypic correlations were all negative (-0.07 in the second month and up to -0.35 in the eighth month of lactation). These results showed that environmental factors are more important than genetics in explain SCC, for this reason, selection for genetic resistance to mastitis in buffalos based in SCC should not be done. In the other hand, negative phenotypic correlations demonstrated that as the SCC increased, the milk production decreased.


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The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for test-day milk, fat and protein yields, in Murrah buffaloes. In this study 4,757 complete lactations of Murrah buffaloes were analyzed. The (co) variance components were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood using MTDFREML software. The bi-trait animal test-day models included genetic additive direct and permanent environment effects, as random effects, and the fixed effects of contemporary group (herds-year-month of control) and age of the cow at calving as linear and quadratic covariable. The heritability estimate at first control was 0.19, increased until the third control (0.24), decreasing thereafter, reaching the lowest value at the ninth control (0.09). The highest heritability estimates for fat and protein yield were 0.23 (first control) and 0.33 (third control), respectively. For milk yield, genetic and phenotypic correlation estimates ranged from 0.37 to 0.99 and from 0.52 to 0.94, respectively. Genetic correlations were higher than phenotypic ones. For fat and protein yields, genetic correlation estimates ranged from 0.42 to 0.97.


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The first case of interference competition through soil dumping in South America is documented between Ectatomma quadridens and Pheidole fallax in Amazonian forest clearings. Workers of the diurnally active E. quadridens arrive at nests of P. fallax at dawn, and begin to fill up nest entrances with soil. During the day, E. quadridens workers remain stationary on the closed nest of P. fallax, and fill soil at the first signs of nest openings. Colonies of P. fallax distant from E. quadridens nests are active for 24 hrs; those near E. quadridens nests are limited for foraging nocturnally after opening nest entrances. This pattern was not found between heterospecific colonies at greater distances from the camp midden, according with the prediction that interference competition is more probable as resources become more concentrated. Colonies of P. fallax near E. quadridens nests located near the camp midden had a net forage intake of 60% of those located in areas without E. quadridens. -Author