1000 resultados para O Estado de S. Paulo


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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O atual cenário do ensino da Educação Física no Brasil caracteriza-se como um complexo campo de conflitos, no qual emergem e embrenham-se diferentes proposições teórico-metodológicas, originadas desde meados da década de 1980 no processo histórico de emancipação, superação e ressignificação da Educação Física. Tais concepções, em contraposição ao criticado e tradicional ensino técnico-esportivista, propõe que na escola os conteúdos abordados deveriam propiciar a apropriação crítica e autônoma das diversas manifestações da Cultura de Movimento. Sendo assim, cabe analisar como os professores, autores e não meros aplicadores, lidam com mudanças curriculares. É primordial analisar criticamente as práticas pedagógicas dos professores que vivenciam e implementam tais mudanças curriculares. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar como se caracteriza a relação saberes docentes-ensino de lutas entre professores da rede pública estadual de £o Paulo, no cenário de implementação do currículo oficial de Educação Física. Foi realizado um estudo de natureza qualitativa; os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com professores e professoras atuantes na rede pública. Os resultados evidenciaram que o déficit na formação inicial dos professores, contribuiu para o trato pedagógico superficial do conteúdo lutas em suas aulas. Com isso, dificultando o desenvolvimento do conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo dos docentes, que atribuem sua principal fonte de conhecimentos sobre o tema a recortes oriundos da influência midiática e da proposição de atividades a partir do Currículo de Educação Física do Estado de £o Paulo. Percebemos aqui, a importância da construção do conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo, para o desenvolvimento da base de conhecimentos do educador. Acreditamos, conforme Shulman, que é de suma importância que o professor/a domine uma base de...


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Athletics in most of its history, turned to competition, giving it little pedagogical knowledge, prevailing knowledge grounded in records, indexes and competitions. Thus, although it is considered a classic content of Physical Education, this modality is still not widespread in schools. The present study aimed to investigate possible progress in the teaching and learning of athletics in the State Schools of Bauru from the implementation of the Curriculum of the State of £o Paulo for Teaching Physical Education. We attempted to checking the perspective of teachers and students, the changes in teaching and learning as well as difficulties encountered from the deployment. To that end, we conducted survey of the theoretical and practical alternatives developed by Physical Education teachers, about athletics theme, since the implementation of the Curriculum of the State of £o Paulo for the Teaching of Physical Education in 2008, in seven (7) state schools in Bauru-Sao Paulo, randomly chosen, prioritizing different regions of the county. There was the purpose of investigating, through questionnaires, interviews (applied to teachers and students), what progress has been achieved with regard to the approach of collegiate athletics in the teaching/learning process, if there are difficulties, what are these and how they could be addressed in order to improve teaching and learning in school athletics. The collected data were analyzed comparatively, before and after implementation of the Curriculum of the State of £o Paulo for Physical Education, gathering and specifying negative and/or positive aspects raised by teachers and students. It was concluded that the students' knowledge of the sport has increased, but the practice of sport is still far from being normal to them, doing so is necessary to include content from the earliest school years. Teachers attribute the greatest difficulties to lack of infrastructure and materials suitable for this...


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Beekeeping is recognized as promoter of assumptions and dimensions of sustainable development, supported by the triple bottle line – economic viability, social relevance and environmental prudence. Historically, it is strongly related with the central state of £o Paulo. This work has as main objective to identify the profile of beekeeping in the this region, based on four municipalities (Araraquara, Descalvado, Rio Claro and £o Carlos) in order to determine the main difficulties faced by beekeepersfor the sustainable development, pointing alternative interventions able to soften the effects of difficulties. It was used two different and complementary methodological strategies. The first one was a search with the databases (SEADE and IBGE) to obtain secondary data and quantitative regarding beekeeping in the region. The second one, it wasthrough field research with the beekeepers. The survey found that beekeeping in the region, presents an essentially familial and hereditary. Was also noticed the damage caused in the production, by limiting access to the region’s bee pastures and use of pesticides. In processing, it was found the extremely precarious conditions. At the institutional level, it was found the relative weakness of the beekeepers cooperatives, and the lack of support from local governments to consolidate activity.


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This paper provides an overview of the key findings of a survey that sought to examine the relationship between local government agencies and agrarian reform communities in the State of £o Paulo, particularly with regard to the types of support that have been provided by these agencies to the economic activities of settlements. The research was part of the project "The agencies and services involved in the implementation of public policies for equity and growth", which was supported by the Instituto de Colonização e Reforma Agraria (INCRA/SP), whose activities were carried out throughout 2011. In methodological terms, the research was divided into two stages. In the first stage, it sought to identify the main economic activities, vocations and potential of the influencing areas of the Quilombola communities and settlements in their respective regions and micro-regions. Therefore, a survey was conducted based on secondary data. In the second stage, a qualitative, exploratory, empirical, and multiple case study research was conducted. Local public officials, in charge of the institutional relations with the agrarian reform settlements (and quilombolas communities, in this case, one of the municipalities investigated) were the primary source of data for this analysis that sought to evaluate the strength, types and quality of support (plausible or effective) provided by the municipalities to the economic activities of settlements. The results indicated a set of reasonably heterogeneous components, and frequently, distinct, of particular circumstances. Based on the results some proposals for action plans were indicated, which probably would constitute a standard reference for the formulation and implementation of public policies and actions to improve the economic activities of the settlements.


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The presented article discuss theoretical context and the practical impact reported in the bibliography about Continued Progression at £o Paulo State schools. Such proceeding, oriented through Law of Basic Guidelines, LBG, from 1996, previses a restructuring in the Basic Education at the schools, primarily with respect to evaluations. Grades are replaced for cycles and reprobation only can happen if the student exceeds the limit of stated absences or for lowered acting at final of each cycle. The impact of educational public policy drafted through Continued Progression provoke transformations that need more attention, indicating a path of reflection turned to structural conditions in order that school offers the required reinforcement to students and assure quality education. It’s primordial understand, therefore, the endogenous and exogenous factors that leaded to adoption of such proceeding in the £o Paulo State.