908 resultados para Offenders


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This study is concerned with understanding the mechanisms by which mental health courts successfully improve the mental health of participants and, as a consequence, reduce subsequent offending. An analysis of preprogram and postprogram data from 112 adult offenders referred to an established mental health court in Australia revealed that, although participation in the program was associated with an overall reduction in new offenses, this was more likely to be related to preprogram risk of reoffending than improvements in mental health and well-being. The implications of these findings for the further development of court diversion programs are discussed.


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This thesis examined the degree to which a self-report personality assessment (MMPI-2) could assess varying underlying facets of psychopathy (as measured by a clinician rating tool, the PCL-R). The results indicated that whilst the MMPI-2 scales used were able to capture some elements of psychopathy, overall these scales were poor measures of the core psychopathic features.


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Rapport de stage présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie option stage en intervention clinique.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des Arts et Sciences en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître des Sciences (M. Sc.) en Criminologie, Option Stage en Intervention


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This study followed four cohorts of youth in an effort to determine the impact of waiving youth from the juvenile courts to the adult justice system. The four cohorts included a group of youth who were automatically processed in the adult system due to the severity of the charges against them, a group waived to the adult system after starting in the juvenile court, a group returned to the juvenile court after having initially been waived to the adult system, and a group of “youthful offenders” who started supervision in the juvenile court with the option of moving into the adult system upon reaching age 18.


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To study the effects of the special sentence, two groups of sex offenders were analyzed: those serving a special sentence and a pre-special sentence cohort of offenders. Recidivism rates were compared between the two groups over a three-year period. For the special sentence group, the recidivism tracking period began at the beginning of an offender’s special sentence supervision start date. For the comparison group, the recidivism tracking period was observed following an offender’s sentence expiration, meaning that they were not under any type of correctional supervision when examined.


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The purpose of this project was to a provide a better understanding of where sexual violence in private residences occurred and how the victims and offenders involved in sexual violence came to be at those places. These findings combined to paint a quite different picture than some might expect. Rather than being a situation where force is used to take victims to a location, or the victims' homes are invaded by force, the circumstances surrounding how sexual violence victims and offenders come to be at the offense location seem to be much more subtle. Victimization where victims and offenders shared a residence accounted for a substantial portion of sexual violence reported in private residences, rendering questions as to how the offender gained entry or why the victim was there, moot under those circumstances. In cases where the offense location was not a mutual residence, victims most often went to the site voluntarily and offenders most frequently gained entry with permission rather than through force or deception.


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El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el papel del Centro Forjar Ciudad Bolívar en la reincidencia de actos delictivos de los adolescentes infractores, basado en la teoría de la justicia restaurativa que se busca generar desde el Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal para Adolescentes en Colombia. De esta manera, se pretende demostrar que, al ser una política pública para generar una justicia restaurativa, su implementación ha sido fundamental dentro de la localidad, para generar un proceso de reinserción social y acompañamiento para evitar la reincidencia de actos delictivos de estos adolescentes. Para lograr este objetivo se utilizará un análisis metodológico cualitativo, basándose en estudios de las fuentes primarias, trabajo de campo a partir de entrevistas realizadas en el Centro Forjar de Ciudad Bolívar, para entender el impacto de la política pública en la localidad.