1000 resultados para No conventional reservoir


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Environmental conditions favor the predominance of dense populations of cyanobacteria in reservoirs in northeastern Brazil. The aim of this study was to understand cyanobacterial population dynamics in the rainy and dry seasons at two depths in the Arcoverde reservoir. Microalgae and cyanobacteria samples were collected during 24 hours with intervals of 4 hours (nycthemeral) at sub-surface and 10 m using a van Dorn bottle and a determined biomass. Physical and chemical variables were obtained and the data were analyzed using the principal component analysis (PCA). No nycthemeral variations in the taxonomic composition or distribution of the populations of cyanobacteria were found between the different times of day in either the rainy or dry season. In both seasons, the greatest biomass of the phytoplankton community was made up of cyanobacteria at two depths and all times of the day. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenayya et Subba Raju was dominant at all times of the day on both the surface and at the bottom. In the rainy season, the differences in cyanobacterial biomass between the surface and bottom were less significant than in the dry season. The differences in cyanobacterial biomass between surface and bottom were less pronounced than those found in the dry season. We concluded that a) physical variables better explain the alterations of species in the phytoplankton community in an environment dominated by cyanobacteria throughout the year; b) seasonal climatic factors associated to periods of stratification and de-stratification are important for alterations in the community and variations in biomass and, c) the turbidity caused by rainfall favored the emergence and establishment of other cyanobacteria, especially Planktothrix agardhii (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komarek.


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The cost-effectiveness of a modified supervised toothbrushing program was compared to a conventional program. A total of 284 five-year-old children presenting at least one permanent molar with emerged/sound occlusal surface participated. In the control group, oral health education and dental plaque dying followed by toothbrushing with fluoride dentifrice was carried outfour times per year. With the test group, children also underwent professional cross-brushing on surfaces of first permanent molar rendered by a dental assistant five times per year. Enamel/dentin caries were recorded on buccal, occlusal and lingual surfaces of permanent molars for a period of 18 months. The incidence density (ID) ratio was estimated using Poisson's regression model. The ID was 50% lower among boys in the test group (p = 0.016). The cost of the modified program was US$ 1.79 per capita. The marginal cost-effectiveness ratio among boys was US$ 6.30 per avoided carie. The modified supervised toothbrushing program was shown to be cost-effective in the case of boys.


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Objectives: To compare, in vivo, the accuracy of conventional and digital radiographic methods in determining root canal working length. Material and Methods: Twenty-five maxillary incisor or canine teeth from 22 patients were used in this study. Considering the preoperative radiographs as the baseline, a 25 K file was inserted into the root canal to the point where the Root ZX electronic apex locator indicated the APEX measurement in the screen. From this measurement, 1 mm was subtracted for positioning the file. The radiographic measurements were made using a digital sensor (Digora 1.51) or conventional type-E films, size 2, following the paralleling technique, to determine the distance of the file tip and the radiographic apex. Results: The Student "t" test indicated mean distances of 1.11 mm to conventional and 1.20 mm for the digital method and indicated a significant statistical difference (p<0.05). Conclusions: The conventional radiographic method was found to be superior to the digital one in determining the working length of the root canal.


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The main objective of this study was to perform laboratory experiments on calcium nitrate addition to sediments of a tropical eutrophic urban reservoir (Ibirite reservoir, SE Brazil) to immobilize the reactive soluble phosphorus (RSP) and to evaluate possible geochemical changes and toxic effects caused by this treatment. Reductions of 75 and 89% in the concentration of RSP were observed in the water column and interstitial water, respectively, after 145 days of nitrate addition. The nitrate application increased the rate of autotrophic denitrification, causing a consumption of 98% of the added nitrate and oxidation of 99% of the acid volatile sulfide. As a consequence, there were increases in the sulfate and iron (II) concentrations in the sediment interstitial water and water column, as well as changes in the copper speciation in the sediments. Toxicity tests initially indicated that the high concentrations of nitrate and nitrite in the sediment interstitial water (up to 2300 mg L-1 and 260 mg L-1, respectively) were the major cause of mortality of Ceriodaphnia silvestrii and Chironomus xanthus. However, at the end of the experiment, the sediment toxicity was completely removed and a reduction in the 48 h-EC50 of the water was also observed. Based on these results we can say that calcium nitrate treatment proved to be a valuable tool in remediation of eutrophic aquatic ecosystems leading to conditions that can support a great diversity of organisms after a restoration period. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2012; 22: 459466 Aim. This in vitro study aimed to test the performance of fluorescence-based methods in detecting occlusal caries lesions in primary molars compared to conventional methods. Design. Two examiners assessed 113 sites on 77 occlusal surfaces of primary molars using three fluorescence devices: DIAGNOdent (LF), DIAGNOdent pen (LFpen), and fluorescence camera (VistaProof-FC). Visual inspection (ICDAS) and radiographic methods were also evaluated. One examiner repeated the evaluations after one month. As reference standard method, the lesion depth was determined after sectioning and evaluation in stereomicroscope. The area under the ROC curve (Az), sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the methods were calculated at enamel (D1) and dentine caries (D3) lesions thresholds. The intra and interexaminer reproducibility were calculated using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and kappa statistics. Results. At D1, visual inspection presented higher sensitivities (0.970.99) but lower specificities (0.180.25). At D3, all the methods demonstrated similar performance (Az values around 0.90). Visual and radiographic methods showed a slightly higher specificity (values higher than 0.96) than the fluorescence based ones (values around 0.88). In general, all methods presented high reproducibility (ICC higher than 0.79). Conclusions. Although fluorescence-based and conventional methods present similar performance in detecting occlusal caries lesions in primary teeth, visual inspection alone seems to be sufficient to be used in clinical practice.


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In this article, it is proposed to differentiate political cultures in two dimensions. First, inspired by Habermas' distinction of the contents of discourse, a distinction is suggested between moral, ethical-political and pragmatic elements of political culture as well as of an element of culture of balancing interests. Second, inspired by Kohlberg's stage models for the development of the individual moral consciousness and for moral culture, a distinction is similarly suggested between two pre-conventional, two conventional and two post-conventional collective stages of political culture. It can be shown that from a normative point of view, only deliberations made in a post-conventional political culture can produce reasonable or at least fair results. Conceptual considerations indicate processes of direct democracy as the method for promoting post-conventional political cultures. The more liberty that the citizens have to formulate and trigger processes of direct democracy, the more one can expect from them to generate post-conventional political cultures.


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Recent evidence indicates that the administration of inhibitors of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) induces antidepressant-like effects in animal models such as the forced swimming test (FST). However, the neural circuits involved in these effects are not yet known. Therefore, this study investigated the expression of Fos protein, a marker of neuronal activity, in the brain of rats submitted to FST and treated with the preferential nNOS inhibitor, 7-nitroindazole (7-NI), or with classical antidepressant drugs (Venlafaxine and Fluoxetine). Male Wistar rats were submitted to a forced swimming pretest (PT) and, immediately after, started receiving a sequence of three ip injections (0, 5, and 23 h after PT) of Fluoxetine (10 mg/kg), Venlafaxine (10 mg/kg), 7-NI (30 mg/kg) or respective vehicles. One hour after the last drug injection the animals were submitted to the test session, when immobility time was recorded. After the FST they were sacrificed and had their brains removed and processed for Fos immunohistochemistry. Independent group of non-stressed animals received the same drug treatments, or no treatment (naive). 7-NI, Venlafaxine or Fluoxetine reduced immobility time in the FST, an antidepressant-like effect. None of the treatments induce significant changes in Fos expression per se. However, swimming stress induced significant increases in Fos expression in the following brain regions: medial prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, locus coeruleus, raphe nuclei, striatum, hypothalamic nucleus, periaqueductal grey, amygdala, habenula, paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus, and bed nucleus of stria terminalis. This effect was attenuated by 7-NI, Venlafaxine or Fluoxetine. These results show that 7-NI produces similar behavioral and neuronal activation effects to those of typical antidepressants, suggesting that these drugs share common neurobiological substrates.


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In this study we compared the microleakage of conventional glass ionomer cement (GIC) restorations following the use of different methods of root caries removal. In vitro root caries were induced in 75 human root dentin samples that were divided in five groups of 15 each according to the method used for caries removal: in group 1 spherical carbide burs at low speed were used, in group 2 a hand-held excavator was used, and in groups 3 to 5 an Er,Cr:YSGG laser was used at 2.25 W, 40.18 J/cm(2) (group 3), 2.50 W, 44.64 J/cm(2) (group 4) and 2.75 W, 49.11 J/cm(2) (group 5). The air/water cooling during irradiation was set to 55%/65% respectively. All cavities were filled with GIC. Five samples from each group were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the other ten samples were thermocycled and submitted to a microleakage test. The data obtained were compared by ANOVA followed by Fisher's test (pa parts per thousand currency sign0.05). Group 4 showed the lowest microleakage index (56.65 6.30; p < 0.05). There were no significant differences among the other groups. On SEM images samples of groups 1 and 2 showed a more regular interface than the irradiated samples. Demineralized dentin below the restoration was observed, that was probably affected dentin. Group 4 showed the lowest microleakage values compared to the other experimental groups, so under the conditions of the present study the method that provided the lowest microleakage was the Er,Cr:YSGG laser with a power output of 2.5 W yielding an energy density of 44.64 J/cm(2).


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We studied the eutrophication history of a tropical shallow reservoir in the So Paulo metropolitan region, southeast Brazil. We analyzed grain size, geochemistry, diatom assemblages, and land-use records in a sediment core from the reservoir to infer its trophic state history during the last similar to 110 years (1894-2005). Eighty diatom species were observed in the core and shifts in the relative abundances of planktonic and benthic taxa indicate major limnological changes associated with complex interactions between hydrologic factors and eutrophication. Discostella stelligera was associated with deforestation and water physical changes whereas Aulacoseira granulata, a species abundant throughout the core, was mostly associated with high flux conditions and erosion events, regardless of trophic state. Eutrophication was triggered by construction of the city zoo (1958) and installation of the So Paulo State Department of Agriculture (1975) within the Gar double dagger as watershed, and increasing loads of untreated sewage from these institutions. The data suggest that deterioration in water quality began after similar to 1975 and markedly accelerated after similar to 1990. The reservoir has been hypereutrophic since 1999. Steady increases in geochemical proxies for trophic state, along with a decrease in C/N ratios, indicated higher nutrient concentrations and the prevalence of autochthonous production towards the core top. Appearance of Achnanthidium catenatum similar to 1993 highlighted the onset of a marked eutrophication phase. The subsequent dominance of Planothidium rostratum and Cyclotella meneghiniana suggested a sharp shift to a hypereutrophic state since 1999. Land-use history proved valuable for validating the chronology and interpreting anthropogenic impacts. Multi-proxy analysis of the sediment record provided an effective tool for tracking ecological shifts in the reservoir ecosystem. This study provides the first reconstruction of lake eutrophication history in Brazil and highlights the importance of hydrological/physical changes as drivers of diatom assemblage shifts in reservoirs, which may confound trophic state inferences based on shifts in the planktonic/benthic diatom ratio.


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In Brazil, during the XX century, dozens of Spiritist psychiatric hospitals emerged seeking to integrate conventional medical treatment with complementary spiritual therapy. This combined inpatient treatment is largely found in Brazil, where many psychiatric hospitals stem from the Spiritist movement. The present report describes the use of these spiritual practices, their operating structure, health professionals involved, modalities of care, and institutional difficulties in integrating spiritual practices with conventional treatment in six leading Brazilian Spiritist psychiatric hospitals. These hospitals combine conventional psychiatric treatment with voluntary-based spiritual approaches such as laying on of hands ("fluidotherapy"), lectures regarding spiritual and ethical issues, intercessory prayer, spirit release therapy ("disobsession") and "fraternal dialogue". The non-indoctrination and optional nature of these spiritual complementary therapies seem to increase acceptance among patients and their family members. In conclusion, the Spiritist psychiatric hospitals in Brazil have, for more than half a century, provided an integrative approach in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, associating conventional and spiritual treatments, more specifically Spiritist therapy. The lack of standardized treatment protocols and scientific studies remain a barrier to assessing the impact of this integrative approach on patients' mental health, quality of life, adherence, and perceived quality of treatment.


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Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18: E380E388 Abstract In this randomized clinical trial, the clinical and mycological efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) was compared with that of topical antifungal therapy for the treatment of denture stomatitis (DS) and the prevalence of Candida species was identified. Patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups (n = 20 each); in the nystatin (NYT) group patients received topical treatment with nystatin (100 000 IU) four times daily for 15 days and in the PDT group the denture and palate of patients were sprayed with 500 mg/L of Photogem (R), and after 30 min of incubation, were illuminated by light emitting-diode light at 455 nm (37.5 and 122 J/cm2, respectively) three times a week for 15 days. Mycological cultures taken from dentures and palates and standard photographs of the palates were taken at baseline (day 0), at the end of the treatment (day 15) and at the follow-up time intervals (days 30, 60 and 90). Colonies were quantified (CFU/mL) and identified by biochemical tests. Data were analysed by Fishers exact test, analysis of variance and Tukey tests and ? test (a = 0.05). Both treatments significantly reduced the CFU/mL at the end of the treatments and on day 30 of the follow-up period (p <0.05). The NYT and PDT groups showed clinical success rates of 53% and 45%, respectively. Candida albicans was the most prevalent species identified. PDT was as effective as topical nystatin in the treatment of DS.


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Introduction: The aims of this meta-analysis were to quantify and to compare the amounts of distalization and anchorage loss of conventional and skeletal anchorage methods in the correction of Class II malocclusion with intraoral distalizers. Methods: The literature was searched through 5 electronic databases, and inclusion criteria were applied. Articles that presented pretreatment and posttreatment cephalometric values were preferred. Quality assessments of the studies were performed. The averages and standard deviations of molar and premolar effects were extracted from the studies to perform a meta-analysis. Results: After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 40 studies were included in the systematic review. After the quality analysis, 2 articles were classified as high quality, 27 as medium quality, and 11 as low quality. For the meta-analysis, 6 studies were included, and they showed average molar distalization amounts of 3.34 mm with conventional anchorage and 5.10 mm with skeletal anchorage. The meta-analysis of premolar movement showed estimates of combined effects of 2.30 mm (mesialization) in studies with conventional anchorage and 4.01 mm (distalization) in studies with skeletal anchorage. Conclusions: There was scientific evidence that both anchorage systems are effective for distalization; however, with skeletal anchorage, there was no anchorage loss when direct anchorage was used.


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Objectives. To evaluate if the incorporation of antimicrobial compounds to chelating agents or the use of chelating agents with antimicrobial activity as 7% maleic acid and peracetic acid show similar disinfection ability in comparison to conventional irrigants as sodium hypochlorite or iodine potassium iodide against biofilms developed on dentin. Materials and methods. The total bio-volume of live cells, the ratio of live cells and the substratum coverage of dentin infected intra-orally and treated with the irrigant solutions: MTAD, Qmix, Smear Clear, 7% maleic acid, 2% iodine potassium iodide, 4% peracetic acid, 2.5% and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite was measured by using confocal microscopy and the live/dead technique. Five samples were used for each irrigant solution. Results. Several endodontic irrigants containing antimicrobials as clorhexidine (Qmix), cetrimide (Smear Clear), maleic acid, iodine compounds or antibiotics (MTAD) lacked an effective antibiofilm activity when the dentin was infected intra-orally. The irrigant solutions 4% peracetic acid and 2.5–5.25% sodium hypochlorite decrease significantly the number of live bacteria in biofilms, providing also cleaner dentin surfaces (p < 0.05). Conclusions. Several chelating agents containing antimicrobials could not remove nor kill significantly biofilms developed on intra-orally infected dentin, with the exception of sodium hypochlorite and 4% peracetic acid. Dissolution ability is mandatory for an appropriate eradication of biofilms attached to dentin.


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The kinetic resolution of (±)-mandelonitrile was carried out using lipase from Candida antarctica under conventional condition (orbital shaker) and microwave irradiation in toluene, producing the (S)-mandelonitrile acetate with high selectivity (up to > 98% ee, enantiomeric excess). The unreacted (R)-mandelonitrile under microwave irradiation and conventional condition was partially converted into benzaldehyde by spontaneous chemical equilibrium. The (S)-mandelonitrile acetate under microwave irradiation was produced with 92% ee and 35% yield for 8 h of reaction. Conventional transesterification of (±)-mandelonitrile in an orbital shaker produced unreacted (R)-mandelonitrile (51% ee) and (S)-mandelonitrile acetate (98% ee) in accordance with Kazlauskas rule for 184 h of reaction.


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This study analyzed the weight loss and surface roughness caused in Plexiglass specimens by conventional dentifrices (Sorriso, Colgate and Close Up) and specific dentifrices used for cleaning of dentures (Corega and Dentu Creme). Plexiglass specimens were divided into 6 groups (n=6) including: a control (distilled water - DW) and experimental groups. Brushing was performed in a toothbrushing machine with a soft brush and a dentifrice suspension and DW according to different brushing times (50, 100, 200 and 250 min -18,000, 36,000, 72,000 and 90,000 cycles, respectively, calculated to correspond to 1, 2, 4 and 5 years of regular brushing). The results of weight loss and surface roughness were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey’s test at 5% significance level. In all tested times, the effect of DW was insignificant. Dentifrices differed significantly from DW in the initial period. Corega dentifrice caused greater mass loss in all studied times, followed by Close Up. Dentifrices resulted in a surface roughness similar to the DW at 50 min. In the other times, Sorriso, Colgate and Corega caused more surface roughness than DW. In conclusion, specific dentifrices caused larger mass loss and lower surface roughness as conventional dentifrice.